Socsci Review Questions

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Lecturer: Ruel A. Grafil

1. Aside from price, the following are other factors that influence an individual’s demand except
a. Taste and preferences
b. Price of complimentary products
c. Number of firms
d. Expectation of future prices

Answer: C
Number of firms is not a factor of demand, it is a factor of supply.

2. Which among the following does not describe Macroeconomics?

a. Study of the forces that determine the level of income and employment in a society
b. It gives us the big picture of a society or what economists call aggregate performance.
c. It seeks to provide an understanding of a market economy and, in particular, the role of
prices in such an economy.
d. It focuses on the origins of economic scarcity, the problem of economic development, and
how household and business firms make economic decisions

Answer: C
Letter C is about microeconomics.

3. What does the maxim “There is no such thing as free lunch” means?
a. You have to pay every time you have lunch.
b. All good and service has a price.
c. Nobody can have a free lunch anywhere.
d. All our actions and decisions has a price that we need to pay.

Answer: B
All goods and services has market value.
4. This idea explains that self-interest based voluntary exchanges in the market can make everyone
better off even if those decisions were not intended to accomplish that result.
a. Invisible hand argument
b. Laissez faire policy
c. The rule of the nature
d. Homo economicus

Answer: A
Invisible hand argument is the basic foundation of capitalism taught by Adam Smith

5. What is demand?
a. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness of all household to buy different
amount of goods and service at different prices
b. It is the market expression of the cumulative ability of all household to buy different amount
of goods and services at different prices.
c. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness and ability of all household to buy
different amount of goods and services at different prices.
d. It is a market expression of the cumulative willingness and ability of all household to buy
different amount of goods and services at different prices on a given point in time.

Answer: D

Compared with C, it is the correct answer because of the phrase “on a given point in time”.

6. Limited resources plus unlimited needs and wants has resulted to the problem of scarcity. The
following are basic economic questions that would answer scarcity except
a. What shall be produced?
b. What will be the cost of production?
c. How shall goods be produced?
d. For whom shall output be produced?

Answer: B
The Cost of Production is not included in the four basic economic questions.
7. Which of the following are complimentary goods?
a. Car and gasoline
b. Coffee and tea
c. Pencil and ball pen
d. Jeepney and bus

Answer: A
Complimentary good is a good or service that is used in conjunction with another good or service.

8. The value of what is given up in exchange of other good or service

a. Trade-off
b. Opportunity cost
c. Economic benefit
d. Social cost

Answer: B
When making economic decisions, you have to give up something (Opportunity Cost) in
order to gain something which you think is more important than the latter.

9. If the price of the banana is below the equilibrium price, then which of the following will likely
a. There will be a surplus of banana and the price will decrease.
b. There will be a surplus in banana, and the price will increase.
c. There will be shortage in banana, and the price will decrease.
d. There will be a shortage in banana, and the price will increase.

Answer: D
Whenever there is a shortage of any good or service, price usually increases.

10. Consumers buy more of a product at relatively low prices than at relatively high prices.
a. Law of supply
b. Substitution effect
c. Law of demand
d. Income effect

Answer: C
The Law of Demand states that, when the price is high, demand decreases but if the price is low,
demand increases.
11. Writing system of the early Egyptian
a. Cuneiform
b. Heiroglyphics
c. Kanji
d. Alphabet

Answer: B
Heiroglyphics is the system of writing of early Egypt.

12. It is one of the earliest schools of philosophy that developed in China. Its highest virtue is to
remain simple and childlike.
a. Confucianism
b. Buddhism
c. Taoism
d. Shintoism

Answer: C
This philosophy is based from the book Tao Te Ching written by Lao tse.

13. What is not true about the Caste system in India?

a. The highest rank were the Brahmans or priests.
b. People can marry outside of their caste.
c. Achievements or wealth could not help a person elevate his rank.
d. Untouchables is the lowliest in the group.

Answer: B
People cannot marry outside of their own caste or social group.

14. Which region was referred to as the “seat of civilization”?

a. Europe
b. Africa
c. Asia
d. America

Answer: C
Almost all ancient civilizations in the world started in Asia.

15. A city-state in the early Greece where democracy originated

a. Corinth
b. Thebes
c. Sparta
d. Athens
Answer: D
Athens was the first one to implement democracy in the government.

16. Reformation was the movement which worked for changes or reform in the Christian Church.
This movement was initiated by
a. Wycliff
b. Protestants
c. Catholic church
d. Martin Luther

Answer: D
Luther started by criticizing the relatively recent practice of selling indulgences, but the debate widened
until it touched on many of the doctrines and devotional practices of the Catholic Church.

17. Julius Ceasar faced a critical decision in his career when he said “the die is cast”. The decision
had to do with.
A. Invasion of Gaul
B. Crossing the Rubicon
C. Assume the consulship
D. Conquest of Egypt

Answer: B
The idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass a point of no return, and refers to Julius Caesar's
army's crossing of the river in 49 BC, which was considered an act of insurrection.

18. A renaissance genius who excelled as a sculptor and painter and was commissioned by Pope
Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican.
a. Francesco Petrarch
b. Michaelangelo
c. Leonardo da Vinci
d. Raphael

Answer: B
The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is a cornerstone work
of Renaissance art.
19. According to him, the ruler, in order to succeed must be cunning, ruthless and if necessary, be
dishonest in order to gain and maintain his power. He believed that “might makes right” and
“the end justifies the means”.
a. Dante Alighiere
b. Niccolo Machiavelli
c. Desiderius Erasmus
d. Boccaccio

Answer: B
"Machiavellianism" is a widely used negative term to characterize unscrupulous politicians of the sort
Machiavelli described in The Prince. The book itself gained enormous notoriety and wide readership
because the author seemed to be endorsing behavior often deemed as evil and immoral.

20. After World War II, USA and USSR rivaled for world supremacy. A cold war existed between
these two superpowers. Cold War is characterized by the following except:
a. Fierce fighting
b. War of nerves
c. Constant maneuvering
d. Arms race

Answer: A

Cold War is a state of political hostility between countries characterized by threats,

propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, in particular.

21. President of the Constitutional Commission which drafted the 1987 Constitution of the
a. Ambrosio B. Padilla
b. Napoleon G. Rama
c. Ahmad D. Alonto
d. Cecilia Munoz Palma

Answer: D
When Aquino created the 1986 Constitutional Commission to draft the new Constitution, she appointed
Muñoz-Palma as one of its members. The Commission would later elect her as its president.

22. Amendments in the 1987 Constitution can be made through a constitutional convention.
a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe
d. None of the above
Answer: A
Amendments can be made by Congress, Constitutional Convention or by People’s Initiative.

23. Despite strong protestations from Mang Jose, the government took away his private property
for public use upon payment to him or just compensation. What power of the state was
implemented in the particular case?
a. Police power
b. Power of eminent domain
c. Power of taxation
d. Absolute power of the state

Answer: B
Power of eminent domain is the right of the government to take private property for a public
purpose, usually with just compensation of the owner.

24. Constitutional right which the law enforces to private individuals for the purposes of security,
happiness and enjoyment.
a. Civil rights
b. Political roghts
c. Social and economic right
d. Rights of the accused

Answer: A
Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, and assembly; freedom from involuntary
servitude; and the right to equality in public places.

25. The United States is one of the few countries in the world that follows the Jus Soli doctrine
which means Place of Birth while the rest of the countries follow the Jus Sanguinie principle
which means blood relationship. What then is the citizenship of a child born to Filipino parents
in the United States?
a. Natural born citizen
b. Naturalized citizen
c. Stateless citizen
d. Dual citizen

Answer: D
The child is both Filipino citizen (jus sanguinie) and American citizen (jus soli).
26. The Constitutional Commissions which shall be independent from the three branches of
government are the following, except:
a. Commission on Appointments
b. Civil Service Commission
c. Commission on Elections
d. Commission on Audit

Answer: A
The Commission on Appointments is composed of senators and congressmen.

27. It is the department which has the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal them
a. Administrative department
b. Executive department
c. Legislative department
d. Judicial department

Answer: C
The Legislature is the only department that can make, alter or repeal any law.

28. Which is not an element of the State?

a. Language
b. Territory
c. Sovereignty
d. Government

Answer: A
The four elements of a state are territory, people, government and sovereignty.

29. How many terms can a Philippine senator be elected in office?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Six years

Answer: B
A senator cannot be elected more than two terms. Each term has six years.
30. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of
a. 30 days
b. 40 days
c. 60 days
d. 90 days

Answer: A
An enrolled bill is the final copy of a bill or joint resolution which has passed both Houses of
Congress in identical form.

31. Under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, The archipelagic State has
sovereign rights in its Exclusive Economic Zone to explore, manage and exploit all the natural
resources living and non-living in the waters, the sea bed and subsoil. How many Nautical Miles
from its baselines can an archipelagic state considered a territory part of its EEZ?
a. 100 Nautical Miles
b. 150 Nautical Miles
c. 200 Nautical Miles
d. 300 Nautical Miles

Answer: C
Exclusive economic zones (EEZs)extend from the edge of the territorial sea out to 200 nautical miles (370
kilometres; 230 miles) from the baseline. Within this area, the coastal nation has sole exploitation rights
over all natural resources.

32. Aside from the Chief Justice, how many Associate Justices shall be the composition of the
Supreme Court?
a. 16
b. 14
c. 12
d. 10

Answer: B
Article VIII, Section 4 of the 1987 Constitution mandates that the SUPREME COURT shall be composed
of the Chief Justice and 14 Associated Justices.

33. This is the name given by the Spaniards to our ountry when they arrived in the islands of Samar
on March 17, 1521
a. Archipelago of San Lazarus
b. Ladrones Islands
c. Felipinas
d. Santisimo Nombre de Jesus
Answer: A
. On March 17, 1521, the expedition of Magellan brought him to a group of islands which they called
Archipelago of St. Lazaruz

34. When did Miguel Lopez de Legaszpi established Manila as the capital of the Philippines
a. June 24, 1571
b. July 24, 1871
c. August 24, 1571
d. August 24, 1871

Answer: A
In June 24,1571, Legazpi established Manila as the capital of the Philippines.

35. The event that implicated the the three Filipino priests Burgos, Gomez and Zamora which
resulted to their execution was the:
a. Dagohoy revolt
b. Cavite Mutiny
c. Cry of Pugadlawin
d. Discovery of Katipunan

Answer: B
The so-called Cavite Mutiny of workers in the arsenal of the naval shipyard over pay reduction owing
to increased taxation produced a willing witness to implicate the three priests, who were summarily tried
and sentenced to death by garrote on February 17, 1872.

36. Which of the following were the famous triumvirate of the Propaganda Movement?
a. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Marcelo delPilar
b. Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Gregorio delPilar
c. Jose Rizal, Marcelo del Pilar, Graciano Lopez Jaena
d. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Graciano Lopez Jaena

Answer: C
Prominent members of the Propaganda Movement included José Rizal, author of Noli Me Tangere
and El Filibusterismo, Graciano López Jaena, publisher of La Solidaridad, the movement's principal
organ, and Marcelo H. del Pilar.

37. As per the agreement in the Pact of Biac-na-Bato, Emilio Aguinaldo and other leaders of the
revolutionary government were to go into exile in:
a. Guam
b. Hongkong
c. Singapore
d. Dapitan
Answer: B
Aguinaldo and his fellow revolutionaries were given amnesty and monetary indemnity by the Spanish
Government, in return for which the revolutionary government would go into exile in Hong Kong.
Aguinaldo had designs to use the money to purchase firearms and return to the archipelago.

38. The Thomasite who taught in Philippine schools in the early part of American colonization were:
a. Trained American teachers
b. American soldiers
c. American government officials
d. American protestant ministers

Answer: A
The Thomasites was originally a group of about five hundred American teachers sent by the U.S.
government to the Philippines in August 1901 who arrived on the USAT Thomas.

39. The first Filipino appointed by the Americans as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
a. Jose Abad Santos
b. Cayetano Arellano
c. Gregorio Araneta
d. Sergio Osmeña

Answer: B
Cayetano L. Arellano was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippines under the
American Civil Government. He was Chief Justice from 1901 until his retirement on April 12, 1920,
making him the longest serving Chief Justice.

40. The Americans promised to train Filipinos for self-government. This was realized with the
establishment of this government where all the officials both elected and appointed were
Filipinos and they were supervised for a ten-year period by an American High Commissioner
a. Republican Government
b. Commonwealth Government
c. Civil Government
d. Federal Government

Answer: B
The Commonwealth of the Philippines was the administrative body that governed the Philippines from
1935 to 1946, aside from a period of exile in the Second World War from 1942 to 1945 when Japan
occupied the country.
41. The biggest and most populated island in the Philippine Archipelago
a. Cebu
b. Leyte
c. Luzon
d. Negros
e. Mindanao

Answer: C
Luzon is the largest island in the Philippines. It is located in the northernmost region of the archipelago,
and is also the name of one of the three primary island groups in the country.

42. This continent is the largest and it covers almost 33% of the earth’s surface. It is considered as
the most diverse continent and home for earliest civilization and major religions of the world.
a. Africa
b. Asia
c. North America
d. South America

Answer: B
Asia is the Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the eastern and northern
hemispheres. It covers 8.7% of the Earth's total surface area and comprises 30% of its land area.

43. In what part of the world can you find the longest and largest coral reef which is also known as
the “Great Barrier Reef”?
a. Africa
b. Australia
c. Europe
d. Antartica

Answer: B
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the world's largest coral reef system composed of over 2,900
individual reefs and 900 islands stretching for over 2,300 kilometres over an area of approximately
344,400 square kilometres.

44. The opening of the Suez Canal connects the trading route between these two bodies of water
a. Atlantic Ocean and pacific Ocean
b. Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico
c. Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal
d. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea
e. South China Sea and Philippine Sea
Answer: D
The Suez Canal is an artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea and
the Red Sea. Opened in November 1869 after 10 years of construction, it allows ships to travel
between Europe and eastern Asia without navigating around Africa.

45. This is the known Peninsula in Europe that occupied by Norway, Sweden, Denmark also included
is Iceland and Finland.
a. Apennines
b. Balkan
c. Iberia
d. Jutland
e. Scandinavian

Answer: E
The Scandinavian Peninsula is a geographic region in northern Europe, consisting
of Norway, Sweden and part of northern Finland.

46. According to Rizal himself he took the term Noli Me Tangere, which means “Touch Me Not”
from the Bible. From what Gospel was Noli Me Tangere taken?
a. St. Luke (24:12)
b. St. Luke (24:44)
c. St. John (20:17)
d. St. John (20:15)

Answer: C
John 20:17 is a verse in the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It contains Jesus' response to Mary
Magdalene right after he confronts her just outside his tomb after his resurrection. According to the
longer ending of Mark's Gospel (Mark 16:9) Mary Magdalene is the first person to whom Jesus shows
himself alive after his resurrection.

47. In his poem, “The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education”, Rizal Showed the
importance of religion in education. Which of these ia a valid main topic for the poem?
a. Education without God is not true education
b. Religion without education is not a true religion
c. Education without God is allowable
d. Religion without education is allowable

Answer: A
Rizal shared his thought about the importance of education to enlighten the nation which was useful to
gain societal freedom for every nation.
48. Rizal met a kind Protestant German pastor in Germany who befriended him. He stayed at his
vicarage and learned German language. This is where he finished his first novel. Where was
“Noli Village” located in honor of the novel Noli Me Tangere?
a. Wilhemfeld
b. Berlin
c. Heidelberg
d. Leipzig

Answer: C
At Heidelberg, the 25-year-old Rizal, completed in 1887 his eye specialization under the renowned
professor, Otto Becker.

49. El Filibusterismo is the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and like the first book it was written in
Spanish. To whom did he dedicate this second novel?
a. To his beloved parents
b. the suffering Filipino people
c. To the executed Filipino priests Gomburza
d. To his love, Leonor Rivera

Answer: C
GomBurZa’s execution had a profound effect on many Filipinos; José Rizal, the national hero, would
dedicate his novel El filibusterismo to their memory.

50. On June 11, 1901, the Second Philippine Commission approved Act No. 137 which organized the
politico-military district of Morong into the province of Rizal. This was done due to which of the
following reasons?
a. Creating a province that lead the people of Morong to be united after the independence
from Spain.
b. Creating a province that will lead to the proclamation of Jose Rizal to be the National Hero
c. Creating a province to provide equal rights to people living near Morong and Manila
d. Creating a province to be named after Jose Rizal in honor of his martyrdom.

Answer: D
The coversion of tha name Morong into Rizal province is in honor of the martyrdom of Jose Rizal.

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