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Gen Z - Identity and values

Gen Z and identity: Is Gen Z different?

- Gen Z was born around 1995 or later, but in 1997 the Internet entered Vietnam. From
birth, their entire life is related to technology. Therefore, people in this generation find it
very easy to grasp information, use technology, social networks Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter, Tittok ... Gen Z people can all master information tools quickly and easily,
without much effort. Smartphones are the device most used by Gen Z, a tool for learning
and entertainment.
- Due to a lot of exposure to technology, the ability to think financially and analyze
situations also develops. They have the ability to calculate, creative hair, sharp…
- With the advantage of being exposed to technology from an early age, their acumen for
industry development is enhanced over time. Therefore, Gen Z are the ones who are
creating trends, leading the latest trends on social networks. Currently, the influence of
Gen Z is undeniable when most of the "hot trends" come from this group. For example,
hot trending phrases on the internet are used by many people such as "U is heaven",
"ho baby", ...
- Gen Z friends are not afraid to share their opinions and express their personal views.
They bravely break out of their comfort zone, dismiss stereotypes, choose a different
path, and they are always ready to say what they think, not being overshadowed by the
- It can be affirmed that Generation Z today has an extremely liberal style of dress. They
always find a way to create a little highlight to be different from previous generations.
They have more comfort in everyday wear. Not discreet, but bold, strong.
Gen Z and values :
- Generation Z – the generation that makes a positive impact on the world
- The first thing to mention is the spirit of connection and integration. I see most of the
young people are connecting, supporting and knowing how to use each other's
strengths. This factor helps to bring about a healthy and cohesive working environment.
- Young people do not limit themselves to a single thing, but allow them to explore and
expand their worldview. This factor brings multi-dimensional and objective perspectives,
helping businesses have more new ideas and ways to always renew themselves.
- You actively learn and share with each other the benefits that an employee is entitled
to and are willing to speak up to protect those rights.
- At the same time, most Gen Z friends are also open to listening and respecting the
opinions of others, ready to receive or actively consult feedback with a positive attitude
to supplement.
Compare Gen zto previous.
- Gen Z values independence at work more than previous generations
- Gen Z is even more tech-savvy. Older employees may not have been born with
technology, but they appreciate companies embracing smartphones, cloud-based
computing, and collaboration apps.
- However, Gen Z is a vulnerable group, often overthinking in relationships and
vulnerable to overthinking.

Gen Z's legacy – Choose a topic, social issue/global challenge

The selected topic was "Mental Health: Depression and Stress." Depression and stress are
common mental health problems in modern society, especially in Gen Z. Gen Z is facing
academic, social and digital pressures, leading to increased risk of depression and stress.
Here are a few ways Gen Z can make an important contribution to this social issue:
Increased awareness and education: Gen Z can contribute by increasing awareness and
education about mental health, depression and stress. They may use social media, blogs,
videos, and other online platforms to share information, provide mental health self-care
skills, and encourage seeking professional help.
Building community and support: Gen Z can create a safe and supportive space for each
other in dealing with depression and stress. They can build online and offline communities to
share experiences, create support groups, and create an environment in which everyone
can feel heard and understood.
Use technology to help: Gen Z can use technology to create apps and online platforms
that support mental health. They may develop mobile apps, websites or chatbots that
provide counseling, information, and methods for stress reduction and depression
In summary, Gen Z can make an important contribution to the social issue of mental health
by increasing awareness, building community and support, and using technology to support
and drive social change. . Gen Z's care and creativity can make positive changes in
improving mental health and creating a supportive environment for all.
Choose a social, cultural or environmental issue or problem
-Why is smoking cannabis legal in the US but not in Vietnam? Is cannabis really a
drug that has a strong influence on social life?

The legalization or prohibition of cannabis in different countries, such as the US and

Vietnam, is influenced by a variety of factors, including social attitudes, cultural norms,
public health considerations, legal frameworks, and historical contexts. Let's address
your questions individually:

Legalization in the US: In the United States, the legalization of cannabis has occurred in
varying degrees at the state level. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021,
several states have legalized the recreational use of cannabis, while others have
allowed it for medicinal purposes. The reasons for legalization in the US include
changing societal attitudes, the potential economic benefits of a regulated cannabis
industry, and arguments for personal freedom and individual rights. It's important to note
that the legal status of cannabis can vary across different states, as federal law still
considers it an illegal substance.

Prohibition in Vietnam: In Vietnam, cannabis is classified as a controlled substance, and

its use, possession, and distribution are prohibited by law. The prohibition of cannabis in
Vietnam is rooted in various factors, including cultural and social norms, historical
perspectives, and concerns about the potential negative impact on public health and
social order. The Vietnamese government, like many other countries, may view cannabis
as a drug with psychoactive properties and potential risks to individuals and society.
Influence on social life: The influence of cannabis on social life can vary depending on
various factors, including patterns of use, individual susceptibility, and cultural context.
Cannabis is known for its psychoactive effects, primarily due to the presence of
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can alter perception, mood, and cognitive function.
While cannabis use can have different effects on different individuals, including
relaxation, euphoria, and altered perception, it can also have potential negative
consequences, such as impaired judgment, cognitive impairment, and potential

It's important to recognize that perceptions of cannabis and its impact on social life can
vary across different cultures and societies. Societal attitudes, scientific research, and
evolving perspectives on drug policy can influence the legal status and public perception
of cannabis in different countries. It's always recommended to consult the specific laws
and regulations of a particular country to understand its stance on cannabis.

Describe the issue Then say how Gen Z can contribute to that issue

When you talk about how Gen Z can contribute to that problem or issue
- Think carefully about Gen Z strengths and weaknesses

. Strength
Understanding what motivates and drives this generation
Creating a more productive and engaged workforce
Enhancing your company’s reputation
Increasing your bottom line
Attracting top talent
Improving employee retention
Fostering innovation
Encouraging creativity
Building a strong future for your business
. weakness
They love being on social media
They have a shorter attention span
They’re entitled in some situations
They’re impulsive
They don’t know how to handle failure
- Difficulties and obstacles that gen Z may face
Technology / over-dependence / addiction ranked second as the top problem among
young people

Technology and social media have always been an important part of young people's
lives, but lockdowns and the pandemic have made them even more dependent on their
devices. YPulse data shows that these generations are self-aware of their addiction to
technology and how it affects their mental health: Recent mobile app/behavior study Our
survey shows that 67% say they are addicted to their phones and 67% say they wish
they spent less time in front of screens. The same report found that 80% of 16-24 year
olds said their happiness, self-esteem, self-image, anxiety, loneliness and depression
were all influenced by social media and research by YPulse shows that social media has
a particularly large impact. have a major impact on the mental health and well-being of
young women. Of course, social media, which is tied to their device usage, is also in the
rankings. Although older generations often blame social media and technology for the
problems and worries of the younger generation, it is perhaps less discussed that young
people themselves consider Their use of technology is a problem.

- What effect does it actually have on the matter ( just raise awareness, or again
more- what if so?

The Internet has been bringing great benefits to people in all areas of social life. For
young people, it is especially useful when used as an endless resource to support
learning, develop skills, expand knowledge. However, the negative side of the Internet is
also many: violence, gambling, Internet addiction... Especially, when joining "social
networks" many young people can use it. use personal information to connect you with
complex objects, fall victim to "dirty games" online. Parents can also actively influence
their children to exploit the Internet to deepen, extend, and exercise knowledge through
searching, sifting, experimenting, and using information. As a friend, together with your
child read and analyze news suitable for young children, cook with your child online
menus, learn how to take medicine with your child, together with dental hygiene…
Encourage the formation of a social work group online, doing community projects.

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