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Horses are found everywhere.
Everybody knows it.
He was born before two years.
He married five years ago.
He will be punished.
Many people were hurt.
The house is locked.
Some students were beaten.

)‫(ااکمن دعم ووقع ےک درہج ںیم‬
It might rain today.
Perhaps it will rain tody.
Probably it will rain today.
It is possible that it will rain today.
It may rain today.
‫آج ابرش وہیتکس ےہ۔‬
)‫(ااکمن نیقی ےک درہج ںیم‬
.It is going to rain today
.It can rain today
.Prices are going to fall
‫ںیتمیق مک وہیتکس ںیہ۔‬

.Travelling is going to be safe

‫رفس وفحمظ وہاتکس ےہ۔‬
.He is going to be a doctor
‫وہ ڈارٹک نب اتکس ےہ۔‬
)‫(دعم ووقع نیقی ےک درہج ںیم‬
.It can't rain today
‫آج ابرش ںیہن وہیتکس۔‬
)‫(دعم ووقع ااکمن ےک درہج ںیم‬
.It might not rain today
‫ابرش ںیہن وہیتکس ےہ۔‬
‫) ہی اکمن ای وس ٹف ابمل اور ایس ٹف وچڑا ےہ۔‬1(
‫) ہی رمکہ دس ٹف ابمل اور آھٹ ٹف وچڑا ےہ۔‬2(
‫) ںیم ےن اچول پاچن روےپ یف ولک خریدے ںیہ۔‬3(
‫) اخدل اانت ابمل ےہ انتج رادش۔‬4(
‫) وہ اانت یتنحم ےہ انتج اس اک اھبیئ۔‬5(
‫)وہ اانت امدلار ںیہن انتج ہک اس اک اھبیئ۔‬6(

)1(This house is a hundred feet by eighty feet.

)2(This room is ten by eight.
)3(I bought rice at five rupees a kilo/ per kilo.
)4(Khalid is as tall as Rashid.
)5(He is as hardworking as his brother.
)6(He is not as rich as his brother.

Do you know that he is rich?
Khalid has as many pens as Rashid.
She has as many sons as her sister.
Zaid is not as tall as his brother.
He has as much milk as his brother.

She is beautiful like her mother.

He is a patriot just like his father.
This flower is reddish.
This dress looks greenish.
‫ایک آپ اجےتن ںیہ ہک وہ امدلار ےھ؟‬
.‫اخدل ےک پاس اےنت زپادہ ملق ںیہ ےنتج رادش ےک پاس ںیہ‬
.‫اےکس اےنت ےٹیب ںیہ ےنتج ایکس نھب ےک ںیھ‬
.‫زید اانت دقآور ںیھن ےہ انتج ااکس اھبیئ ےہ‬
.‫اےکس پاس اانت زپادہ دودھ ےھ انتج اےکس اھبیئ ےک پاس ےھ‬
.‫وہ اینپ امں کیطررح وخوصبرت ےہ‬
.‫وہ اےنپ وادل کیطررح بحم ونط ےہ‬
.‫ہی وھپل رسیخ املئ ےہ‬
.‫ہی ابلس ہرا اس(یسک دقر وھبرا) رظن آپا ےھ‬

(1) This is the same pen as khalid's.
(2) This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.
(3) This is the same pen as that I bought yesterday.
(4) This is the same I bought yesterday.
(5) This is the same pen that I bought yesterday.
(6) Just as it is impossible for you to agree with me, in the same way it is impossible for me to agree with you.
(7) She is not as/so taller than her sister.
(8) This book is still better than that.
(9) This book is better by far.
(19) This book is still better.
(11) This book is preferable to that.
(12) This pen is better of two pens.
(13) Walking is easier than running.
(14) It is easier to walk than run.
(15) Smoking is not as injurious as drinking.

‫‪(16)It is not as injurious to smoke as drink.‬‬

‫‪(17) It is not as easy to keep a promise as make it.‬‬
‫ہی ملق اخدلےک ملق اسیج ےھ‪.‬‬
‫ہی واسی یہ ملق ےھ اسیج ںیم ےن زگہتش لک خریدا‪.‬‬
‫ہی واسی یہ ملق ےھ اسیج ںیم ےن زگہتش لک خریدا‪.‬‬
‫ہی واسی یہ ملق ےھ اسیج ںیم ےن زگہتش لک خریدا‪.‬‬
‫ہی واسی یہ ملق ےھ اسیج ںیم ےن زگہتش لک خریدا‪.‬‬
‫جسطررح آاکپ ھجم ےس قفتم وہپا پانکمم ےھ ایس رطح ریما آپ ےس قفتم وہپا پانکمم ےہ‪.‬‬
‫وہ ا ینپ نہب ےس یبمل ںیھن ےھ‪.‬‬
‫ہی اتکب اس ےس ںیہک زپادہ رتہب ےہ‪.‬‬
‫ہی اتکب اس ےس ںیہک زپادہ رتہب ےہ‬
‫‪ .‬ہی اتکب اس ےس ںیہک زپادہ رتہب ےہ‪.‬‬
‫ہی اتکب اس ےس ںیہک زپادہ رتہب ےہ‪.‬‬
‫ہی ملق ان دو وملقں ےس رتہب ےہ‪.‬‬
‫انلچ دوڑےن ےس ںیہک زپادہ آاسن ےہ‪.‬‬
‫انلچ دوڑےن ےس ںیہک زایدہ آاسن ےہ‪.‬‬
‫رگسٹی ونیش رشاب ونیش ینتج رضم ںیہن ےہ‪.‬‬
‫رگسٹی ونیش رشاب ونیش ینتج رضم ںیہن ےہ‪.‬‬
‫ودعہ اھبنان ودعہ رکےن انتج آاسن ںیہن ےہ‪.‬‬

‫‪For Speaking Skills‬‬

‫)‪The principles of public speaking. (German, K.M. (2017‬‬
‫)‪Professional Speaking Skills, (Koneru, A. (2915‬‬

‫‪For writing skills.‬‬

‫)‪The Classic Guide to Writing Short Fiction, 3 edition. (Knight, D. (1997‬‬
‫)‪Modern Writing Skills. New Delhi: ( O' Brien, T. (2011‬‬
‫‪On Writing well. (Zinsser, W. (2006).‬‬

‫‪1‬۔اہیں وچبں ےس مک وعرںیت ںیہ۔‬

‫‪2‬۔اہیں رمدوں یک تبسنب وعرںیت زپادہ ںیہ۔‬

‫‪3‬۔اہیں ایلگں مک ڑسںیک زپادہ ںیہ۔‬
‫‪4‬۔ڑپےنھ ےس ڑپاھپا زپادہ لکشم ےہ۔‬
‫‪5‬۔رمیح رکمی ےس زپادہ اطوتقر اور ذنیہ ےہ۔‬
‫‪7‬۔ہی اتکب اس ےس زپادہ ارزاں اور دیفم ےہ۔‬
‫‪8‬۔وہ اہبدر زپادہ ےہ اور دنملقع مک۔‬
‫‪9‬۔وہ ویبوقف زپادہ ںیہ اور دباعمش مک۔‬
‫‪(1) There are fewer women than children.‬‬
‫‪(2) There are more women than men here.‬‬
‫‪(3) There are more roads than lanes.‬‬
‫‪(4) It is easier to study that teach.‬‬
‫‪(4) It is not as easy to teach as study.‬‬
‫‪(5) Rahim is stronger and more intelligent than Kareem.‬‬
‫‪(6) This book is cheaper and more useful than that.‬‬
‫‪(7) He is more brave than wise.‬‬
‫‪(8) They are more foolish than wicked.‬‬

‫دںیھکی ‪!less‬اور ‪ fewer‬ےک اامعتسل ںیم وھتڑا اس فرق وہ ہی ےہ ہک اردو ںیم ظفل "مک" اک اامعتسل دعتاد اور‬
‫دقمار دوونں وک اتبےن ےئک وہپا ےہ۔اہجں ںیمہ دقمار اتبین وہ امس امدہ یک سج وک ارگنیری ںیم ‪"Material‬‬
‫"‪Noun‬ےتہک ںیہ؛ وت واہں رپ ‪ less‬اک اامعتسل رکںی ےگ۔ےسیج‪:‬‬
‫‪Less gold.‬‬
‫‪Less milk.‬‬
‫‪Less meat etc.‬‬
‫امس امدہ یک ہگج ارگ امس عمج وہ وت "‪ "Fewer‬اک امعتسل رکےت ںیہ۔ےسیج‪:‬‬
‫‪Fewer pens.‬‬
‫‪Fewer women etc.‬‬

‫(‪)1‬ںیم ےن ینتج اتکںیب یھکل ںیہ‪ ،‬ان ںیم س ےس ایھچ ہی ےہ۔‬

‫ ان ںیم س ےس وخوصبرت ہی ےہ۔‬،‫) اس ےن ےنتج انمرظ دےھکی ںیہ‬2(

‫) اہیں ےنتج چیم ےلیھک ےئگ ان ںیم س ےس ااھچ ہی ےہ۔‬3(
‫ مک ےس مک ان ںیم ےس ای وت رضورےہ۔‬،‫) وہ س ےس ااھچ ڑلاک ہن یہس‬4(
(1) This is the best book I have ever written.
(2) This is the most charming sight he has ever seen.
(3) This is the best match ever played here.
(4) He is certainly one of the best boys if not the best.

)1( The sky turned redder and redder.
(2) The image grew smaller and smaller.
(3) They are getting weaker and weaker.
(4) The higher we go the colder it is.
(5) I like this kind of dress.
I have a weakness for this kind of dress.
I have a liking for this kind of dress.
I have a taste for this kind of dress.
I am fond of this kind of dress.

‫آامسن رسخ وہپا ایگ۔‬

‫ہمسجم وھچپا وہپا ایگ۔‬
‫وہ زمکور ےس زمکور وہراہ ےہ۔‬
‫انتج اورپ اجےت ںیہ اینت یہ ڈنھٹی وہیت ےہ۔‬
‫ےھجم اس مسق اک ابلس تہب دنسپ ےہ۔‬
This food is to my taste.
These books are to my liking.
This dress is to her choice.
This dress is her choice.

‫‪He became minister.‬‬

‫‪He went mad.‬‬
‫‪Mangoes turned red.‬‬
‫‪Milk turned sour.‬‬
‫‪The telephone went dead.‬‬
‫‪It is getting dark.‬‬
‫ہی اھکپا ےھجم دنسپ ےہ۔‬
‫ہی اتکںیب ےھجم دنسپ ںیہ۔‬
‫ہی ابلس اس وک دنسپ ےہ۔‬
‫ہی ابلس اس وک دنسپ ےہ۔‬
‫وہ وزیر وہایگ۔‬
‫وہ پالگ وہایگ۔‬
‫آم الل وہےئگ۔‬
‫دودھ اٹھک وہایگ۔‬
‫وفیلیٹن دنب ویایگ۔‬
‫پاریکی اھچ ریہ ےہ۔‬

‫ںیم ےن وچر وک اھبےتگ وہےئ داھکی۔‬
‫ںیم ےن اس وک پاےتچ وہےئ داھکی۔‬
‫اہبر آیئگ‪ /‬آیکچ ےہ۔‬
‫وہ یئبمم اجاکچ ےہ۔‬
‫ریما الیھت مگ وہایگ ‪ /‬وہاکچ ےہ۔‬
‫ںیم ےن سب وک رھبا پاپا۔‬
‫ےھجم اہکین دپسچل یگل۔‬
‫ںیم ےن یہ وت ہی اتکب یھکل ےہ۔‬
‫میلعت یہ وت ےھجم ااھچ انبیت ےہ۔‬
‫وہ ارگنیری اجاتن وت ےہ۔‬
‫ںیم ےن ااحتمن وت دپا اھت۔‬

‫ںیم پاین یہ پاین پاپا وہں۔‬

‫اہیں رغب یہ رغب ےہ۔‬

I saw the thief running away.

I saw her dancing.
Spring is come.
He is gone to Mumbai.
My bag is lost.
I found the bus crowded.
I found the story interesting.
It is I who have written this book.
It is education that makes us good.
He does know English.
I did take examination.
I find nothing but water.
There is nothing but poverty.

‫تیھک اک تیھک ہہب ایگ۔‬
‫اگؤں اک اگؤں لج ایگ۔‬
‫دن رپ دن ذگرپا ایگ۔‬
‫تبیصم رپ تبیصم آیت ریہ۔‬
‫ہی دواؤں یک دوا ےہ۔‬
‫وہ رااجؤں اک رااج ےہ۔‬
‫ہی ذغا یک ذغا ےہ اور دوا یک دوا۔‬
‫ہی رفتحی یک رفتحی ےہ اور تحیصن یک تحیصن۔‬

Field after field was washed away.


Village after village was burnt down.

Day after day rolled on.
Sorrow after sorrow continued.
This is a medicine of medicines.
He is a king of kings.
It is both a food and a medicine.
It is both an entertainment and an instruction.
It serves both as a food and a medicine.
It serves both as an entertainment and an instruction.

‫رھگ رھگ ںیم وخیش ےہ۔‬
‫وجڑ وجڑ ںیم درد ےہ۔‬
‫وہ دقم دقم رپ اہنا ےہ۔‬
‫وہ ےھجم دقم دقم رپ رویتک ےہ۔‬
‫یلگ یلگ دنگی ےہ۔‬
‫اگؤں اگؤں اداس اتگل ےہ۔‬
‫دنمش دنمش وت دووتسں ےن یھب ریمی دمد ںیہن یک۔‬
‫دمد اک ایک انہک اس ےن وت ھجم ےس ب یھب ںیہن یک۔‬
‫ایک دمرس ایک اطل ملع س ےک س وموجد ےھت۔‬

There is happiness in each and every home.

There is pain in each and every limb.
He pants at each and every step.
Each and every lane is dirty.
Each and every village looks sad.
Not to speak of enemies even friends didn't help me.
Even friends didn't help me much less enemies.
Not to speak of helping me he didn't even speak to me.

He didn't even speak to me much more help me.

Whether teachers or students all were present.

!‫وہ انتک وغرےس سا ےہ‬
!‫وہ انتک زیت ےہ‬
!‫وہ ےنتک ایپر ےس ڑپاھپا ےہ‬
!‫ینتک ہدردی ےس آپ ےن ریمی دمد یک‬
!‫ااسی ےب اامین اور ریما رامنہ‬
‫وہ ےھجم دقم دقم رپ رویتک ےہ۔‬
‫دمد اک ایک انہک اس ےن وت ھجم ےس ب یھب ںیہن یک۔‬
‫یلگ یلگ دنگی ےہ۔‬
‫اگؤں اگؤں اداس اتگل ےہ۔‬
‫ہی ذغا یک ذغا ےہ اور دوا یک دوا۔‬
‫اگؤں اک اگؤں لج ایگ۔‬
‫دن رپ دن ذگرپا ایگ۔‬
‫تبیصم رپ تبیصم آیت ریہ۔‬
How attentively he listens!
How intelligent he is!
How affectionately he teaches!
How kind of you to help me!
So dishonest and our leader!
She stops me at each and every step.
Not to speak of helping he didn't even speak to me.
Each and every street is dirty.
Each and every village looks said.
It is both a food and a medicine.

Village after village was burnt down.

Day after day rolled on.
Sorrow after sorrow continued

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