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Liebregts, W., & Stam, E. (n.d.). Employment protection legislation and entrepreneurial activity.

International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship. Retrieved March 27, 2019,


The journal article gives information on how the employment protections legislation works for labour

market institutions. According to the authors, in the 20th Century, many nations mostly European

enacted laws requiring employment protection. Such laws allowed employees to be protected

against unfair treatment by other employees. According to the article, One well-rehearsed mode of

labour market institutions is EPL consisting of rules and procedures defining employer limits for

firing and hiring. The articles give great information that an organization or institution could use

which would save them lawsuits on discriinmation in the long run. Being an Entrepreneur is hard as

it is but being harassed or discriminated against makes the job harder. The importance of the

article is to provide a greater understanding on how labour market regulations, particularly the EPL

components, and how it affects entrepreneurship in the society. This is a good article so it could

give insight on the different types of employment and how different situations could cause someone

their career.

Nunes, A. P., Richmond, M. K., Pampel, F. C., & Wood, R. C. (2017, October 4). The

Effect of Employee Assistance Services on Reductions in Employee Absenteeism.

Journal of Business & Psychology.

The journal article gives information on how the Employee Assistance Program

could be beneficial for some organizations. Unplanned Absences could happen at any

time. Companies need to have a program in place that allows employers to take time off

or have personal days to assist them with whatever situation that may come about. The

article explains that the EAP program offers individualized counseling to employees to
identify effective coping strategies for personal and professional stressors. Implementing

a program like this will allow employees to have an option of counseling if they had a

loss in their lives that would cause them to be absent from work. There was a study

conducted that showed evidence that having this typeof program showed a decrease in

absenteeism. The study also showed the group with chronic illnesses or a severe one

are the group who was absent the most on the job. Depending on the issues at hand,

there has to be something put into place in the workplace that allows room for

employees to take personal time.

Mastekaasa, A. (2020, January 1). Absenteeism in the Public and the Private Sector: Does

the Public Sector Attract High Absence Employees? Journal of Public Administration

Research and Theory, 60-76.

This article is based on whether a public or private sector has a higher rate of

absenteeism from employees. In an influential article, Steers and Rhodes (1978), argued

that absence from work should be seen as a function of both the ability to attend and the

motivation to attend. Employees sometimes feel they may not belong, so they may have

more absences than someone who feels differently. Private employers might be more cost-

conscious and less inclined to employ with health problems and potentially high levels of

absenteeism.The article states, people who tend to have more health issues tend to choose

a public sector type employment that a private sector. In Norway, there is a national sick

absence compensation scheme that covers all employees no matter their situations. Having

a program that allows employees to take time off rather than vacation, personal days,

vacations, sick time, in case of death, mental or physical problems.

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