Indias Trade Deficit With China

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India's trade deficit with China: How to bridge the gap?

Article · July 2015


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3 authors, including:

Nisha Taneja Samridhi Bimal

Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations


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India could curtail imports from China;

India’s Trade Deficit with China second, it could boost exports to China;
and, third, India could seek more invest-
How to Bridge the Gap? ment from China.

1 Composition of Trade
Nisha Taneja, Deepika Wadhwa, Samridhi Bimal A look at the composition of India’s
exports to China highlights the fact that

India’s trade deficit with China ilateral trade between India and exports to China have been extremely
widened from $23 billion in 2010 China has grown rapidly since concentrated in a few products. In 2013,
the beginning of the last decade, the top five export commodity groups
to $35 billion in 2013, accounting
from $2.3 billion in 2000 to nearly $68 (at HS 2-digit level classification) from
for 25% of India’s total trade billion in 2013 after reaching its peak of India to China included textile and tex-
deficit. What is driving this $72 billion in 2011. Today, China is tile products, mineral products, base
widening of the trade gap and India’s largest trading partner. However, metals and articles, chemical and allied
with the increase in bilateral trade, products, and machinery and mecha-
what options does India have to
India’s trade deficit with China has in- nical appliances, electrical equipment,
close the gap? creased exponentially. The bilateral electronics and parts, which accounted
trade deficit with China widened from for 81% of total exports to China
$23 billion in 2010 to $35 billion in 2013, (Chart 2, p 19). However, at the 4-digit
accounting for 25% of India’s total trade HS classification in 2013, India’s top four
deficit in that year. The burgeoning major export products to China were
trade deficit with China has raised con- cotton (not carded or combed), cotton
cerns among Indian policymakers and yarn, refined copper and copper alloys,
economists who are looking for possible iron ores and concentrates, which
solutions to the problem. In fact, the accounted for 48.7 % of Indian exports
issue of the rising “trade deficit” was the to China (Table 1). India’s exports of
focal point of discussions during Chinese manufactured products such as refined
President Xi’s visit to India in September petroleum, transport and machinery ac-
2014. The Indian and the Chinese count for a smaller share of its exports
governments agreed that for bilateral to China.
trade ties to prosper, both countries India’s imports from China, in compari-
need to work out solutions to lower son to its exports, are much more diver-
India’s growing trade deficit. sified; it imports a diversified basket of
We explore two key issues here: technology-intensive manufactures from
(i) What has constituted the trade deficit China. Chart 2 shows that in 2013 the top
between India and China? (ii) How can five import commodity groups from China
this deficit be bridged? In the latter consisted of machinery and mechanical
case, there are three options to deal appliances, electrical equipment, elec-
with the trade deficit problem. First, tronics and parts, chemical and allied
Table 1: India’s Product-wise Trade with China at HS 4-Digit
Commodity 2010 Share 2013 Share
(in Million $) (in %) (in Million $) (in %)
Cotton, not carded or combed 1,767.8 10.1 2,766.5 16.9
Cotton yarn (other than sewing ) 320.9 1.8 2,016.9 12.3
Refined copper and copper alloys 3,616.8 20.7 1,939.1 11.8
Iron ores and concentrates 5,744.3 32.9 1,279.6 7.8
Petroleum oils and oils 322.1 1.8 690.1 4.2
All others 5,668.1 32.5 7,724.6 47
Electrical, telephonic, telegraphic equipments 6,534.9 15.8 6,837.6 13.2
Automatic data processing machines 1,463.1 3.5 2,967.6 5.7
Nisha Taneja (, Deepika Commodities not specified acc. to kind 3,185.9 7.7 2,459.7 4.8
Wadhwa ( and
Mineral or chemical fertilisers, ni 446.4 1.1 1,242.1 2.4
Samridhi Bimal ( are at
Mineral or chemical fertilisers con 874.2 2.1 964.8 1.9
Indian Council for Research in International
All others 2,8744.5 69.7 8,8799.1 72.1
Economic Relations, New Delhi.
Source: Authors’ calculation using UN COMTRADE Database.

18 July 11, 2015 vol l no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly


Chart 1: India’s Trade with China, 2000–13 are essential for India’s manufacturing
(The Widening Gulf) sector to meet domestic demand and ex-
60 ports, and would contribute towards the
industrialisation process and therefore
should not be curtailed. As an emerging
Trade value ($ billion)

20 economy, ndia should not restrict im-

ports of technology-intensive products
0 from China especially in the medium term.






Rather, embarking on its new “Make in
India” initiative to intensify domestic
-40 industrialisation, India’s dependence on
import of technology-intensive products
-60 from China can be increased further
Exports Imports Trade balance with China gaining global reputation as
Source: Authors’ calculation using UN COMTRADE Database.
a competitive supplier of machineries
Chart 2: India’s Commodity-wise Trade with China at HS 2-digit in 2013 (Mohanty 2014).
Share of India's Top 5 Sectors in Exports to China (in %) Share of India's Top 5 Sectors in Imports from China (in %)
Others 18%
Others 19% and textile Can Exports Be Increased?: If India
products 31% does not curb its imports from China, it
and Works of art should make an attempt to increase its
mechanical 5%
exports to China. Any change will depend
electronics Textile and on whether India can export products
and parts 5% textile
products that meet the demand of the Chinese
Chemical and 5%
Base metals
market. It is recognised that China is one
allied products
and articles of the important market destinations
Chemical and where India’s export potential has not
Base metals Mineral Machinery and
and articles Products
allied products mechanical appliances, been adequately realised.
18% electronics and
16% 19% Existing trade patterns between the
parts 47%
Source: Authors’ calculation using UN COMTRADE Database.
two countries, as mentioned earlier,
clearly indicate that India’s exports to
products, base metals, and textile and Thus, India’s export basket indicates that China have been dominated by low value
textile products and contributed to 82% exports fall mainly in labour-intensive added raw materials, such as cotton,
of total imports. Among these, machinery and resource-based products. Other sig- ores, slag and ash, copper and copper
imports accounted for the largest share nificant exports include pharmaceuticals, products, and mineral fuel. However,
of 47% of total imports from China. animal products, vegetable products, trade in such items is often unpredicta-
However, the top four products at plastics and rubber, etc. An interesting ble as it is governed by government poli-
the 4-digit HS level accounted for just observation is that consumer goods com- cies related to natural resources. For in-
26.2% of total imports from China in prised only 14% of total imports. Within stance, in 2010, iron ore was the single
2013 (Table 1). consumer goods too, India mostly imports largest item comprising 32.9% of India’s
A more insightful inference can be articles of plastic for industrial use and exports to China (Table 1). However, in
drawn if we classify traded items into refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar 2011, the Indian government imposed
raw materials, intermediate goods, capi- refractory ceramic construction goods. restrictions on exports of iron ore in
tal goods and consumer goods based on the form of duties and banned iron ore
the classification provided by the World 2 Bridging the Deficit mining in the top producing states of
Trade Organization (WTO). Table 2 shows We consider here if the deficit can be Karnataka and Goa. These policy
that 85% of India’s exports comprised bridged by curbing imports, increasing changes have resulted in a decline in
raw materials and intermediate goods, exports and increasing foreign direct overall exports of iron ore from India,
while 80% of imports comprised capital investment (FDI) inflows from China. with the share of iron ore exports
goods and intermediate goods (Table 2). decreasing to just 7.8% of total exports
Table 2: Composition of India’s Trade with China in 2013 Can Imports Be Curbed?: As to China in 2013.
(WTO Classification) mentioned earlier, India’s im- Thus, unless India diversifies its export
India’s Exports to China Proportion India’s Imports from China Proportion
ports from China comprises in- basket to include items other than
Intermediate goods 49% Capital goods 47%
Raw materials 36% Intermediate goods 33%
termediate and capital goods primary goods, it is unlikely that it will
Consumer goods 7% Consumer goods 14% used by Indian industry. Clear- be able to bridge its trade deficit with
Capital goods 7% Raw materials 6% ly, these intermediate inputs at China exports. Therefore India must
Source: Authors’ calculation using UN COMTRADE Database. competitive rates from China look for a demand-based export basket
Economic & Political Weekly EPW July 11, 2015 vol l no 28 19

diversification approach with emphasis Chart 3: Average Hourly Compensation Costs and Labour Productivity in India and China
Hourly Compensation Costs in Manufacturing (2003–12) Labour Productivity (2003–13)
on technology-intensive manufactured 3.50 20000

GDP per person employed (in$)


Hourly compensation costs($)

products. In this context, it is important

GDP per person annual

3.00 16000

average, per cent

to look at India’s export potential and 2.50 12
the products that can possibly find their 2.00
way to the Chinese market. 1.50 8000
1.00 4
Export possibilities exist for India in 4000
those products that China could import 0 0 0
0.00 2003
2003 2005
2005 2007
2007 2009
2009 2011
2011 2013
from India in which it is competitive 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
India 0.81 0.85 0.91 0.95 1.17 1.26 1.23 1.46 1.59
instead of importing from elsewhere in India LP
India LP
China 0.68 0.74 0.83 0.95 1.21 1.59 1.74 1.98 2.62 3.07
India LPGrowth
India LP growth China
the world. We compute the magnitude For India, estimates of compensation costs refer to formal manufacturing only, rather than to total manufacturing in the
of export possibilities from India to country. Labour productivity is defined as GDP per person employed (in 1990 US$).
Source: The Conference Board, Database, 2014,
China referred to as “export potential.”
Products having export potential can be and aeroplanes and other aircraft, vehi- into cooperation on drug regulations.
identified as those with (a) adequate de- cle parts, and cotton (Table 3). This could help pharmaceutical products
mand in China, and (b) adequate supply These estimates have to be treated from India increase inroads into China’s
capabilities in India. with caution and are merely indicative pharma market. Such barriers need to
To assess global competitiveness, we of export possibilities. The estimate of be identified and addressed for other
have computed Balassa’s revealed com- export potential is the maximum possi- sectors as well.
parative advantage (RCA) index for all ble trade that the two countries can have Another way India could possibly in-
products exported by India. For estimat- if the two countries sourced from each crease its exports to China is by manu-
ing India’s export potential to China, the other all items, which they sourced from facturing products where China is losing
analysis is restricted to commodities the rest of the world. However, this can its cost advantage largely due to the
where India has a RCA > 1. Untapped never be the case as relative prices and changing demographic structure. China’s
export potential for any globally com- information asymmetries could play an average hourly labour costs in the manu-
petitive commodity being exported from important role. Also, these estimates facturing sector have increased from
India to China is given by: vary depending on the year of reference $0.68 in 2003 to $3.07 in 2012 (Chart 3).
Min (IEx, CIm) – ETIC where IEx = India’s which in this case is 2013. One of the main reasons for this increase
global exports, CIm = China’s global Realisation of the large potential has has been the unfavourable demographic
imports, and ETIC = Existing trade been inhibited by market access barriers structure which China is experiencing.
between India and China. (for example, tariffs, regulatory and other The country witnessed a decline in its
Using trade data of 2013, the results of complexities) imposed by China that working age population by almost 3.5
the exercise indicate that India’s export pose hurdles in raising exports to China million in 2012, which has resulted in
potential to China is $95.5 billion, which in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, the demand–supply mismatch for labour
is 5.8 times larger than the current marines, agricultural products and other in China (KPMG 2013). On the other
export of $16.5 billion. At a disaggregate fresh and processed produce. For instance, hand, India has lower labour costs as
level, the potential in mineral fuels is in the case of pharmaceuticals, Indian well as a demographic advantage, which
$31.4 billion accounting for 33% of total companies entering China have to go can help India become a competitive
export potential. The top 10 products through lengthy and cumbersome regu- manufacturing destination globally. As
accounted for 56% of India’s total export latory processes with approvals taking highlighted in India’s Economic Survey
potential to China valued at $53.5 billion. more than three years. One of the MoUs 2013–14, the proportion of working-age
The important items other than mineral signed recently between the two coun- population in India is likely to increase
fuels include medicaments, diamonds tries addressed this issue by entering from around 58% in 2001 to more than
64% by 2021, with a large number of
Table 3: India’s Export Potential to China in 2013 ($ Billion)
Product Product Description India's Exports China Imports India Exports Export
young persons in the 20–35 years age
Code to World from World to China Potential group, making it younger than China
271019 Petroleum oils 47.0 28.3 0.5 27.8 and the US. However, India’s labour pro-
300490 Medicaments 8.4 7.0 0.0 7.0 ductivity remains low in comparison to
710239 Diamonds, non-industrial 27.1 5.7 0.1 5.6 China’s labour productivity (Chart 3).
271011 Light petroleum oils and preparations 19.8 3.8 0.2 3.6 India has to put in place appropriate skill
870899 Vehicle parts 2.6 2.3 0.1 2.3
development plans to realise its poten-
880240 Aeroplanes and other aircraft 2.3 20.0 0.2 2.1
tial demographic advantage and incre-
520100 Cotton, not carded/combed 4.5 8.4 2.8 1.8
710231 Diamonds, non-industrial, unworked 1.8 1.3 0.0 1.3
ase in labour productivity.
721049 Flat-rolled products of iron/non-alloy steel 1.1 1.1 0.0 1.1
290243 p-Xylene 1.1 13.8 0.0 1.0 Can Investment Be Increased?: Another
Source: Authors’ calculation using UN COMTRADE database. way to reduce this deficit could be by
20 July 11, 2015 vol l no 28 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

increasing Chinese investment in build- as it is a net importer of these energy countries would need to address the bar-
ing manufacturing capacities in India. resources and has a heavily regulated riers that have restricted these flows so
There are enough opportunities for energy sector. far. The Indian government is already
Chinese investors in the manufacturing trying to promote the country as a man-
sector, especially in power, telecom equip- 3 Concluding Remarks ufacturing hub with its “Make in India”
ment, metals, electronic components, As discussed above, India’s exports to initiative and is taking measures to
healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and China have been concentrated heavily in make India a better place to invest in
auto components. Investment from China a few low value added products. India and have an environment more condu-
will not only bring in capital but would needs to diversify its export basket to in- cive for manufacturing. Not only would
also provide the much-needed impetus clude items other than primary goods. FDI bring benefits, such as technical
to the manufacturing sector. Unlike In comparison, 80% of India’s imports know-how, jobs, and higher productivity,
trade, levels of investment between from China consist of capital and inter- but it would also rejuvenate the manu-
India and China remain at relatively mediate goods, which are essential for facturing sector that would help India
low levels. Total cumulative FDI inflows the country’s industrialisation process increase its exports and lower its trade
during April 2000 and February 2014 and therefore should not be curtailed. deficit in the coming years.
from China were a meagre $396 million India should rather focus on increasing
accounting for just 0.2% of total cumu- exports to China as there is a lot of un- References
lative FDI inflows received by India during tapped export potential. India’s export Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
(2014): “FDI Synopsis on Country China,”
this period. Investment flows during potential to China is $95.5 billion (5.8 28 February.
2000–01 and 2010–11 were almost negli- times larger than the current export of EXIM Bank (2013): “Potential for Enhancing India’s
gible, but picked up considerably during $16.5 billion); the important items hav- Trade with China: A Brief Analysis,” Working
Paper No 20, January.
2011–12 and 2012–13, which accounted ing export potential include mineral KPMG (2013): “India Calling: India-China Business
for FDI inflows worth $224 million from fuels, medicaments, diamonds, aero- Investment Opportunities.”
Ministry of External Affairs (2014): “Joint Statement
China (DIPP 2014). Although this is way planes and other aircrafts, vehicle parts,
between the Republic of India and the People’s
below the potential levels of investment and cotton. However, various barriers Republic of China on Building a Closer Devel-
flows from China, it is an indication related to tariffs, market access, regula- opmental Partnership,” Government of India.
Martin, P (2014): “Why Is Chinese Investment in
of the synergies that can be realised tory and other complexities in entering India So Low?,” ORF, 30 October, accessed at
between the two countries. the Chinese market place hurdles in the http://orfonline. org/cms/sites/ orfonline/
modules /analysis/AnalysisDetail.html? cmaid
A more fundamental question, thus, is path of raising Indian exports to China =74080&mmacmaid=74081
why FDI inflows from China have been and need to be removed. MOFCOM (2014): “China’s Outward Foreign Direct
so low. In the past, India has had a On the other hand, the investment Investment in 2013,” September, accessed at
restriction on inward investment flows flows between India and China are at loads/sites/2/2014/10/2014.10.11-OFDI-Stats-
from three countries—Sri Lanka, very low levels at present. In order to Alert-Update.pdf
Mohanty, S K (2014): “India-China Bilateral Rela-
Bangladesh and Pakistan—which were facilitate a sustained inflow of FDI tionship,” A Project Research Study funded by
removed by 2012. Even though China from China, governments of both the Reserve Bank of India, Mumbai, July 2014.
has never been on the negative list for
inward FDI, it is not too clear whether
there is a non-transparent policy that
inhibits FDI inflows from China. Firstly, EPW 5-Year CD-ROM 2004-08 on a Single Disk
lack of trust between the two countries
could have been inhibiting FDI from The digital versions of Economic and Political Weekly for 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 are
China. Thus, Chinese business people now available on a single disk. The CD-ROM contains the complete text of 261 issues published from
2004 to 2008 and comes equipped with a powerful search, tools to help organise research and utilities
have reported that they find it difficult to
to make your browsing experience productive. The contents of the CD-ROM are organised as in the
obtain the multiple-entry or employ- print edition, with articles laid out in individual sections in each issue.
ment visas to India, which are issued to
With its easy-to-use features, the CD-ROM will be a convenient resource for social scientists, researchers
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Economic & Political Weekly EPW July 11, 2015 vol l no 28 21
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