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Liberty which means the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by
authority on one's way of life, behavior , or political view according to google plays important role in a
human’s life. From the definition we can know freedom and entitlement in life is liberty.It does not
bother whether it’s a male or female as long as both gender are treated equally.Liberty is derived from
the Latin word liber, which means free. It is a word of negative meaning denoting the absence of
restraint. Its primary significance is to do what one likes, regardless of all consequences, But this is
obviously an impossibility.

First and foremost,based on the quote earlier “liberty is the first condition of growth”-Swami
Vivekananda we can define that freedom is our first key towards success.We see our growth throughout
the liberty we are given.The rage of our growth is based on the liberty we are given. Your ancestors gave
every liberty to the soul, and religion grew. They put the body under every bondage, and society did not
grow.Liberty should be given priority.

Furthermore,liberty has to be given importance where a human can make his/her decision according to
their wish. They should have all the right to do anything in their life. We will learn to embrace ourselves
and naturally get along with the social life. We can easily fit in if are given liberty as we know how to
socialize between human. The more liberty the more growth you will see. Kids, teenagers,
adults ,elderlies should have the freedom to make their own decision freely with no other suggestions
from others.any decision making should be done by them selves.

In another hand,where the men are prioritized and the women are not taken note of,they don’t get
equal liberty.Why do I say so? Basically equal liberty for both gender is not happening in some countries.
An example would be India. Women there are mistreated not given attention. Women in India are still
getting married in early ages and that is totally against the law. Their parents are the main ones who are
involved in this they are also the ones who are leading the their daughters to a miserable life thinking
that they are doing the best for her. Their lives just stop right there. Their dreams ,hopes, ambition and
other wishes are all shuttered into pieces because they are married. Young girls with big dreams have to
just stop right there and well is this fair? It is not! Correct me if I am wrong. Once they are married they
have soo much commitments such as taking care of their babies, maintaining their house and more.
Women can do whatever men does.

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