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Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Skin: A Brief Review 143

Review Clin Ter 2013; 164 (2):143-147. doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1534

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Skin: A brief review

Siavash Rahimi
Consultant Histopathologist, Pathology Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road, Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3LY

Abstract factors are chemical carcinogens (arsenic and chromium)

(6), Soot (scrotal cancers in chimney sweeps), Tar, pitch oils,
Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most
human papilloma virus infection (HPV), ionising radiation
common skin cancer in Caucasians, most frequently occurring on
exposure, chronic inflammation, skin near chronic ulcers
sun-exposed areas of the body. Most SCCs are treated surgically, either
(Marjolin’s ulcers) and around chronic sinuses (for example
by excision or Mohs micrographic surgery. Despite the large amount
osteomyelitis) and lupus vulgaris. The host responses and
of English literature with regard to cutaneous SCC in many instances
susceptibility to UVR like fair skin, blonde or red hair, play
the surgical treatment is not appropriate resulting in recurrences and/
an important role in SCC cancerogenesis.
or metastasis. The following brief review highlights the histology,
Genetic conditions such as xeroderma pigmentosum and
molecular biology and surgical treatment of skin SCC. Clin Ter 2013;
albinism are considered as risk factors. Pre-malignant con-
164(2):143-147. doi: 10.7417/CT.2013.1534
ditions, e.g., Bowen disease (BD), AK and keratoacantoma
Key words: cancer, review, skin, SCC
may progress to squamous cell carcinoma.
The high risk SCC is defined as a lesion which have a
high recurrence rate after treatment and may metastasise.
The factors which affecting metastatic potential of cu-
taneous SCC are:
Introduction – Site: tumour arising at sun-exposed sites excluding lip
and ear, scalp, tumours arising in non-sun-exposed sites
Primary cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a (e.g. perineum, sacrum, penis, sole of foot) and areas
malignant tumour that arises from the keratinising cells of of previous injury e.g. burns, irradiation and chronic
the epidermis or its appendages. It is locally invasive and ulcers.
has the potential to metastasise to other organs of the body – Diameter: tumours greater than 2 cm in diameter are
(1). Skin SCC are the most common cancers diagnosed and twice as likely to recur locally and three times as likely
incidence is rising across the world (2) and, together with ba- to metastasise.
sal cell carcinoma, constitutes about 20% of non melanoma – Depth: tumours greater than 4 mm in depth (excluding
skin cancers. There is a rising incidence with age and the surface layers of keratin) or extending down to the sub-
incidence is higher in Caucasians and men, probably because cutaneous tissue (Clark level V).
of greater head and neck exposure to ultraviolet radiation – Perineural invasion.
(UVR) (2, 3). About 70% of SCCs appear on the skin of the The histological differentiation is also an important fac-
head and neck (1). The development of cutaneous SCC is tor. Poorly differentiated tumours have a poorer prognosis,
strongly associated with sun exposure (4). The evolution of with more than double the local recurrence rate and triple
SCC on sun-exposed areas is a multistep process triggered by the metastatic rate of better differentiated SCC. Locally re-
UVR, in which precursor lesions exist. However, the exact current disease itself is a risk factor for metastatic disease.
classification of the various lesions in this process, mainly Other risk factors are immunosuppression and a pre-
actinic keratosis (AK), is still disputed, and its pathogenesis viously treated lesion.
requires further clarification. AK is considered by some as a There are a number of diseases which should be dif-
premalignant lesion and by others as being one type of SCC ferentiated from SCC. Keratoacanthoma (can be difficult
(4, 5). The more sun exposed areas differ somewhat between to differentiate even histologically), basal cell carcinoma,
men and women. In men these are face, backs of hands, malignant melanoma (particularly amelanotic type), AK,
head and ears particularly. In women these are face, backs pyogenic granuloma, seborrhoeic warts, plantar warts or
of hands, lower legs, anterior neck and chest. Other risk verrucas.

Correspondence: Siavash Rahimi MD, Consultant Histopathologist, Pathology Centre, Queen Alexandra Hospital, Southwick Hill Road
Cosham, Portsmouth PO6 3LY. Tel +44 02392 286098. E-mail:;

Copyright © Società Editrice Universo (SEU)

144 Siavash Rahimi

The prognosis of cutaneous SCC can vary with age, de- of neutrophils is an important diagnostic clue. No foci of
gree of sun exposure and other diseases coexisting with the the usual squamous cell carcinoma should be found (22).
SCC. Early stage tumours will have a better than 90% five If the tumour is completely excised, prognosis is excel-
year survival. Patients with metastatic lymph node disease lent; after inadequate excision, the recurrence rate is high
have around a 30% five year survival. and the survival decreases. In long-standing cases or after
irradiation and/or chemotherapy the biologic character of
the disease may change into a metastasizing squamous cell
Histological subtypes carcinoma (23).

Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma

Acantholytic squamous cell carcinoma (ASCC) is a Adenosquamous carcinoma is a rare variant of squamous
histological variant of cutaneous SCC which accounts for cell carcinoma arising from pluripotential cells related to
2-4% of all cutaneous SCC (7-10). Histologically, there is acrosyringia, characterized by the formation of mucin secre-
loosening of the intercellular bridges resulting in acantho- ting glands. The tumour consists of invasive tongues, sheets,
lysis. These tumours may be in situ or invasive. columns and strands of atypical dyskeratotic squamous cells,
Acantholytic foci may also produce a pseudovascular merging with glandular structures with epithelial mucin
pattern mimicking angiosarcoma (pseudovascular SCC) secretion. The tumour cells are positive for cytokeratin and
(11-13). The tumour involves predominantly the skin of the epithelial membrane antigen, whereas those cells forming
head and neck region, particularly on and around the ears glands stain with CEA. There may be connection between
(7-10). Typical features of squamous malignancy are iden- tumour cells and acrosyringia, as well as perineural invasion.
tified including dyskeratosis, keratinocytic atypia, altered The tumours usually follow an aggressive course with the
maturation within the epithelium, and increased typical and capacity for metastasis and local recurrence.
atypical mitotic figures. The behaviour of this tumour may
be more aggressive than conventional SCC (7-9, 14-16).
Reporting of Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Spindle-cell squamous cell carcinoma
According to Royal College of Pathology the skin
This is an uncommon variant of squamous cell carcino- SCC report should include clinical site, type of specimen
ma that exhibits a prominent spindle cell morphology. The (excision), size of specimen (length, breadth, depth), maxi-
incidence of this variant may be higher in immunosuppressed mum diameter of lesion, differentiation, Breslow thickness,
patients. It may be composed entirely of spindle cells, or Clarke’s level, perineural invasion, vascular invasion. The
have a variable component of more conventional squamous excision margins should describe the distance to nearest
cell carcinoma. peripheral margin and distance to nearest deep margin.
The spindle cells have a large vesicular nucleus and There are three tier systems for differentiation:
scanty eosinophilic cytoplasm, often with indistinct cell Modified Broder grading in line with recommendations
borders. There is variable pleomorphism, usually with many of the British Association of Dermatologists:
mitoses. Some tumours may coexpress cytokeratin and vi- – Well differentiated: more than 75% of differentiated cells
mentin, suggesting metaplastic change to a neoplasm with (Broder grade 1);
mesenchymal characteristics (17). These tumours account – Moderately differentiated: more than 25% of differenti-
for slightly over one-third of cutaneous SCC (14). ated cells (Broder grade 2 and 3);
– Poorly differentiated: less than 25% of differentiated
Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma cells (Broder grade 4).
Grading is done by averaging the whole tumour not by
Verrucous squamous cell carcinoma is a rare variant the least differentiated area, although this might not be al-
of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with low ways consistent, in particular if there is an area with a very
malignant potential. Verrucous carcinoma comprises 2-12% aggressive appearance. If there is invasion in Bowen’s diseas
of all oral carcinomas, and is found predominantly in men this is always a high grade carcinoma.
(18). Common sites include buccal and retromolar mucosa, For practical managing purposes the tumours are divided
gingiva, floor of mouth, tongue and hard palate. They also in low and high risk.
arise on the soles, rarely the palms and distal fingers, and Low risk: well differentiated tumours less than 20 mm
on amputation stumps. in diameter arising in sun exposed areas excluding lip and
Genital lesions occur primarily on the glans and prepuce ear, less than 4 mm thickness and limited to the dermis in
of the penis (19-21). The malignant nature of tumour may individuals without immune dysfunction.
easily be overlooked, particularly if the biopsy is small and All other tumours are high risk.
superficial. The squamous epithelium shows an asymmetric Managing of tumours:
exo and endophytic growth pattern with pushing margins. – High risk tumours require a resection margin of 6 mm.
Usually, there is deep penetration below the level of the – Low risk tumours require a resection margin of 4 mm
surrounding epidermis/mucosa. Tumour cells exhibit only – The current practice is that the resection margins refer
minimal atypia and very low mitotic activity. The presence to the peripheral margin.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Skin: A Brief Review 145

Molecular biology AK and SCC (61-63). The incidence of p53-positive SCCs

and AKs varies greatly among the different studies (33-38,
p53 40-43, 45-48, 53). With the range of 15% to 100% for SCC
and zero to 100% for AK. This great variability may be
P53 is a tumor suppressor gene, the mutation of which accounted for by some reasons: many clones of antibodies
has been involved in the genesis of various cancers, including were used in the different studies and, although all of them
SCC (24-29). When p53 is mutated it may lose its ability detect both the wild-type and the mutant p53 proteins, they
to function normally in its role as a shepherd of the DNA may have different sensitivities and different investigators
repair process or alternatively sending damaged cells into used different methods to evaluate the p53 expression, and
programmed cell death (30-32). Overexpression of p53 pro- defined different threshold for considering expression as
tein in sun-damaged skin, AK, BD, and cutaneous SCC has positive. Furthermore, the degree of differentiation of SCC,
been reported in many studies (33-53). It has been shown that although with some contradictory results (34, 37, 41, 51) and
mutant p53 accumulates in the cell nucleus, probably due the histological type of AK (35, 36, 38) were also related
to increased half-life of the protein (5, 54). The presence of to p53 expression.
p53 mutations in sun-exposed skin and premalignant lesions However, another factor which may explain this variance
suggests that p53 mutations arise early and may be required, of p53 expression in SCCs, and has biologic importance,
but not sufficient, for tumour development (55). would be the relation between p53 expression and sun
The finding that p53 mutations are present in AK and exposure. Only two of the studies addressed this issue (37,
in sun-damaged human skin suggests that p53 mutations 41) and both of them did not reveal a significant difference
arise early during the development of SCC (46, 55, 56). in p53 expression between SCCs occurring on sun-damaged
Furthermore, overexpression of p53 in the epidermis cor- skin and those developing on sun-protected areas.
relates with sun exposure and sun damage, even in the ab-
sence of pre-malignant changes (51-53, 57). A few studies CDKN2A
attempted to determine a correlation between the level of
p53 expression and the morphological spectrum of the le- The CDKN2A locus on human chromosome 9p21 en-
sions developing on sun-damaged skin (40, 43, 46, 49). p53 codes two proteins named p16INK4a and p14ARF, known to
was found to be already overexpressed in skin showing mild function as tumour suppressors via the retinoblastoma (Rb)
solar elastosis and its expression was gradually increased to or the p53 pathway. Disruption of the p53 and Rb pathways
a maximum level in advanced AK and SCC in situ. It was is a fundamental trend of most human cancer cells. Muta-
also overexpressed in SCC that developed on sun exposed tions in the p53 gene and loss of expression of CDKN2A
areas, but to a lesser extent (58). Shimuzu et al. (40) graded via deletion play an important role in the pathogenesis of
AK according to the amount of atypical cells within the SCC. While p53 mutations are induced by UVR, deletions
epidermis and found that the more atypical keratinocytes in CDKN2A could arise spontaneously, perhaps during
present, the more p53 expression was detected. In their study, tumour progression. There are evidences that the develop-
both morphological grading and p53 expression correlated ment of SCC on sun-damaged skin is a gradual process not
with the proliferative activity as depicted by MIB-1 stain- only morphologically but also on the molecular level. The
ing. Verdolini et al. (43) reported on a gradation of MIB-1 process starts already in normal-appearing epidermis with
positivity and p53 expression with increasing abnormality SE. In that respect, AK should be regarded as a part of the
in the spectrum of keratinocytic malignancies of the skin continuum in the development of SCC, analogous to the
(AK, BD, microinvasive and invasive SCC). Barzilai et al. situation in other epithelia. The molecular events involved
(58) showed that with regard to p53, two groups of lesions in the development of SCC on sun-exposed areas may be
exist: one with low level of expression of p53 which includes different from those involving the development of SCC on
normal and sun-damaged skin, as well as SCC occurring on sun-protected areas (58).
sun-protected areas, and another group, which consists of Genetic alterations at the CDKN2A locus occur fre-
lesions with a high level of expression of p53, that includes quently in a variety of human cancers (66).
various ranges of AK and SCC developed on sun-damaged Its involvement in SCC is not completely understood yet,
skin. This latter finding is consistent with the perspective that except for the studies conducted by Soufir et al. and Brown
AK is a type of SCC (5, 59). This finding of an increased et al. that showed inactivation of CDKN2A in 24% and 47%
p53 protein, either wild-type or mutant, in SCCs develop- of SCCs, respectively (65, 66). Some studies have shown
ing on sun-damaged skin is in accordance with cumulative that SCCs harbour point mutations in the CDKN2A gene
UVR effects on p53 protein expression. These cumulative at a low frequency (67) because inactivation of CDKN2A
effects probably do not play a role in the development of can occur via deletion (68).
SCCs on sun-protected areas resulting in a lower level of The biological consequences of genetic defects in the
p53 expression. This relation between p53 expression in CDKN2A locus in SCC are still not completely understood.
SCC and sun exposure is also supported by the study of Because p14ARF protein seems to play a crucial role in
Coulter et al (60) who found that p53 was overexpressed both the Rb and the p53 pathways independently as well as
in SCCs from sun-exposed skin in comparison to SCCs through its interaction with E2F-1, it may be possible that
arising on mucosal sites. This theme is further supported p14ARF and p53 have interdependent roles and that loss
by studies that have demonstrated identical p53 mutations of p14ARF expression is functionally equivalent to a p53
and nearly identical patterns of chromosomal aberrations in alteration (69).
146 Siavash Rahimi

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