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TED Ankara College English Department


NAME: SURNAME: CLASS: 6/ November 2023

A. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb ‘be’.

Yesterday (1) ___________ a perfect day. There (2)___________ some white clouds in the
sky, but it (3) __________ sunny. Tracey (4)___________ at the beach with her little brother.
Her parents (5)__________ at the hotel. They (6) ___________ on holiday at Cannes. Tracey
(7) _________ very happy. Suddenly, there (8) __________ a very loud noise. (9) __________
it a bomb? Perhaps it (10) _______ a car crash. Tracey (11) ________ worried. (12)
__________ her parents all right? Luckily, it (13) _______ just the noise coming from an
apartment by the sea which was being renovated at that time.

B. Write questions for these answers.

1. _________________________________________________?
I went to the park yesterday.
2. _________________________________________________?
My friend arrived at five o´clock.
3. _________________________________________________?
He said “hello!”
4. _________________________________________________?
I went shopping last weekend.
5. _________________________________________________?
We went on an excursion last summer.
6. _________________________________________________?
Mary visited her aunt two weeks ago.
7. _________________________________________________?
My grandparents lived in Italy.
8. _________________________________________________?
Thomas called me five minutes ago.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past simple or Past continuous.

1. She______________(stand) on a chair when she ____________ (fall) and _________ (break)

her leg.
2. When the phone ___________ (ring), Jason _________________ (read) a book.
3. Sally and Mike __________________ (copy) Jane’s homework when the teacher ___________
(come) into the classroom.

4. While we _____________(wait) for the bus, a thief ____________ (steal) my bag.
5. I ______________ (meet) them while they _______________ (walk) home from school.
6. While you ________________ (sleep), the cat ___________ (eat) your dinner.
7. The boys _______________ (spray) graffiti paint while Mr Jameson _________________
(write) on the board.
8. While I ____________ (do) my homework, Lisa _____________ (go) to the party.
9. Beth _______________ (wait) for me when I _____________ (arrive).

D. Choose the correct option.

1. While I waited / was waiting for the bus, I saw / was seeing my friend.
2. I walked / was walking along the street when the thief ran / was running out of the shop.
3. While we copied / were copying the answers, the teacher saw us.
4. They had / were having dinner when the phone rang / was ringing.
5. What did you do / were you doing when they arrived / were arriving?
6. Maria slipped / was slipping while she had / was having a bath.

E. Ask questions for the given situations in Past Simple or Past Continuous Tenses using
the clues given.
1. A: When I met James, he was talking on the telephone.
B: Who _____________________________________________? (he /talk)
2. A: The company want to finish the project soon.
B: When ___________________________________________ it? (they /start)
3. A: I saw Sue last night. She was going somewhere.
B: Where ____________________________________________? (she/ go)
4. A: I tried to call you last weekend.
B: Why __________________________________________ me? (you /call)
5. A: My sister was not listening when I wanted to tell her.
B: What _____________________________________________? (your sister /do)
6. A: When I came to his bedroom, he was reading.
B: What ____________________________________________? (he /read)
7. A: Yesterday at 8 o'clock I was watching a movie.
B: Which channel _____________________________________? (you /watch)
8. A: My dad had an accident last week.
B: What _____________________________________________? (happen /him)

F. Complete the sentences. Use Past Simple or Past Continuous tense.
1. I (go) _____________ to London yesterday.
2. When I phoned, Jess wasn’t at home. She (still/shop) ____________________.
3. You (not/read) ________________ the paper when I arrived.
4. ____________ you (visit) ____________ Paris last year?
5. They weren’t hungry, so they (not /have) __________________ breakfast.
6. ________________ the sun (shine) ________________ when you looked out of the window?
7. While Fred ________________ (watch) a documentary, he ______________ (fall) asleep.
8. ____________you _______________ (do) anything when I ____________ (call) you?
9. ___________you ___________ (see) your friends while you ___________ (walk) to school
this morning?
10. The presenter ____________ (come) in while the audience _______________ (laugh).
G. Complete the sentences with ‘when, while’:
1. I was having a shower ................... the phone rang.
2. He started recording songs ............................. he was working as a waiter.
3. Everyone started cheering .............................. the group walked onto the stage.

H. Rewrite the second sentence using the word given so that it means the same as the first
sentence. Do not change the word given. Use between 2-5 words:
1. I saw her and she was crying. WHEN
______________________________________ her, she was crying.
2. We finished our project, but Tom was still working on it. WHILE
____________________________ on the project, we finished it.
3. When I saw him, he was sitting at a café with his friends. WHILE
I saw him ____________________________ at a café with his friends.
I. Read the following conversation and complete it with the Past Simple or the Past
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Jack: What 1. _______________ (you/do) at 8 pm yesterday? I 2. ______________ (call) you to
tell you some news.
Anne: I think I 3. __________________ (sleep) at that time. I worked a lot yesterday, so when I
4. ___________ (get) home, I 5. _____________________ (still/feel) so tired that I collapsed on
the sofa.
Jack: Oh really? 6. __________________ (you/ see) a doctor?
Anne: No, I 7. ______________ (not/see) a doctor. I 8. _______________ (sleep) a little and that
was enough to make me feel energetic. When I 9. ___________ (wake up), I 10._____________
(be) OK. Tell me about the news? What happened?
Jack: It’s about Bob and Liz. Two days ago Bob invited Liz to dinner. He asked her to marry him
and Liz 11. _______________ (say) ‘Yes!’ They are going to get married.
Anne: Oh really? Great news!

J. Read the following conversation and complete it with the Past Simple or the Past
Continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

A: Hi, Thomas. How (1) ______________________ (be/your holiday) in Australia?

B: It was really good, thanks- except for the day when I nearly died!
A: What? Really?
B: Yeah! I wanted to do some climbing. At first, the sun (2) ___________________ (shine). It
was a great day. But all of a sudden, the weather (3) ________________ (change). It was
foggy and I couldn’t see the path.
A: Tell me more. What (4) _____________________ (happen) next? I can’t wait to hear.
B: Oh, well, I was pretty worried as I was lost. I (5) _________________________
(try/continue) for a little while, but I changed my mind and stopped.
A: Oh dear, that sounds frightening! (6) ______________________ (not/be) there any friends
to help you?
B: No, I was alone. Fortunately, I had my phone with me so I called my father. My father
(7) _______________________ (not / answer) at first, but then I managed to talk to him. He
called the Australian police. I was worried for hours because I (8) ________________ (wait)
for the police, sitting under a rock and doing nothing.
A: And???
B: The battery of my phone (9) ____________________ (go) dead and I got more worried.
The police (10) ___________________ (not/come) for a long time, I was almost hopeless. But
finally, they found me and I was so relieved.
A: Oh, what a nightmare!

K. Write a paragraph about how you spent last weekend using Past Simple and Past
Continuous Tenses. Use at least four linkers (although, but, however, in case, and, also,
as well). Write between 8-10 sentences:










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