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Strahd Loves, Writing and Design: Jack Shear

Cover Art: Jack Shear
Interior Art: Bahador, Jacob Bentzinger, Cottonbro, Mona

Man Kills
Dennaoui, Axel Eres, Katherine Hanlon, K. Mitch Hodge, Jan
Huber, Nurlan Imash, Kyle Johnson, Zachary Kadolph, Anis
Rahman, Mathias P.R. Reding, Jametlene Reskp, Mahdi Rezaei,
Andre Sebastian, Petr Sidorov


Issue Seven
Nemo Me Impune
I bid you welcome to the seventh issue of Strahd Loves, Man Kills.
Imagine one of Strahd’s emissaries being lured into the vaults
beneath Abreptoro with the promise of a rare Malaturno vintage.
Once tricked into the cavernous dungeons of the Borcan estate,
Strahd’s agent finds himself in chains as he’s walled in alive.
“For the love of Strahd, Ivliskova!” he cries.
“Yes,” intones his murderer, “for the love of Strahd!”
Perhaps you will disinter some inspiration from this issue’s
dank and nitre-encrusted features:
Lurid Locations gives Invidia an expansive treatment.
Cryptic Alliances unveils the treachery and horrors of the
Church of Holy Blood.

Lurid Locations
Portraits of the Damned introduces three troublesome
priests vying for the hearts and souls of the Invidian people.
Baleful Backgrounds adds apothecary to the roster of
possible character backgrounds. This installment of Lurid Locations re-imagines Invidia by
Seeds of Evil outlines several adventure seeds you can use to exploring the tension between barely controlled passions and the
craft scenarios set in Ravenloft. restrictions of castigating religion. The version of Invidia that I
Midnight Horrors offers templates for transforming present here is heavily influenced by the portrayal of the Catholic
mundane nonplayer character statblocks into ermordenung and Church, as well as the lands in which Catholicism still held sway,
undead monstrosities. such as Italy, Spain, and France, in the popular Gothic novels of
Forged in Shadow describes two magical weapons that might the eighteenth century. In Gothic fiction, the Catholic Church is
be found in Ravenloft. often a morally compromised and hypocritical institution that is
both an authority on spiritual matters and a locus of political
Tragic Heroes suggests ways to create violent visionaries as power. It preaches abstinence and self-denial, but the most
characters in your games. licentious, prideful, greedy, and bloodthirsty villains find safe
Random Ruin presents a table of art-related adventure seeds haven under its protective mask of piety.
for use in the domain of Ghastria.
Forbidden Tomes provides a bibliography of the disaster
horror, occult detective story, psychological horror, and slasher Inspirations
horror genres for your edification and entertainment. My version of Invidia was inspired by Gothic works such as
Matthew Lewis’s The Monk and Ann Radcliffe’s The Italian, as
well as the dark fantasy video game Blasphemous.
Invidia Noteworthy Features
Those familiar with Invidia know the following facts:
Domain of Uncontrollable Passions
• Emotions run wild in Invidia, and its populace possess
Darklord: Gabrielle Aderre fiery tempers, poor self-control, and lusty imaginations.
Genres: Gothic horror and dark fantasy • The Church of Holy Blood is the sole institution attempting
Hallmarks: Unrestrained desires, religious horror to curb the Invidians’ excesses, but its doctrine of sins and
Mist Talismans: Fraudulent holy relic, vial of a martyr’s blood virtues merely disguises the hypocrisy of a religion that
judges others harshly for shared vices.
The people of Invidia are possessed by simmering passions and • Native Invidians feel threatened by the presence of a
desires that are always threatening to boil over into violence, Gundarkite ethnic minority in the north.
betrayals, and licentiousness. Playful flirtations become • The Vistani are both welcome in Invidia because of the
tumultuous love affairs rife with infidelity, perfidy, and secret information, goods, and entertainments they bring and
trysts. Minor quarrels spill over into brutal confrontations, mistrusted as outsiders.
murder, and bloody vendettas. Hot-blooded and impulsive, the
Invidian populace seems barely able to constrain their impulses
and countermand the dictates of their wild, romantic hearts. Invidian Characters
In the absence of a centralized secular authority governing the Characters from Invidia are wildly passionate, though often also
land, the Church of Holy Blood provides stability, order, and burdened by guilt. They are loud, expressive, and gesticulate
strictures against illicit behavior. The Church’s prohibitions demonstratively while speaking. Most harbor a secret sin that
against sin are enforced by parish beadles, the machinations of its haunts their conscience. When players create characters from
inquisitors, and a culture that encourages exposing the failings of Invidia, consider asking them the following questions.
others to public scrutiny. Nevertheless, although it strives to What is your relationship with the Church? Characters
provide an exemplar of virtue, the Church itself is comprised of from Invidia usually have a strong connection to the Church of
fallible mortal agents. The Church harbors hypocrites, hedonists, Holy Blood in one way or another. Do you regard it as a positive
and the power-hungry behind its facade of holiness. influence that tends to the needs of Invidia’s citizens or are you
Many tensions prey upon and exacerbate the atmosphere of troubled by the power the Church wields?
heightened emotional turmoil in Invidia. Unable to accept Which of your vices predominates? The passionate
responsibility for the sinful actions borne of their desires, many Invidian temperament usually results in a pronounced
Invidians blame diabolic influence for their misdeeds, which leads inclination toward a specific vice. Which sin—wrath, sloth,
to innocents being accused of practicing witchcraft. Long-running gluttony, pride, greed, envy, or lust—are you most drawn to?
feuds among sects of the Church or the domain’s aristocratic
Whom do you want revenge against? Nearly every
families result in partisan violence on Invidia’s streets.
Invidian carries the encumbrance of vengeance in their heart.
Invidia is also a land divided by ethnic discrimination. A Whether over sectarian differences, a familial vendetta, or a
displaced people known as the Gundarkites have immigrated to minor slight that has taken on a magnified importance, define
Invidia and now occupy farmland surrounding Castle Hunadora in who has earned your lasting ire.
the north of the domain. Native Invidians look upon the
Gundarkites with distrust, viewing them as usurpers come to steal
their land. Additionally, both Invidians and Gundarkites regard
the Vistani with suspicion. The entertainments, news, and trade
the Vistani bring are treasured, but they are judged to be shiftless
vagabonds all the same.
Settlements and Sites visits to Castle Hunadora; she has taken the jealous Ardona
Szerieza as one of her lovers.
Invidia is a land of pleasant hills, verdant farmland, beautiful
vineyards, and deep forests, yet it is buffeted by extreme weather Castle Loupet
that reflects the violent emotional shifts of its inhabitants. Storms
rise suddenly, and they are invariably tempests rather than soft An ancient fortress refreshed with modern accommodations to
showers. Bright, sunny days quickly turn to oppressive heat and suit the whims of its current mistress, Castle Loupet is the home of
the threat of drought. When winter arrives, unpredictable Gabrielle Aderre. The castle features numerous secret passages
blizzards are the rule. and hidden exits—all the better for Gabrielle to carry on
clandestine affairs with her many possessive lovers.
Invidia’s villages, towns, and cities are all independently
governed. The only commonality they share is the presence of the
powerful Church of Holy Blood. The Crucible
The sublimely beautiful mountains of the Crucible are rumored to
Beltis be the meeting place for covens of devil-worshiping witches.
Legends of treasure buried in the mountains lure the greedy and
The ruins of Beltis are a popular pilgrimage destination for the foolhardy to their perilous precipices, but those who dare to
faithful of the Church of Holy Blood, for beneath the village lie explore the Crucible are never seen again.
catacombs that house the gilded and bejeweled skeletons of
venerated saints. It is unknown who placed these skeletal remains
within the subterranean crypts or who has taken pains to dress Curriculo
them in sumptuous religious vestments, but the Church’s Curriculo, the second largest city in Invidia, is home to the
adherents consider it an act of faith to anoint the saints’ bones domain’s yearly Harvest Festival. Although it is ostensibly a
with blessed oil. holiday marking the end of the fall season, it has earned a sinister
Oddly, the saintly corpses within the caverns are sometimes reputation. The Harvest Festival begins with fervent services by
found to have changed posture or position—or to have moved to a priests of the Church of Holy Blood and feasts in honor of the
different section of the catacombs entirely. The faithful regard saints, but always ends in a riot of drunken pleasures, bloodshed,
these unexplained movements as miraculous, but there is a darker and abandonment of the religious principles that Invidians
truth to the ambulatory dead of Beltis. When the sun sets, the supposedly hold dear.
unquiet spirits of Beltis’s former residents stalk the ruins in search
of prey. Karina
A thriving market peddling fraudulent saintly relics, fake holy The scent of incense hangs heavy in the air of Karina, a metropolis
water, and other chicanery has taken root just outside the walls of of towering churches and cathedrals. Statues of saints crop up like
the ruined village. funereal marble gardens throughout the city. Karina is nominally
governed by a council of cardinals from the Church of Holy Blood,
Castle Hunadora though they leave the daily business of the city to a tangled
conclave of appointed magistrates, judges, and bureaucrats.
The decaying Castle Hunadora has become the rallying point for
the Gundarkites who have immigrated to Invidia. As they clear the The Church of Holy Blood infiltrates every facet of life in
forests in northern Invidia and establish farmsteads of their own, Karina, but control of the Church is currently contested by three
the Gundarkites look to Castle Hunadora for protection. Now popular spiritual leaders. Anjelica Navarre, the Hooded Minister,
occupied by Ardona Szerieza and her Gundarkite soldiers, plots to and Father Raspaldo bitterly vie against each other for power and
annex great swaths of Invidia are afoot behind the walls of Castle pride of place in the Church’s hierarchy.
Hunadora. Unbeknownst to most, Gabrielle Aderre makes secret
Although piety is a prized quality in Karina, the city is both a
den of immoral decadence and a hotbed of religious fanaticism.
Gabrielle Aderre
Karina is the most wealthy city in Invidia, yet it is also an abyss of At a tender age, the Vistana Gabrielle
crushing poverty for the city’s underclass. Afflicted beggars Aderre was warned by a seer that she
dressed in rags call for alms as gilded carriages roll past them in must never conceive a child, as her
the streets. Solemn religious processions are a common sight in son was destined to be the dukkar—a
the city, as are crackling pyres that stand ready to burn accused man prophesied to bring untold death
witches and heretics alive—regardless of their actual guilt. and destruction in his wake. As she
grew into womanhood, Gabrielle
found her sensual appetites
Tancos impossible to govern, even in the face
Known popularly as “the Town of Cats,” Tancos is famous for the of such a dire warning. One night, a
number of feral felines who wander its lanes. Positioned as a way handsome stranger approached her
station on the Musarde river, Tancos is an integral part of the local band’s campsite, begging for shelter
logging industry. The hidden truth is that the old families who and a hot meal. A storm raged that
control Tancos are weretigers engaged in bloody intrigues. night, and Gabrielle allowed herself to
be seduced by the mysterious
Valetta wayfarer. When dawn broke, the
Valetta is a picturesque town devoted to wine production. stranger—who was, in fact, the fiend known as the Caller—was
Ownership of Valetta’s vineyards is split between two ancient gone, and Gabrielle soon discovered that she was with child.
noble lines, the Malaturno family and the Haptmeyer family. The Knowing that her fellow Vistani would believe her child to be
Malaturnos and the Haptmeyers are engaged in a vicious feud the fabled dukkar, Gabrielle betrayed her band to a pack of
whose origins have been lost to time and memory. Cavaliers and werewolves before her pregnancy could be discerned. After the
partisans attached to the families make the streets of Valetta their slaughter of her companions, Gabrielle was enveloped by the Mists
battleground, while the families’ heads maneuver against each and taken to Invidia. Invidia’s culture suited her tempestuous
other to gain prestige for their house and tarnish the reputation of passions and the teachings of the Church of Holy Blood offered a
their rival. The enmity between the families will come to an tempting new way for her to view her child: as a savior, rather
unavoidable confrontation when it is discovered that two of the than as an agent of unholy darkness.
families’ star-crossed heirs have fallen in love with each other. Gabrielle Aderre is convinced that her son, Malocchio, is
destined to become the messiah foretold by the Church of Holy
Vulpwood Blood. From Castle Loupet, her estate outside the city of Karina,
she employs an endless string of monastic scholars, religious
Vulpwood is haunted by a pack of
instructors, and esoteric mystics to provide Malocchio the best
werewolves led by a fierce warrior
possible education in spiritual matters. Inevitably, though, every
named Matton Blanchard.
tutor flees or vanishes, either as a result of Gabrielle’s
Gabrielle Aderre has seduced
unreasonable expectations or the deadly tricks and accidents that
Matton; he is a frequent visitor to
frequently occur around the child.
Castle Loupet, but he would be
incensed to learn that he is not her Gabrielle isn’t content to leave her son’s grand destiny to
only paramour. However, as long chance, though. Using her precious bone spirit board, she calls
as Matton believes he has sole upon supernatural forces to guide and protect her son. Spirits,
rights to Gabrielle’s affections, his fallen angels, fiends, and worse answer her summons, but as long
pack is at her disposal. as they chart Malocchio’s path to spiritual ascendance, Gabrielle
eagerly accepts their gifts and ignores the obvious signs indicating
that her child is a burgeoning force of supernatural evil.
Adventures in Invidia
The horror of Invidia is that it exemplifies the mortal struggle
between our passions and the expectations thrust upon us.
Gabrielle’s Powers and Dominion
Gabrielle Aderre has retained her beauty and allure throughout Invidian Adventures
the intervening years. Few would guess her true age, and fewer
still can penetrate her disarming charm to see the venomous d6 Adventure
manipulator who lies beneath. Gabrielle has stats similar to those 1 The characters are asked to investigate the disappearance of
of an enchanter. a kindly parson who has learned too much about the
Vistani Heritage. As a Vistana, Gabrielle possesses several underhanded dealings of high-ranking members of the
talents common to the wanderers of the Mists, such as the power Church of Holy Blood.
of the Evil Eye, the ability to bestow curses, and divination via 2 A trade dispute between two wealthy merchant families has
spirits boards and the tarokka. erupted into dangerous hostility. The characters must find a
Closing the Borders. When Gabrielle closes the borders of way to broker peace between the families before their feud
her domain, the sound of ominous chanting punctuated by the devolves into open violence that claims innocent lives.
laughter of wicked children begins to echo throughout the Mists. 3 An outbreak of a mysterious “sleeping sickness” has begun
to afflict the populace of a small village near Vulpwood. This
Gabrielle’s Torment disease can be traced back to the vile bards who have been
using their magical songs to lull the populace into slumber
The Dark Powers torture Gabrielle by frustrating her hopes and so that they might perpetrate larcenous robberies.
dreams for her son in the following ways:
4 One of the characters’ friends or allies has been falsely
• Every effort to mold Malocchio into a great man is destined accused of practicing witchcraft. Evidence of their innocence
to fail. His malevolence cannot be checked. must to be uncovered or they will need to be rescued from
• Malocchio’s inherent inclination for evil is a mirror of his the clutches of religious fanatics before they are executed.
mother’s inability to control her impulses and curb her 5 A tangled web of sexual intrigue threatens to upset the
attraction to sin. delicate balance of power on an Invidian town council.
• Gabrielle is a potent diviner, save where her son is Whom is sleeping whom needs to be unraveled to dispel the
concerned. Any attempt to forecast Malocchio’s future is atmosphere of paranoia and distrust that has consumed the
distorted and misleading. town’s leaders.
6 An essential piece of information has been hidden away
Roleplaying Gabrielle within the Church’s archives. Does this scroll or book
Gabrielle is cruel, seductive, and malignantly artful, but her incriminate the Church in wrongdoing or was it secreted in
twisted love for her son is genuine and guides her every action. the archive because some eldritch truths were not meant for
mortal eyes? The archive must be infiltrated by adventurers
Personality Trait. “A mother would sacrifice anything for
willing to abscond with the text in question.
her children.”
Ideal. “I will see my son cloaked in grace and crowned with
heavenly glory.”
Bond. “My lovers are tools to be used to advance my interests.”
Flaw. “I cannot deny my child anything.”
The Dukkar
First prophesied by Hyskosa, the Vistana poet and storyteller, the
dukkar is a figure of darkness who looms ominously in the cultural
beliefs of those who wander the Mists. According to Vistani
folklore, the dukkar will be a man born of a Vistana woman and a
Cryptic Alliances
fiend. The Vistani believe that the coming of the dukkar will cause This installment of Cryptic Alliances details the Church of Holy
widespread destruction and could lead to an apocalyptic end of Blood, the dominant faith in Invidia.
days for the Domains of Dread as a whole.
Hyskosa’s prophesies contend that the dukkar’s malignancy The Church of Holy Blood
will be obvious even in his boyhood. The dukkar will master the The Church of Holy Blood is the state religion in Invidia. It wields
Vistani art of the second sight, and it is said that the potency of his tremendous power throughout the land, weaving itself into the
Evil Eye will be pronounced at a young age. The dukkar’s power daily lives of the domain’s populace. The Church preaches the
will grow as he attains adulthood, culminating in a profane virtues of restraint and self-denial—a potent theological bulwark
mastery of black magic. Fiends will kneel to the dukkar at the against the barely constrained passions that dominate the
height of his blasphemous ascension, rivers will run red with emotional lives of Invidia’s citizens. The Church of Holy Blood’s
blood, and the Mists with birth hitherto unknown monstrosities to many prohibitions and strictures are considered necessary
ravage the Domains of Dread. restraints that keep society from plunging into a state of
Some Vistani hope that the dukkar can be redeemed. They impassioned anarchy and unrepentant sin.
contend that if the dukkar is identified early, before he has begun Central to the Church’s beliefs is a scriptural account of its
to irrevocably walk the path of darkness, he could be encouraged saints rising up against the gods they served. According to the
to abjure the terrible fate that awaits him—the crisis he is foretold Church’s testament, the gods’ divinity was compromised by their
to bring could thereby be averted. Most Vistani, however, believe inability to master their impulses, so the saints slew the gods and
that the dukkar is irredeemably evil and should be killed before he thereby cleansed the heavens of wickedness. The faithful believe
can begin his reign of terror in earnest. that they must follow the example set by their saints; they must
oppose sin in the world and attempt to emulate saintly virtues.
The Church of Holy Blood venerates its saints through the The Saints of the Church of Holy Blood
imbibing of sanctified blood. The blood used in these rites is
The saints revered by the Church of
believed to be the literal blood of the martyred saints, created
Holy Blood number in the hundreds,
through miracles of transubstantiation. The faithful often feel an
but the following seven are the most
especial connection to a particular saint, whom they adopt as their
popular throughout Invidia. The
patron and spiritual intercessor.
saints are not actually extant spiritual
The Church is as much a political entity as it is a spiritual one, entities, but the Dark Powers grant
and it exercises its authority severely—its agents are zealously the Church’s clerics magic as if they
committed to a creed of inflexible morality, devoted to rooting out were real divinities.
corruption, and dedicated to punishing sin. They view all other
Evetta, Patron Saint of the
religions as worship of false idols and fictitious gods. The Church
Chaste. Depicted as a buxom
maintains its power in Invidia through fear, violence, and
maiden, Saint Evetta is nonetheless
coercion; its inquisitors, witchfinders, and templars are
an idol of sexual restraint, virginity,
empowered to convert pagans, persecute the faithless, and defend
purity, and abstinence. However, the
the religion from blasphemous heresy.
voluptuous icons and statuary
Although the Church is united in the broad outlines of the faith, depicting Evetta often draw the eye of
it is internally riven by disagreements regarding doctrinal and the lustful.
liturgical matters. The Church of Holy Blood may caution its flock
Filiona, Patron Saint of the Merciful. According to
against petty jealousies that give rise to anger and warn them of
scripture, as part of her martyrdom Filiona condemned herself to
the dangers of pursuing temporal power, but the Church’s agents
eternal torment in the Nine Hells to save the souls of the faithful
are not immune to the sins it preaches against. Sectarian clashes
who were unjustly trapped in the underworld. Despite her
and skirmishes, as well as occasional scandals involving its
merciful nature, she is often adopted as the patron saint of soldiers
leaders, taint the reverential atmosphere of abnegation cultivated
and mercenaries.
by the Church.
Lortres, Patron Saint of the Faithful. In life, Lortres
transformed the holy creed of the Church into psalms that would
brand themselves into the memories of converts and proselytes.
She traveled throughout Invidia spreading the gospel of the
Church through song. However, she is most often venerated by
those who are spiritually intolerant and spread the faith with
sword and fire.
Nazaren, Patron Saint of Humility. Nazaren was a great
sinner consumed by guilt even at a tender age. To atone for his
misdeeds, he fell prostrate upon the earth and prayed for
punishment. The gods caused a thorny tree to grow from the spot
on which he lay; the tree bent and broke his body, crucifying him,
but Nazaren never once complained or cried out for mercy. He has
since been regarded as a model of submission to the will of the
divine. Those who revere him often inflict mortifications of the
flesh upon themselves and others.
Orazion, Patron Saint of the Industrious. A humble
blacksmith in life, Orazion was martyred upon an earthly pyre, but
was reborn from the ashes of his destruction. His example is
meant to symbolize the heavenly reward that awaits those who toil
Portraits of the Damned
This installment of Portraits of the Damned details three
without complaint. And yet, those who adopt him as their patron
nonplayer characters who are currently embroiled in a battle for
saint are often bent toward greed and sloth in equal measure.
the hearts and minds of faithful in Karina: Anjelica Navarre, the
Santiaga, Patron Saint of Patience. Although Santiaga was Hooded Minister, and Father Raspaldo.
born the second son of a holy man, she felt that her nature was
essentially feminine in character and chose to live her life as a
woman. Santiaga’s devotees safeguard important religious tomes Anjelica Navarre
and scrolls in their fastidiously cataloged archives. Despite their Anjelica Navarre is a firebrand
patient contemplation of spiritual mysteries, they are frequently within the Church of Holy Blood.
drawn to heretical scholarship. She preaches a particularly
Yazmina, Patron Saint of Charity. Yazmina was a rich inflexible version of the Church’s
noblewoman who divested herself of earthly wealth to spare the creed, castigating those who
poor from lives of hardship, preferring to go without so that others succumb to their desires and
might flourish. Her most devoted aspirants work to grow the engage their basest inclinations.
Church’s wealth. Though some of the funds gathered by the In Anjelica’s view, sinners are the
faithful go toward charity, more coin is dedicated to spectacular worm that eats at the heart of her
processions, costly incense, and sumptuous vestments than are beloved Church. She earnestly
bestowed upon the impoverished. believes that any member of the
flock who fails to embrace the
virtues of the saints and resist
temptation is past the possibility
of redemption. Anjelica calls for a
great crusade to punish sinners
who fail to live up to the standards of the faith—a call that her
zealous followers have rallied behind.

Anjelica Navarre's Traits

Ideal. “Hate the sin and the sinner.”
Bond. “I would do anything to preserve the power of the
Church of Holy Blood.”
Flaw. “It is unfortunate that those who delve too deeply into
the Church’s secrets must find an early grave.”

Adventures with Anjelica Navarre

Anjelica Navarre is a fallen deva. When featuring Anjelica in an
adventure, consider using the following plot:
• Anjelica and her minions storm a Church of Ezra, taking all
within captive—they are to be tried for heresy.
The Hooded Minister Father Raspaldo
The identity of the Hooded Father Raspaldo is a mystic whose
Minister is literally shrouded in teachings are often at odds with
mystery—they have never the accepted dogma of the Church
appeared in public without of Holy Blood. Father Raspaldo
obscuring their features with a believes that in order to deserve
funereal pall, and no one who has the saints’ forgiveness, aspirants
conversed with them privately can must first experience the depths of
claim to have seen their face. sin. To that end, he entreats his
Despite their anonymity, the followers to pursue their vices so
Hooded Minister is immensely that they might more fully
popular with the common people experience the grace of
of Invidia, who judge their repentance. Though his creed is
commitment to hiding their unorthodox, Raspaldo’s followers
identity to be an expression of are fanatical and regard him as a
humility and lack of vanity. In living saint.
truth, the Hooded Minister hides
their visage because they are an Father Raspaldo’s Traits
inhuman creature who has Ideal. “Physical gratification leaves our souls open to the grace
infiltrated the Church of Holy Blood in order to subtly pervert the that penitence brings.”
religion’s teachings at the behest of Hadar.
Bond. “My followers are my blessed family.”
The Hooded Minister’s Traits Flaw. “I surround myself with the young and beautiful because
their comeliness is evidence of divine grandeur.”
Ideal. “My pious words carry an echo of eldritch truths.”
Bond. “A corrupting ministry can only succeed if it is built Adventures with Father Raspaldo
within the broken minds of the common people.”
Now past middle age, he is bald, stoutly built, and sports a long,
Flaw. “My true identity must he hidden at all costs.” unkempt beard. He exudes an aura of palpable menace, and when
his gaze falls upon someone, it feels as though he penetrates their
Adventures with the Hooded Minister most deeply guarded secrets. Raspaldo has the statblock of a cult
The Hooded Minister dresses in plain, nondescript clothing and fanatic, but he also can cast several enchantment spells using the
wears no ornamentation. They speak in an ambiguous voice that power of his hypnotic eyes alone. When featuring Father Raspaldo
defies categorization. If their face and body were to be revealed, it in an adventure, consider the following plot:
would be immediately apparent that they are a larva mage. • Father Raspaldo’s sect abducts Malocchio Aderre, planning
When featuring the Hooded Minister in an adventure, consider the to hold him hostage until Gabrielle agrees to let Raspaldo
following plot: become her personal spiritual advisor.
• Followers of the Hooded Minister begin to deface statues
of the saints throughout Invidia, transforming them into
profane icons channeling power to Hadar. Dread Possibility
Father Raspaldo could be one of the many identities adopted by
the Caller to further his fiendish schemes.
You have learned the art and craft of combining natural
ingredients to make salves, poultices, and other medicines to treat
diseases and common ailments.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, Nature
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalist’s kit, poisoner’s kit
Equipment: A pruning knife and scissors, an herbalist’s kit, a set
of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp

Feature: Nature’s Medicine

If you spend 1 minute scrutinizing a plant, you can determine what
healthful or dangerous properties it may have. Additionally, you
generally have a good idea where any natural ingredients you seek
might be found.

Baleful Backgrounds Personality Traits

Personality Trait
I’d rather be tending my plants than talking to people.
After one of my players expressed an interest in playing an
herbalist or apothecary character, I was shocked to discover that 2 A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.
the option isn’t really extant in any of the official books. This 3 I keep my implements scrupulously clean.
installment of Baleful Backgrounds aims to fill that hole by 4 I tend to my herb garden as if it were a nursery filled with
presenting a background with skill in concocting healing remedies, orphans.
the ability to identify plants and other useful natural ingredients,
5 My folksy ways and salt-of-the-earth demeanor puts people
and even a bit of knowledge about nature’s poisons.
at ease.
Apothecaries might be found in even the smallest villages in
6 Like a thorn, my brusque ways can prick.
Ravenloft, but the nature of their work is dependent on the level of
local scientific progress. For example, an apothecary in Tepest 7 I talk the ears off my customers.
might be reliant on knowledge of folk medicines passed down 8 I love to hear gossip and am not adverse to spreading idle
through the ages, while an apothecary in Lamordia would be talk.
guided by the latest discoveries that medical science has to offer.

This background was inspired by Simon Fronwieser in Oliver
Pötzsch’s novel The Hangman’s Daughter.
d6 Ideal
1 Aid. I ply my trade to improve the health of my community.
2 Preservation. I hope to pass on my knowledge so that the
art of natural healing will not be forgotten. (Neutral)
3 Altruism. A long and healthy life is the greatest gift I can
bestow. (Good)
4 Prevention. I wish to bolster the general health to prevent
outbreaks of disease and other rampant infirmities. (Any)
5 Culling. I use my remedies to give succor to the strong and
my poisons to weed out the weak among us. (Chaotic)
6 Creation. I believe that discovering new combinations of
ingredients will lead to more efficacious treatments. (Any)

I was once the personal apothecary of an ailing noble. Seeds of Evil
2 A loved one is afflicted with a disease I hope to eradicate. The following seeds can be used as the basis of single-session
3 My assistant is still a foolhardy youth, but I am slowly adventures or multipart scenarios set in Ravenloft.
training them to be fine apothecary in their own right.
4 My garden is my sanctuary. Viva la Revolution!
5 I am on friendly terms with a sect of druids who help me Incendiary political revolutionaries calling themselves the
gather the ingredients for my medicines. Unmasked call for the violent overthrow of Dementlieu’s faux
6 I share my discoveries with a community of apothecaries aristocracy, a radical redistribution of wealth, and an
and doctors; we learn from each other. abandonment of the anonymity provided by masquerade attire.
The Unmasked oppose pretense and present themselves as
Flaws working-class rebels who hold the ideals of liberty, fraternity, and
equality as the greatest moral precepts. However, at the heart of
d6 Flaw
the Unmasked movement is a desire for vengeance against those
1 I am interested in treating diseases, not the people who who have managed to claw their way to the top of the social
suffer from them. hierarchy. The leaders of the Unmasked will not be satisfied until
2 I am addicted to a mind-altering plant. the streets run red with blood. Indeed, it is only a matter of time
3 I refuse to give my medicines away for free. until the Unmasked erect guillotines in every market square and
demand the bloody executions of those they judge to be social
4 Memories of a disease I could not treat haunt me.
5 I grow angry if people tread upon plants carelessly.
6 I experiment upon my customers without their knowledge.
The Bereaved
A nobleman who lost the love of his life before they could be
married is disturbed by reports that his deceased betrothed has
been spotted walking the battlements of a ruined castle. He is
willing to fund an expedition to the fortress to discover the
ultimate fate of his beloved. His mind is wracked by theories. He
presumes it is possible that another admirer faked her death and
kidnapped her—stealing her away to this lonesome fastness. He
also admits that perhaps her ghost haunts the castle—though why
she would be seen at that obscure edifice is a mystery. The truth of
the matter is far sadder than the nobleman realizes: the castle is
the abode of someone who was also in love with his darling, but
the woman seen at the castle is nothing more an illusion. Unable
to shake their grief, the admirer continually tortures themselves
with the conjured image of the departed woman.

The Piper and the Rat King

The people of Valancourt, a town in Richemulot, were overjoyed at
the prospect offered by a wandering bard. This pipe-playing
minstrel insisted that she could lead the disease-carrying rats that
plagued Valancourt out of the town and out of their lives.
Unfortunately, they were less excited to pay the piper’s fee.
When it became clear that the people of Valancourt were not
Midnight Horrors
The message behind many pieces of modern horror media is that
going to pay her what was owed, the piper brought the rats back to
“man is the real monster.” While quite possibly true, it’s a lesson
the town—however, now the rats prowl the streets of Valancourt as
that feels both apt and perhaps overstated. Personally, I’m more
a single mass of vermin, their tails hopelessly tangled. Brave
interested in the transformation from man to monster than in the
heroes are needed to slay the rat king the piper has set upon the
monstrosity lurking in mankind’s secret heart.
tight-fisted town of Valancourt.
In the pages that follow, you will find a few templates for
altering mundane nonplayer character statblocks into true
Inspirations monsters. The first is intended to create ermordenung, the
“Viva la Revolution!” was inspired by Tanith Lee’s historical poisonous creatures who served Ivana Boritsi in the 2e and 3e
novel The Gods Are Thirsty. iterations of Ravenloft. The second set are general templates for
quickly and easily creating a range of undead monsters from pre-
“The Bereaved” was inspired by Jules Verne’s The Castle of existing statblocks. For example, if you’d like an adventure to
Transylvania, which is also sometimes named The Carpathian feature an undead spellcaster, but the characters aren’t prepared
Castle in some editions. to face a lich, you could apply the major or minor undead traits to
“The Piper and the Rat King” was inspired by Malifaux’s any of the wizardly statblocks, such as necromancer or evoker,
Hamelin, Kathleen Jenning’s Flyaway, and China Miéville’s in Volo’s Guide to Monsters.
King Rat.
Ermordenung Undead
Ermordenung are men and women who have been altered by There are plenty of undead monsters
Ivana Boritsi’s foul experiments with poisons. Infused with toxins to be found throughout the 5e D&D
of Ivana’s devise, their mere touch is deadly. Ivana tends to choose books, but I firmly believe that there
comely specimens when she creates an ermordenung. They serve is no such thing as too many undead.
the Darklord of Borca as her trusted agents, and on rare occasions Apply the following traits to pre-
ermordenung are sent to other domains to further the interests of existing statblocks to quickly create
their mistress. new kinds of unliving monstrosities.
To create an ermordenung, choose any nonplayer character
statblock and add the following traits and actions. The spy Incorporeal Undead Traits
statblock is appropriate for the most typical ermordenung. Creature Type undead
Damage Resistances acid, fire,
Traits lightning, thunder; bludgeoning,
Damage Immunities poison piercing, and slashing from
Condition Immunities poisoned nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities cold, necrotic,
Action poison
Poisonous Touch. Melee weapon attack: attack bonus equal to Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
the base creature’s highest attack option, reach 5 ft., one target. If grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained
the target is a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving Senses darkvision 60 ft.
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. The target can repeat the Damage Type change damage type from weapon attacks to
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on necrotic
itself on a success.
If a creature has the Multiattack action, poisonous touch can Major Undead Traits
replace any attacks in that action.
Creature Type undead
See the table below to determine the damage and save DC of
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
the ermordenung’s poisonous touch.
nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Poisonous Touch Damage
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
Challenge Rating Damage Save DC paralyzed, poisoned
1-4 6 (1d12) poison damage 14 Senses darkvision 60 ft.
5-10 13 (2d12) poison damage 16
11-16 18 (3d12) poison damage 18 Minor Undead Traits
17+ 26 (4d12) poison damage 19 Creature Type undead
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft.
Forged in Shadow
This feature presents two magical weapons found in the Land of
the Mists.

Sorrow’s Pale Sliver

Weapon (saber), legendary (requires
Sorrow’s Pale Sliver is an enchanted
saber whose thin blade shines like a
gleam of moonlight. Legends say that
it was forged for Myra Goncourt, the
famed hunter of lycanthropes, by a
disgraced queen of the archfey.
Sorrow’s Pale Silver is a silvered

Tragic Heroes
saber (see below for the stats of a
normal saber) that grants a +1 bonus
to attack and damage rolls.
Additionally, while you are attuned to This feature gives six brief outlines of heroes you might create as
this weapon, you have advantage on characters to face the horrors of Ravenloft. The theme of this
Survival (Wisdom) checks to track lycanthropes and you are installment is violent visionaries.
immune to lycanthropy.

Martial Melee Weapon Chrononaut

Name Cost Weight Damage Properties The chrononaut is a traveler from the future bearing dire warnings
about the dark fate that awaits Ravenloft. The chrononaut hopes
Saber 25 gp 2 lb. 1d8 slashing Finesse
to change things in the past to ensure a brighter future for the
Domains of Dread, bringing it into accordance with the cosmic
Synaptic Blade order they believe can alter Ravenloft for the better.
Weapon (dagger, shortsword, longsword, or greatsword), very Suggested build: Warforged Clockwork Soul sorcerer
rare (requires attunement)
Synaptic blades were constructed by a mad artificer as a means of
personal protection. This item appears to be the hilt of a dagger,
shortsword, longsword, or greatsword. While holding the hilt, you Motivated by a desire for revenge against the gargantuan horrors
can use a bonus action to cause a blade of psychic energy to spring that decimated their tribe, the decapitator has become a student of
into existence, or make the blade disappear. The blade uses your the runes of the giants to empower themselves. The decapitator
Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls instead of travels the Land of the Mists, hoping to rid the domains of every
Strength or Dexterity, and it deals psychic damage. last hulking monstrosity by decapitating them and taking their
heads as trophies.
Suggested build: Orc Rune Knight fighter
Draconic Aspirant
The draconic aspirant dreams of becoming a true dragon. Until
their ultimate goal is achieved, they are content to harness
Random Ruin
dragonkind’s innate magical power through sorcerous Use the table below to generate an adventure hook set in Ghastria,
transformation and mastery of arcane magic. With each change a domain in which art is often a twisted force for evil.
their body undergoes, the more they begin to think like a dragon
and the closer they come to their desired metamorphosis. Ghastrian Adventures
Suggested build: Kobold Draconic Bloodline sorcerer d10 Adventure Hook
1 A song is circulating among the bards of Ghastria. It inspires
Green Hand Revelator those who hear it to commit suicide.
The Green Hand revelator belongs to a secret society of druids in 2 A sculptor has fallen in love with the beautiful statue they
Har’Akir. Though the Green Hand cult is dedicated to ridding the have carved. The statue comes to life at night, but can it be
world of the undead, the revelator sees that goal as only one step made to love the sculptor in return?
in the process of purifying the land. The Green Hand revelator 3 An intricately carved puzzle box is sought by several
foresees a time when the magic that lies trapped beneath the obsessive and dangerous individuals. They believe that
domain’s sands is unlocked and put to the task of rejuvenation; the solving the puzzle will release them from the Ravenloft, but
revelator dreams of transforming the deserts of Har’Akir into a it will instead allow fiends to enter from the Lower Planes.
lush and verdant land. 4 An innovative artist has introduced the daguerreotype to
Suggested build: Lizardfolk Circle of the Land druid Ghastria, but their images capture the souls of all who sit to
have their picture taken.
Sidereal Vessel 5 A spurned doll maker has begun to craft vicious little
instruments of revenge.
The sidereal vessel has trained their body, mind, and soul to
6 A play entitled The Marquis in Violet is slowly enticing its
become the perfect receptacle for the spirit of the revered warrior
audience into a cult devoted to Caiphon.
who founded their family line. When the sidereal vessel manifests
their astral body, it takes the form of an ancestor renowned for 7 An accursed red violin has fallen into the hands of a
their martial skill and ascetic practice. despondent troubadour who plans on using its unearthly
tones to draw their faithless lover into the jaws of death.
Suggested build: Hobgoblin Way of the Astral Self monk
8 A vain noble is obsessed with rare gems, but no ordinary
Wrathbringer jewels will sate them. They employ a fiendish jeweler to
transform the souls of abducted victims into baubles.
The wrathbringer is an agent of nature’s fury dedicated to slaying 9 A traveling circus has arrived, and with it comes a tent
those who abuse the natural world. Surrounded by a swarm of promising uncanny phantasmagoria. The magic lantern
spectral beasts who were killed purposelessly, the wrathbringer used to project images within it makes the viewers’ greatest
and their cohort pursue ravagers, unnatural predators, and fears animate as bloodthirsty shadows.
poachers alike. From the wrathbringer’s perspective, every villain 10 A death mask cast from the face of a beautiful drowned
slain brings the world one step closer to being cleansed of evil. woman begins to speak, giving cryptic clues as to the
Suggested build: Firbolg Swarm ranger identity of the lover who murdered her.
Psychological Horror
Forbidden Tomes Aronofsky, Darren. Black Swan and Mother!
Atwood, Margaret. Alias Grace.
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft features a fantastic discussion of Banks, Iain. The Wasp Factory.
different genres of horror. Unfortunately, the one thing it doesn’t
include is a list of inspirations you can turn to for each of the Jackson, Shirley. We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
genres it covers. This feature aims to add to Van Richten’s Guide Meyrink, Gustav. The Golem.
by providing a list of media you might want to read or watch to Poe, Edgar Allan. “The Black Cat.”
deepen your understanding of those genres. This installment Palahniuk, Chuck. Haunted.
covers the minor genres detailed in Van Richten’s Guide: disaster
horror, occult detective stories, psychological horror, and slasher Polanski, Roman. Repulsion.
horror. These selections are not intended to be comprehensive— Tourneur, Jacques. Cat People.
these are merely my favorite examples.
Slasher Horror
Disaster Horror Argento, Dario. Profundo Rosso.
Atwood, Margaret. Oryx and Crake. Barker, Clive.“The Midnight Meat Train.”
Ennis, Garth & Jacen Burrows. Crossed. Bloch, Robert. Psycho.
Hodgson, William Hope. The Night Land. Keene, Brian. Urban Gothic.
Kirkman, Robert. The Walking Dead. King, Stephen. The Dark Half.
Matheson, Richard. I Am Legend. Moore, Alan & Eddie Campbell. From Hell.
McCarthy, Cormac. The Road. Suskind, Patrick. Perfume.
Shelley, Mary. The Last Man. Wan, James. Malignant.
VanderMeer, Jeff. Borne. Zombie, Rob. House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects.
Wells, H.G. The War of the Worlds.

Occult Detective Stories

Blackwood, Algernon. The Complete John Silence Stories.
Carter, Chris. The X-Files.
Crowley, Aleister. The Simon Iff Stories.
Curtis, Dan. Kolchak: The Night Stalker.
Ennis, Garth. Hellblazer.
Hodgson, William Hope. Carnacki, the Ghost-Finder.
Howard, Jonathan L. Johannes Cabal the Necromancer.
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan. In a Glass Darkly.
Mancuso Jr., Frank & Larry B. Williams. Friday the 13th.

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