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Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner Name Vaibhav Patel Reference ID FIAT/GMN/23-24/115

Batch Code C4 Batch


Assessor Name SAURABH

Assessment Area Part 1-Self Development

Part 2 –Effective Communication Skills

Assignment Title Pass

1:Investigate factors which contribute to personality Development

2: Understand Time & explore methods for its management & removing blocks

3: Investigate the development of leadership skills appropriate to specific situations..

4: Recognise Inter Personal Behaviour, its effects on relationships with others.

5: Examine Communication, its types & its importance on our effectiveness.

6: Understand the importance of projecting a positive Image.

Purpose/Aims  Analyse own personality type.

 Critically examine a range of factors, which contribute to personality
 What is time, its value, how can it be measured.
 Identify ways to overcome blocks to effective time-management. (Realise the
importance of TIME MANAGEMENT in everyday life and relate it to self-
 Define leadership skills needed for a specific situation.
 Propose methods to develop own leadership skills.
 Identify a range of methods required for analysing effective interrelationships with
 Evaluate the main steps required to develop an open self-personality.
 Analyse barriers and weaknesses to successful communication
 Produce evidence of effective verbal, nonverbal and written communication.
 Explore how character building and morals will support career development.
 Demonstrate public speaking skills.
I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Learner name VAIBHAV PATEL Date Batch code

Reference id FIAT/GMN/23-24/115 22/9/2023 C4

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions

2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment
3. Also, each question indicates if it is PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

TIMELINE: You can take up to One Week to submit the Assignments

Ques1. Define Personality (PASS)

Ans. Personality Development is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts
with others. Personality is generally defined as the deeply ingrained and relatively enduring patterns of
thought, feeling and behavior. In fact, when one refers to personality, it generally implies to all what is
unique about an individual, the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd.

Ques2. Define SWOT. How will you convert Weakness into Strength? (PASS)
Ans. A Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunites,Threats (SWOT) analysis is often a necessary step at the
beginning of a strategic planning process. A SWOT offers great guidance in how a strategic plan is
constructed, and keeping your SWOT up-to-date is instrumental in ensuring a plan stays relevant to the
environment that a company operates within. Prudent treatment of a SWOT in the planning process has
the power to convert weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities during execution. In fact,
this is exactly what your plan's measurements should be communicating.

Ques3. Which factor is important for development of one’s personality? Justify by giving
Examples. (PASS)
Ans. To shape a one's personality, the environment plays an important role. However, the
important factors those are responsible for the development of the personality of an individual
 Rationality
 Positive attitude
 Empathic
 Motivation
 Leadership
Apart from that, genetics, and life experiences also play an important role say for instance
parents, teachers, and friends influence the development of a person right from tender age.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Improving one's personality is vital in today ‘sera. First of all I would like to clear the meaning of
personality. Personality of any person does not mean the clothing that most people thought to be. But
there are many aspects of personality. Again here, I am not talking about the bookish things that you will
read. The real things that would get noticed in one's personality. I will one by one judge those factors
appearance. Yes the first thing that get noticed in anyone and judged is the cloths we wear, how we look,
shape of the body, cleanliness. As clear as it seems, you get dressed well in party, bride supposed to be
the most beautiful. Thus, appearance matters a lot to get one's attention communication. The way one
speak is the second most important thing that gets noticed. Communication means how you say
something, how you greet someone, how you affirm someone and you express your feelings. The moment
you open your mouth, the listener starts noticing you. Yes, what you speak might be the next thing that
gets noticed in someone, before it how you deliver what you want to say is that matters thoughts. The
other major thing that may get you rejected or accepted by any group is what you thought about a
particular topic. So, this will help you build an image in front of others and can also make a distance
between you and others. So pay attention what you think. These are some of the things that need attention
with respect to your personality that must be paid attention to. These will definitely help you out to reach
somewhere in your career and also in the personal and professional life.

Ques4. Define Perception, Emotional Intelligence and its impact in one’s Personal and
Professional Life. (PASS)
Ans. Perception defines an individual. An individual's perception about life and things will make
you understand his attitude towards life in general. It also determines his or her character in general.
While emotional intelligence is a person's ability to react to his emotions according to his intelligence. It
actually helps a person to understand other's emotions and attitude, which can help that person, read
situations and react accordingly in professional life.

Ques5. Why do you think Time has to be managed? (PASS)

Ans. Because time management is life management. We are playing multiple roles simultaneously -
parent, child, spouse, friend , professional and so on. Now each role needs slices of our time. If we devote
most of our time to work, we might end up as a bad parent/child and spouse. At the end of life, nobody
wants to be hated by family, yet honored/remembered by society. So we need balance - which is not
something we achieve once and then maintain forever. This balance is more like walking on a rope – a
constant struggle. It's hard but the skill is achievable.

Ques6. Talk about your daily Routine & make a DAILY HALF HOUR TIME LOG SHEET. (PASS)
Ans. "A daily routine is what tasks you follow daily. It can include the simplest of things like brushing
your teeth, having breakfast, going to school and attending classes. A log sheet, in this case, would be a
document or a list that contains details of what the person has done from the past half an hour. Here is a
sample log sheet for the first half an hour of your day…
 I woke up
 I brushed my teeth
 I washed my face
 I took a shower
 I dressed up for school/ college/ work."
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques 7. What are the Time wasters and how to overcome them? (PASS)

Ans. Here are eight time wasters that I noticed kill my productivity and most of the people that I work
with. Constantly checking your emails. ...Not automating your social media accounts .Bulky to-do-lists.
Multitasking Being a perfectionist. Unnecessary meetings. Saying "Yes.11Postponing harder tasks. Ask
yourself: why am I doing this. The best and most effective way to deal with timewasters is not to do the
task. Get someone else to do it. If it has to bed one then and someone else to do it...Do it quickly!
Simplify then automate. Do low value activities when your energy is low.

Ques8.During your class Activity how you manage your time, What Sort of Typical barriers
you face and how you overcome them.(PASS)
Ans. According to me ---> during class activities i use to be present minded as well take part in it
consciously ......typical barriers like disturbance of enemy as well as they too interrupt us in our speech
and to overcome it just ignore them n if its much then u may tell them freely during my class activities I
short list the project make perfect time table bring out imp materials from home and important points
related to it.

Ques9. Define Leadership.(PASS)

Ans. Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a
common goal. These items will help you develop your skills as a leader.

Ques10.What are the 7 functions of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans. 7 Important Leadership Skills Every Great Leader Has.

Listening is a vital leadership skill. A leader’s listening skills play an important role in team building. A
good leader must connect with their teams and show concern for them and their work. By listening to
team members, it will make them feel important and respected, which will help them perform to their best
How to be a good listener
 Give the speaker your full attention and maintain eye contact
 Let the speaker finish speaking, don’t make assumptions and judgments until the end of the

Critical Thinking.
In order to be a critical thinker, a successful leader will gather information and then analyze and
understand the information before acting. Critical thinking focuses on how you approach questions and
problems. In order to be a good critical thinker, you must question everything.
How to think critically:
 Be informed by collecting information from many sources, including books, the internet,and
consulting with employees and colleagues.
 Make sure you have all the facts before making a decision.
 Keep an open mind and ask questions.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Giving Feedback.
Successfully providing constructive feedback is a vital leadership skill. Feedback is a great opportunity
for the receiver to learn what they can change or alter and how they can improve. Additionally, it is a
great opportunity for the leader to help the team function more effectively. Feedback helps promote trust
and respect for leaders and team members as well as relieve stress.
How to give feedback.
 Give feedback immediately after the behavior occurs in a respectful way tailored to the individual
and explain what they did wrong.
 Explain the effect the error had.
 Listen to the individual’s response to the feedback.

Time Management.
Good time management skills are essential in order to become a great leader. With that being said, time
management is challenging. To overcome some of the challenges, it is important to make good use of
your time and always plan for the unexpected on a daily basis. Be realistic with yourself, there is only so
much one can get done.

Ways to manage your time.

 Identify short and long-term goals

 Make daily to-do list.
 Prioritize the most important items that must be done first
 Plan your time according to complete the task.

Planning and Implementation

Planning is important in order to complete your goals. A plan will help guide your team. The planning
process involves setting objectives and goals and preparing plans and schedules for implementation.
Leaders are forced to look beyond their everyday activities and plan for the future. When decisions need
to be made, leaders will consider how it will affect the future. Setting goal is the start of any plan and they
reinforce what the organization is trying to achieve.

How to plan and implement:

 Determine what you want to achieve by setting goals

 List the steps that will have to be taken in order to achieve these goals
 Prioritize and plan accordingly by setting deadlines
 Delegate tasks to each team member

Organization and Delegation

Leaders must be well organized in order to help team members accomplish their goals and objectives.
Leaders must then delegate tasks to other team members so they can perform functions that require
special authority. A good leader relies on other team members to carry out various responsibilities
Personality Development – Written Assignment

assigned to them. The team leader must provide structure and organization so the team operates
effectively and efficiently. Set expectations for team members for when the goal must be completed by.

How to organize.
 Divide work into tasks and sub-tasks to prevent overlapping assignments.
 Provide the team with the resources needed to get the job done.
 Assign responsibility to each team member.

How to delegate:
 Match tasks to a team member with suitable experience.
 Set clear expectations.
 Establish the best way to track progress – for example, do you require written or verbal
communication on how things are performing.

A leader must be able to motivate their team. A team that is easily motivated will overcome obstacles to
achieve goals. A good leader will understand the different needs of each team member and knows ways to
satisfy them. By creating a great environment, it will support and encourage team members.

How to motivate.

 When people believe in what they are doing, they feel good about their work
 Reward team members for their work
 Don’t reward the wrong people or team members won’t value the reward

Wrapping Up
There is no doubt that each business needs great leaders. Being a leader is not easy, but by accomplishing
all of the above leadership skills, your company will be in great hands. Always do more than what is
expected of you in the workplace.

Ques11.What are the qualities of Leadership? (PASS)

Ans. The qualities of leadership are:-

1. Communication:-
The ability to communicate is deemed an important leadership quality by many. That is no surprise, as a
large part of a manager's job involves communicating content and strategies internally and externally.
However, this flow of information may not be one-sided, since good bosses always have an open ear for
their employees' concerns. Successful communication requires a diplomatic touch-this too is an important
leadership quality.

2. Set a good example:-

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Leaders also function as role models, as bosses are always being observed. Supervisors who need
something from their employees that they themselves won’t do quickly lose their credibility.

3. Readiness to take on and given up responsibility:-

Someone has to be the one to make decisions and assume responsibility, and that person is generally
the boss. However, leadership skills can also be seen as an ability to surrender responsibility and to
delegate tasks. Those who pass responsibility on to their employees motivate them and ensure their

4. Motivation:-
Motivating employees, inspiring them, and fostering enthusiasm for projects is one of the most
important leadership qualities and a key to success because only motivated employees are good

5. Recognizes and foster potential:-

Managers with leadership qualities have a keen sense of how people tick they recognize special
abilities and know how to use them for the company. Instead of being scared of potential competitors,
such managers encourage talented and motivated employees to transform them into new leaders.

6. Tolerate mistakes :-
Mistakes happen, and no one is immune. But one learns from mistakes. Thus, as the boss, you should
show a certain degree of tolerance for mistakes. Instead of getting angry and criticizing, you should
work together to analyses mistakes so that they are not repeated. Employees who are afraid of
mistakes and of their supervisors cannot work effectively or freely.

7. Tolerance:-
Supervisors must be able to adjust their leadership style to suit the situation. This requires flexibility
and intuition.

8. Set goal and expectations:

Employees can only work in a goal-oriented manner when you clearly explain what you expect of
them. Those who give their team challenging tasks with clear, realistic deadlines can expect good

9. Self-reflex ion:-
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, even supervisors. The more aware you are of your own
abilities and the more open you are about them, the more successful you will be as a leader.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Even when you are the boss you should be yourself and find your own individual style of leadership.
Those who pretend to be something they are not or hide behind their role of supervisor come across
as unauthentic and overtime will not be successful leaders.

Ques 12.Why is leadership important? State the 5 reasons which make leadership
important. (PASS)

Ans. Leadership is a management activity of influencing and directing behavior of people to achieves the
goal. it has the following importance:*Right leadership brings co-ordination among employees which
helps in effective work and attainment of organization goal.*leadership also acts as motivational tool by
showing right path and bringing confidence in employees.*it helps in attaining better relation among the
team member.*helps in better utilization of work force in the organization as motivated employee are
willing to give their 100 effort.

Ques13.What do you understand by open Self Personality? (PASS)

Ans. He has no complexities and confusions in his ideas His plans are straight forward and he/she knows
what will be their next move or decision A person with such a personality doesn't hide anything and never
lets his/her thoughts to become a victim of confusion.

Ques 14.Explain the Four Self Johari’s window. (PASS)

Ans. The Four Self Johari's window is explained as follows:-

The concept was developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham to assist people in better understanding
themselves and how others view them. Four panes makeup the window .The first window pane is known
as the 'arena' pane. This quadrant depicts the individuals and others around their activities, behaviors, and
information. 'Blind spot' refers to the second quadrant. This information is very important in 360-degree
feedback for personal and professional development. Facade' refers to the third pane. The individual has
access to this information, but no one else has access to the final window of data is simply referred to as
'unknown.' This contains knowledge that no one is aware of, such as facts from early childhood.

Ques15.Define the Term Transactional Analysis (PASS)

Ans. A system of popular psychology based on the idea that one's behavior and social relationships
reflect an interchange between parental (critical and nurturing), adult(rational), and childlike (intuitive
and dependent) aspects of personality established early in life.

Ques16.Define Four Life Stroke Position and its impact while

Working in Team.(PASS)

Ans. Four life stocks while working in a team:

1. I am okay, you are okay
 It is hypothetically a mentally healthy position.
 If genuine, People with this position about themselves and others can solve their problems
 Their prospects are likely to be valid
 They accept the implication of other people.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

2. I am okay, You are not okay

 It is a position of persons who feel wronged or persecuted, so persecute and harass others.
 They blame others for their depressions.
 Crooks and criminals often have this position and taken on suspicious behavior which in extreme
cases may lead to homicide.
3. You are not okay, I am not okay.
 It is a common position of persons who feel immobilized when they compare themselves to
 This position leads them to take away, to experience depression, and in severe cases, to become.
4. I am not okay, You are not okay
 It is the position of those who lose concern in living, who display schizoid behavior, and who is
extreme cases, commit suicide or kill.

Ques:1. Why is the open self personality important? How do you become an open self
personality? (MERIT)
Ans. Open self personality is quite important. Because open minded people doesn't have any thing to be
buried inside them... they just burst out with opinions... but some people who say themselves as open
minded and do the job of hurting others with their words. That’s not open minded….. although your
opinion is harsh... you can deliver in such a way that they do not get hurt... open minded people don't
resist them... some people among us will wish to say some opinion in some discussion but because of
their negative thinking that "if we say some opinion... people will think wrong about us" they won't tell
anything. and later would feel forth that... so speaking open is quite important.….. but in some places
where you have personal opinion you should say them personally .…because your opinion may make
them embarrassing in public... many people believe that open minders always discloses others secret...
that’s wrong... open minders only disclose their opinions not secrets... so you can believe an open minder.

Ques2: Name one external and internal motivational factor which motivates you towards
achieving your goal. Justify your answer. (MERIT)
Ans: Think of happiness, joy, interest, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, love, and contentment. These
positive emotions feel good. Negative emotions - like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism,
fear, or rejection - can be difficult, even painful at times.

Ques 3: List any 3 positive emotions and 3 negative emotions. How can you creatively use
each to become more emotionally intelligent? (MERIT)
Ans:. Think of happiness, joy, interest, curiosity, excitement, gratitude, love, and contentment. These
positive emotions feel good. Negative emotions - like sadness, anger, loneliness, jealousy, self-criticism,
fear, or rejection - can be difficult, even painful at times .

Ques:-4 What are the applications and results of motivation? (MERIT)

Ans: It is very important to apply the various motivational concepts to the organizations so that
organizational effectiveness can be achieved. Various motivation techniques and programs have gained
varying degrees of acceptance in organizations. Some of applications of motivation and their linking with
motivational theories as depicted by Robins have been discussed below. Management by Objectives
Employee Recognition Programs Employee Involvement Programs Variable Pay Programs Skill-Based
Pay Plans Special Issues in Motivation.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Ques: 5 List any three persons in your life who are most empathy oriented towards you. State
what is it that they do for you that makes you like them. (MERIT)
Ans: 1.My parents – They are always oriented towards me. In every circumstance they help me and
motivate me.
2.My friend – He always help me.
3.My sister – She always help me.

Ques:6 How will you improve your time-management? State 5 areas in which you commit to
improve. (MERIT)
Ans: 5 Tips to Better Your Time Management Set reminders for all your tasks. The key to time
management success is to know your deadlines and set reminders. Create a daily planner. Give each
task a time limit. Block out distractions. Establish routine.

Ques:7 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will you overcome them?
Ans: 1The sentence means executing one’s task or things at random and at your will haphazardly will
cause hindrance in time management. These are the blocks.
2 It is an only feasible option for You so that you can simply manage your time by Prioritizing essential
tasks or things and assigning optimum time to cavities considering their urgency or priority.
.3 The task needs to be arranged logically and assigned priorities.

Ques 8.Which leadership function do you think is most important and justify your choice.
Ans: The main function of leadership is responsibility. As leadership include all these responsibilities
which a leader perform these are:
1. Guide the team in technical work.
2. Rational, Optimistic, bold.
3. Demonstrate that others learn through their work.
4. Align teams to the strategy.
5. Clear understanding of individual responsibilities to their co-workers.
6. Link between Management and Workers.
7. Coordination with the team.
8. Result oriented
9. Direction and Motivation.
10. Provide a clear vision.
11. Communicate the end result in a understandable way.

Ques: 9.What are the 10 steps of goal setting and achievement?(MERIT)

Ans:- 1. Put the goal in WRITING!
Write your goals down. Be as descriptive as you can and then condense your goal to the most critical
issues. The act of writing goals down brings in the commitment to achieve the goal and gives a positive
direction to the person setting the goals.

2. Make the goal SPECIFIC!

Personality Development – Written Assignment

Just like a goal post on a football field is not generalized but very specific, make your goal specific. For
example, ‘I want to earn money’ is not a goal but, I want to earn Rs . 20,000/- per month’ is a goal.

4. Allow the power of your goals to guide your CHOICES!

Goals have power and energy. Allow your goals to pull you away from non-achieving activities and
create goal fulfilling behavior and habits.For example, a ‘l am going to lose 20 kgs ’ goal must pull one
away from ice-cream and guide one towards health foods and exercise.

5. Make goals, which are REALISTIC and BELIEVABLE.

You must believe in your goals even if no one else does. Have vigorous faith in your goals and work
at achieving them.. Remember that perception is virtual reality and belief is power.

6. Make your goals VIVID! STRIKING! BRIGHT! CLEAR!

Let your goals add a sparkle to your eyes and a bounce to your walk through clarity. Arjun once remarked
that he could not see the bird at all but only the eye of the bird, which was his goal.

7. Make all your goals EXCITING CHALLENGES!

Set goals for those activities which excite you and are fun to do. Keep the challenge A positive
personality will be excited about all work, which needs to be done.

8. All goals must be ADJUSTABLE to new information.

Time, technology and opportunities are in a continuous process of change Therefore, it is wise to adjust
and adapt goals with a regular review plan, Remember water can carve rocks and mountains because it is
adjustable and flowing thereby converting even obstacles into opportunities.

9. Achieving goals includes allowing the goals to decide the ACTIVITIES.

Which will accomplish the goals. Goals are always activity dependent and every goal must have an
activity base. For example: A losing weight' goal has the built-in activity of exercise and dietary caution.
Remember, Activity - Action - GOAL.

10. Goals must be NOW oriented Only do it now'

Persons achieve goals by performing those activities which lead to achieving goals. Remember, it is now
or never and, tomorrow never comes.

Ques10.What are the patterns of communication? Give example for each. (MERIT)
Ans. The basic patterns of communication are:-
1. Written and verbal.
2. Internal and external.
3. Formal and informal
4. Upward , download and horizontal.
5. Grapevine.

Ques:11. What are Ego states? Which Ego state do you operate most often? (MERIT)
Ans. EGO STATES Within each human being are several human beings existing at the same time
depending upon how the person is behaving at any given moment. The Three Ego States are:
Personality Development – Written Assignment

1. Parent.
While in the parent ego state one behaves as though all other persons involved in the transaction are
like children or grandchildren. From this point of view, this is an adoptive role where people become
authoritative; caring controlling, advisory and sometimes bossy.

2. Adult.
The ‘adult ego state is aware that the person has ‘parents’ and ‘children’ to look after responsibly. This is
a role of care; concern; respect, responsibility and maturity.

The “child’ ego state has the liberty of fun loving and carefree behavior while being aware that ‘adults
and ‘parents’ are watching over the behavior. The playfulness may end or escalate when adults and
parents enter the scenarios operate ADULT Ego state Most often.

Ques12.List any 4 areas where you would like to be more persistent? How will you do
Ans. 1. My fitness – I will do exercise

2.My grooming – I will do daily skin care.

3. My English - I will Do listening, reading of English on daily basis

4. My confidence – I will do daily Activities.

Ques1.Does your "personality" need improvement? Why?(DISTINCTION)

Ans. Yes my personality need Improvement because, When it comes to polishing your skills and
improving the possibilities are endless. If you make good use of the resources, you can learn new skills
and develop new ones, that is why I want to improve my personality because I want to be best version of
myself. I want to develop a warmer personality by making good connections with others, learning new

Ques2.List 5 areas in which you hold negative attitudes. How can you change these to
positive attitudes? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. I possess negative attitudes in the below areas and also have listed out the respective ways which I
follow to change them into positive ones.
1. Emotional (get short tempered quickly) perform meditation
2. Overreacting (Eat huge amount of oily and deep fried foods) - Do regular exercise.
3. Playing mobile games - Divert my mind and spend time in outdoor games.
4. Lack of interest in studies - Pay proper attention while teachers take class.
5. Saying lies - Control mind and practice saying truth always in each situation. Saying lies -
Control mind and practice saying truth always in each situation.

Ques3.How can you motivate people? Give example. (DISTINCTION)

Ans. There are six steps to motivate people.

1. Tell people exactly what you want them to do.

Personality Development – Written Assignment

2. Limit the amount of time or effort that you're asking for.

3. Share in the sacrifice.
4. Appeal to their emotions.
5. Give multiple reasons for doing what you want them to do.
6. Be the change you want to inspire.

Ques4.What are the applications of Emotional Intelligence? Give examples explaining this
application? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. Thinking rationally about the emotion before taking an action: Emotional decisions usually result in
taking incorrect actions. For example being angry can motivate you to do something that you regret later.
By thinking rationally before acting you will become more emotionally intelligent.

Ques5 What are the blocks to efficient time management? How will "YOU" overcome them?
Ans. 1. The sentence means executing one’s task or things at random and at your will haphazardly will
cause hindrance in time management. These are the blocks.
2.It is an only feasible option for You so that you can simply manage your time by Prioritizing essential
tasks or things and assigning optimum time to cavities considering their urgency or priority.
3. The task needs to be arranged logically and assigned priorities.

Ques 6.What are the three factors essential for leadership to function effectively?
Ans . Being honest, having integrity and listening to employees will only help gain their respect, which
will pay off when it comes time to exercise decisiveness. The best leaders possess an open mind and
flexibility, and are able to adjust to new ways of thinking or alternative methods when necessary.

Ques7.What are the barriers you faced while improving your communication? What will you
do to overcome them? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. Barriers while improving communication: Lack of attention, and interest, distractions or irrelevance
to the receiver are some of the chief barriers while improving communication .In addition, differences in
perception and viewpoint, physical disabilities e.g. Hearing problems or speech difficulties are also major
barriers of communication. Some other barriers like emotional barriers, cultural barriers and language
barriers are also exists. We can overcome the communication barrier by communicate according to
receiver’s needs.

Ques8. Explain the ladder of inference with an example. (DISTINCTION)

Ans. There are many Ladder of Inference examples based on information about a person’s past.
For example, if Anil had assessed Priyank’s past performance and found him prompt and committed to
his work, he would have understood that Priyank would not show up late on purpose.

Ques 9.Which of the five team life-cycle stages occurs after storming? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. Storming is one of most difficult stages of tem development. The five stages that may occur after
this storming are conflict, competion, decrease in team performance, confusion on goal attainment, and
delay incasing deadline. Strong coordination, acceptance of individual difference, proper norming,
Personality Development – Written Assignment

performing, and adjourning can helps to take team development ahead. This are the ways to increase team

Ques10.What Barriers did you face during your Project work? How can it be translated to
your Desired Job? (DISTINCTION)
Ans. 1. Comparing yourself to others

It’s so easy to fall into the trap of comparison. Look around and there's probably someone already doing
what you want to do. By comparing yourself to where they are and think how in the world you can
compete with that will drag you down and reinforce a mentality of scarcity and fear ,e.g., thinking you're
not good enough.

Do this instead.
 Recognize that no one has your exact style, experiences, and knowledge, which has led you to the
path you're on. There's no one in this world who can be you better than you. Who can compete
with that, really?


Do you need to have it all figured out and know the outcome before you take action? I can totally relate. It
took me years to quit an unfulfilling job because I had to have the perfect opportunity lined up before I
quit. But, guess what? While I was waiting, I was not growing. That only led to over-thinking and high
anxiety -- it was painful. Simply put, if perfectionism is your standard, then you have no standard -- it's a

Do this instead.
 Realize that most decisions are reversible -- you can change your mind later. Take small steps and
adjust as necessary to get to the results you want. You'll get clear by adopting a scientist's mindset
and running experiments to see.

3.Care about what other thinks.

The need for approval and avoidance of rejection has been ingrained in us since childhood. However,
tying your worth to what other people think sets you up for disappointment by for going what matters
most to you and doing things you believe will make them happy. When you let go of the need to please,
you're free to be yourself. Otherwise, you're only trying to get people to like you by pretending to be
someone else. In reality, even if they approve of your actions, it's not the real you that they like.
Discontent is the result of being disconnected from your authentic self.

Do this instead.
 Know that rejection is merely another person's opinion. It informs you of the other person's
preference but doesn't say anything about you as a person. There’s no need to make it personal.
 what works and improve on that.

4.Fear of failure
Personality Development – Written Assignment

Fear is a protection mechanism with the purpose of keeping you safe and out of danger. It scans the
environment for what can go wrong and works hard to prevent that from happening. The problem with
this approach is that fear identifies the most catastrophic outcome even when you’re going after your
dreams and tries to stop you

Do this instead.

 Don't take fear at face value. Become curious and examine the facts objectively. There's no
denying that the worst case scenario is a possibility, but how likely is it as an outcome? If it does
happen, can you recover? How long will you take to recover? What can you do to minimize the
impact? If you succeed, then how does that affect your life?

Ques11.How your Inter personal skills will help you to achieve your goal?(DISTINCTION)
Ans. People with strong interpersonal skills perform well on teams. They can both lead and take direction
well, use their skills to include everyone equally, and offer useful feedback that is articulated well. When
you bring a well-developed set of interpersonal skills into a job interview, employers notice this. While
you are interacting with interviewers and team members, the employer is noting your skill set to evaluate
your propensity for team-oriented success

Ques12.What sort of moral values you are lacking and how you can develop the same?
Ans. The moral values which are lacking, I can develop are.
1. I will try to improve my will- power through this we can achieve anything. Where there is will
there is a way. I will try not to lose confidence in any situation.
2. being more useful to others. By doing social service. If we maintain moral values.
3. We will know many unknown things.
4. We will be mentally peaceful.
5. People will respect you in home and society.
6. People will trust you in all means
7. It will improve your overall personality.
8. It helps to looking after the family in a better way.
Personality Development – Written Assignment

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