3D Workflow Aligner3d EN

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OnyxCeph³™ Lab


Module Aligner 3D

1. Syntax, Terms, Shortcuts ................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Syntax .......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Shortcuts ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 INI Settings ................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Purpose and Functional Concept .................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Launch Module ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Crown Coordinate System ........................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Tooth Selection ............................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Tooth Movements ....................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Tasks prior to Planning .............................................................................................................. 12
2.5.1 Definition of tooth movement limitation ............................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Installing attachments ............................................................................................................ 12
3. Standard Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Definition of the treatment goal ............................................................................................... 14
3.2 Definition Treatment Process .................................................................................................... 15
3.2.1 Linear Tooth Movement ......................................................................................................... 15 Jaw Staging .......................................................................................................................... 16 Step Definition ..................................................................................................................... 20 Manual Correction ............................................................................................................... 21 IPR ........................................................................................................................................ 21 Collision Compensation ....................................................................................................... 22 Simulation of the soft tissue gingiva ................................................................................... 24
3.2.2 Non-Linear Tooth Movement ................................................................................................. 25
3.3 Option Progress Refinement ..................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Option Attachments .................................................................................................................. 30
3.5 Option Auxilliary Objects ........................................................................................................... 32
3.6 Save / Load / Send Project ......................................................................................................... 33
3.7 Save As Finding .......................................................................................................................... 34

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 2
4. Export ............................................................................................................................................ 35
4.1 Icon bar ........................................................................................................................................ 36
4.2 Panel Object List .......................................................................................................................... 36
4.3 Panel Inspect ............................................................................................................................... 37
4.4 Panel Trim.................................................................................................................................... 38
4.5 Panel Additional Objects ............................................................................................................. 39
4.6 Panel Label .................................................................................................................................. 42
4.7 Panel Print Preprocessing ............................................................................................................ 43
4.8 Panel Serial Export....................................................................................................................... 45
4.9 Export Formats ............................................................................................................................ 45

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1. Syntax, Terms, Shortcuts
1.1 Syntax

To identify the available controls provided by the graphical user interface precisely, the following
syntax and terms are used in the Quick Reference Guide document:

Module Program-Modul; Program-Window

|Register| Register; Tab
Panel Panel
[Button] Button (e.g. keyboard, icon, text button, radio button, checkbox, …)

l/r left / right

m/d mesial - distal
o/g occlusal - gingival
v/p vestibular - palatinal
i/d indirect / direct
(related to the transfer of calculated bracket positions)
i/o intraoral

1.2 Shortcuts

Several shortcuts can be used in Module Aligner 3D to speed up the workflow:

Control Keys

▪ F2 Single view upper jaw (occlusal)

▪ F3 Single view lower jaw (occlusal)
▪ F4 4-panel view
▪ F5 Single view upper and lower Jaw (frontal)
▪ F6 6-panel view
▪ F8 Goto next limit Maxilla / Mandible
▪ [SHIFT]+F8 Goto next limit Maxilla
▪ [CTRL]+F8 Goto next limit Mandible
▪ F9 New State (Stage, Step)
▪ F10 Compensate Collisions

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Numeric Keyboard (only in Crown Navigator or active 3D InView navigator)

▪ 0 / ins Switch View Direction (occlusal / buccal)

▪ 2/8 Rotation around m/d axis
▪ 4/6 Rotation around tooth axis
▪ [SHIFT]+ 2/ 8 Translation along tooth axis
▪ [SHIFT]+ 4 / 6 Translation along m/d axis
▪ 7/9 Rotation around vestibular axis
▪ 1/3 Translation along vestibular axis
▪ +/- Next / previous tooth

Cursor Buttons

▪ ←/→ Translation along m/d axis

▪ ↑/↓ Translation along tooth axis

Additional Shortcuts

▪ [CTRL]+ 1 Display upper and lower jaw in all orientations

▪ [CTRL]+ 2 Display upper jaw in all orientations
▪ [CTRL]+ 3 Display lower jaw in all orientations
▪ [CTRL]+S Save situation as QuickSave project
▪ [CTRL]+L Reload situation form QuickSave project

1.3 INI Settings

Additional GUI elements (e.g. Panel Registration) may have to be activated by a separate INI setting.
The specific settings should be asked for at Image Instruments as the manufacturer.

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2. Purpose and Functional Concept

The purpose of module Aligner 3D is to define treatment steps which can be achieved by a typical
aligner treatment whereby the user can customize the parameters to set-up his own treatment

Note: The user is fully responsible to evaluate and acknowledge the current patent situation to avoid
IP and patent infringements or other legal issues by his commercial activities.

2.1 Launch Module

Module Aligner 3D can be launched on tab |Images/3D Data| by context or icon menu from the
selected thumbnail of

i. a segmented malocclusal finding exported from module Segmentation or

ii. a segmented setup finding exported from module V.T.O.3D.

Fig. 1: Launching module Aligner 3D on tab |Images / 3D|

The module can also be opened on tab |Patient| from the document type list on the right by double
clicking an Aligner 3D project entry which was saved within the module by icon button [Save project]

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Fig. 2: Re-opening Aligner 3D project on tab |Patient|

2.2 Crown Coordinate System

The crown coordinate system is assigned to each crown by the segmentation and completion process
in module Segmentation . Identical to other modules (e.g. module V.T.O.3D) all angular measurements
of the crown alignment (inclination, angulation, rotation) are related to the Monson plane which is
defined by the mesial midpoint in the front and the distal border points on the most rear molars
separately for each jaw.

Fig. 3: Crown coordinate system

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2.3 Tooth Selection

To select the teeth to be moved (either single or multiple), two alternative methods can be used:

• In 3D-View-Panel
o Single selection: [ALT]+Left click on 3D tooth object
o Multiple selection: [CTRL]+[ALT]+Left click … or
[ALT]+draw rectangle by left mouse down
• in Panel Object list (Graphic)
o Single selection: Left click on tooth graphic above list
o Multiple selection: [CTRL]+Left click …

• in Panel Object list (List)

o Single selection: Left click on tooth entry in list
o Multiple selection: [CTRL]+Left click …

Independent of the selection method, the selected tooth objects are marked by their bounding box.

Fig. 4: Alternative selection or multi selection of teeth

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2.4 Tooth Movements

As in other OnyxCeph³ ™ planning modules, also in module Aligner 3D, tooth movements can be
controlled in different reference systems. This can either be the tooth coordinate system of the tooth
crown selected first (see Figure 3) or the patient coordinate system XYZ. When using the tooth
coordinate system, the movement direction can additionally be modified by holding down the [SHIFT]
or [CTRL] key.

Tooth movements can be controlled either by one of the two graphical 3D in-view navigators or by the
arrow buttons in panel Crown Navigator down in the right site control panel or by the [ + ][ - ][ = ]
buttons in panel Move Crowns in the middle panel. Option can also be used for multi selected crowns.
The sensitivity of the controls can be adjusted by their context menu.

With buttons [Undo]/[Redo] in the icon menu top right, individual movements can be reset in reverse
order of application or repeated.

Fig. 5: Tooth movement controlled by graphical "In-View" navigators

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Fig. 6: Alternative control options for tooth movements

All tooth movements are recorded and can be displayed by their numerical values separately for all
teeth in different tables which also can be copied and exported in CSV format.
All activated table types are opened side by side on top of the Aligner module window when clicking
the [Tooth Movement] icon. If [CTRL] is held down when clicking on the icon key, all individual tables
are opened sequentially.
By the same icon menu, the [Limits of Tooth Movement] table can be opened in a modal window on

Fig. 7: Numerical control options for crown movements

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Crown to crown distances, occlusal distances, movement contacts and also local minima/maxima of
the crown shape can be color-coded directly on the 3D tooth objects where [blue] indicates space,
[green] indicates contact and [red] indicates collisions. The red color in the contact plot indicates the
first closure contacts while the lower jaw is varied in position in X- and in Z-direction.
If [CTRL] is held down when clicking on the icon key, all individual patterns are opened sequentially.

Fig. 8: Colorizing crown distances

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2.5 Tasks prior to Planning
2.5.1 Definition of tooth movement limitation

To create treatment intervals (steps) it might be helpful to pre-define tooth movement limitations for
all components in the tooth movement limitation table. The table can be opened in a separate window
by theicon button [Tooth Movement] and allows to define numerical limits for changes in crown
positions, alignments, and also for mesial and distal IPR values separately for upper and lower jaw jaw
and separately for the 1st and all subsequent treatment steps. It is also possible to create different
sets of movement limits to be used depending on the case specifics.

Fig. 9: Crown limitation and movement icon

2.5.2 Installing attachments

If attachments should be used to force specific tooth movement components, the user has to make
sure that the required attachments are available in the attachment library. Otherwise, the patch
containing such attachments has to be imported via OnyxCeph³™ menu option [Options|Install Patch].
Alternatively, the user can create individual attachments by the internal attachment designer which
can be opened by main menu [View|Atachmentdesigner].

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3. Standard Workflow

Depending on the case situation, the workflow applied in module Aligner 3D usually comprises several
of the steps illustrated below:

Fig. 10: Workflow steps in module Aligner 3D

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3.1 Definition of the treatment goal

If module Aligner 3D is launched from the thumbnail of a setup finding planned in and saved exported
from module V.T.O.3D, the treatment goal specified within this finding will be automatically taken
over to the right end position in the timeline. If needed, the predefined treatment goal still can be
modified manually at this point using the module internal planning tools.

Fig. 11: Process slider ("Timeline")

If the module is launched directly from a thumbnail of a segmented malocclusion finding exported
from module Segmentation, the treatment goal has to be defined in module Aligner 3D directly. To
do so, move the slider in the timeline to its right most position and use the available tooth movement
options described above to move, align or strip single or multiple teeth.

While a movement of the entire mandible can be part of the goal planning in case it is taken over from
module V.T.O.3D, this is not possible if the goal was exclusively set up in module Aligner 3D.

If it is assessed that attachments are needed to perform the planned tooth corrections by aligners,
these attachments should already be positioned and aligned on the related crowns now, even if their
use is not needed during the entire aligner treatment period.

Additional modifications to the data set, which cannot just performed in the 3D series export (see point
4), since already needed during planning, can be made in the Additional Objects panel by adding 3D
objects such as pontics, mandibular advancement plates and much more, from the 3D object library
maintained by the user.

Independent from the way the treatment goal was planned, the goal situation should be saved as a
separate project using the [Save Project] button in the icon menu bar on top before applying further
workflow steps.

Fig. 12: [Save Project] icon button

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3.2 Definition Treatment Process

When planning the treatment process by subdividing the planned goal into intermediate stages and
steps, the user should first decide whether the tooth movements intended for the individual crowns
can be distributed linearly (uniformly) and simultaneously (concurrently) over the entire treatment
period or whether separate intermediate goals that deviate from a linear and simultaneous tooth
movement must be defined.

In many cases, slight misalignment corrections of the anterior teeth can be achieved with a linear tooth
movement pattern, while this is not applicable for cases requiring distal molar movements or interim

3.2.1 Linear Tooth Movement

The workflow described below for linear tooth movements for the definition of treatment intervals
can be understood as a basic planning scheme, which can also be applied to the subdivision of
intermediate goals (stages) into aligner steps (steps) (Figure 10).

The tooth movement between two fixed positions in the timeline can be visualized by moving the slider
in the timeline or by the play button [►]. The individual components of all planned crown movements
are linearly interpolated.

This tooth movement (e.g., between malocclusion and planned treatment goal or even between
planned intermediate stages) can be divided into intervals by creating a step at the current position of
the slider on the timeline using the context menu [New Status] or function key [F9]. By the same
context menu, single or all steps can also be deleted.

Fig. 13: Definition of treatment intervals

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 15 Jaw Staging

If the extent of planned tooth movements in the upper jaw and lower jaw is visibly different, this can
be taken into account in the planning with a smaller number of aligners for the jaw with less need for
movement. For this purpose, the number of required steps for both jaws, estimated using limit values,
can be calculated and displayed in table [Number of steps]. If other steps have already been defined,
the results are displayed for all intervals. In addition, the table shows which crown and which of its
movement components cause the calculated maximum number of steps.

Fig. 14: Protocol Number of steps – Treatment Goal

If the timeline slider is now shifted to the left until the number of steps of the jaw with the larger tooth
movements is equal to the (integer) total number of steps required for the opposite jaw, this
represents the situation in which the treatment goal of the opposite jaw can already be achieved taking
the tooth movement limit values into account.

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Fig. 15: Protocol Number of steps – Stage Goal

To set up the planning dataset in such situation, the tooth movements of the opposite jaw, and possibly
other treatment goal features, must be taken over from there. To do so, three different options are
provided by the software:

• Menu option [New Stage (Staging) | Extended …]

• Menu option [New Stage (Staging) | Selected: 100%]
• Menu option [New State] + [Copy From Following State| User Defined]

(1) Menu option [New Stage (Staging) | Extended …]

Using Staging-Option [Extended …], generally spoken, non-simultaneous tooth movements in between
2 planning steps can be merged into an intermediate stage including their movement components.

Bild 16: Using Jaw Staging Option [Extended …]

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In order to use this option for "jaw staging", all crowns of the jaw with less need for movement must
be selected (marked) in the chart with drag & drop, mouse click or with the related icon button, and
their movement percentage must then be set to 100%. This corresponds to the transfer of all tooth
movements of the marked teeth from the treatment goal shown on the right, while the proportionally
calculated movement of the teeth in the other jaw remains unchanged.

Note: In the New Stage window, the view can be toggled between upper and lower jaw control panel.
However, in fig. 17, both panels are merged together to ease visualization.

Fig. 17: Staging window

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(2) Menu option [New Stage (Staging) | Selected: 100%]
To use this option for "jaw staging" as an alternative to (1), all teeth of the opposite jaw must been
selected in the object list before they are moved to their goal position via context menu [New section
(staging) | Selected: 100%].

Fig. 18: Using Jaw Staging Option [Selected: 100%]

(3) Menu option [New State] + [Copy From Following State | User defined]
Another option is first to define a new step by [New State / F9] and then to copy over the goal position
of the marked teeth by menu option [Copy From Following State | User defined].

Fig. 19: Using Jaw Staging Option [User Defined]

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 19 Step Definition

Depending on the type and number of the usual follow-up checks, it should be decided whether the
aligner steps are to be calculated for the entire treatment period or only up to one of the planned

The latter can be useful in order to adapt the planning to the actually achieved treatment status by
means of intermediate scans before defining the subsequent steps while maintaining the pre-defined
treatment goal.

The subdivision of the planned tooth movements between pre-defined intermediate goals (stages)
into individual treatment increments that can be achieved by aligner therapy can, as described in
section 3.2.1, be carried out manually by moving the time line slider to the desired positions and then
fixing these positions using the context menu [New Status] or using the function key [F9].

To ensure that the maximum range of movement of individual crown components, which is pre-
defined via limit values, is not exceeded, each crown is colored red as soon as this condition is violated.
If table [Protocol Tooth Movement] is open (e.g., on a second screen), the related table cell is also
marked with a red background.

Entry [Go to the next limit] can be used to find the next possible step position regarding the limit values
for the selection of crowns to be monitored:

• All teeth Maxilla / Mandible – [F8]

• All teeth Maxilla - [SHIFT+F8]
• All teeth Mandible – [STRG+F8]
• All teeth selected in the object list – [SHIFT+STRG+F8]

Fig. 20: Automatic approach of pre-defined movement limitation positions for specified crowns

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 20 Manual Correction

Each step can be modified manually by adjusting position and alignment of individual crowns using the
available tools explained above. If it is assumed that the planned movement of all teeth between two
predefined stages can be described linearly, manual corrections should only be necessary in
exceptional cases. IPR

If IPR was applied to individual crowns in the treatment target, the planned values can be moved to
any planning steps. By default, all values are assigned to the first treatment step created on the
timeline. If IPR of cannot be applied to all crowns in this treatment situation (e.g. due to a misaligned
tooth groups), the corresponding IPR value must be reduced in the Move Crown panel. The remaining
amount is automatically transferred to the next treatment step on the timeline. An overview of when
which crown is to be trimmed can be shown in table [Protocol strip values]. By the tracing icon menu,
the IPR values to be applied before the selected step can be visualized directly in the 3D view.

Fig. 21: IPR protocol

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Fig. 22: IPR labels for selected step in panel 3D view Collision Compensation

When defining a linear interpolated step, collisions can occur between adjacent crowns, although if
the previous and subsequent step do not have any such penetrations. The reason for this is that the
interpolation for all movement components of all crowns takes place independently of one another,
i.e. without taking into account the position of adjacent crowns.

In order to identify such collisions more easily by means of a red coloring, the color coding of the
crown spacing should be activated via the icon [Crown Coloring].

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In order to eliminate these mostly minimal penetrations, entry [Compensate Collisions] in the
context menu of the icon [Move] in panel Move Crown or function key [F10] can be used. This will
cause the spacing of adjacent crowns to be evenly distributed within a pre-selected crown group. In
this way, penetrations are resolved at the expense of existing gaps.

Fig. 23: Collision compensation within a pre-selected tooth group

If there is not enough space in gaps to compensate for existing collisions, this must be done using
manual alignment corrections. If the selected group includes crowns up to and including the most
rear molar, then missing space is gained by distalization.

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 23 Simulation of the soft tissue gingiva

Moving teeth will consequently influence the gums at least in their gingival region around the moved
teeth. It is not possible to calculate these individual determined changes exactly, also b/c the changes
are not caused by a deformation process but by a bony reconstruction accompanied by related
processes. Therefore, each gingiva simulation method can only be an approximation by means of
suited assumptions. In module Aligner 3D in panel Gingiva Simulation the two methods

• Static
• Dynamic

are provided. Per default, method [Dynamic] should be pre-selected and used while the static method
should only be applied in some exceptional cases of large tooth movements in m/d direction along the
arch curve. Option [Update automatically] is not recommended due to the required calculation time.
Instead, the calculation should be updated manually when needed.

The gingiva simulation will be applied automatically to all export steps if option serial export is selected.
I.e., there is no need to launch the gingiva calculation manually for each single treatment step.

Fig. 24: Simulation of gingival changes (dynamic method)

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3.2.2 Non-Linear Tooth Movement

In the case of non-linear adjustments, the tooth movement required to achieve the planned treatment
goal cannot be performed linearly (uniformly) and not simultaneously (concurrently). In such case,
intermediate goals (stages) must be inserted between malocclusion and the treatment goal situation,
which then cab be subdivided in aligner steps applying the workflow described in sections to

Intermediate goals can be taken over at a fixed position of the timeline using the context menu.
However, this must be a finding that is based on the same data set from which the currently used
planning finding was generated, e.g.

• the current planning finding itself

• a modification regardin tooth position/alignment
• a finding exported in module Approval 3D

As a result, the tooth position and alignment read from the imported finding situation is transferred to
the planning finding.

Fig. 25: Stage planning import from V.T.O.3D finding

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As an alternative to taking over from another finding situation, intermediate goals can be defined using
one of the staging methods described in section The use of option [Extended ...] in particular
provides effective and clearly presented planning opportunities.

Fig. 26: Staging window (Example molar distalization by separate targets for movement components
for crowns 16|26 while 100% for crowns 17|27)

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3.3 Option Progress Refinement

To adapt the step planning and aligner manufacturing process to the real treatment progress, option
progress refinement is provided. This option can be extremely helpful to achieve the planned result
straight forward. The basic idea is to take a new i/o scan always after 2 or 3 treatment steps have been
completed and re-align the planned position of all or single teeth on the real treatment situation. For
this purpose, the new scan is imported by button [Load] in panel Register Step.

Fig. 20: Control Panel for option Progress Refinement

Fig. 21: Finding preview window to import a progress scan by button [Load]

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After import, the progress scan is displayed pre-aligned as overlay with blue surface color. By button
[Align Automatically], several options are provided to align the imported jaw scans vs. the associated
planning step. Options 1 … 4 are only active if a group of teeth was selected for the scan registration.
If done so, the number of selected teeth is displayed in braces at the end of the corresponding menu

Fig. 22: Import of progress scan (in blue) by button [Load]

Fig. 23: Alignment options by button [Align Automatically]

Fig. 24: Option [Align Maxilla to Selection Maxilla (14)]

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Once the progress scan is registered vs the planning step, all teeth to be individually aligned by the
progress refinement option have to be selected. By cklicking the button [Registration], these teeth are
matched to the imported progress.

Fig. 25: Progress refinement of selected teeth on progress scan by button [Registration]

Button [Comparison] allows color-coding the progress scan surface according to the perpendicular
metric distances from the surface of the planning situation between -2 mm (red) and +2 mm (blue).

Thereafter, the progress scan can be removed by button [Delete] while the refined planning step is
used to define the next 2 or 3 treatment increments towards the original treatment goal but now
adjusted on the real treatment situation at this point in time.

Fig. 26: Color-coding of surface distances progress scan - planning situation by button [Comparison]
and progress scan removal by button [Delete]

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3.4 Option Attachments

Sometimes the tooth movement forced by the appliance needs to be intensified. This can be achieved
by adding small bumps (attachments) with a suited shape on the surface of the related tooth. The
attachment selection and assignment for the related tooth is done via context menu on list panel

Fig. 27: Attachment selection for tooth 11

This will open the attachment list filtered by the respective tooth number.

Fig. 28: Attachment selection for tooth 11

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 30
The selected attachment can be displayed in a separate preview window by button [Preview] top left
and assigned by a left double click to be placed on the pre-calculated FA crown landmark according to
its angulation. The landmark can be re-positioned as usual with a right mouse click but also corrected
according to position and alignment by means of the controls in panel Attachment Navigator or like
the teeth (see also fig. 6, left) by the graphical 3D in-view control.

Fig. 29: Attachment placement and correction

If a new attachment is placed on any crown, it is transferred to all existing and subsequently created
steps in the identical crown relation.

If several attachments are to be used on one crown, a new list entry must first be created and selected
via the context menu entry [New Point] in list panel Attachments. Then by right-click on the desired
crown, a new attachment can be added. If such additional attachments should to be transferred to
other steps too, this can be done via context menu entry [Copy to ...].

If attachments placed in this way are not to be used in certain steps, they can be removed via the
context menu [Delete landmark] or [Delete All Landmarks] in the relevant step and optionally replaced
by another. This can also be propagated to any other steps using context menu [Copy to ...]

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Via main menu item [View | Bracket Library] additional attachments that have not yet been installed
locally yet can be searched for and downloaded online.

A program for the construction of individual attachments can be found in the main menu [View |
Attachment Designer] and used to create user attachments. These user attachments then can be found
in the selection list by basic type "User Attachment".

With INI entry AttachmentRuleSets=1 in INI section [Aligner], icon button [Attachment Rule Editor] can
be added to the module icon menu on top. This opens a rule editor for attachment placements
depending on planned tooth movement amounts.

Fig. 30: Icon button Attachment Rile Editor

3.5 Option Auxilliary Objects

For some treatment plans, it may be helpful or necessary to use additional objects in the treatment
process and to link them to the movement of other objects, e.g., to bridge gaps, install guides or
advancement plates and much more.

Such additional objects can be assigned in panel Additional Objects:

• Teeth (as a copy of an existing tooth)

• Mirrored teeth (as mirrored copy of an existing tooth)
• 3D objects from the user-maintained 3D object library

The panel buttons allow copying, renaming and deleting the inserted objects, scaling them in all 3
dimensions and linking their movement to existing sub-objects.

Fig. 31: Panel Additional Objects

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3.6 Save / Load / Send Project

Like in most of the other modules, also in module Aligner 3D any planning situation can be saved and
restored as a project by icon buttons [Save Project] and [Load Project].

Fig. XX: Icon button [Save / Load Project]

In addition to saving planning situations, this functionality can be utilized to send the current planning
online in a container file to another OnyxCeph³™ user for further planning (e. g. service providers or
follow-up treaters).

Fig. 33: Save / load / send aligner projects by container

Saved projects are listed in the document list in tab |Patient| and be reopened in the corresponding
module directly from there.

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Option QuickSave
With key combination [CTRL]+S, the current situation can be saved by the uniform project name
"QuickSave" without opening the save dialog. The same applies to reloading the status saved by name
"QuickSave" using the key combination [CTRL]+L.

Option AutoSave
With INI entry AutoSaveInterval=N in INI section [Application], an automatic background copy can be
set up by saving project “AutoSave” in an interval of N minutes.

The "QuickSave" and "AutoSave" projects are overwritten manually resp. cyclically with the current
status. The last copy are listed together with the projects saved in the dialog both in the [Save project]
and [Load project] windows and also in the Findings/Project tree on main tab |Patient|.

Fig. 34: Re-opening Aligner 3D projects on tab |Patient

3.7 Save As Finding

If the treatment plan from the module Aligner 3D is to be used for other purposes (such as diagnostic
measurements or patient education), the treatment goal can be stored as separate 3D finding with the
button [Save Finding]. The aligner planning process can be stored with this finding as an animation
which is later available in the full screen view of the new finding. For this, the associated option must
be selected from the context menu (right click) of the button prior to saving.

Fig. 35: Save As Finding (with or w/o animation)

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 34
4. Export

To export a single 3D object or a series of steps, the 3D Export window has to be opened either by con
button [Export Data] or from the context menu of panel Object List.

Fig. 35: Alternative menus to open the 3D Export window

Fig. 36: 3D Export window

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 35
4.1 Icon bar

The icon menu top left in the 3D Export window provides several useful options to ease the export

• Switch view to previous step

• Reload
• Step number increment for labeling
• Switch to next step
• Show maxilla only
• Show mandible only
• Swich 3D views
• Fabrication ordes (if configured)
• Reload export settings
• Save export settings

Fig. 37: Export window icon bar

4.2 Panel Object List

The Object List shows all 3D objects which have been visible in the module window when opening the
export. Selection can be modified using the list context menu. Note that all active (displayed) objects
will be exported by button [Export].
If maxilla and mandible objects are activated side-by-side at the time of export, the user will be asked
by a message if both jaws should be exported to separate files.

Fig. 38: Export window Object list

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 36
4.3 Panel Inspect

The panel provides some basic metric measurements for the selected objects. In addition, there is an
[Inspect/ Repair] button with a context menu. If context menu option [Inspect: Automatically] is
selected, the dataset mesh will be topologically inspected and repaired if needed automatically and
the green [OK] icon will appear in front of the caption after successfully done. Since the inspect / repair
process requires additional memory, the option should be deselected if such action is not required for

If option [Inspect: Automatically] is deselected, no icon will initially be displayed in front of the button
caption and the user can start the inspection process manually. In case no mesh problem is found, the
green [OK] icon will be displayed. Otherwise, the yellow [Warning] icon comes up. In such case, the
repair process can be launched manually thereafter.

Option [Serial Export: Repair] is only available if the 3D export is opened in module Aligner 3D. It
activates the repair process for each single aligner step export.

Fig. 39: Export window panel Inspect

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 37
4.4 Panel Trim

Panel Trim allows to trim the objects in all directions by adjustable clipping planes. By selection lists
[Align], the selected trim planes are transformed to 0 with their vertical component. The selected
orientation is applied thereafter.

Fig. 40: Export window panel Trim

To apply the selected settings on all steps of a series, the selected planes should not be changed or
deactivated after applied by button [Cut]. By collapsing the panel the active planes are hidden but stay

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 38
4.5 Panel Additional Objects

The panel allows to add additional objects during export. All but the first option is hidden by default
and can be enabled by the configuration button:

1. A defined amount of support can be filled in between the teeth of the upper and lower arch
2. A defined amount of support can be filled in to avoid vertical undercuts in upper and lower
3. Cutting lines for trimming the aligner after thermoforming
4. Fixation slots for Hinz-Pins to reposition occlusion
5. Objects from the user defined 3D object library linked to the assigned jaw and relative to the
common 3D coordinate system not regarding trimming planes, e.g. for fixator adapters
6. Objects from the user defined 3D object library linked to the assigned jaw and relative to the
common 3D coordinate system regarding (green) trimming planes, e.g. for coordinate system
adapters for trimming/manufacturing

Fig. 41: Configuration of panel Additional Objects

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 39
Fig. 42: Option 1: Block out interdental

Fig. 43: Option 2: Block out (undercut)

Fig. 44: Option 3: Cutting Line

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 40
Fig. 45: Option 4: Fixation slots

Fig. 46: Option 5: 3D Object

Fig. 47: Option 6: Adapter 3D Print

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 41
4.6 Panel Label

This panel allows to put labels onto the object surface by right click before export. Labels can be
created with different parameters for text width, height and decoration. Labels can use plain text or
space holders, e.g.

• %1 → Patient ID
• %2 → Name
• %3 → First Name
• %4 → Date of birth format YYYYMMDD
• %5 → Gender
• %A → Model number
• %D → Social insurance number
• %S → Step number

It is recommended to define label Height instead of Width to make sure same metric font size for
different text lengths. The labels are displayed in edit mode (blue) first to allow modifications but
must finally be inserted by button [ ].

Fig. 48: Export window panel Label

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 42
4.7 Panel Print Preprocessing

By using the option Print Processing, the dataset can be re-meshed into a single surface before export.
This can be helpful in cases where the manufacturing device (e.g. the 3D printer) is not able to handle
internal surfaces like roots or support material correctly.

The mesh size is controlled by the selected percentage (… 200%). Selecting about 70% results in an
optimum for quality and file size in most of the cases.

By the panel menu button on the right, an Options window is displayed where additional features like

• Print hollow
• Add Surface Offset
• Remove Bottom / Add Perforation
• Set File Size Maximum

can be configured. Several such export examples are described below. Presetting a maximum [File Size]
will reduce the final object file size by summarizing triangles in plane surface regions w/o influencing
the geometrical object resolution.

If print preprocessing is applied, all export processes run parallel as separate processes side by side -
e.g. in serial export from module Aligner 3D.

Fig. 49: Export window panel Print Preprocessing

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 43
Fig. 50: Export window panel Print Preprocessing and export examples

Find other examples online:

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 44
4.8 Panel Serial Export

This checkbox will only be available in module Aligner 3D. If it is activated, all selected treatment steps
can be exported automatically as a series. All options (cutting, inserting support, labeling, print
processing) have to be defined for one single step only (e.g., for the 1st one) to be applied the same
way on all subsequent steps thereafter. If only a single jaw is visible, the sequence is exported only for
this jaw, else it is exported and automatically labeled and named to separate files for maxilla and

Fig. 51: Export window panel Serial Export

4.9 Export Formats

OnyxCeph³™ supports export in 3D formats


If option Print Preprocessing is selected, only STL format is available. If configured in Systemoptions,
uploading to a print provider can be selected alternatively to a local file export.

Fig. 52: 3D Export file formats

Quick Reference Guide OnyxCeph³™ LAB | Module Aligner 3D [v. 2021-04-23] Page 45
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