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Karang Tengah, Tangerang City, Banten

+6281233511633 | |

Graduate / Magister student of Geophysics Reservoir of University of Indonesia. Graduated from bachelor of Jakarta Syarif
Hidayatullah Islamic State University, majoring in physics with concerntration on geophysics. Interested in oil and gas industry,
geothermal industry, mineral mining and geohazard mitigation. Actived on several organizations,student internship, and projects
during the lectures. Proficient in using geoscience applications, public speaking, and also managing / leading skill.

University of Indonesia August 2023
Magister Student, Physics (Reservoir Geophysics)

Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University September 2016 - August 2021
Bachelor of Science, Physics (Geophysics) – GPA: 3.40 out of 4.00
Outstanding Graduates ; Dean’s List (2016,2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)


Languages: English (TOEFL ITP: 597) | Arabic (TOAFL prediction score : 413) | Indonesia (Native)
Technical Skills: Ms. Office | Geoscience Software (Petrel, Hampson Russel, OASIS Montaj, etc) | Python | Matlab | ArcGIS –
QGIS | Operational of Exploration Tools
Highlighted Courses: Organizational Behavior | Geophysical Data Processing | Petrophysics | Mineral Mining | Geological
Hazard | Formation Evaluation | Reservoir Characterization | Geophysical and Geological Interpretation | Geological Structure|
Data Science | Exploration Tools and Method
Interests: Oil and Gas | CCUS | geothermal industry | Mining | Geophysical Anomaly Interpretation| Geological Hazard | Geological

Geoxplore Indonesia January 2022 – Present
Geophysicist & Co-Founder
 Develop the startup to keep growing up from zero with 4 friends
 Did several projects in geophysics with many themes (geotechnic, akuiver exploration, geohazard mitigation).
 Together making project report with the team for customers
 When being volunteer for ground / earth shifting in Sukabumi, presenting the result of research to the local citizens and
several Authorities January 2021 – Present

Geophysicist & Co-Founder
 Develop the startup to keep growing up from zero with 3 friends
 Marketing the product of the startup
 Looking for the tentor to helping customer
 Connecting between tentor and customer

Geophysics Club Research, Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University November 2021 – Present
 Mentoring the members, especially for seismic reflection method
 Advising the members when they got geophysics problems
 Helping to writing publication / product
 Looking for information about hype / viral topic in geophysics and information about geophysical competition

Geophysics Laboratory, Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University January 2021 – Present
Final Research Assistant, Seismic Reflection Method for Oil and Gas Exploration
 Mentored how to operate Schlumberger Petrel and Hampson Russel Software
 Helped to identify reservoir
 Mentored how to well log data interpretation
 Mentored how to seismic data interpretation (Fault Delineation, Horizon, Seismic Attributes, etc)

Final Research Assistant, Geo-electric Method

 Designed survey location with 3 other assistants and 2 bachelor thesis researchers
 Helped to operate geophysical instrument
 Helped Field Camp Members to process and interpret geo-electric data

Field Camp Assistant, Geomagnetic Method

 Designed discussion-based mentoring for around 40 Field Camp Members
 Mentored how to operate geophysical instrument
 Mentored field camp members to process and interpret geomagnetic data

Field Camp Assistant, Geo-electric Method

 Designed discussion-based mentoring for around 40 Field Camp Members
 Mentored how to operating geophysical instrument
 Mentored Field Camp Members to process and interpret geo-electric data

Indogeo Social Enterprise October 2020 – Present

Team Leader & Geophysicist
 Led the team to working the projects, my work as a leader such as connecting between the team and director, and also
ooking for tender project for the team from director.
 Digitizing Contour of North West Borneo
 Digitizing map of line seismics in Papua New Guinea
 Quantity Interpretation of seismic reflection method
 Calibrating location of Power Plants around East Borneo on Google Earth and summary informations about the Power
 Gravity method modelling of Sumatra Island
 Identification geothermal prospect on North Halmahera

PT Patra Nusa Data September 2020 – Januari 2021

Final Research
 Interpretated reservoir indentification / petroleum system by 3D & 2D Seismic Data and well data, case study South
Sumatera Basin.
 Comparated seismic attributes (Variance, Instananeous Phase, and Curvature) for fault interpretation
 Correlated between well log data interpretation, seismic data interpretation, and the result of rms aplitude seismic attribute
for type of reservoir

BMKG Tangerang / Tangerang Geophysical Station September 2020 – October 2020

Student Internship
 Analyzed “lightning density” in Banten province period January – August 2020
 Determine the city / region with the most lightning to the least and describe it with a map that created by ArcGIS
 Analyzed the possibilities that can cause the intensity of lightning on each city
 Provided explanations and suggestions to mitigation the disasters that can be caused by lightning

Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika Indonesia (HMGI) June 2020 - June 2021
Chairman of Supervisory Agency
 Led and developed 2 members from different universities all over Indonesia directly and coordinated Supervisory Agency
from 6 work regions of HMGI
 PIC of HMGI National Conference 2021 that participated by 35 Universities all over Indonesia.
 Created 3 prestigious innovative commissions of Supervisory Agency (Supervisory, Legislasion, Aspiration) and also
conceptualized 4 prestigious programs such as “BP Mendengar” and HMGI National Conference. BP Mendengar is
“hearing” all aspiration by whoever in HMGI with hiding their (aspirator) profile
 Drafted amendments of HMGI’s statute with 20 staff of Supervisory Agency from whole of HMGI that from different
universities all over Indonesia
 Presented about Supervisory Agency of HMGI to EAGE Universiti Teknologi Petronas SC in Benchmarking moment.
 Supervised work / performance of HMGI’s management from the president to all staff. Give warnings to sanctions to staff
that violated the HMGI’s statute
Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika Indonesia (HMGI) June 2019 - June 2020
Vice Head of Public Relation Division
 Helped the head to led and developed 6 members from different universities all over Indonesia directly
 Managed external business of HMGI and conceptualized 7 prestigious programs of HMGI such as HMGI Internasional,
HMGI Satu Pintu, Company Visit, and HMGI Charity
 Helped members of HMGI by HMGI Satu Pintu in a way such as help them find out speaker for their events, financial for
their events, etc
 Spread donation directly to disaster victims such as flood disaster around Jabodetabek in early 2020 and windstorm
around Batu in late 2019

Komunitas Muda Nuklir Nasional (KOMMUN) Wilayah Tangerang Selatan June 2019 - June 2020
Vice Head of Human Resource Development Bureau
 Helped the head to led and developed 5 members from different universities all over South Tangerang directly
 Conceptualized several programs such as Bincang-bincang Nuklir and Kunjungan Ilmiah
 Holded and organized Bincang-bincang Nuklir 1 that placed on Kawasan Nuklir Pasar Jumat that participated by 35
participants on July 2019, and also Holded “Kunjungan Ilmiah” that visited BATAN Puspiptek (which now called ORTN –
BRIN) that participated by 30 Visitors.



“Pelatihan Metode ADMT Dalam Eksplorasi Air Tanah” July 2023

Departement Geography of State University of Malang

“Dies Natalis HMGI 29th : Integrated Synergy For Embracin Youth” November 2022
Himpunan Mahasiswa Geofisika Indonesia

“Pengenalan Bencana Alam Sejak Dini” April 2022

Ikatan Remaja Islam Pondok Bahar

“Halo Geo-phy, Know Your End Game” November 2021

KSGF UIN Jakarta

“Fundamental of Geophysics Methods : Let Know About Geophysics Method” January 2021
KSGF UIN Jakarta

“Halo Geo-phy, Know Your End Game” November 2022

KSGF UIN Jakarta

“Pengenalan Bencana Alam Sejak Dini” April 2021

Ikatan Remaja Islam Pondok Bahar

“Geophysics Now and Tomorrow” Desember 2021
Ikatan Remaja Islam Pondok Bahar

“Bincang-bincang Nuklir 1” July 2021

KOMMUN Tangerang Selatan

“Identification of The Ancient Lakes Based on Gravity Methods in Published 2023
Borobudur Temple”
- Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi

“Identification of Geothermal System Structure Based on Presented 2023

Correlation of ADMT (Active Directory Magnetotelluric),
and SP (Self Potential) Methods at Mt. Pancar, Bogor”
- Proceeding Indonesia Knowledge Management Summit (IKMS)

“Identification of Geothermal System Based on 3D Inversion Presented 2023

Gravity, Land Surface Temperature, and Landsat 9 Methods
at Cubadak - Panti, Pasaman Barat, West Sumatera”
- Proceeding Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition (IIGCE)
“Identification of Geothermal Potential in The Sangkar Oil Presented 2023
and Gas Working Area Using Landsat-9 With a Gravity
and Geomagnetic Approach
- Proceeding Indonesia International Geothermal Convention and Exhibition (IIGCE)

“Identifikasi Potensi Panas Bumi Blok Ciasmara Sektor II Presented 2023

Wilayah Gunung Salak Berdasarkan Korelasi Metode Active
Directory Magnetotelluric (ADMT) dan Self-Potential”
- Computational and Experimental Research in Materials and Renewable Energy (CERiMRE)

Name:Mr. Herman Darman
Instantion: PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Position: Technical Advisor
Contact: +6281310995828

Name: Mr. Dwandari Ralanarko

Instantion: PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Position: CCS Technical Project
Contact: +6285692326446

Name: Mr. Suwondo

Instantion: UIN Jakarta
Position: Lecturer
Contact: +6285755877603

Name: Mr. Praditiyo Riyadi

Instantion: UIN Jakarta
Position: Lecturer
Contact: +6281291088449

Name: Nanda Ridki Permana

Instantion: PT MSI
Position: Head of Geophysics Division
Contact: +62896337066366


Excellent Participants June 2022
Carreer Development Batch 3, Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University

Dean’s List (Outstanding Graduates) August 2021

Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University

Champion March 2017

Futsal Competition, Physics Education Department, Jakarta Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University

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