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TED Ankara College English Department

2023-2024 Academic Year

6th GRADE/ TERM 1/ ENGLISH II Exam Study Guide/ Worksheet

NAME: CLASS: 6/ December - 2023

Exam Date : 28 December 2023

UPSKILL 5 – Unit 1 (revise / study pages 2-37)
1. Study the new words: Pages 8, 9, 10, 11, 20,
2. Read the two texts: “The Underground City” (p. 12-15), “A Cold Autumn Morning” (p.22-25)
3. Make sure you have completed all the activities in the workbook (Pages 1- 18).



A. Match the words above to the definitions below.

1._ ENVIRONMENT -the place you live in; what is around you
2._ REINDEER _a large deer that lives in cold northern areas
3._ COAST __ the land near a lot of water e.g. a sea or ocean
4.__ EXTREME _a unusual amount of something
5._ CONSIDERABLE _large enough, great amount of something
6.__ IGLOO __a house made of snow or ice
7._ ADAPT _ change to make something suitable for a new situation
8.__ INHALE __breathe air in
9._ DIG UP __ remove dirt in order to bring something to the surface
10.__ LABOR _hard work
11.__ DESERT _large area of land that is very dry and usually very hot
12._ LOCATED __to be in a specific place
13.__ MINING __removing e. g. minerals from under the ground by digging
14.__ ARCHITECTURE _ the making or style of buildings
15.__ NATIVE _originating, growing, or produced in a certain place
16._ EFFICIENT _effective, productive
17.__ OPAL _ a kind of gem found underground
18.__ POKE _push out
19.__ CHILL _a feeling of cold
20.__ SEAL _a large coastal sea animal that eats fish
21.__ SLED _a vehicle that slides on snow or ice
22.__ UNDERTAKE _begin; promise to do something
23.__ SHELTER _a place to live
24._ UNDERGROUND __under the surface of the earth
25.__ TRENCHES _ long, narrow holes dug into the ground
26. _ RACE _ compete against others to be the fastest
27. __HOOD___ part of a jacket that covers the head
B. Read the text and complete it with the words in the box. The words are in their correct
form. Use each word only once. There are four EXTRA word in the box that you do not
need to use.

efficient located architecture undertake desert inhale poke

environment trench dig up extreme shelter coast

Everyone needs a home to live in. People all over the world build

their homes using the tools and materials that are available in their

1)___environment___________________. When designing these

houses, people make sure that the houses can resist the

temperatures or weather conditions of that area. That is why the

2)__architecture __________ of the houses is also adapted to the

climate zone in which they are built. Houses 3) _ located______ in very hot climates have features

that keep the house as cool as possible. For example, people that live in hot places such as a/an 4)

_desert_______, build houses that have thick walls to keep the cool air in and the heat out.

Sometimes they 5) _dig up________ the soil to build underground houses. These houses don’t look

like typical houses. However, they are very 6)__efficient_________ because they stay cool during

the hot months and warm during winter. Some places around the world experience 7)

__extreme______ levels of rain. It rains so often that there is a high possibility of rising waters

or floods. To deal with this challenge, houses in these climates are built on stilts. This raises them

higher so they can avoid rising waters during a weather event. It also keeps them above the mud

and mosquitoes that the rainy weather brings. People living on the 8) __coast___________ enjoy

the view of the sea or ocean. They 9)__inhale__________ the fresh air that comes from the sea,

but they have to build homes that can resist the strong winds, humidity, and salty air.

C. Reading Comprehension

1. Read “The Underground City” and answer the questions below. (Upskill book, page 12)

1. How many of the people in Coober Pedy live in underground houses? More than half of the people
live in underground houses.
2. Why are underground homes good in the summer? They stay cool.
3. Why do so many people buy opals? Opals are beautiful and people use them as jewelry.
4. Where did the men sleep during World War I? In holes dug in the ground called trenches.
5. Who are the people that dig for opals? Miners dig for opals.

2. Read “A Cold Autumn Morning” and answer the questions below.(Upskill book, Page 22)
1. Where do the Inuit people live? They live in Hudson Bay, Canada.
2. Which animals poke their noses out of holes in the ice? Seals
3. What do the Inuit people use animals for? The animals provide food, clothing, tools, lamp
oil, and shelter for the Inuits.
4. What is illusaq? Illusaq is an Inuit word that means “hard snow that is good for building
Listen to the audio tracks for the following exercises. Complete the missing information.
Part 1
Listen to Emma talking to her mother about her clothes. What is she going to wear for each
activity? Write the correct clothes next to each activity.
Example: Concert __dress___
1. party _jeans___________
2. school trip __(leather) jacket__________
3. tennis match ___uniform__________
4. disco __t-shirt___________
5. shopping ___raincoat__________
Part 2
Listen to Tom talking to a friend about his sister, Pam. Complete each sentence with the
correct information that you hear.
When was Pam’s Accident? ___Yesterday_________
1. Pam __fell of her bicycle____________ while going to the boat club.
2. Pam had to go to the hospital because she’s broken something in her _foot__________.
3. When she leaves the hospital, Pam will stay with her __aunt_______________.
4. Hospital visiting times are _____after lunch____.
5. Tom’s friend wants to visit Pam and take some __magazines_____ to her.
In the exam you will be asked to write one of the following types of writing:
1. Expository Writing (paragraph or essay):
 This type of writing gives information about a topic or explains something.
 It has 3 paragraphs: introduction, body and conclusion.
 It is important to give reasons, details and examples to support your ideas.
 This type of writing can be in the form of a magazine or newspaper article.
Expository writing practice
Topic: Would you rather live in a regular house or in an unusual house? Why? Give 3
reasons to support your answer.
Example Answer
Step 1. First choose where you would like to live. ___regular house______________
Step 2. Now think of reasons why you would live there. Write your reasons below.
Reason 1 : regular houses feel safe and stable and give you a sense of security
Reason 2 : regular houses come with everyday conveniences like standard plumbing and
electricity, making life simpler
Reason 3: living in a typical house often means being part of a friendly neighborhood,
which is great for social connections
Step 3. Example Answer:
Regular Houses
Living in an unusual house sound very exciting, however I would choose to live

in a regular house over an unusual one for a few reasons.

First, living in a regular house would make me feel safe and stable. Regular

houses have a traditional shape and location and living there would make me feel

safe and secure. Second, a regular house has everyday conveniences like standard

plumbing, water pipes and electricity, which makes life simpler. Lastly, living in a

typical house often means living in a city or town and being part of a community or

neighbourhood. This is great for social connections and for making friends.

In conclusion, unusual houses might be fun, but they could bring challenges.

Regular houses just make life easier and more comfortable!

2. Writing to compare or contrast (people, places or things):

 When you compare you write about the similarities (and, both, both…and, also,
too, similar to, the same as, similarly, the same as, just as .... as)
 When you contrast you write about the differences ( more / less …than, but,
while, not as…as, different from, however, on the other hand, not the same as)

Writing topic for practice: The people in both ‘The Underground City’ and ‘A Cold Autumn
Morning’ live in unusual environments and unusual homes. What are some similarities and
differences between these environments and homes?
After you complete the chart below write the information in 3 paragraphs,
introduction, body and conclusion.

Similarities Differences

Example answer: Compare and Contrast Writing

Underground Homes vs. Igloos.

There are many unique homes around the world. Although all of them are
designed for people to live in them, they are very different from each other. In
this essay I will provide similarities and differences between underground houses
of Coober Pedy and igloos of Arctic regions.

Both underground houses and igloos provide shelter and protect people from
cold and harsh climates. Moreover, they are more sustainable than usual homes
because they don't need any central heating or air conditioning which helps
reducing the production of carbon dioxide. In addition, living in these homes is
equally challenging as it is quite hard to live without windows and not to get any
sunlight. On the other hand, these homes are quite different from each other.
While igloos are made of ice and snow, underground houses are made of concrete.
Furthermore, igloos are built in very cold regions of our planet while underground
houses are built in Australia where it is very hot in summer. Igloos are made by
hand, but underground houses are dug up with the help of construction vehicles.

To conclude with, living in an unusual house is a unique and interesting

experience. One day I want to design my own unusual home.

*Your writing will be evaluated according to the rubric below. If the writing is
totally irrelevant (not related to the topic), it will not receive any points.
4-5 2-3 1-2 0-1
Ideas The writing is The writing is The topic lacks focus and The topic is unclear.
informative with a clear informative, with a clear needs to be narrowed or
Grade: _____ focus on the topic and focus. More supporting expanded. Many more
enough supporting details are needed. supporting details are
detail. needed.
4-5 3 2 1
The organization makes The beginning, middle The middle needs There is no clear
Organization the writing easy to and ending work well. transitions and an beginning, middle and
read. There a clear Some transitions are introduction to each main ending. Transitions are
Grade: _____ beginning, middle and used. point. needed.
ending. Great use of
4-5 3 2 1
Word Choice Specific nouns and Some nouns and Too many general words The writer needs help
action verbs make the verbs could be are used. Specific nouns finding specific words.
Grade: _____ writing clear and more specific. and verbs are needed.

4-5 3 2 1
The sentences flow Most of the sentences Many sentences are
Fluency Most sentences are
smoothly and read well read smoothly, but choppy or incomplete
some are short and difficult to follow.
Grade: _____ aloud. and need to be rewritten.
4 3 2 1
The writing has several Numerous errors need to
Accurate use of Many errors make the
Conventions errors in punctuation, be corrected.
grammar essay confusing and hard
spelling or grammar.
structures that to read.
Grade: _____
make the writing

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