Grade 11 Civic Education

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NAME OF SCHOOL: ................................................................. CLASS: .................. DATE: ..../...../..........
GRADE 11 TERM: ....ONE YEAR: .................


1. REVISION  End of grade 10 examinations.  Revise the end of grade Question and  Question Paper
10 examination. Answer  Pupils’ Book10
2. THE ZAMBIAN  Bill of Rights  Describe the Bill of Question and  Civic Education
BILL OF RIGHTS Rights. Answer Grade 12

 Elements of Bill of Rights:  Discuss the elements of Learner’s Book

Articles 11-32 of the 1996 the Bill of Rights in the 2nd Ed pp 1 – 16

Zambian Constitution. Zambian Constitution.  MK Senior

Teacher Secondary Civic
3.  Enforcement: Courts, Judicial  Describe ways of
Exposition Education
Review Commission, use of enforcing the Zambian
Learner’s Book,
Human Rights Commission, Bill of Rights.
Grade 11 pp 1 - 9
Office of Investigator General.
 Encourage, respect and promotion  Discuss the role of the Class Discussion

of Human Rights among other Institutions that promote

people. Human Rights in Zambia. Field Trip
CIVIL SOCIETY  Civil Society: Non-military and  Define civil society. Inquiry Method  Civic Education
4. AND non-governmental organisations Grade 11 Learner’s
GOVERNANCE that promote good governance. Book 2nd Edition pp
 Classes of Civil Society : Civic  Classify civil society in
organisations, faith-based Zambia.
ASSESSMENT 1 organisations, industrial labour
organisations, professional
 Roles of Civil Society: Defending
 Analyse the roles of
democracy ideals, influencing
Civil Society in
public opinion, promoting
transparency and accountability,
advocating for effective laws
 Citizen Participation: Political,  Discuss forms of Citizen
5. civil society and community participation in
Question and  MK Senior
activities governance
Answer Secondary Civic
 Factors hindering women  Analyse factors that
Education Learner’s
participation: male dominance, hinder female
Book, Grade 11 pp
poverty, cultural issues, e.t.c participation in
6.  Types of media: Print and  Identify different types Discussion
electronic media (Private and of media.
public media)
 Media role: Informing and  Explain the role of the
educating, acting as a watchdog, media in governance
promoting public debate,  Discuss the importance
transparency and accountability of access to the media in
7.  Conditions needed for existence of  Explain the importance
an independent media. of the independence of
media of the media in

 Media coverage limitation:  Analyse the limitations

Accessibility, Language, cost of to Media coverage.

advertising, inadequate facilities

for special needs persons.
 Corruption, political pressure,  Identify factors that
intimidation, non-adherence to hinder the media from
standards and ethics, censorship. disseminating correct
8. ECONOMIC  Economic and social development:  Explain economic and Group Discussion  Civic Education
AND SOCIAL Increase in productive capacity social development Grade 11
DEVELOPMENT and improvement in standards of Learner’s Book
living 2nd Edition pp 15-
ASSESSMENT 2  Basic human needs: Food, shelter 28.
 Discuss basic human
and clothes needs Debate
 Factors: Land, labour and capital  Describe factors that
affect production

9.  Role of trade unions in  Explain the importance

 MK Senior
development. of standards in economic
Secondary Civic
 Enhanced trade leading to and social development
increased economic activities,
Learner’s Book,
incomes and high standard of
Grade 11 pp 35-
living, enhanced public health and
 Lending, money transfer services,  Analyse contributions of
Field Trip
insurance financial institutions to
economic and social
10  Role of informal sector:  State the role of the
Employment, production of goods informal sector in Question and

and services national development Answer

 Importance of positive work  Explain the importance
culture: High productivity of of positive work culture
goods and services in economic and social

 Obstacles to positive work culture:  Identify factors that Teacher’s

Corruption, poor conditions of hinder positive work Exposition
service, poor leadership, culture
11. REVISION  Revision  Revisethe work covered Question and  Question Paper

 Continuous Assessment Tests from grade 10 up to thus Answer  Pupils’ Books 11

12-13. TERM 1  End of Term 1 Test  Write end of term test Questionand  Civic Education
EXAMINATION based on grade 10 and Answer Grade 11 Term 1 Test
S grade 11 term 1 work paper


NAME OF SCHOOL .................................................. CLASS........................ DATE .......................
GRADE 11 TERM..... TWO YEAR.........................


1. REVISION  Grade 11 term 1  Revise grade 11 Question and  Question Paper
examinations term 1 examinations. Answer  Pupils’ Books 11
2. ZAMBIA’S  Law: Set of rules that regulate  Describe Law Teacher’s  Civic Education
LEGAL SYSTEM human behaviour in society. Exposition Grade 11 Learner’s
 Legal system: A set standard  Explain Legal system Book 2nd Edition pp
which a society develops for itself 43-51, 55-72.
to control the behaviours of its
members towards one another.
 Elements of a good legal system:  MK Senior Secondary
 Discuss elements of a
Simple, comprehensive, certain Civic Education
good legal system,
flexible, accessible etc. Guided Learner’s Book,
Discovery Grade 11 pp 56-73
3.  Sources of Law are Common  Describe sources of Law
Law, Legislation, Customary in Zambia
Law, Case Law, and International
 Criminal case: any wrongful act  Explain criminal cases
or omission that affects society as
stipulated in the penal code.
 Elements of a crime and types of
 Describe the elements of
a crime.
a crime.
4.  Civil case: any wrongful act that  Explain civil cases and
affects the individual or persons elements of a crime.
involved as stipulated in the Question and
customary laws. Answer
 Trial stages:Pre-trial, trial and  Describe the trial stages
post-trial stages. in the Zambian Legal Group Discussion
1 System

5.  Capital punishment: Death  Discuss capital

penalty punishment
 Arguments for and against death
 Obstacles to justice  Explain factors that
administration: Corruption, hinder the administration
political influence, non adherence of justice
to ethics, incompetence, weak Document Study
laws, lack of confidence in the
judicial system, undue delays,
 Justice institutions: Ministry of
 Identify Legal
Justice, Courts of Law, Legal
institutions and
Resource Foundation, Law
organisations that
Association of Zambia, Women
promote justice
in Law in Southern Africa, etc
6. GENDER AND  Gender is state of being male or  Define gender Question and  Civic Education
DEVELOPMENT female. Answer Grade 11 Learner’s
 Equity is a process of treating  Explain gender equity Book 2nd Edition pp
males or females fairly in order to and gender equality. 74-90.
achieve equal status.
 Equality: similar opportunities of
development given to males and
females without any set
limitations. Class Discussion
 Historical background: United
 Outline the Historical
Nations Declaration on
background to gender
Elimination of all Forms of
equity and equality.
Discrimination against Women
(1967), Convention on
Elimination of all Forms of
Discrimination against Women
(CEDAW), Beijing Conference
on gender (1995)’ Gender in
Development Division (1996), Demonstration
National Gender Policy (2000),
Ministry of Gender(2005)
7.  Gender roles: tasks and  Distinguish gender roles
responsibilities which are from sex roles.
differently assigned by society for
males and females.
 Sex roles: tasks determined by  MK Senior Secondary
biological differences between Textbook Study Civic Education
males and females. Learner’s Book,
 Gender social construction: Grade 11 pp 74-84
 Explain the social
Socialisation process based on
construction of gender.
patriarchal beliefs.
8.  Agents of socialisation: family,  Discuss Gender issues in
school and church. traditional and modern
 Gender Issues: Land allocation , society.

ASSESSMENT decision making, customary laws

2 and statutory

9.  GBV: Violence (physical,  Describe Gender based

Psychological and structural), violence
Sexual harassment, Rape, e.t.c.
 Intestate succession Act:: Act of  Analyse the Intestate
Parliament No. 14 of 1989. Succession Act of 1989.
10.  Terms guiding the distribution of  Explain the terms
the deceased person’s estates and guiding distribution of
personal chattels the deceased’s goods.
 Government institutions:  Describe Government
Courts,Zambia Police, Ministry of Institutions and Civil
Gender. Society Organisations
 Civil Society Organisations: that promote gender
Justice for Widows and Orphans equity and equality
Project (JWOP), Young Women
Christian Association (YWCA)
11. REVISION  Revision  Intense revisions of Question and  Question Papers

 Continuous Assessment Tests the work covered Answer  Pupils’ Books 11

thus far.
12-13. TERM 2  End of Term 2 Test  Write end of term Question and  Civic Education
EXAMINATIONS test based on grades Answer Grade 11 Term 1
10 and 11 works Test paper
covered thus far.

1. REVISION  Grade 11 term 2  Revise grade 11 Question and  Question Paper

examinations term 2 Answer  Pupils’ Books 10
2. PEACE AND  Culture of peace: Absence of  Explain culture of Textbook Study Civic Education Grade
CONFLICT conflict and war peace 10 Learner’s Book 2nd
STUDIES  Peace promotion: Edition pp 92- 110.
Intermarriages, tolerance,  Describe methods of Field Trip
justice, forgiveness, respect etc. promoting peace
 Conflict levels: Individual, MK Senior Secondary
community, national,  Identify levels of Question and Civic Education
international conflict Answer Learner’s Book, Grade
11 pp 86-98

3.  Causes of conflict: Religion,  Analyse causes of Group

imbalance of natural resources, conflict Discussion
poverty, injustice, etc.
 Effects of conflict: Death,  Discuss effects of
migrations, destruction of conflict on society Class
infrastructure, etc. Discussion
4.  Conflict resolution strategies:  Describe conflict
Counselling, negotiation, resolution strategies
mediation, arbitration, Teacher’s

litigation  Discuss the role of Exposition

 Role of United Nations: United Nations in
ASSESSMENT Peacekeeping, conflict promoting peace.
1 management and resolution.

Role Play
5. CHILD ABUSE  Child Abuse: ill-treatment of a  Describe child abuse Document  Civic Education
child physically or mentally Study Grade 11 Learner’s
 Role Play on Sexual  Come up with a sketch Book 2nd Edition pp
harassment. educating others about 126-136.
causes and effects of
child abuse.
6.  Forms: Sexual abuse, sexual  Explain different
harassment, child defilement, forms of child abuse
child battering, child neglect, Question and

child trafficking, child Answer

prostitution and child labour

 Addressing child Abuse:  Discuss ways of
Legislation, stiff punishment on addressing child abuse
offenders, community
sensitisation, etc.
 MK Senior
7.  Sexual harassment: touching or  Describe sexual Class Secondary Civic
making sexual remarks against harassment Discussion Education
someone’s wishes Learner’s Book,
 Sexual harassment protection:  Discuss ways of Grade 11 pp 100-
Making home secure, getting protection against 111.
help from police, etc. sexual harassment and

8.  Causes of teenage pregnancy:  Explain causes of Role Play

Peer pressure, economic and teenage pregnancies
cultural issues, lack of sex
education, etc.
 Effects of teenage pregnancy:
ASSESSMENT Stigmatisation, child dumping,  Explain the effects of
2 school dropping out, etc. teenage pregnancies Teacher’s

9.  Preventing teenage pregnancy:  Identify ways of Exposition

Reversing negative cultural preventing teenage

practices, counselling, peer pregnancies
 Zambia police, Young Women
Christian Association,
judiciary, etc.
10.  Role Play on Sexual  Come up with a sketch Role Play
harassment. educating others about
sexual harassment and
teenage pregnancies Question and
 Come up with a sketch Answer
 Role Play on Conflict in educating others about
society causes and effects of
conflict in the society
you live in.
11. REVISION  Revision  Intense revision of all Question and  Question Papers
 Continuous Assessment Tests work from grades 10 Answer  Pupils’ Books 11
and 11.
12-13 TERM 3  End of year Test  Write end of year test Questionand Civic Education Grade
EXAMINATION based on the work Answer 11 Term 3 Test paper
S covered in the whole
grade 10 and grade 11

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