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Hon’ble Prime Minister OF INDIA (Shri Narendra Modi Ji )
Dg Shipping of India
Ministry of shipping. India
Secretary of shipping India

Good day
Sub :- This letter on behalf of all Indian seafarers

We, the Indian Seafarers urge the Hon. Prime Minister of India, And Other authorities , ILO , ITF ,
ISWAN, DG SHIPPING to look in to the exploitation taking place in the seas while we are
engaged duty with the Contract of Agreement with the Shipping Companies . Shipping
Companies now exploiting Indian seafarers by reducing the monthly wages. And Before crew
guaranteed overtime is 80 hours and now they increased to 109hrs instead of increase Basic
wages, this means we have to work more than normal workers like 12...13 hrs. per day and any
CLEANING, AND ONBOARD DRILLS will be the more working hrs without any Govt. holidays and
Saturday & Sunday’s until contract finish or 9...10 months

We call on the government to review the legislation that allows the shipping companies to
exploit the seafarers on rates of pay less than that of other international wages for seafarers.
Other country (Chinese, Myanmar, Philippines, and Ukrainians) nationality get $2200 to $2400
per month salary for. MOTORMAN & AB and 85 hrs. fix over time and family medical facilities
and some other allowances but in India our Indian seafarer's are getting less than $1000 to
$1300 per month salary For MOTORMAN & AB and 109 hrs. Fixed overtime in a same ship for
same rank. The increasing OT means work more and earn less policy is practiced by the
Shipping companies and Because of the ITF affiliated unions. In India

Every union in the world support to the workers for their wages and work environment But the
ITF affiliated union NUSI in India under table adjustments made with the shipping companies to
exploit the seafarers. For more than 10 to 15 years there is no wage increment for seafarers
especially rating crew, instead the shipping companies reducing salary. Rather than, increasing
the basic wages of crew the affiliated union NUSI in India increased guarantee overtime (OT)
from 80 To 109 Hrs,

Every union in the world supports his workers from shipping companies for salary , medical etc.
But our worst union NUSI never supports his workers (RATINGS) and NUSI doing useless
programs and functions that is not related to the seafarers. Instead of increasing salaries our
NUSI decreasing salaries from reputable companies, SCORPIO, AET, ZODIAC , SYNERGY
MARITIME and More other good management companies and forcing them to tell your crew to
be a member of NUSI Because we are paying
NUSI membership fees $25 dollars while joining ship every year and The shipping company
deducts USD 25 to 30 per months from seafarer's salary and deposits into NUSI Trust Account
As per CBA, In India more than 5 lakhs seafarers are active Duty persons and almost all are
NUSI members that means $30 X 500000 = 15000000 dollars from seafarer's per year and $30
X 500000 X9 = 135000000 dollars per year from companies , 15000000 + 135000000 X 80 =
the amount will be in thousands crores Indian rupees That means you can understand how big
this scam, The deduction amount in any means violating the MS Act,1958 RPSL Rules &
Maritime Labor Convention 2006 (Amended)
From the initial risk the Covid19 pandemic in 2019 posed to seafarers, to the ongoing challenge
of seafarers sometimes being denied emergency medical treatment by port states, to the global
scandal that is the crew change crisis: through the last 2 years' during pandemic period
seafarers have shown exceptional professionalism and commitment. The seafarers' daily
sacrifices to keep supply chains moving, delivering the goods critical to our recovery to billions
of consumers and businesses is recognized. So, that the IMO recognized seafarers are the KEY
workers! Even though Government Of India announced that we are (Seafarers) Key
Workers and represent the Country worldwide, Transport the Goods by Sea and it's reached to
the essential/Needed Organizations, Countries and of course needed people too.
Mr Lim previous ILO General Secretary stated that, "I am grateful to those countries who have
already taken steps to designate seafarers as key workers and to all UN agencies and industry
partners who have been working tirelessly to find ways to resolve the difficult situation. This is a
human rights issue. Seafarers' lives are being made impossible through the crew change
difficulties and this can only have a detrimental effect on ship safety and on the supply chain,
the longer the situation continues." The statements of the Secretary General indicate that
seafarers dedicated contribution to the global maritime industry must be recognized with due
respect! Now Seafarers are seeking for
Increment in existing Salary. Due to inflation everywhere seafarers are suffering with a very bad
impact on their Salary. We are working hard 24X7 on board and maintain all safety Culture, Sad
part of our professional is all time far from Family and Love ones. And also We cannot support
our families in emergency situations even death , hospitalized and more
Please increase our (Ratings) Salary. Now a days, Day to Day life is more difficult to survive
with Family in Existing Salary. High rise in prices of all needy and consumer goods would be
difficult phase this year as we are on contract base employees, we earn till our tenure NOT
entire year even and Due to inflation and prices high we can see everywhere Like: Household
items, Groceries, Education, Transportation, Medical etc..
The fundamental Principles of International Labour Organization (ILO) is
1. Elimination of all forms OF FORCE or compulsory labour
2. Effective abolition of child labor
3. Elimination DISCRIMINATION in respect of employment and
4. Occupational Safety and Health.
The Ship owners & the authorized manning agents did not follow the principles 2,4 & 5 while
seafarers working on board-ships!
I, the Indian seafarer would like to bring your kind attention in the following genuine demands
to be met for the welfare of the seafarers through that we can enhance Indian and global
Shipping Industry.


1. Salary increase (basic and OT rate) One Rank One Salary for Ratings on all
foreign flag ships and Increase basic wages of Crew 30 to 45% in Indian and
foreign flag vessels
2. Minimize Guaranteed over Time (OT) from 109 to 80, pay double for overtime (OT) work
3. Medical Health and accidental insurance for seafarers and there family
4. Reduce seafarer Contract period from 9+1 to Maximum 6 months
5. Provident Fund contribution of seafarers who work on foreign flag vessels must be
deposited in Seaman's Provident Fund Organization by the every shipping Company
6. Freedom of Association and effective recognition of the right to Collective Bargaining in

7. Company Course and training fees and travel allowance’s reimbursement by the company
and basic wages for training days.

9. Union membership is not a compulsory for seafarers while the joining the ship and
withdraw of PF and GRATUITY
10. Investigation against NUSI AND MUI UNIONS OF India

Sr. No. Seafarers Name CDC No. RANK

……………………………………………………………………..sending you the grievance for your kind consideration
and necessary action. Jai Hind! Jai Bharat!

Thank you.

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