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Complete the dialogues by choosing the appropriate opinion marking signal from the word pools.

I believe I hope I am sure that I think I love

JOON: (1) _______ Palawan is one of the best places in the world.
JIN: (2) ________ it is. Aside from beautiful beaches, it also has this amazing underground river.
JOON: (3) ________ Boracay! I can do a lot of sea adventures in here.
JIN: (4) ________ this is really a perfect summer destination.
JOON: (5) Bohol is fascinating, indeed (5)________ we can come back here next year.

I must admit that For me, I felt It seems that I loved I am confident that I hope
If I am not mistaken
Jim, a Grade 8 student, made a video-advertisement about the Philippines as an agreed requirement in
his English subject. His teacher only gave them a week to accomplish the task, but Jim was able to submit an
excellent output before the deadline. His classmate, JK, wondered how he managed to do so despite his lack of
knowledge in making a video.
JK: Jim, how did you manage to submit the project before the deadline when you don’t even know how to a video?
JIM: (1)________ even I, myself, was surprised. Do you remember when our teacher discussed our country through
a video? (2)________ the video, and I got interested in learning how to make one. That is why I asked Mr. Jung, our
Computer teacher, to teach me and he agreed. (3)________ nervous but happy to try and learn.
JK: You’re right, Jim. Now I remember.
(4)_________ you even invited me to go with you. (5)__________, your output is the best.
JIM: Thank you, JK (6) __________ your output turns very good as well. (7) ___________ you can make it. Oh! (8)
_________ it is time to go home already. Let’s go!

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