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Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

Volume sensor for damage assessment and situational awareness

Susan L. Rose-Pehrssona,, Christian P. Minorb, Daniel A. Steinhurstb, Jeffrey C. Owrutskya,
James A. Lynchc, Daniel T. Gottukc, Stephen C. Walesd, John P. Farleya,
Frederick W. Williamsa
Chemistry Division, US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375,USA
Nova Research, Inc., Alexandria, VA 22308, USA
Hughes Associates, Inc., Baltimore, MD 21227, USA
Acoustics Division, US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375, USA
Received 14 March 2005; received in revised form 26 October 2005; accepted 12 December 2005
Available online 27 March 2006


A multi-sensory approach is being used to develop new detection capabilities for improved damage assessment and real-time
situational awareness. As part of the Advanced Damage Countermeasures (ADC) program, the US Navy seeks to develop and
demonstrate improved damage control capabilities that will be incorporated into new ship designs. This work represents the progress in
the fourth year of a multi-year program to identify, evaluate, and adapt video image detection technologies for shipboard damage
control. Various spectral and acoustic signatures, new video imaging techniques, and image recognition methods have been investigated
and integrated into a multi-sensory prototype system that is able to detect event signatures within the volume of a space (i.e., a ‘‘volume
sensor’’) rather than relying on spot-type fire detectors. The prototype systems were shown to outperform the commercial systems for
flaming and smoldering fires with a high immunity to nuisance sources. In addition, the prototypes accurately identified pipe ruptures
and flooding events.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Video image fire detection; Fire detection; Smoke detection; Flame detection; Pipe rupture detection; Data fusion; Multi-sensory detection;
Spectral and acoustic signature

1. Introduction provide an alarm for events such as flaming and smoldering

fires, explosions, pipe ruptures, and flooding. The project
The US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is develop- uses an inexpensive, multi-sensory approach that takes
ing a real-time, remote detection system for shipboard advantage of existing and emerging technology in the
situational awareness. The Advanced Volume Sensor Task rapidly growing fields of optics, acoustics, image analysis
is an important element of the US Office of Naval and computer processing. In addition, this technology
Research, Future Naval Capabilities program, Advanced utilizes conventional surveillance cameras, which are
Damage Countermeasures (ADC). The ADC program currently being incorporated into new ship designs, and
seeks to develop and demonstrate improved damage therefore will provide multiple system functions with
control capabilities for reduced manning aboard future minimal new hardware. The goal is to develop a robust,
naval vessels. The objective of the Advanced Volume low cost system that eliminates false alarms.
Sensor Task is to develop an affordable detection system The Advanced Volume Sensor Task is a five-year, five-
that will identify shipboard damage control conditions and phase program. The first phase consisted of a literature
review and an industry review of current and emerging
Corresponding author. technologies for video, optical, and acoustic methods for
E-mail address: the detection of smoke and fire [1]. Based on the study,
(S.L. Rose-Pehrsson). several technologies were identified as having potential for

0379-7112/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
302 S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

meeting some of the objectives of the volume sensor cial VID systems in the visible spectrum, long wavelength
development effort. Work performed during the second VID in the 700–1000 nm range, spectral sensors in the
year provided a basis for moving forward with the use of ultraviolet (UV), visible, near infrared (NIR), and mid
video image detection (VID) for shipboard applications [2]. infrared (IR) ranges, and microphones in the human-
A full-scale laboratory evaluation of three VID systems audible frequency range. Fig. 1 illustrates the main
using a variety of fire and nuisance sources indicated that components of development for the basic volume sensor
the smoke alarm algorithms of these systems could provide concept.
fire detection capabilities equivalent to spot-type smoke Video-based fire detection systems built around typical
detectors for most of the conditions evaluated. The third surveillance cameras are a recent technological advance-
phase assessed potential technologies that could be used in ment [16,17]. For volume sensor development, three
developing a volume sensor system, which was prototyped commercial video-based fire detection systems were eval-
in the fourth phase of the program. The tasks included the uated in a shipboard environment on the ex-USS Shadwell
evaluation of VID [3–5], spectral sensors [6,7], acoustic and in a laboratory setting. The VID systems operate by
signatures [8], and long wavelength imaging [9], with the analyzing video images produced by typical surveillance
development of advanced algorithms [10,11]. Each of the cameras (up to eight per unit) in order to detect smoke or
sensing technologies was evaluated using damage control fire in large spaces such as warehouses and transportation
events including fire, flooding and pipe ruptures, and tunnels. The systems differed mostly in their image analysis
against a variety of typical shipboard nuisance sources. The algorithms, which are all proprietary, and less so in their
results indicated that each sensing technology provides sensitivity to image quality. In testing, two systems
unique information for use in the volume sensor prototype. performed well with approximately 80% correct detection
This paper describes the integrated volume sensor (i.e., 20% false negative rate) of small incipient fires and
prototype [12,13]. The initial prototype was evaluated in nuisance events, and a 20% rate of false positive detections.
two shipboard test series on the ex-USS Shadwell. The first Further details of the test procedure and evaluation have
test series successfully demonstrated the integration of the been described in previous reports [18]. The alarm times for
detection systems of the prototype system [14]. The second the VID systems were comparable to those from ionization
test series demonstrated improved fire detection with very detection systems for flaming fires, but were much faster
high nuisance source immunity and the ability to detect than either ionization or photoelectric smoke detection
pipe ruptures and flooding events [15]. systems for smoldering fires. Two of the manufacturers
have been working with NRL to improve their detection
2. Volume sensor concept systems for Navy applications. Recent versions of these
VID systems include detection algorithms for both flaming
The volume sensor concept intended to achieve a remote, fires and smoke. While there was considerable progress in
optical-based detection system that uses cameras already improving the detection sensitivity, the false alarm rate
planned for new ships. Additional sensor technologies were needed to be reduced. One of the most significant
investigated to augment the cameras for enhanced situa- challenges to shipboard early warning fire detection with
tional awareness. The goal was to make an inexpensive, video-based systems is the discrimination of the flaming
remote detection system with faster response times for fires from typical shipboard bright nuisance sources such as
smoldering fires than can be achieved with diffusion- welding, torch cutting, and grinding. This objective is
limited point or spot-type smoke detectors. Several achieved by combining the VID systems with other types of
technologies have been evaluated for the development of sensors, such as other optical and acoustic detection
the volume sensor. VID is the main detection method with methods.
the other sensing technologies being used to enhance and Two distinct approaches to optical detection outside the
expand on the video detection capabilities. Full-scale visible are being pursued [6,7,19]. These are long wave-
laboratory and shipboard tests were conducted to develop length (NIR) video detection (LWVD), which provides
a database of events. These tests assisted in the selection of some degree of both spatial and spectral resolution or
the subsystems that were incorporated in the volume discrimination, and single or multiple element narrow
sensor. The volume sensor prototype consists of commer- spectral band detectors, which are spectrally but not

Shipboard Events Sensors & Global Event External

Local Analysis Recognition Interface
Flaming fires
Imaging methods
Smoldering fires Machine Vision Supervisory
Multivariate Control
Flood / Pipe ruptures Spectral/Acoustic- Data Fusion System
based Detection
Nuisance Sources

Fig. 1. Main components for volume sensor development.

S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310 303

spatially resolved and operate with a wide field of view at features identified in spectra measured for fires with
specific wavelengths ranging from the IR to the UV. Image different fuels. In a stand-alone configuration, combina-
detection in the NIR has been utilized in background free tions of the single channels were found to yield comparable
environments, such as forest fire monitoring from ground results as the COTS flame detectors for identifying fires,
installations [20] and satellites [21], in tunnels [22], and for both in and out of the field of view, and better performance
cargo surveillance in aircraft [23]. Image analysis in for detecting some smoke events and several nuisance
conjunction with narrow band filtered (1140 nm) NIR sources. The inclusion of one or more of the single element
images has been patented as a method for enhancing fire sensors was expected to reduce the false alarms of the
and hot object detection [24]. integrated system without degrading the sensitivity, and for
The primary advantages of long wavelength imaging are this purpose, principle components analysis (PCA) was
higher contrast for hot objects and more effective detection used to develop a set of algorithms for the spectral sensors
of reflected flame emission compared to images obtained to discriminate flaming fires in and out of sensor field of
from cameras operating only in the visible region. This view, smoldering sources, and welding sources. Together,
allows for improved detection of flaming fires that are not the spectral sensors and discrimination algorithms are
in the field of view of the camera. This approach to LWVD referred to as the spectral based volume sensor (SBVS)
is a compromise between expensive, spectrally discriminat- system [6].
ing cameras operating in the mid IR and inexpensive, Another key aspect of the Advanced Volume Sensor
thermally insensitive visible cameras. The LWVD system Task is the evaluation of acoustic signatures in the human-
exploits the long wavelength response of standard CCD audible range for enhanced discrimination of damage
arrays used in many cameras (e.g., camcorders and control events, particularly flooding and pipe ruptures.
surveillance cameras). This region is slightly to the red Earlier efforts in acoustical leak detection emphasized
(700–1000 nm) of the ocular response (400–650 nm). A long using ultrasonic technologies for application in nuclear
pass filter transmits light with wavelengths longer than a reactor environments [32,33]. For volume sensor develop-
cutoff, typically in the range 700–900 nm. This increases the ment, a representative set of fire and water acoustic event
contrast for fire, flame, and hot objects by suppressing the signatures and common shipboard background noises was
normal video images of the space, thereby effectively collected and measured. Measurements were made aboard
providing some degree of thermal imaging. There is more the ex-USS Shadwell, in a full-scale laboratory test for fire,
emission from hot objects in this spectral region than in the in a wet trainer for flooding and pipe ruptures, and on two
visible (o600 nm). Testing has demonstrated detection of in-service vessels, naval and research, for shipboard
objects heated to 400 1C or higher. A luminosity-based ambient noise. The event signatures and noise signals were
algorithm was developed to analyze video images for the compared in the time and time-frequency domains. Results
detection of NIR emission and used to evaluate camera/ have indicated that clear differences in the signatures were
filter combinations for fire, smoke and nuisance event present and first generation algorithms have been devel-
detection [9]. For each incoming video image, the oped to distinguish the various events. Flooding and pipe
algorithm applied a simple non-linear threshold to the ruptures are loud events, and a simple broadband energy
summed, normalized intensity difference of the current detector, in the high frequency band 7–17 kHz with an
video image and a background image established at the exponential average, has been effective even in a noisy
start of each test. This approach is similar to one suggested environment like an engine room [8]. The algorithms being
by Wittkopp et al. [25] for fire and smoke event developed for volume sensor use the variance of the level
classification with visible spectrum cameras in aircraft with time for discrimination of events. Some nuisance
cargo holds. events, like grinding, cutting torches, and arc welding, are
The second optical detection method investigated was a also loud, but have level variations with time that
collection of narrow band, single element, spectral sensors. distinguish them from flooding and pipe rupture events.
Approaches to detect reflected near infrared emission from Fire events are the quietest, though even here, some
fire sources using narrow band detectors have been distinctive features have been observed.
previously reported and patented by Lloyd et al. [26–28]. The integration of multimodal, complementary sensor
Atomic emission of potassium at 766 nm has been reported systems for fire detection and the performance enhance-
in Vdacek et al. [29] for satellite based fire detection. In ment using data fusion technology are well established
addition, a number of commercial companies produce UV [34,35]. Previous efforts at NRL have demonstrated
and IR based flame detectors [30,31]. Narrow band sensors significant improvements in accuracy, sensitivity and
investigated for volume sensor development included response time in fire and smoke detection by combining a
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) UV/IR flame detectors multimodal sensor approach with neural network-based
modified so that the individual outputs can be monitored data fusion [36]. For the volume sensor program, pattern
independently, and other sensors operating in narrow recognition and data fusion algorithms have been devel-
bands (10 nm) at visible (590 nm), NIR wavelengths (766 oped to intelligently combine the individual sensor
and 1050 nm), and mid IR wavelengths (2.7 and 4.3 mm). technologies with the goal of expanding detection capabil-
The spectral bands were chosen to match flame emission ities (flame, smoke, flood, pipe ruptures, hot objects) and
304 S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

reducing false positives. Enhanced sensitivity, improved approach: first, algorithms process the raw data at the
event discrimination, and shorter response times are the sensor subsystem level, then combine and analyze the data
milestones for success. The algorithms being developed across the sensor subsystems in a decision tree incorporat-
capture the strengths of specific sensor types and systems ing expert knowledge and pattern recognition for event
while minimizing their weaknesses. Optimization of the pre-alarm conditions. A pre-alarm triggers a second level
detection methods and further development and enhance- of more sophisticated algorithms incorporating decision
ment of the machine vision and multivariate data analysis rules, further pattern recognition, and Bayesian evaluation
methods are a major emphasis of ongoing work. specific to the event condition, the output of which is then
passed to an information network for accurate, real-time,
3. Volume sensor integration situational awareness. Techniques being investigated in-
clude feature selection, data clustering, Bayesian classifica-
The successful components have been integrated into a tion, Fisher discriminant analysis, and neural networks.
prototype volume sensor system. Visual images and Two volume sensor prototypes have been built. For
machine vision are used for motion and shape recognition deployment, the sensor components have been grouped
to detect flaming and smoldering fires. Future develop- into sensor suites, each of which contains a video camera, a
ments will focus on pipe and hull ruptures, and flooding. long wavelength filtered video camera, spectral sensors,
Spectral and acoustic signatures are being used to detect and a microphone. Data from multiple sensor suites is
selected events, like arc welding and pipe ruptures, and to analyzed by the appropriate sensor systems, a VID system,
enhance event discrimination. Long wavelength image a long wavelength (NIR filtered) VID system (LWVD), a
analysis provides early detection of hot surfaces, high spectral sensor system (SBVS), and an acoustic sensor
sensitivity for ignition sources, and the capability of system (ACST). Each prototype employs a single fusion
detecting reflected fire emission, thereby reducing the machine to gather and analyze data from the four sensor
reliance on line of sight in VID systems (i.e., it provides systems for global event recognition. The maximum
better coverage of a space with fewer cameras). Fig. 2 number of sensor suites that can be processed with a single
shows a schematic diagram of the system being developed. fusion machine has not yet been determined. The two
The volume sensor prototype uses an innovative prototypes differ only in how video images are analyzed.
architecture that has been designed to collect and combine The first prototype uses VID input generated by the Smoke
video with other input from a heterogeneous network of and Fire Alert (SFA) fire detection software, version
distributed sensors and systems. The system can monitor, from the company Fastcom Technology SA [37].
events in real time, provide pre-alarm and alarm conditions The second prototype uses VID input generated by the
for unusual events, log and archive the data from each Signifire fire detection software, version, from
subsystem, and archive and index alarms for easy recall. the company axonX LLC [38]. Both VID manufacturers
The modular architectural design allows this system to be were contracted to provide middleware to allow their
adapted and expanded to incorporate the latest sensor systems to communicate over a network to the volume
technologies for new and different missions. A commu- sensor fusion machine. The other sensor modalities, video
nication system built on Extensible Markup Language from the LWVD as well as spectral and acoustic signatures,
(XML) packet structures for easy implementation on a are incorporated via sensor systems developed at the NRL
wide variety of networks is used to transfer sensor data and as part of the Advance Volume Sensor Task.
algorithm output from sensor subsystems to a central data Fig. 3 shows the graphical user interface (GUI)
fusion node for processing by a fusion algorithm. There, all component of a prototype. The GUI displays all the infor-
sensor information is integrated and analyzed in a tiered mation being combined in the volume sensor prototype

Spectral Sensor Sensor Analysis Fusion Machine

Suite And Prototype
Data Packaging

Acoustics Microphone Acquisition Fusion

& Analysis Server Human
Command Supervisory
XML Interface
And Control
Library (GUI)
Control System
NIR Client
LWVD Camera(s) Data XML
Converter Library

Video Image Visible Recognition
Analyses Camera(s) Algorithms

Field monitoring Sensor Systems TCP/IP Fusion System

Computers Network Computers

Fig. 2. Volume sensor prototype schematic.

S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310 305

Fig. 3. Volume sensor prototype graphical user interface.

and gives the alarm condition based on analysis by the wavelength camera (CSi-SPECO CVC-130R (0.02 Lux)
volume sensor fusion machine. Three camera images are B&W camera with a LP720 filter), a microphone (Shure
shown, two visible and one NIR. Each sensor technology is MX-393 in suites 1 and 2 or Shure MX-202 in suite 3), and
displayed, as is the overall volume sensor result and alarm. a suite of spectral sensors consisting of three Si photo-
In the example shown in Fig. 3, the system indicates an diodes with interference filters at 590, 766, and 10 50 Å, two
alarm for a flaming fire based on the input from all mid IR detectors at 2.7 and 4.3 mm, and a UV unit, all
available sensors. designed by Vibro-meter, Inc [31]. The compartment was
also instrumented with ionization (EST SIGA-IS), multi-
4. Experimental criteria (EST SIGA-IPHS), and photoelectric (EST SIGA-
PS) spot-type detectors from Edwards Systems Technolo-
The performance of the volume sensor prototypes was gies [40]. The EST detectors were mounted in the overhead
evaluated at the end of the fourth year in full-scale tests at the locations shown in Fig. 5.
during the Volume Sensor 4 Test Series aboard the ex-USS The volume sensor prototypes were evaluated using
Shadwell [39]. These tests included a variety of typical flaming and smoldering fires, water and gas releases, and
shipboard fire, nuisance, and pipe rupture events designed nuisance alarm sources. Any source that causes a detector
to assess the developmental progress of the prototype to generate an undesired alarm was considered a nuisance
system and to expand the database for future improve- alarm source. Incipient size sources were generally used to
ments. In addition, the prototype detection capabilities and challenge the detection capabilities of all the sensors.
false alarm rates were compared to stand alone COTS fire A standard test procedure was adhered to: approximately
detection systems that included two video-based and 4 min of ambient background data collection, followed by
several spot-type detection systems. exposure to a target test or nuisance source, and then
The compartment on the ex-USS Shadwell employed as a ventilation of the space to remove all smoke. Source
test space for the Volume Sensor 4 Test Series had a exposure was terminated when a source was fully con-
volume of 143.4 m3, from a length, width, and height of sumed, or when all sensor systems were either in alarm or
5.9 m  8.1 m  3.0 m, respectively. Fig. 4 is a diagram of showed no change in detection due to quasi-steady state
the compartment and shows the dimensions and locations source conditions. The compartment was sealed off during
of obstructions within the compartment. Three sensor tests and ventilation was maintained at a typical shipboard
suites were used to instrument the compartment and level of 4–5 air changes per hour.
supplied data to both of the two volume sensor prototypes. Common shipboard combustibles were used as fuels for
The locations of the sensor suites are shown by the circled fire sources. Open pipes, gashed pipes, and pipes with
VS1, VS2, and VS3 in Fig. 4. Sensor suite 1 was located various sprinkler nozzle heads were used as water release
2.44 m above the floor, sensor suite 2 at 1.84 m, and sensor sources. Air bottles, nitrogen bottles, and a self-contained
suite 3 at 2.03 m. Each of the three sensor suites consisted breathing apparatus (SCBA) mask were used as gas release
of a CCTV video camera (Sony SSC-DC393), a long sources. Nuisance sources represented common fire-like
306 S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

Fig. 4. Locations of obstructions, sources (circled numbers) and sensor suites (circled VS1, VS2, VS3).

shipboard activities like welding, grinding, and torch the volume sensor systems was compared with the
cutting steel plates, as well as several other sources known commercial VID systems and spot-type ionization and
to cause nuisance alarms in the volume sensor components. photoelectric smoke detectors.
The number of tests conducted and the descriptions of fire
scenarios, water and gas releases, and nuisance sources are 5. Results and discussion
shown in Table 1. Replicate tests were not generally
performed sequentially. Further details for all sources are As early warning units, each of the volume sensor
available in Lynch et al. [15]. prototypes and their component sensor subsystems per-
Three principal measures of performance were used to formed very well. Sensor data and local sensor analysis
evaluate the volume sensor prototypes and commercial were accurately and consistently transmitted to the fusion
detection systems: (1) the general functionality of the multi- machines at 1 s intervals with virtually no footprint on a
component prototype system, in the sense of meeting 100 Mbps Ethernet network. Testing revealed that proces-
design objectives and successful integration of the compo- sing on the PC-based fusion machines (Pentium IV class)
nents; (2) the percent correct classification of fire, water remained smooth in real-time.
and gas release, and nuisance sources; and (3) the speed of One of the most significant challenges to shipboard early
response to fire sources. In addition, the performance of warning fire detection with video-based systems is the
S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310 307

Fig. 5. Locations of the spot-type detectors in overhead.

discrimination of flaming fires from typical shipboard of the smoldering sources were also seen by the spectral
bright nuisance sources like welding, torch cutting, and sensor system, or detected by smoke blooming on
grinding. The LWVD sensor system was consistently the compartment lights with the LWVD system, though in
most sensitive system to flaming fires, but exhibited a nearly every case at a time later than that of the VID
similar sensitivity to bright nuisances. Both commercial systems. As a consequence, the volume sensor prototypes
VID systems displayed similar behavior with flaming fires relied almost entirely on the VID systems for smoldering
and bright nuisances, though at a lesser sensitivity than detection, and most of the false positives (nuisance alarms)
LWVD. Thus, neither the VID nor the LWVD systems generated by the prototypes were due to false positives in
could be relied on for accurate discrimination of flaming the VID systems.
fires and nuisance sources. For this task, the suite of The acoustic sensor system performed very well in the
spectral sensors was incorporated in two ways. First, the detection of pipe rupture-induced flooding events and gas
local detection algorithms, developed for the spectral-based leak events, and reasonably well in the detection of
sensor system to detect emission signatures typical of nuisance sources. (Note that the acoustic nuisance detec-
welding events and flaming fires in and out of the field of tion algorithms were immature during these tests.) The
view of the sensor suite, were used. Second, the data fusion data fusion flooding algorithm of the volume sensor
flame detection algorithm intelligently combined the out- prototypes combined the output of the acoustic sensor
puts from the light sensitive video systems with the system with those of the spectral and LWVD systems to
emission signatures from the spectral systems to success- successfully discriminate against noisy shipboard nuisances
fully discriminate flaming fires from bright nuisances. like welding and grinding.
The commercial VID systems were 100% effective in the Table 2 presents a summary of the results of the tested
detection of smoldering source events. Approximately half systems for correctly classified flaming and smoldering
308 S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

fires, nuisance sources, and water release events. Results for those recorded by the VID systems themselves, indepen-
the two volume sensor prototypes are listed in the columns dent of transmittal to the volume sensor prototypes. The
labeled ‘‘VSP1’’ and ‘‘VSP2’’ (for Volume Sensor Proto- ionization and photoelectric spot-type detectors, which
type 1 and 2), the Fastcom SFA commercial VID system in bracket the performance of the multicriteria detectors, were
column ‘‘VID1’’, the axonX Signifire commercial VID used as the primary benchmark for assessing the perfor-
system in column ‘‘VID2’’, and the commercial spot-type mance of the prototypes.
smoke detectors in columns ‘‘EST Ion’’, ‘‘EST Photo’’, and The volume sensor prototypes detected all the flaming
‘‘EST Multi’’. As mentioned earlier, the commercial VID and smoldering fires, achieving 100% correct classification
systems were also part of the volume sensor prototypes, rates (equivalent to a false negative rate of 0%). Correct
with VID1 a component of VSP1, and VID2 a component classification rates by VSP1 and VSP2 for nuisances
of VSP2. The VID system results presented in Table 2 were sources were 72% and 78%, respectively (corresponding
to false positive rates of 28% and 22%). This is better
Table 1 overall performance than the five commercial systems. In
Descriptions test scenarios addition, the prototypes had higher nuisance source
immunity than the commercial VID systems and the
Tests Fire scenario descriptions
ionization smoke detector (VID1, VID2, and Ion). The
6 Flaming cardboard boxes with polystyrene pellets photoelectric smoke detector had better nuisance rejection
5 Flaming IPA spill fire and trash bag (88%) than both prototypes; however, this was achieved at
4 Flaming shipping supplies a marked performance cost. The detection rate for the EST
4 Flaming trash can
1 Hot metal surface, IPA spill under slanted cab door
photoelectric smoke detection system for flaming fires was
3 Painted bulkhead heating much worse, detecting only 65% of these fires. Similarly,
6 Smoldering cable bundle the EST multicriteria detectors achieved a nuisance
6 Smoldering laundry rejection rate of 88%, but at the cost of a lower detection
3 Smoldering mattress and bedding rate for flaming (85%) and smoldering (86%) fires.
4 Smoldering oily rags
The volume sensor prototypes also demonstrated detec-
Water and gas release scenario descriptions tion capabilities that the standard, COTS fire detection
systems lack. The volume sensor prototype correctly
2 Unrestricted flow from open pipe
9 Pipe rupture from gash 10"  0.125", 40 psi classified 94% of the pipe rupture events, missing only
3 Water from sprinkler nozzle one test with a weak flow rate. The commercial VID
1 Water from Bete P24 nozzle systems did not recognize pipe rupture sources as pipe
1 Mist from water mist nozzle rupture events, however their smoke algorithms showed
1 Air release from SCBA discharge
some sensitivity to water plumes with VID1 identifying
3 N2 release from air line nozzle
75%, and VID2 19%, of the pipe rupture sources as
Nuisance scenario descriptions smoldering events.
1 Aerosol The volume sensor prototypes provided equivalent or
4 AM/FM radio, cassette player, TV faster responses to flaming fires than the spot-type
2 Engine exhaust detection and commercial VID systems, where ‘‘equiva-
2 Flash photography lent’’ was defined as a time difference of not more than 30 s.
5 Grinding, painted steel
VSP1 generated fire alarms at equal or earlier times than
1 Heat gun
2 Toaster, normal toasting the EST ionization detectors in 11 of 20 flaming fires (6 of
3 Space heater the 11 were earlier), and equal or earlier times than the EST
1 Spilling metal bolts photoelectric detectors in 17 of 20 flaming fires (13 of the
3 Torch cutting, steel 17 were earlier). Similar results were obtained for VSP2
2 People working
versus EST ion and EST photo detectors: equal or earlier
1 Waving materials
5 Welding alarm times in 10 of 20 (5 of the 10 were earlier) and 17 of
20 (13 of the 17 were earlier) flaming fires, respectively.

Table 2
Summary of events correctly classified by volume sensor prototypes (VSP1, VSP2) and the commercial fire detection systems (VID1, VID2, EST Ion, EST
Photo, EST Multi)

Source type (] of tests) VSP1 (%) VID1 (%) VSP2 (%) VID2 (%) EST Ion (%) EST Photo (%) EST Multi (%)

Flaming (20) 100 95 100 95 90 65 85

Smoldering (22) 100 100 100 100 90 95 86
Nuisance (32) 72 41 78 63 56 88 88
Water release (16) 94 0 94 0 0 0 0
S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310 309

Compared to the VID systems, VSP1 alarmed at equal or References

earlier times than VID1 for 18 of 20 flaming fires (7 of the
18 were earlier), and 15 of 20 flaming fires (8 of the 15 were [1] Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC, Gottuk DT, Geiman JA, Williams
FW, Farley JP. Phase I: FY01 investigative study for the advanced
earlier) for VID2. VSP2 alarmed at equal or earlier times
volume sensor. NRL/MR/6110–03-8688, US Naval Research Labo-
than VID1 for 16 of 20 flaming fires (8 of the 16 were ratory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; June 30, 2003.
earlier), and 15 of 20 flaming fires (5 of the 15 were earlier) [2] Gottuk DT, Harrison MA, Scheffey JL, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Williams
for VID2. FW, Farley JP. An initial evaluation of video-based fire detection
For smoldering fires, VID1 alarmed earlier than any technologies. NRL/MR/6180–04-8737, US Naval Research Labora-
tory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; January 9, 2004.
other system for 17 of 22 smoldering fires, VID2 alarmed
[3] Harrison MA, Gottuk DT, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC,
earliest for 1 of the 22, the EST ion was fastest for 2 of the Williams FW, Farley JP. Video image detection (VID) systems and
22, and the EST photo was fastest for 2 of the 22. The fire detection technologies: preliminary results from the magazine
volume sensor prototypes rely on the VID systems for the detection system response tests. NRL Letter Report 6180/0262,
smoke alarm and by design alarm 10 s after the VID Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington, DC, 20375; July 21, 2003.
systems. Therefore, both volume sensor prototypes demon-
[4] Gottuk DT, Harrison MA, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC, Farley
strated equivalent performance to the VID systems and JP, Williams FW. Shipboard evaluation of fire detection techno-
generally faster response times compared to the EST smoke logies for volume sensor development: preliminary results. NRL
detectors. In addition, the volume sensor prototypes did Letter Report 6180/0282, Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US
not alarm first for any of the nuisance sources. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 20375; August 28,
[5] Lynch JA, Gottuk DT, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC, Steinhurst
6. Conclusions DA, Minor CP, et al. Volume sensor development test series 2 —
lighting conditions, camera settings, and spectral and acoustic
Two prototype systems based on the modular and signatures. NRL/MR-MM/6180–04-8843, US Naval Research La-
extensible volume sensor concept were built and tested in boratory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; November 11, 2004.
[6] Owrutsky JC, Steinhurst DA, Nelson HH, Williams FW. Spectral
a shipboard environment simultaneously with commercial
based volume sensor component. NRL/MR/6110–03-8694, US Naval
VID detection systems and spot-type fire detection systems. Research Laboratory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; July 30, 2003.
The integration of multimodal sensors into a functioning [7] Steinhurst DA, Owrutsky JC, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Gottuk DT,
prototype system using data fusion and networking Williams FW, Farley JP. Spectral-based volume sensor testbed VS1
components for damage control and situational awareness test series results ex-USS SHADWELL, April 20–25, 2003. NRL
Letter Report 6110/075, Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US Naval
was a success. The volume sensor prototypes demonstrated
Research Laboratory, Washington, DC, 20375; June 27, 2003.
significantly better performance in detection of damage [8] Wales SC, McCord MT, Lynch JA, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Williams FW.
control events, reduction of false alarm rates, and Acoustic event signatures for damage control: water events and
comparable or faster response times when compared to shipboard ambient noise. NRL/MR/7120–04-8845, US Naval Re-
commercial detection systems. The use of multiple, search Laboratory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; October 12, 2004.
[9] Steinhurst DA, Minor CP, Owrutsky JC, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Gottuk
complementary sensing modalities and data fusion tech-
DT, Williams FW, et al. Long wavelength video-based event
nology provides additional situational awareness and detection, preliminary results from the CVNX and VS1 test series,
enhances detection rates for damage control events while ex-USS SHADWELL, April 7–25, 2003. NRL/MR/6110–03-8733,
reducing the incidence of false positives and negatives. US Naval Research Laboratory, ohttp://stinet.dtic.mil4; December
Current work efforts are directed towards the optimiza- 31, 2003.
[10] Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC, Williams FW, Steinhurst DA,
tion of the detection methods and development of multi-
Minor CP. Volume sensor algorithm development: feasibility study
variate data analysis and fusion methods for improving for the improvement of video-based smoke and fire detection using
detection and reducing false positives. The volume sensor near infrared cameras. NRL Letter Report 6110/051, Chemistry
prototypes are currently installed on the ex-USS Shadwell Division, Code 6180, US Naval Research Laboratory, Washington,
and are being tested side-by-side with other detection DC, 20375; April 14, 2004.
[11] Rose-Pehrsson SL., Williams FW. Volume sensor algorithm devel-
systems being considered for the Navy’s DD(X) (21st
opment: application of a machine learning approach to on-board fire
century destroyer) program. The volume sensor system is detection using video cameras. NRL Letter Report 6110/052,
being enhanced and will be demonstrated during this final Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US Naval Research Laboratory,
phase of the ADC program. The demonstration will Washington, DC, 20375; April 14, 2004.
integrate a volume sensor prototype into a supervisory [12] Minor CP, Steinhurst DA, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC,
Williams FW. Volume sensor communication specification (VSCS).
control system and will demonstrate the system with a
NRL Letter Report 6110/054, Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US
newly developed hybrid gaseous/water mist suppression Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, 20375; April 21, 2004.
system on the ex-USS Shadwell. [13] Minor CP, Steinhurst DA, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC,
Williams FW. Volume sensor GUI/CnC communication specifica-
Acknowledgements tion: XML packet specification. NRL Letter Report 6110/111,
Chemistry Division, Code 6180, US Naval Research Laboratory,
Washington DC, 20375; September 1, 2004.
The Office of Naval Research Under the US Future [14] Lynch JA, Gottuk DT, Rose-Pehrsson SL, Owrutsky JC, Steinhurst
Naval Capabilities Program supported this work for DA, Minor CP, et al. Test report volume sensor development test
Advance Damage Countermeasures, PE-602123N. series 3 results—multi-component prototype evaluation. NRL Letter
310 S.L. Rose-Pehrsson et al. / Fire Safety Journal 41 (2006) 301–310

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