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Etapa locală – 5 martie 2022


1. Complete the blanks 1-10 with ONE suitable word: (10x1p=10p)

Hi Marta,
How are you? Sorry I haven’t written …………… (1) a while. But now I have some news – I’ve got
…………… (2) Saturday job! …………… (3) you know, I’ve been meaning to look for a job for ages.
But then Mum offered to let …………… (4) work in her clothes shop, so I started last week. I’m really
enjoying it, although it’s hard work. There’s …………… (5) time at all to chat with the other assistants,
sadly. That’s …………… (6) we’re always so busy.

The good thing is that I’m finally earning a bit of money of my own, …………… (7) I can use to buy the
things I want. I’m also getting some great work experience.

Why don’t you come to the shop …………… (8) day soon? It’s called Modes and it’s on Green Street.
I’m sure you’ll find lots ............... (9) clothes that you like!

I’m looking forward …………… (10) seeing you soon!


2. a. Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capital letters: (5x1p=5p)
1. It was very …………… to eat the whole cake and not leave any. SELF
2. It took months of ………………… to arrange her dream wedding. PREPARE

3. Honestly! Jason doesn’t have any ……………….. He can’t think of anything creative to write.


4. Is there any …………………. that you could help me at the weekend? POSSIBLE

5. To me, ……………. means a long hot bath, a glass of wine and some classical music. RELAX

b. Find the error in each sentence and rewrite it correctly: (5x1p=5p)

1. The band’s new single was a great sucess.

2. I lived here since the end of the last summer.

3. If she will take the bus, she will arrive home earlier.

4. The first man which landed on the moon in 1969 was Neil Armstrong.

5. These information is not true.



3. a. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first one. Use no more than three
words. (5x2=10p)

1. City schools are usually larger than schools in the country.

Schools in the country are not …………………………………. city schools.

2. Covent Garden is close to Oxford Street.

Covent Garden is not …………………………………. Oxford Street.

3. It is essential to be on time.
It’s essential …………………………………. late.

4. It costs nothing to open a Gmail account.

It doesn’t cost …………………………………. to open a Gmail account.

5. I asked my friend if he wanted to come camping with us.

I asked my friend: “………………………………….. want to come camping with us?

b. Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. (10x2p=20p)

Birth of the Movies

Did you know that cinema is more than 100 years old? Moving pictures were invented by the brothers
Louis and Auguste Lumière. The first showing of the moving picture or “movie” ……………….. (1) place
in the cinema in Paris on 28 th December 1895. On that day the Lumière brothers showed movies
……………….. (2) their newly-invented machine, called the Cinematographe. The audience saw a funny
film in ……………….. (3) a gardener spilt a lot of water on ……………….. (4) by accident. Everyone
really enjoyed it!

Cinema very ……………….. (5) became popular all over the world. In 1907 the first film studios were
built in a ……………….. (6) of Los Angeles called Hollywood. ……………….. (7) the 1920s,
Hollywood had become the centre of the world film ……………….. (8).

To begin with, the movies had no sound. Words ……………….. (9) on the screen from time to time to
……………….. (10) the story.

1. A. found B. took C. went D. gave

2. A. doing B. making C. setting D. using
3. A. where B. who C. which D. what
4. A. yourself B. himself C. themselves D. itself
5. A. quickly B. immediately C. fast D. early
6. A. place B. site C. location D. district
7. A. To B. At C. For D. By
8. A. industry B. company C. trade D. firm
9. A. developed B. happened C. appeared D. displayed
10. A. prove B. explain C. direct D. advise


 III. Read the article about a TV series. 25 points

Are sentences 1-7 “Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B)? If there is not enough information to answer


“Right” (A) or “Wrong” (B), choose “Doesn’t say” (C).

Europe’s Longest Running Soap Opera
At 7 pm on 9
December 1960, a new programme about an imaginary place called Weatherfield
in the North of England was shown on British TV. The show was called Florizel Street, but later
its name was changed to Coronation Street. It was written by 19-year-old Tony Warren, who
based it on his grandmother’s neighbourhood in the North West of England.
The programme was about the people who lived in Coronation Street. Warren wrote twelve
episodes for the first season. And, in case the series failed, he also wrote a final episode about a
builder’s plans to knock down the houses on the street and build something new.
To viewers’ relief, this episode has never been shown. Coronation Street was an instant success.
Over 6,000 episodes later, it’s still the most popular “soap” in Britain. “Corrie”, as many call it,
is now shown five times weekly and about 9 million people watch each episode. There are
Coronation Street websites, fan clubs and chat rooms. Books have been written about it and it is
even studied on university courses. Over the years Corrie’s actors have become famous, and
many celebrities have appeared on “the street”, including members of the British royal family.
“Corrie” is not only shown in Britain. You can also watch it in Canada, Australia and Sweden ...
and really anywhere that satellite television can reach.
1. People did not like the name Florizel Street.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2. The first episodes of Coronation Street were written by a teenager.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3. Tony Warren still writes all the episodes of Coronation Street.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4. 6,000 people watch each episode of Coronation Street.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5. You can find information about Coronation Street on the Internet.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
6. Thanks to modern technology, people all over the world can watch “Corrie”.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
7. Members of the British royal family appear in every episode of the popular show.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
IV. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with the
following sentence:
When the teacher walked into the room we were very surprised at his appearance.
 Write your story. Write between 120-150 words. 50 points
Read the text below.
Are the sentences 1-5 Right (A), Wrong (B) or if there is not enough information to answer choose
Doesn’t say (C). (5x5p=25 p)

Special homes
Two years ago Steve and Margaret Smith took a very difficult decision. They decided to sell their house
and buy a new home. Their family thought they were mad and their friends couldn’t believe their ears.
Why such a change? Well, what’s unusual about the Smiths is that they left a house with three bedrooms
in London for something totally different.

Where they live now, they don’t have neighbours, there’s no traffic and they only see the countryside from
their window. When they get tired of one place, they simply move to a new place. Up to now they moved
three times – they stay in one area for about six months. Of course, this can be a problem because their
friends never know where they can find them.


Their new home is very small. In fact Steve and Margaret sleep, cook, eat and relax in a single room. The
kitchen area has a sink and a cooker, and there is a separate bathroom. But they are not bothered by the
size – they say it’s very comfortable and they have everything they need. They have a television set and a
microwave too.

For the Smiths shopping is very difficult as the shops are at a big distance from their home. Steve says that
the next stop will be outside a supermarket!

Now they are thinking of the summer holiday. Hotels won’t be a problem for them!

1. Margaret and her husband decided to move into a big house.

A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
2. Their friends and family were not very surprised.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
3. Now the Smiths have a few new neighbours.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
4. When they are bored of one place the Smiths can change their address.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say
5. The only problem the Smiths have is shopping.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn’t say


Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with the following

”It was spring 2016 when I first realized I could breathe under water… .”

Write your story. Write between 120-150 words.

Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul de lucru este 2 ore.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.


ETAPA LOCALĂ – 5 martie 2022
Clasa a VII-a


1. Complete the blanks 1-10 with ONE suitable word: (10x1p=10p)

1. for 2. a 3. As 4. me 5. no 6. because 7. which 8. one/some 9. of 10. to.

2. a. Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capital letters: (5x1p=5p)
1. selfish; 2. preparations; 3. imagination; 4. possibility; 5. relaxation


b. Find the error in each sentence and rewrite it correctly: (5x1p=5p)

1. sucess - success; 2. lived-have been living; 3. will take-takes; 4. which-who ; 5. these-this

3.a. Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first one. Use no more than three words.

1. as large/big as; 2. far from; 3. not to be; 4. anything ; 5. Do you

b. Read the text and choose the correct word for each space. (10x2p=20p)

1.B; 2.D; 3.C; 4.B; 5.A; 6.D; 7. D; 8 A; 9.C; 10. B.


1. C; 2. B; 3. B; 4. A; 5. A (5x5p=25p)


1. task achievement - 5p
2. coherence and cohesion – 5p
3. range of vocabulary – 5p
4. range of grammatical structures and accuracy – 5p
5. effect on the reader – 5p

Notă: Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Timpul de lucru este 2 ore.
Nu se acordă puncte din oficiu.

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