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2.5, AUTUMN eet > = e nified and there ea short and beautiful poem by Kalidas. Autumn bas been Perso! Introduction : Th are beautiful images of nature in this poem. cuabana open shoes — goggles -fong-steeved shirts of sun, ete, Lwaswine or blouses for protection from rays ne fe, closed shoes, | vo. 1, wnat changes 40 you seein nature In etch (2) winter: sweaters, mulls ae) cae 25 - rubber or of the following seasons? Use the sentences given on textbook page 49 and your own to describe each season appropriately. 1 light synthetic clothe: (3) monsoon las or raincoats. etc) plastic footwear - umbrell Ans. (i) diet = a): oummeen'* [Points : 4 (2) Migratory birds return. (1) summer : more liquids ~fresh frults an (2) The sun shines brighter than before. juices — less spice, less oll, light diet, ete: (3) Many trees blossom. (2) winter: more oll, Reavy food ~ hot warmth — (4) Humidity in the air increases. food ~ special types of food which provides (b) Winter : oe (2) We sce fog in the morning. (3) monsoon; only cooked. food ~ bolled (2) Nights become longer and the days shorter. | waterless liquids - more foods that will give (3) There may sometimes be hail or snow in some | internal warmth, etc.] | (iil) celebrations + places. (4) Humidity levels in the air decrease. [Points : {c) Monsoon : (2) summer - Many Hindu festivals ltke Holt, (1) New grass sprouts. Gudi padva, holidays - harvest festivals - family (2) Tender leaves shoot out on plants and trees, (3) There are sudden showers and hailstorms. (4) There is the fresh smell of wet earth. get-togethers, etc. (2) winter - many weddings, parties - festivals Uke Diwalt, Christmas, New Year, etc. (3) monsoon - many festivals Chaturthi, farmers’ festivals, busy | farmers, etc.] .) Name the six seasons according to the Indian | lke Ganesh { season for calendar. Which of these seasons is equivalent to Autumn? ‘Ans. The six seasons according to the Indian | *Q. 2. Guess what is personified and fill in the gaps with words from the bracket: (sun, alarm, bird, car, wind, stars, machine) alendar are : Vasant, Grishma, Varsha, Sharad, Hemant and Shishir. Sharad ritu is equivalent to Autumn. (The answers are given directly.) (1) The weary car was also petrol-hungry. (2) The playful wind whistled among the trees. (3) The annoying alarm screamed at 5 a.m. (4) The naughty stars winked at me from above. (5) The rising sun stretched its arms. (6) The cheerful bird sang as it perched on a tree. (7) The tireless machine hummed as it worked ) What changes do we see in the life of human beings when the season changes? Write with reference to their (a) clothes (b) diet (c) celebrations. j Ans. (1) clothes : | Points : i (1) summer : wear cotton garments -head protection lke caps, | clothes - | hard. NAVNEET ENGLISH KUMARBHARATI DIGEST : STANDARD IX (PART - 1) PARAPHRASE Phe poet WHA Ahe seas maiden, She has MW Ney halt ane ties. her dhe flowers of grasses. As fs Dita Is Kee her gladly with thelr cooing, THE COON SOURS ke th Autumn arrives ike a slender, (alr and gry waving Hice-ste tace. St es alo he moves i Unkling song of a bracele During the MIKI AUN Wea The white moo a crown of light forms. her Set free from the face Ws the brigh i: fe bright and shining aoa She SMES fH a bewitching manner, She seems (0 be a slim young get, who wil soon grow into a woman | READING SKILLS, VOCABULARY Penn POUTIC Devices jg. Read the following poem carefully and complete the activities ; [CPOEM (Renbook pegs 607] ‘a1. Complete the web : countless. SUAS. sarken robe, WHICH Appears to be patties of clouds, He (The answers are underlined directly.) a She has nodding rice-stems in her hair she has a diadem of multitudinous stars Description of Autumn She is clad in } flowers of grasses Her silken robe is white moonlight POEM The autumn comes ... a woman grown. Glossary : slender - slim. nodding (here) aying; moving gently. clad ~ dressed. idem -a jewelled crown. multitudinous ~ merous; countless. bars (here) ~ patches. ~ enchantin; A2, (A) (1) Answer the fotow'* Jing of birds compared to? “ \e coo Whe tals d to the ‘Ane. The cooing of birds 1s compare Linking song of a bracelet. *(2) How does Autumn dress up at night? Ans. At night Autumn wears & (winking GOS” made of countless stars, Her robe of sk 18 the white ‘ee from the cloudy patches: moonlight, set fr +(2) Think and write in your own words : (1) Why is the maiden Autumn said to wear rice stems in her hair? ‘Ans. Probably the harvest of the rice crop 1s Just over at the beginning of Autumn; hence the maiden ‘Autumn is said to wear rice stems in her hair (2) How can the tender maiden Autumn become ‘a fall grown woman? What change in nature does it imply? ‘Ans, When the Autumn season is just beginning, ‘Autumn Is a tender maiden. As the season progresses and sets in properly, she becomes a full grown woman. It implies that time has passed and the season has progressed. (3) Why do you think that birds greet the autumn season gladly? ‘Ans. Probably the birds enjoy the cool autumn after the hot summer. They may also get more grains and seeds to eat. (B) Your interpretation/inference : *Why is Autumn called a ‘maiden fair’? ‘Ans. Autumn is said to be slender and graceful. ‘She has beautified herself by having rice-stems in her hair and lilies in her face. She is dressed in flowers of grasses. Hence, she is called a ‘maiden fair’. AS. (A) Find the lines / meanings : *(1) Find three lines each, that contain images of nature in the autumn season : (a) During daytime (b) At night Ans. (a) During daytime : (1) With nodding rice-stems in her hair. (2) And lilies in her face. (3) In flowers of grasses she is clad. (b) At night : (1) A diadem adorns the night! Of multitudinous stars. (2) Her silken robe is white moonlight. (3) And on her face (the radiant moon). *(2) Pick out words from the poem that describe the following. List them in Column A. Substitute each of those describing words with another word/ Phrase of the same meaning. ‘Ans. A B (Your own cis {Poetic words) ___words) }a) The Autumn A maiden fair A beautiful | | maiden |(2) Stars | Muititudinous | Numerous, | Countless [(3) Moontight White Silvery (4) Cooing of birds] A bracelet’s | A musical tinkling sound (B) Poetic Device : *(1) Find one example of each of the following from the poem : (1) Simile (2) Metaphor Ans. (1) Simile - Birds greet her with their cooing glad, Like a bracelet’s tinkling sound. (2) Metaphor ~ The Autumn comes, a fair maiden, *(2) Write the rhyme scheme of the poem. Ans. The rhyme scheme is abab cded efef ghgh. | WRITING SKILLS * Compare the Indian monsoon season to a powerful king of a prosperous kingdom. Write down a few similarities. Use them to compose a poem of your ACTIVITY “Which is your favourite ‘Nature’ poem in your mother tongue? Write the poem and try to translate it into English. Your translation can be own. in the form of a poem or a paraphrase. (Students may attempt Questions 2 and 3 above on their own.) FURTHER READING © | *Read the ode ‘To Autumn’ by the famous poet John Keats.

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