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I created the course by compiling the important and practical

implications from the following research studies. You can find
the majority of these studies for free in Google Scholar.

Aaker, J. L., & Lee, A. Y. (2001). “I” seek pleasures and “we” avoid pains: The role of self-
regulatory goals in information processing and persuasion. Journal of Consumer
Research, 28(1), 33–49.

Aguirre-Rodriguez, A. (2013). The Effect of Consumer Persuasion Knowledge on Scarcity

Appeal Persuasiveness. Journal of Advertising, 42(4), 371–379.

Ahluwalia, R., & Burnkrant, R. E. (2004). Answering Questions about Questions: A

Persuasion Knowledge Perspective for Understanding the Effects of Rhetorical
Questions. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(1), 26–42.

Baca-Motes, K., Brown, A., Gneezy, A., Keenan, E. A., & Nelson, L. D. (2013). Commitment
and Behavior Change: Evidence from the Field. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(5),

Bagchi, R., & Ince, E. C. (2016). Is a 70% forecast more accurate than a 30% forecast? How
level of a forecast affects inferences about forecasts and forecasters. Journal of
Marketing Research, 53(1), 31-45.

Barden, J., & Petty, R. E. (2008). The mere perception of elaboration creates attitude
certainty: Exploring the thoughtfulness heuristic. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 95(3), 489–509.

Bazerman, M. H., Moore, D. A., Tenbrunsel, A. E., Wade-Benzoni, K. A., & Blount, S. (1999).
Explaining how preferences change across joint versus separate evaluation. Journal of
Economic Behavior & Organization, 39(1), 41–58.

Bazerman, M. H., Tenbrunsel, A. E., & Wade-Benzoni, K. (1998). Negotiating with Yourself
and Losing: Making Decisions with Competing Internal Preferences. The Academy of
Management Review, 23(2), 225.
Berger, J., Draganska, M., & Simonson, I. (2007). The Influence of Product Variety on Brand
Perception and Choice. Marketing Science, 26(4), 460–472.

Botti, S., & McGill, A. L. (2006). When choosing is not deciding: The effect of perceived
responsibility on satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(2), 211–219.

Burson, K. A., Larrick, R. P., & Lynch, J. G. (2009). Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other:
Expanding and Contracting Numerical Dimensions Produces Preference Reversals.
Psychological Science, 20(9), 1074–1078.

Campbell, M. C., & Kirmani, A. (2000). Consumers’ Use of Persuasion Knowledge: The
Effects of Accessibility and Cognitive Capacity on Perceptions of an Influence Agent.
Journal of Consumer Research, 27(1), 69–83.

Carlson, K. A., Meloy, M. G., & Russo, J. E. (2006). Leader-driven primacy: Using attribute
order to affect consumer choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(4), 513–518.

Carlson, K. A., & Shu, S. B. (2013). When Three Charms but Four Alarms: Identifying the
Optimal Number of Claims in Persuasion Settings.

Carmon, Z., Wertenbroch, K., & Zeelenberg, M. (2003). Option Attachment: When
Deliberating Makes Choosing Feel like Losing. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(1),

Cesario, J., Grant, H., & Higgins, E. T. (2004). Regulatory Fit and Persuasion: Transfer From
“Feeling Right.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 86(3), 388–404.

Cesario, J., & Higgins, E. T. (2008). Making message recipients “feel right” how nonverbal
cues can increase persuasion. Psychological Science, 19(5), 415–420.

Chernev, A. (2003). When More Is Less and Less Is More: The Role of Ideal Point Availability
and Assortment in Consumer Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(2), 170–183.

Chernev, A. (2004). Extremeness aversion and attribute-balance effects in choice. Journal

of Consumer Research, 31(2), 249–263.

Chernev, A. (2005a). Context effects without a context: attribute balance as a reason for
choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(2), 213–223.

Chernev, A. (2005b). Feature complementarity and assortment in choice. Journal of

Consumer Research, 31(4), 748–759.
Chernev, A. (2006). Decision focus and consumer choice among assortments. Journal of
Consumer Research, 33(1), 50–59.

Chernev, A. (2007). Jack of all trades or master of one? Product differentiation and
compensatory reasoning in consumer choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(4),

Chernev, A. (2009). Choosing versus rejecting: The impact of goal-task compatibility on

decision confidence. Social Cognition, 27(2), 249–260.

Chernev, A. (2011a). Product Assortment and Consumer Choice: An Interdisciplinary

Review. Foundations and Trends® in Marketing, 6(1), 1–61.

Chernev, A. (2011b). Semantic Anchoring in Sequential Evaluations of Vices and Virtues.

Journal of Consumer Research, 37(5), 761–774.

Chernev, A., Böckenholt, U., & Goodman, J. (2015). Choice overload: A conceptual review
and meta-analysis. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 25(2), 333–358.

Chernev, A., & Hamilton, R. (2009). Assortment size and option attractiveness in consumer
choice among retailers. Journal of Marketing Research, 46(3), 410–420.

Cho, E. K., Khan, U., & Dhar, R. (2013). Comparing apples to apples or apples to oranges:
the role of mental representation in choice difficulty. American Marketing Association.

Deng, X., Kahn, B. E., Unnava, H. R., & Lee, H. (2016). A “Wide” Variety: Effects of Horizontal
Versus Vertical Display on Assortment Processing, Perceived Variety, and Choice.
Journal of Marketing Research, 53(5), 682–698.

Dhar, R. (1997). Consumer preference for a no-choice option. Journal of Consumer

Research, 24(2), 215–231.

Dhar, R., & Gorlin, M. (2013). A dual-system framework to understand preference

construction processes in choice. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 23(4), 528–542.

Dhar, R., Nowlis, S. M., & Sherman, S. J. (1999). Comparison effects on preference
construction. Journal of consumer research, 26(3), 293-306.

Dhar, R., & Nowlis, S. M. (1999). The effect of time pressure on consumer choice deferral.
Journal of Consumer Research, 25(4), 369–384.
Dhar, R., & Nowlis, S. M. (2004). To buy or not to buy: Response mode effects on consumer
choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 41(4), 423-432.

Dhar, R., & Sherman, S. J. (1996). The effect of common and unique features in consumer
choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 23(3), 193–203.

Dhar, R., & Wertenbroch, K. (2000). Consumer Choice Between Hedonic and Utilitarian
Goods. Journal of Marketing Research, 37(1), 60–71.

Diehl, K., & Zauberman, G. (2005). Searching Ordered Sets: Evaluations from Sequences
under Search. Journal of Consumer Research, 31(4), 824–832.

Drolet, A., Williams, P., & Lau-Gesk, L. (2007). Age-related differences in responses to
affective vs. rational ads for hedonic vs. utilitarian products. Marketing Letters, 18(4),

Ebert, J. E. J., Gilbert, D. T., & Wilson, T. D. (2009). Forecasting and Backcasting: Predicting
the Impact of Events on the Future. Journal of Consumer Research, 36(3), 353–366.

Escalas, J. E. (2006). Self-referencing and persuasion: Narrative transportation versus

analytical elaboration. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(4), 421-429.

Fasolo, B., Hertwig, R., Huber, M., & Ludwig, M. (2009). Size, entropy, and density: What is
the difference that makes the difference between small and large real-world
assortments? Psychology and Marketing, 26(3), 254–279.

Feinberg, F. M. (2013, May). All things considered? The role of choice set formation in
diversification. American Marketing Association.

Fitzsimons, G. J., & Shiv, B. (2001). Nonconscious and contaminative effects of

hypothetical questions on subsequent decision making. Journal of Consumer
Research, 28(2), 224–238.

Fox, C. R., Bardolet, D., & Lieb, D. (2005). Partition dependence in decision analysis,
resource allocation, and consumer choice. Experimental Business Research, 229–251.

Friestad, M., & Wright, P. (1994). The persuasion knowledge model: How people cope with
persuasion attempts. Journal of consumer research, 21(1), 1-31.

Gierl, H., & Huettl, V. (2010). Are scarce products always more attractive? The interaction of
different types of scarcity signals with products’ suitability for conspicuous
consumption. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27(3), 225–235.

Gourville, J. T., & Soman, D. (2005). Overchoice and Assortment Type: When and Why
Variety Backfires. Marketing Science, 24(3), 382–395.

Gourville, J. T., & Soman, D. (2007). Extremeness seeking: When and why consumers prefer
the extremes.

Gu, Y., Botti, S., & Faro, D. (2013). Turning the Page: The Impact of Choice Closure on
Satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(2), 268–283.

Hamilton, R., Hong, J., & Chernev, A. (2007). Perceptual Focus Effects in Choice. Journal of
Consumer Research, 34(2), 187–199.

Hamilton, R., Vohs, K. D., & McGill, A. L. (2014). We’ll Be Honest, This Won’t Be the Best
Article You’ll Ever Read: The Use of Dispreferred Markers in Word-of-Mouth
Communication. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(1), 197–212.

Häubl, G., & Trifts, V. (2000). Consumer decision making in online shopping environments:
The effects of interactive decision aids. Marketing Science, 19(1), 4–21.

Hsee, C. K. (1996). The evaluability hypothesis: An explanation for preference reversals

between joint and separate evaluations of alternatives. Organizational behavior and
human decision processes, 67(3), 247-257.

Hsee, C. K., & Leclerc, F. (1998). Will products look more attractive when presented
separately or together? Journal of Consumer Research, 25(2), 175–186.

Hsee, C. K., Yang, Y., Gu, Y., & Chen, J. (2009). Specification Seeking: How Product
Specifications Influence Consumer Preference. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(6),

Hung, I. W., & Wyer Jr, R. S. (2014). Effects of self-relevant perspective-taking on the impact
of persuasive appeals. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(3), 402–414.

Iyengar, S. S., Mogilner, C., & Shiv, B. (2011). A Bird in the Hand or Two in the Bush:
Advantageous Decision Making in the Context of Simultaneously Versus Sequentially
Presented Options. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Jang, W. E., Ko, Y. J., Morris, J. D., & Chang, Y. (2015). Scarcity Message Effects on
Consumption Behavior: Limited Edition Product Considerations: LIMITED EDITION
PRODUCT CONSIDERATIONS. Psychology & Marketing, 32(10), 989–1001.

Janiszewski, C., Kuo, A., & Tavassoli, N. T. (2013). The Influence of Selective Attention and
Inattention to Products on Subsequent Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6),

Jiang, L., Hoegg, J., Dahl, D. W., & Chattopadhyay, A. (2010). The Persuasive Role of
Incidental Similarity on Attitudes and Purchase Intentions in a Sales Context. Journal
of Consumer Research, 36(5), 778–791.

Johnson, M. D. (1989). The differential processing of product category and noncomparable

choice alternatives. Journal of Consumer Research, 16(3), 300-309.

Kahn, B. E., & Wansink, B. (2004). The influence of assortment structure on perceived
variety and consumption quantities. Journal of consumer research, 30(4), 519-533.

Kahn, B. E., Weingarten, E., & Townsend, C. (2013). Assortment Variety: Too Much of a Good
Thing? In N. K. Malhotra (Ed.), Review of Marketing Research (Vol. 10, pp. 1–23).
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Karmarkar, U. R., & Tormala, Z. L. (2010). Believe Me, I Have No Idea What I’m Talking
About: The Effects of Source Certainty on Consumer Involvement and Persuasion.
Journal of Consumer Research, 36(6), 1033–1049.

Keren, G., & Teigen, K. H. (2001). The probability—outcome correspondence principle: A

dispositional view of the interpretation of probability statements. Memory &
Cognition, 29(7), 1010–1021.

Khan, U., Dhar, R., & Wertenbroch, K. (2005). A behavioral decision theory perspective on
hedonic and utilitarian choice. Inside Consumption: Frontiers of Research on
Consumer Motives, Goals, and Desires, 1, 144–165.

Kim, H., Rao, A. R., & Lee, A. Y. (2009). It’s Time to Vote: The Effect of Matching Message
Orientation and Temporal Frame on Political Persuasion. Journal of Consumer
Research, 35(6), 877–889.

Kim, S., & Labroo, A. A. (2011). From Inherent Value to Incentive Value: When and Why
Pointless Effort Enhances Consumer Preference. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(4),
Kirmani, A., & Zhu, R. (Juliet). (2007). Vigilant Against Manipulation: The Effect of
Regulatory Focus on the Use of Persuasion Knowledge. Journal of Marketing
Research, 44(4), 688–701.

Kivetz, R., & Simonson, I. (2002). Earning the right to indulge: Effort as a determinant of
customer preferences toward frequency program rewards. Journal of Marketing
Research, 39(2), 155-170.

Kronrod, A., Grinstein, A., & Wathieu, L. (2012). Enjoy! Hedonic Consumption and
Compliance with Assertive Messages. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(1), 51–61.

Kupor, D. M., & Tormala, Z. L. (2015). Persuasion, Interrupted: The Effect of Momentary
Interruptions on Message Processing and Persuasion. Journal of Consumer Research,

Kwong, J. Y. Y., & Wong, K. F. E. (2006). The role of ratio differences in the framing of
numerical information. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23(4), 385–394.

Lamberton, C. P., & Diehl, K. (2013). Retail Choice Architecture: The Effects of Benefit- and
Attribute-Based Assortment Organization on Consumer Perceptions and Choice.
Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3), 393–411.

Laran, J. (2010). Goal Management in Sequential Choices: Consumer Choices for Others
Are More Indulgent than Personal Choices. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 304–

Laran, J., & Wilcox, K. (2011a). Choice, Rejection, and Elaboration on Preference-
Inconsistent Alternatives. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(2), 229–241.

Laran, J., & Wilcox, K. (2011b). Choice, Rejection, and Elaboration on Preference-
Inconsistent Alternatives. Journal of Consumer Research, 38(2), 229–241.

Lee, A. Y., & Aaker, J. L. (2004). Bringing the Frame Into Focus: The Influence of Regulatory
Fit on Processing Fluency and Persuasion. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 86(2), 205–218.

Lee, A. Y., Keller, P. A., & Sternthal, B. (2010). Value from Regulatory Construal Fit: The
Persuasive Impact of Fit between Consumer Goals and Message Concreteness. Journal
of Consumer Research, 36(5), 735–747.
Lee, M., Carswell, C. M., Seidelman, W., & Sublette, M. (2012). The Design of Product
Comparison Tables and its Effects on Decision Making. Proceedings of the Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56(1), 1654–1658.

Lembregts, C., & Pandelaere, M. (2012). Are all units created equal? The effect of default
units on product evaluations. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(6), 1275–1289.

Levav, J., Heitmann, M., Herrmann, A., & Iyengar, S. S. (2010). Order in Product
Customization Decisions: Evidence from Field Experiments. Journal of Political
Economy, 118(2), 274–299.

Levav, J., Reinholtz, N., & Lin, C. (2012). The Effect of Ordering Decisions by Choice-Set Size
on Consumer Search. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(3), 585–599.

Liu, W. (2008). Focusing on desirability: The effect of decision interruption and suspension
on preferences. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(4), 640-652.

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behavioral decision-making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 5, 91–99.

Malkoc, S. A., Hedgcock, W., & Hoeffler, S. (2013). Between a rock and a hard place: The
failure of the attraction effect among unattractive alternatives. Journal of Consumer
Psychology, 23(3), 317–329.

Malkoc, S. A., Zauberman, G., & Ulu, C. (2005). Consuming now or later? The interactive
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between similarity processes and decision processes. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
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Meyvis, T., & Janiszewski, C. (2002). Consumers’ Beliefs about Product Benefits: The Effect
of Obviously Irrelevant Product Information. Journal of Consumer Research, 28(4),
Miller, E. G., & Kahn, B. E. (2005). Shades of meaning: the effect of color and flavor names
on consumer choice. Journal of consumer research, 32(1), 86-92.

Mochon, D. (2013). Single-Option Aversion. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(3), 555–566.

Mogilner, C., Aaker, J. L., & Pennington, G. L. (2007). Time will tell: The distant appeal of
promotion and imminent appeal of prevention. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(5),

Mogilner, C., Rudnick, T., & Iyengar, S. S. (2008). The Mere Categorization Effect: How the
Presence of Categories Increases Choosers’ Perceptions of Assortment Variety and
Outcome Satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(2), 202–215.

Monga, A., & Bagchi, R. (2012). Years, Months, and Days versus 1, 12, and 365: The Influence
of Units versus Numbers. Journal of Consumer Research, 39(1), 185–198.

Mourali, M., Böckenholt, U., & Laroche, M. (2007). Compromise and attraction effects under
prevention and promotion motivations. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(2), 234–

Nagpal, A., & Krishnamurthy, P. (2007). Attribute conflict in consumer decision making: The
role of task compatibility. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(5), 696–705.

Novemsky, N., Dhar, R., Schwarz, N., & Simonson, I. (2007). Preference fluency in choice.
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Nowlis, S. M., Dhar, R., & Simonson, I. (2010). The effect of decision order on purchase
quantity decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(4), 725–737.

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Park, C. W., Jun, S. Y., & MacInnis, D. J. (2000). Choosing what I want versus rejecting what I
do not want: An application of decision framing to product option choice decisions.
Journal of Marketing Research, 37(2), 187-202.

Park, H., & Silvera, D. (2016). Preference Versus Freedom: Two Psychological Meanings of
Scarcity and Their Influences on Consumer Choice. ACR North American Advances.
Parker, J. R., & Schrift, R. Y. (2011). Rejectable choice sets: How seemingly irrelevant no-
choice options affect consumer decision processes. Journal of Marketing Research,
48(5), 840–854.

Peters, E., Dieckmann, N. F., Västfjäll, D., Mertz, C. K., Slovic, P., & Hibbard, J. H. (2009).
Bringing meaning to numbers: The impact of evaluative categories on decisions.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 15(3), 213–227.

Petrova, P. K., & Cialdini, R. B. (2005). Fluency of Consumption Imagery and the Backfire
Effects of Imagery Appeals. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(3), 442–452.

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Perspective. Journal of Advertising, 40(3), 19-30.

Reutskaja, E., Nagel, R., Camerer, C. F., & Rangel, A. (2011). Search Dynamics in Consumer
Choice under Time Pressure: An Eye-Tracking Study. American Economic Review,
101(2), 900–926.

Rooderkerk, R. P., Van Heerde, H. J., & Bijmolt, T. H. (2011). Incorporating context effects
into a choice model. Journal of Marketing Research, 48(4), 767-780.

Roggeveen, A. L., Grewal, D., Townsend, C., & Krishnan, R. (2015, November). The impact of
dynamic presentation format on consumer preferences for hedonic products and
services. American Marketing Association.

Rottenstreich, Y., Sood, S., & Brenner, L. (2006). Feeling and thinking in memory-based
versus stimulus-based choices. Journal of Consumer Research, 33(4), 461–469.

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Resources Prompt Abstract Thinking. ACR North American Advances.

Sela, A., & Berger, J. (2012). How Attribute Quantity Influences Option Choice. Journal of
Marketing Research, 49(6), 942–953.

Sela, A., Berger, J., & Liu, W. (2009). Variety, Vice, and Virtue: How Assortment Size
Influences Option Choice. Journal of Consumer Research, 35(6), 941–951.

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than others. Memory & cognition, 21(4), 546-556.
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Shen, H., & Sengupta, J. (2014). The Crossmodal Effect of Attention on Preferences:
Facilitation versus Impairment. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 885–903.

Shen, H., & Wyer, R. S. (2010). The effect of past behavior on variety seeking: Automatic
and deliberative influences. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 20(1), 33–42.

Shen, L., & Urminsky, O. (2013). Making Sense of Nonsense: The Visual Salience of Units
Determines Sensitivity to Magnitude. Psychological Science, 24(3), 297–304.

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Townsend, C., & Kahn, B. E. (2014). The “Visual Preference Heuristic”: The Influence of
Visual versus Verbal Depiction on Assortment Processing, Perceived Variety, and
Choice Overload. Journal of Consumer Research, 40(5), 993–1015.

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Xu, A. J., & Wyer, R. S. (2008). The Comparative Mind-Set: From Animal Comparisons to
Increased Purchase Intentions. Psychological Science, 19(9), 859–864.

Xu, J., Jiang, Z., & Dhar, R. (2013). Mental representation and perceived similarity: How
abstract mindset aids choice from large assortments. Journal of Marketing Research,
50(4), 548–559.

Yeung, C. W. M., & Wyer, R. S. (2004). Affect, Appraisal, and Consumer Judgment. Journal of
Consumer Research, 31(2), 412–424.

Yeung, C. W., & Soman, D. (2005). Attribute evaluability and the range effect. Journal of
Consumer Research, 32(3), 363–369.

Zhang, S., Kardes, F. R., & Cronley, M. L. (2002). Comparative advertising: Effects of
structural alignability on target brand evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology,
12(4), 303–311.
Zhang, S., & Fitzsimons, G. J. (1999). Choice-process satisfaction: The influence of attribute
alignability and option limitation. Organizational behavior and human decision
processes, 77(3), 192-214.

Zhou, R., & Pham, M. T. (2004). Promotion and Prevention across Mental Accounts: When
Financial Products Dictate Consumers& Investment Goals. Journal of Consumer
Research, 31(1), 125–135.

Zhu, R., & Meyers-Levy, J. (2007). Exploring the Cognitive Mechanism that Underlies
Regulatory Focus Effects. Journal of Consumer Research, 34(1), 89–96.

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