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CH AHMED VIRK 01-111212-061

AWAIS ILYAS 01-111212-140
SARAAN SHAHID 01-111212-213
ABDULLAH VIRK 01-111212-062
ANFAAL HAMEED 01-111212-307
BAKHTAWAR MALIK 01-111212-301


ROLES ALLOCATION:.................................................................................................................1
Deriving key trends within the renewable energy (RE) sector which have developed over the last
10 years:...........................................................................................................................................3
Wind Energy....................................................................................................................................4
Hydropower Energy.........................................................................................................................5
Identifying main opportunities and threats in the RE market sector:..............................................5
Market analysis:...........................................................................................................................5
PESTEL ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................5
Renewable Energy Future in Pakistan.............................................................................................8

© Team Role/s Assigned Tasks

1 Awais Ilyas Market Introduction


2 Ahmed Virk Market Hydroelectric

Wind power

3 Bakhtawar PESTLE PESTLE analysis of the country


4 Anfal Khan Current market Current Market

Niazi analysis
Companies’ opportunities and threats.

5 Abdullah Virk Writer, Writing
Final part

6 Saraan Shahid Conclusion Opertunities and threats


Deriving key trends within the renewable energy (RE) sector which
have developed over the last 10 years:

Pakistan’s energy sector is one

of the weakest part of its economy.

It is one of the main obstacles to the
country’s economic growth. So if we
grow the renewable energy sector
the shortcoming in the economy can
be overcome with less damage being
done to the environment. According
to the revised RE policy (2019), the
Government of Pakistan aims to
derive 60 percent of its energy from
renewable sources these sources
mainly include hydro solar and wind
energy. According to National

Electric Power Regulatory Authority’s (NEPRA) 2021 yearly report, the total power generating
capacity of Pakistan is 39772 MW, the most amount of it 63% of this energy comes from
thermal (fossil fuels a nonrenewable source), 25% from hydro, and 5.4% from other renewable
(wind, solar and biomass) lastly 6.5% of energy from nuclear. (Anon., 2022)

Firstly the
Average daily
sunlight in
Pakistan is nine
and a half hours
which is good for
solar energy
sector. After the
implemented a set
of support policies to encourage the development of renewable energy, solar power entered
Pakistan's energy mix in 2013. According to the Pakistan Economic Survey, six solar power
projects with a combined capacity of 430 MW started operating commercially over the past five
years and are now supplying electricity to the grid. Recently there has been a strong surge in the
domestic installation of rooftop photovoltaic panels in larger cities. This sector is trending
toward significant growth soon adding 3000 MW of solar power through net metering. Many of
the locations where the level was high have solar power installations approved and being
developed by AEDB. The AEDB has 22 solar PV projects totaling 890.80 megawatts. Six solar
power facilities totaling 430 megawatts have been in operation for five years. (Anon., 2022)

Wind Energy

In Sindh and Baluchistan's coastal regions, Pakistan has a lot of potential for wind energy use (in
southern Pakistan). The southern coastal regions of Sindh and Baluchistan have been developed
into a wind energy corridor by the Pakistani government (GOP). There are 26 private wind farms

operating at the moment,
generating about 1335
MW. In addition, 10 wind
projects totaling 510 MW
in capacity have reached
financial close and are in
the construction phase. The
most significant site,
Gharo-Ketti Bandar, has a
1000 megawatt capacity.
(Anon., 2022)

Hydropower Energy
Since June 2015, hydropower has reached 7120 megawatts in Pakistan. Hydro-dams. Private
investment is also increasing as large hydropower projects, such as Suki Kinari Hydropower,
Azad Pattan Hydropower, and Chakothi Hattian Hydropower projects are being utilized. China is
also interested in Pakistan’s water development with its China’s Karot hydropower project. Since
2008, PPDB has also focused on small-scale energy initiatives. In addition to large hydro, there
are prospects for the development of small-mini-micro hydropower with a revised RE Policy.
Small hydropower projects are mainly located in remote areas of Pakistan particularly the North
of the country. Generation Capacity Expansion Plan (IGCEP) envisages developing hydropower
projects by adding an additional 13000 MW hydropower capacity till 2030, from an existing
capacity of 9000 MW (Anon., 2022)

Identifying main opportunities and threats in the RE market sector:

Market analysis:


POLITICAL: the political analysis of the country is that there is an Instability of government
with High corruption and Poor economic policies which negatively effects the RE market sector

ECONOMIC: the economic analysis of the country is that Pakistan has a high labor force also
Pakistan lies in the numbers of those countries which have high inflation and interest rates which
may lead to a negative effect. But the higher labor is a positive effect as the new companies
won’t have a problem in finding labor.

SOCIAL: the social analysis of the country is that about 34.36 percentage structure of Pakistan
lies 0-14 years in 2021 and Pakistan’s growth rate increases by 1.91% from 2021. Also, Pakistan
has an employment-population ratio of 47.9%. The total population of education in Pakistan is
32.33%. Pakistan has a collective socio-culture

TECHNOLOGICAL: the technical analysis of the country is that Artificial intelligence,

robotics, Nanotechnology, 3d printers, etc are all the new emerging technologies. These
emerging technologies can help In boasting and growing the RE sector.

Environmental: the environmental analysis is the one we must be mostly focused on as Water
security issues as we are an agrarian society hydropower is weak. In Pakistan, there are 0.88
metric tons of co2 emissions. It is reported that 150 extreme kinds of weather from 1988 to 2018
show that there is a high need to convert to RE. Flood hits the country in 2022 it is mainly due to
the extreme weather which melts the larger glaciers and causes 1/3 of the country under water

(Rahman, 2020)

These are the companies that are working for the RE sector of Pakistan. These companies can be
listed in the top 10 companies. Premiere Energy PVT LT is a Company working on projects
mostly solar projects their projects include an 85kw grid-tied solar system installed at cadet
college okara and a 32 kW grid-tied solar system installed at the children’s hospital. Then there

is Star Hydropower Limited which is working on hydropower. The project on which this
company is working is the 147 MW run-of-river Patrind Hydropower Project (the Project) on
river Kunhar near the village. Additionally, there are GE and SIMENS, who primarily work in
the wind energy industry. In Pakistan, eight new wind farms totaling 410 MW have been ordered
by Siemens Gamesa for the company's 2020 fiscal year. These initiatives will place the business
among the top players in Pakistan's emerging wind energy market. Lastly, there is Gul Ahmad
Wind Power Limited Group which is also working on wind projects. Presently Pakistan expects
to build its portion of environmentally friendly power with wind and sun oriented from 4% to 20
percent by 2025. It's a welcome move for the Gul Ahmed Group, one of the organizations in
Pakistan behind a first-of-its-sort program for six wind power projects in the Jhimpir
passageway. The IFC upheld program is known as the Very Six undertakings. (Anon., 2019)
(Anon., 2019)

These big companies have many opportunities which they can avail themselves. Firstly new
technologies that are being formulated internationally will provide opportunities for the company
to make different strategies that help in making loyal customers of the company. Secondly, if you
see recently online platforms are the key for sales some of these are availing online use some are
not if they avail it they will surely grow. Recently Din Energy Pvt. Limited opened a 50 MW
wind power station in Jhimpir, Pakistan, in March 2022. The project cost USD 65 million to
build. Given that it would only cost USD 0.047/unit, this is one of the nation's most affordable
electricity projects. Then the biggest opportunity they have is the conversion of fuel-operated
vehicles to electricity-based vehicles which is a great future opportunity for them to look into.

There are aslo some threats that should be looked into firstly The supply of new product is not
regular so it may causes the sales to go up and down. then rising of raw material can pose threat
to the company. Competition is also a biggest threat for the company like the strengthen of the
local distributor

These companies are dominated for decade in this industry and the new entrant are required with
great investment and strong credibility with many established firms and governments. Thus there
is a high barrier for the new entrant. Mostly different companies cut their prices for their
products but in this sector, it is very difficult because the products are highly specialized and
technical and it is very difficult for the customer to compare these products. The competition in

this industry is very high because of the big players like SIMENS and GE, Premier energy PVT
Limited, Gul Ahmed Group

Renewable Energy Future in Pakistan

Pakistan needs an integrated energy policy and control mechanism to achieve a reliable, secure
and cost-effective
renewable energy
According to a
study by the
World Bank
Pakistan needs to
focus on its wind
and solar energy

(RELEASE, 2020)

Not only is a completely renewables-based energy system feasible, but it is also a low-
cost option for the
nation. A study
claims that solar
photovoltaics (PV)
will be the most
significant energy generation technology by 2050, accounting for about 86% of all
installed capacity. By 2050, a 100% renewable energy system will be technically and
financially feasible. The declining cost of solar PV and batteries make solar PV an
evident choice for the future energy system. Comprehensive electrification of the energy
system unlocks an enormous energy efficiency potential, since the primary energy
demand based on present technologies would be 450% higher by 2050. (Ashish Gulagi,

The majority of the remaining population works in agricultural occupations, and at least 65% of
the population lives in rural areas. Most ideal wind sites are found in outlying regions. To bring
electricity from wind farms to urban areas, where there is a demand, installation difficulties
should be overcome. Expanding land-based wind energy could essentially be made more
affordable by reforming the nation's transmission system to link regions with abundant wind
resources to urban areas. Additionally, grid interconnection and transmission capabilities for
offshore wind energy are developing. There are some regions in Pakistan that are ideal for the
wind energy industry and can aid in the development of the RE sector and the expansion of the

To conclude the wind area will grow commercially more and the solar area will keep growing in
both locally and higher levels.

Anon., 2019. ifc. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30th december 2022].
Anon., 2019. premier energy. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 31 december 2022].
Anon., 2022. international trade administrator. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 25 december 2022].
Ashish Gulagi, D. B. U. C. C. B., 2021. institute of engineering and technology. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 29 december 2022].
Rahman, M., 2020. howandwhat. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2nd jan 2023].

RELEASE, P., 2020. world bank. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 30 december 2022].


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