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TRAINING OF BARANGAY NUTRITION SCHOLARS AND BARANGAY HEALTH WORKERS: TRAINING REPORT #Aksyon Nutrisyon: The BNS and BHW Workshop 2022 "Sukatin ang Hamon, Tumugon sa Tawag ng Panahon!" Introduction ‘The Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers workshop entitled "Sukatin ang Hanon, Tumugon sa Tawag ng Panahon!” isa workshop that aims for the Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers to learn and/or releam basic anthropometric measuring and spot map skills. In every public health setting, there is a need to be proficient in ferms of skills that cater to the assessment of the nutritional status of the community. One of the skills that the BNS and BHWs need to be proficient in is anthropometric skills and spot mapping. Each BNS and BHWs must be equipped with the skills to perform basic anthropometry in order to assess the nutritional status of the community because itis the first step to identify the problems and create programs based on the collected anthropometric data, In terms of'spot mapping, there is anced to be proficient in skills that involve creating a map to fastly present the nutritional status of the community, identify individuals that are malnourished and need immediate intervention, Objectives By the end of the project, the participants have already: a. Learned basic knowledge and practices about basic anthropometric measurements and spot-map. 'b. Be capacitated to apply the skills in the public health setting, especially in the challenged areas, Date Conducted: November 29, 2022 (Tuesday); 8:20 AM to 11:30 AM ‘Venue: Sangguniang Bayan Hall, Camiling, Tarlac Results Registration of attendees started at § AM inside the session hall, A total of 121 participants cout of the expected 120 to 150 participants attend the workshop event on Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Ail 61 Barangays were present, with 1 to 4 attendees per Barangay. ‘NUMBER OF NUMBER OF BARANGAY ATTENDEES BARANGAY ATTENDEES ‘SURGUI 1ST 2 PAO IST 2 ‘SINULATAN 1ST 2 PAO IND 2 POBLACION E 2 PAO 3RD_ 2 ‘SURGUI2ND_ 2 PAPAAC 2 POBLACION A 2 PINDANGAN IST 2 ‘STA. MARIA, 2 POBLACION B 2 CACA NORTE, 2 POBLACION C 2 TUEC 2 POBLACION D. 3 PINDANGAN 2ND_ 2 POBLACION F 2 BACABAC 2 POBLACION I 2 BACSAY 2 POBLACION J 2 BANCAY IST 2 ‘SAN ISIDRO_ 2 BILAD 2 SAWAT 2 BOBON IST 2 ‘SINILIAN 2ND 2 BOBON CAA. 1 SINILIAN 3RD_ 2 (CABANABAAN 2 ‘SINILIAN CACA. 2 CACA. SUR 2 ‘SINULATAN 2ND 2 CANIAG 2 ‘SURGUI3RD 2 CARAEL 2 TAMBUGAN 2 CAYAQAN 2 TELBANG 2 FLORIDA 2 ‘ANOLING IST 2 LASONG 2 ‘ANOLING 2ND 1 LIBUEG 2 ANOLING 3RD 2 MALACAMPA 4 BIRBIRA, 1 MANAQUEM 3 BOBON 2ND 1 MANUPEG. 2 CAYASAN 2 MARAWI 2 NAGRAMBACAN 2 MATUBOG 2 POBLACION G 2 NAGSERIALAN 2 POBLACION H 2 PALIMBO CAARO. 2 SINILIAN IST 1 PALIMBO PROPER 2 TOTAL 121 ‘The program started with a prayer, which was a short video presentation followed by the singing of the National Anthem through video presentation, The opening remarks were led by Ms, ‘Caryl Cleo B. Cabigao, RND, wherein she acknowledged the presence of BNSs and BHWs, the Speaker, and the student affiliates present inthe venue, She also thanked and acknowledged the [presence of May or Erlon Agustin and Vice Mayor Noel Dela Cruz, for the support the municipality ‘gave to the program, ‘The speaker, Ms, Cristine Gorospe, RN, first discussed a lecture about Basic Anthropometric Measurements for about | and Ys hour, The topics include the discussion aboutthe materials and tools needed for conducting the measurement; definition of tems such as height, ‘weight, waist, hip, ete.; standard procedures for measuring and interpretation, After that, the participants had a break for 30 minutes. Afr the recession, the participants went back and had an ice breaker. Afler that, the ‘participants listened and watched the demonstration about the discussed topic earlier, It was headed Iby the keynote speaker, with the help of the student-affiliates involved in the program, The demonstration lasted for 40:minutes, wherein the participants also had a return demonstration of their skills with their barangay pair, Upon finishing the topic of Basic Anthropometry, it was followed with the second topic which revolves around Spot-Mapping, The lecture lasted for 30 ‘minutes and covered the introduction of spot-mapping, the importance of doing spot-mapping, and a discussion of busic understanding of color coding and their meanings for spot-mapping. After hal, @ short open-forum was held which answered the question of the participants, A photo ‘opportunity and awarding of certificates took place followed by the closing remarks headed by the ‘head supervisor, Mr, Matthew Reuben P, Santos, RND. The event was wrapped up by the event |hosts Mr. Dirk Ayuste and Ms, Mechaella Catudio by 12 noon, ‘Number of participants: 121 participants ‘Target number of participants: 120 to 150-participants Activity ‘Targeted Duration ‘Duration 1. Opening Ceremony 15 minutes 15 minutes 2. Anthropometric Measurements Lecture 2hours J hour and 30 minutes 3, Break Time 30 minutes 3 minutes 4, Demonstration of Anthropometric J hour and 30 40 minutes “Measurements ‘minutes 5. Spot Map Lecture 30 minutes minutes 6 Photo Opportunity 10 minutes 10 minutes 7. Closing Ceremony 15 minutes 10 minutes Planned Topics Topics Diseussed Intraduetion of Anthropometric Measurements Introduction of Anthropometric Measurements Basic Anthropometric Measurements including, height, weigh, MUAC, knee height, waist circumference, and hip circumierence. ‘Computation of age in months. Demonstration of proper way of measuring ‘Basic Anthropometric Measurements including height, weight, MUAC, knee height, waist circumference, and hip cireumference, ‘What to do before and during measuring ‘Demonstration of proper way of measuring Waist-Hlip Ratio (WHR) Computation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and What to do before and during measuring Introduction of Spot Map Computation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist-Hip Ratio(WHR) Color Coding in Spot Map Intraduction of Spot Map Coker Coding in Spot Map Basic Anthropometry Session 1. Difference betweenstanding height | The slide 26 containing the computation of and recumbent length? whentoadd —_| height/length for children under and more than 2 and subtract 0.7? years old, 2. Why does add or subtracting 0.7 depend on how the height gets? “MNAQ and SV Ma‘am Lorena Ma"am Geremy stated that this difference was taken into account ‘in developing the WHO growth standards, ‘Therefore, it is important to adjust the ‘measurements iflength is taken instead of height, and viee versa, 3. Howto get the height of a hunchback person? ‘Ma"am Lorena (SV) stated that obtaining the ‘height of the hunchback is the same with person ‘who have normal posture, 4. What is knee height and its purpose? ‘The definition and usage of knee height is answered by the affiliates, 5. Right way of getting the Body Mass Index (BMI) ‘Spot Map Session ‘Demonstration of the formula and its classification acoarding to WHO Standards by the Hosts 1. How to color a house that consists of differem nutritional problems? ‘The slide containing spot-map legends for houses With boxes of different colors was asked tobe flashed again 2. How often and when to update the spot map? According to Ma’am Lorena ($V) much better if twice year and analternative way stated by the MNAQ. 3. For pregnant mothers who gave birth, According to Ma'am Lorena the update would be how would we update the spot map? | applied in the next spot-map to be created, Ma'am Christine suggested having a large spot-map to be filled with colored pins instead of filling in with coloring materials for easy updating, Results of Evaluation Upon conducting an evaluation for the event program, a total of 73 responses out of the 121 attendees were collected from the BNS and BHW participants, ‘SURGUI IST 2 PAO IST o SINULATAN IST 2 PAO2ND’ 1 POBLACION E 0 PAQ 32D 2 ‘SURGUI 2ND_ 2 PAPAAC 1 POBLACION A 2 PINDANGAN IST 1 ‘STA. MARIA, 0 POBLACION B 2 ‘CACA NORTE 0 POBLACION C 2 2 POBLACION D 1 PINDANGAN 2ND 2 POBLACION F 1 BACABAC 2 POBLACION | 2 BACSAY 2 POBLACION J 1 BANCAY IST 2 SAN ISIDRO 1 BILAD 2 SAWAT 2 BOBON IST 0 SINILIAN 2ND 0 BOBON CAA. 1 SINILIAN 3RD 0 CABANBAAN 1 ‘SINILIAN CACA, 1 CACA. SUR, 2 SINULATAN 2ND 1 CANIAG 1 SURGUI3RD 2 CARAEL 1 TAMBUGAN 1 CAYASAN 2 TELBANG 1 ‘FLORIDA 2 ANOLING IST 0 LASONG | 2 "ANOLING 2ND 0 ‘LIBUEG 1 ANOLING 3RD 0 MALACAMPA, 1 BIRBIRA T MANAQUEM 1 BOBON 2ND 0 MANUPEG. 1 CAYASAN 1 MARAWI 2 NAGRAMBACAN 0 MATUBOG 2 POBLACION G 2 NAGSERIALAN 0 POBLACION H 1 PALIMBO CAARO, 2 SINILIAN IST 1 PALIMBO PROPER 2 TOTAL cry ‘The evaluation form comprises a item likert scale concerning the performance and end results of the workshop. From score 110.5, with | being the lowest and S as the highest score, the participants are tasked to evaluate the workshop by rating the achievement of goals, workshop ‘content, and program flow of the event, Aside frova that, the responde ats are also asked to determine their actual leaming outcomes from the workshop. The first item “Achievement of target goals (Pagkamit ng layunin)” aims to determine if the set objectives are attained, The second item is “Workshop content (Basic Anthropometric Measurement and Spot Map)" aims to know the rate of relevance of the diseussed topies, The thinl item is about “Program flow (Dalay ng programe)” ‘which measures the rateof the overall flow ofthe program. Lastly, the learning outcomes from the ‘workshop are collected from the participants to know if thereare any topics that they remember or learned during the workshop, 1. BHW/BNS. FRREPE Total percentage of Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers who attended the workshop Based on the number of attendees, more than half of the participants that answered the evaluation are Barangay Healthcare Workers with a 50.7% compared 1 49.3% who are all Barangay Nutrition Scholars, Some of the participants are not available on the said date of evaluation and some are busy with their respective Barangay duties, 2. Achievement of target goals a RATE FRBGPED! Total score responses for the item “Achievement of target goals (Pagkamit ng mga layusin).” Most Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers of Camiling, Tarlac agree that the set goals for the BINS and BHW Workshop are met where at least62 participants or 84.93% of the total respondents answered the item "Achievement of target goals (Pagkamuit ag mga layunin)" with the highest score (5). At least 8 attendees (10.96%) scored 4 out of 5 while 3 out of the 73, attendees (4.11%) answered 3 out ofS. 3. Workshop content (Basic Anthropometric Measure ment. and Spot Map) = moms oom “ FATE EGRET Total score responses for the item “Workshop content (Basic Anthropometric ‘Measurement and Spot Map)” About 84.93% of the respondents rated the workshop topics Basic Anthropometric Measurement and Spot Map as very satisfactory (5). Meanwhile, at least 12.32% and 274% participarts scored the workshop as satisfactory (4) and neutral (3) respectively. Among all of the topics, Basic Anthipometric Measurement is the most requested subject by Barangay Nutrition Scholars and Barangay Health Workers of Camiling, Tarlac. 4. Program flow 236 ee ee ee ee RATE GREENE Toxal score responses for the item “Program flow (Daloy ng programay” Based on the results of evaluation, there are 61 partic ipants rated the flow of the program 5 out 5. ‘Meanwhile there 6 participants rated the program 4 out of S, § participants gave rating of 3 out of S and lastly there is 1 participant rated the flow of the program 2 out of, Based of the evaluation, most learning outcomes from the workshop are about the Basic Anthropometrie Measurements such as proper way of detenmining the height and weight, and how tocount the age of children in months. On the other hand, 5 participantsanswered that their learning, ‘outcomes from the warkshap are from the topic of Spot Map such as proper way of puting the legends and the designated colors for spot map, Lastly, at least 23 participants shared their learning outcomes fram both topics discussed during the workshop. Budget Proposal ‘This budget proposal shows the list of estimated expenses and the total contribution of eachco-afiliate, A. Take-home kit Measuring | PoO/dozen | 17units | 1,020 | Divisoria tape Mini] P35/piece | 200 pieces | 7,000 | Divisoria calculator rickter | 763/10 | 200 pieces | i260 | Divisoria picces Pons | P48/dozen | 17units | P86 | Divisoria Pencits | P89/dozen | 17unts | 1.513 | Divisoria Plasic | 219/25 | sunts | i752 | Divisoria envelope | picoes TOTAL, PI3361.00 B, Token ofappreciation Yummy | P360/cake | 3 rolls P1080 Cindy's [Intended for Yema Rell rail mayor, speaker, and supervisor TOTAL P1,030.00 a. Printed materials Printable | N/A | 170 pieces | PI,530 ‘materials for (each) ‘information sheet, and take-home kit ‘handouts Certificates | P25/ | 8 pieces. P00 Bobon Ist | Intended for mayor, print speaker, supervisor, BNS president, BHW president, and ‘sponsors (2) Frame for | P88 | 8 pieces Pwd Pandayan | Intended for mayor, certificates Bookshop | speaker, supervisor, BNS president, BHW president, and sponsors (2) Tarpaulin | 850 | I piece F850 Frank Art Sign Hard copy | #237.7 | dreams PISL Pandayan paper 3 ‘Bookshop Certificate | P03 | I pack (10 P103 Pandayan | Will be used for paper pieces) Bookshop | certificates TOTAL P4338.00 b, Travel expenses Lalamove fee F600 Cainta to Parafiaque ‘Toll fee for material delivery 1,000 Only half of the toll will be covered ‘Toll fee for food sponsor 72,000 Balintawak exit to TPLEX Paniqui, Tarlac and vice versa Toll fee for speaker 72,000 Balintawak exit to TPLEX Paniqui, Tarlac and vice versa Gas contribution for fod 2,000 sponsor Gas contribution for speaker 2,000 ‘Transportation allowance for P300 ‘materials bought in Divisoria ‘Transportation allowance for 76,300 £PS0,00/Student ‘officers 50.00 x 18 students = P900 overall fare P900 x 7 days meeting = P6300 TOTAL, P16,200.00 D. Overall expenses Category Estimated expenses ‘Take-home kit 13,361 ‘Token of appreciation PL080 Other expenses 20,538, TOTAL P3479 With the total cost of P154.00 and a buffer of P6.00, the computed contribution Other resources used (identify the type of sources (Identify the quantities needed as applicable. | (Identify where needed.) ‘If the particulars are on finding, indicate the | the resources will “unit cost, the number of units and the total | come from) cost Unit Coa | Numkerof | Total Cost Units Sangguniang Bayan Hall | NTA 1 Nia | Sangguniang Bayan Poblacion E Covered Court | NFA 1 Nia | Barangay Poblacion E Potlaion A Daycare Center |N/A 1 Nik | irangay Poblacion A Menoblack Chairs NIA 150 Nia | Provided by the Tables NIA 3 NIA Provided by the Laptops, NYA 5 NIA Affliates Speakers NIA 4 NIA Provided by the Microphones NIA 3 NIA Provided by the Projector NIA 1 NIA Provided by the Whitescreen NIA 1 NIA Provided by the White board NIA 1 NIA Provided by the White board marker NIA 1 NIA Provided by the Electric Fan NYA ° NIA Provided by the Air Conditioners NIA 5 NIA Provided by the Weighing Scales NIA 16 NIA Affiliates ension Cord NIA 1 NIA Affliates Insulated Cooler NIA 1 NIA Affliates Total XX (Conetusion To conclude, this workshop was implemented with the main goal to refresh the knowledge of Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) and Barangay Health Workers (BHW) on Basic Anthropometric Measurementsand Spot Map. Attendees fiom all 61 barangays of Camiling, Tarlac ‘were present in the workshop, which records a 100% barangay tumout for this year. Led by the ‘Municipal Nutrition Action Officer (MNAO), a lecture proper was conducted for one (1) hour and was then followed by a retum demonstration fir forty (40) minutes aflerwards. An overview of howto make a spot map was also included in the discussion proper to teach the BNS and BHW the importance of producing and updating a spot map in every barangay. From the conducted workshop, the affiliates successfully achieved the objectives of the workshop. Recommendations + To have a one whole day of workshap allotted to both lecture proper and rewirn, demonstration © Tohave a longer session for the retum demonstration © To have one-on-one sessions with Barangay Nutrition Scholars (BNS) and Barangay Health Workers (BHW) © Tolhave a post-test to test the eredibility of the workshop conducted © Tolhave additional committee for the whole program proper © Tolhave a larger venue that can accommodate more than 150 participants

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