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United Kingdom (UK)

Education System:
- Primary Education (Ages 5-11): Foundation of basic skills.
- Secondary Education (Ages 11-16): GCSEs mark the end.
- Further Education (Ages 16-18): A-levels or vocational qualifications.
- Higher Education: Universities offering diverse courses.
- Exams
- GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) at 16.
- A-levels (Advanced Level) at 18 for university entry.
- Vocational Qualifications: Alternative paths in Further Education.
- Curriculum
- National Curriculum with slight variations in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
- Common Subjects: Maths, English, Science, Humanity, Languages, also their chosen subjects

Higher Education
- Application
- Through UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service).
- Personal statements and references are crucial.
- Duration
- Typically three years for a bachelor's degree in England, four in Scotland.
- Degree Titles
- Varied titles like B.A., B.Sc., LLB, etc.

- School Uniforms
- Common in most schools, fostering a sense of identity.
- Student Loans
- Government-backed loans with income-dependent repayment.
- Oxbridge
- Oxford and Cambridge have a tutorial system and difficult entry requirements.

United States (USA)

Education System
- Type of Schools
- Public, private, homeschooled
- Structure
- Elementary (Grades K-5), Middle (Grades 6-8), High School (Grades 9-12).
- K-12 divisions vary by state.
- Exams
- SAT, ACT for college admissions, offering flexibility in subject choices.
- State-specific standardized tests.
- Curriculum
- Common Core Standards provide a baseline in English and Math.
- Varies by states
Higher Education
- Diversity
- Wide spectrum including Ivy League, state universities, and community colleges.
- Application
- Direct application to institutions with varying criteria.
- Holistic approach considers GPA (grade point average), test scores, and extracurriculars.
- Duration
- Typically four years for a bachelor's degree and masters to two years

- Extracurriculars
- Emphasis on holistic development, influencing college admissions.
- Admissions Process
- Holistic, considering GPA, standardized test scores, essays, and recommendation letters.
- Ivy League
- Brown University in Rhode Island, Columbia University in New York, Cornell University in NY
Dartmouth in New Hampshire, Harvard in Massachusetts, Princeton in New Jersey, Yale in Connecticut
- Prestigious group with high academic standards and selective admissions.

Type of Schools
- Kindergarten, Elementary, High School
Education System
- Elementary - primary (Ages 6-11) Secondary (Ages 11-15/16)
- High School (15-18/19) with a specific degree, or general-knowledge
- Maturita exam marks the end of High school education.

- Exams:
- Maturita exam evaluates comprehensive knowledge of your degree.
- Emphasis on subjects you chose either at school or at a general school.

- Curriculum:
- Nationally standardized with a focus on core subjects like math, Slovak languages, biology, chemistry,

Higher Education:
- Universities:
- Comenius University, Slovak University of Technology, and others.
- Degrees:
- Aligned with the Bologna Process - Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate.

- Language of Instruction:
- Predominantly Slovak, with some programs offered in English and German.
- Tuition Fees:
- Varied, with lower fees for Slovak citizens compared to international students.
- Bologna Process:
- Implemented for educational harmonization in European higher education.

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