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Origami Koala Bookmark

You will need:

• 13cm x 13cm thin paper square
• 9cm x 9cm thin paper square
• Felt tip pens
• Glue or double-sided sticky tape

1) First we will make the koala’s body. Get the 13cm square
of thin colourful paper. Position it so a point is facing you.

2) Bring two opposite corners together to fold the paper in

half. Make a clear fold.

3) Release the fold.

4) Then bring the other opposite corners together to fold the

paper in half.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

5) Release the fold. Your paper will be folded into quarters.

6) Turn the whole piece of paper over.

7) Now, bring two opposite sides together to fold your paper

in half.

8) Release the fold. Then turn the paper and bring the
other opposite sides together to fold the paper in half again.
Release all of the folds so far.

9) Your fold lines will split the paper into eighths.

10) Turn the whole piece of paper over and press the centre
so it pops slightly forward like a bowl.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

11) Bring the two horizontal fold lines in and down to the
vertical centre fold line.

12) Fold down the diagonal lines created to form a crisp


13) Then fold down the top half of the paper to form
another triangle which matches up with the bottom one.
Crisp all of the fold lines.

14) Next, take the top point of the triangle formed and bring
it to the centre of the base edge.

15) Release this fold and open up the bottom of the triangle.
Only unfold the sections which are below this horizontal
fold you just created.

16) Create a triangular fold by pressing up one of the points

of paper near the centre. Repeat on the other side.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

17) You will have created this shape.

18) Fold the shape in half and press this centre fold. This is
the main koala body shape. We will now round off some of
the edges.

19) Fold in one of the right angles of this shape. Then turn
the paper over and reverse the direction of this fold.

20) Then fold this triangle inwards to round off the bottom
of the koala’s body.

21) Now, open up the koala’s body. We are going to round

off these four spiky corners to make paws. Fold each one in
slightly. Then reverse the direction of each of these folds.

22) Fold these small triangles inwards to create a rounded

edge to the koala’s paws.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

23) Next, we will make the koala’s head. Get your 9cm
square of thin paper.

24) Bring two of the sides of the paper together to fold it in

half. Then release the fold.

25) Then, bring the other two sides together and fold the
paper in half again. Release the folds. You should see this
fold pattern.

26) Next, take one of the top corners of the square and
bring it to the centre of the two fold lines. Repeat for the
other top corner.

27) Then, turn the whole sheet of paper over with the right
angle corners at the top.

28) Fold these top right angles to the centre point as before.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

29) Rotate your paper so these folds are at the bottom of

the shape. Now, fold the top diagonal edges of the square in
to the vertical centre line. As you do this, pop out the
triangle fold that is on the reverse of the paper.

30) Repeat this for both of the top diagonal edges of the
paper square.

31) You will have a shape like this.

32) Now, fold the opposite points of the shape in to the

point where all of the fold lines meet at the centre of the

33) Press down and neaten up all of the folds.

34) Turn over to see the head of your koala.

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Origami Koala Bookmark

35) Decorate the face of your koala using felt tip pens.

36) Next, open up the body of your koala and use glue or
double-sided sticky tape to close the two triangle openings
inside the bookmark.

37) Then, attach the head of the koala to the outside of the
body. Place the head at a slight angle, and make sure to
attach the koala to the back of the body as well.

38) You have created a koala bookmark using origami.

These cute paper crafts would make great gifts for friends
and family.

Scan for more

origami inspiration!

This resource is provided for informational and educational purposes only. As this resource refers to the use of sharp equipment, small items/loose
parts which may present a choking risk, and ingredients/chemicals, you must ensure that an adequate risk assessment is carried out prior to using
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