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Please Join Us For A

With their high school career coming to an end,

the students of Mayhem High find themselves battling
it out over grades, popularity, affection, class rankings and
what they all have been focused on for years...
who will be awarded the prom king and queen title?

Will it be the class president who is looking to extend his

reign past the student council? The pom-pom captain who has
used her moves to land more than the prom court nomination?
Or possibly the math team captain who is desperate to
make his name in something other than academincs?

As the night unfolds, the royalty will be rewarded

and an innocent life will be claimed.

From the preppie to the punk rocker, the jock to the jilted —
all are suspected although only one is to blame.
Can you find the culprit in this crazy madness that is
filled with neon, naughtiness and narcissistic behavior?


Rules At
Read Your Character Sheet and the Mayhem Mix! Included in this packet will be valuable
information!!! Be sure to review your own character description and the newspiece/s included for they both
include background information that may come in useful at the party.

Do Not Reveal Everything About Your Character Before the party, if you are discussing your
character with others, use your discretion as to not give too much away–you may find out at the party that you are
the killer indeed!

Dress The Part The more into character you are the easier it will be for you to truly enjoy all the aspects of
the night. Not only does a great costume add to the excitement and enjoyment, but it increases your chance to
be voted best dressed. See for more costuming ideas and resources.

Use Your Money Creatively At the start of the party, you will receive money to use any way you choose.
Bribery and blackmail are two of the most common uses we found - and are highly encouraged! The wealthiest
player at the end of the night will also receive an award, so get creative!

Get Social!!! We LOVE to see and promote all of your party pictures and fun! Go ahead and post your
creative costumes, crazy antics, and super-fun party-goers - BUT ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS ON SO-
CIAL!!! This includes, but is not limited to, pictures, videos, or mentions of the victim, murderer, and/or
pertinent clues in the game. Since spoiler posts create a calculated loss of business, you can be liable to pay the
calculated loss of sales upon discovery of the violation. So keep it fun, crazy, and show us your best spoiler-free
content!!! And don't forget to tag us after!


#nightofmystery #totallyrad80spromgonebad @nightofmystery

©2008 Night of Mystery Inc. -

J.J. Smart &
As another school year comes to a close, there is no other event to commemorate a great high school career Cindy Sensational
than the prom! Among those who have already purchased their tickets for the dance are:
Peter Prez—Senior Class President. For the past J.J. Smart—Valedictorian. A real smarty pants, These seniors received
four years, this preppie hasn’t wanted anything J.J. has been the head of the class since first grade. acceptance into their top
more than to rule the school. Peter has lobbied With acceptance to Harvard on the line, this indi- choices for college in the fall.
hard for being elected the prom king and won’t let vidual will make sure it stays that way.
anything stand in the way! Congrats to both students!
Dolly Dancer—Pompon Captain. As the cheer-
Sarah Social—Senior Class Vice-President. A leader’s arch rival, Dolly has danced her way into
valley girl at heart, Sarah is responsible for, like, the heart of Bobby Backer and intends to stay there.
planning ALL the details of the prom, and making
Ryan Rocker—Punk Rocker. As the cheerleader’s
sure things go exactly according to plan—her plan!
Debbie Taunte—Senior Class Treasurer. Spoiled
date, Ryan is attending for Sally’s support…but
could his hard rocking lifestyle be too much for And the
to the bone, this wealthy woman has a way with
money and a way of using it to get whatever she
everyone to handle?
Alan Algebra—Math Team Captain. As the great-
Clerical Katie—Senior Class Secretary. Harbor-
est mathlete in Mayhem High history, Alan is up-
set that the math team is often overlooked. He has
ing more than the class records, Katie’s spaz-tastic vowed to make sure it does not stay that way. After weeks of campaigning, the
personality will stop at nothing to make sure she seniors voted and the representa-
Principal Simpson—Principal of Mayhem High.
does not get overlooked...again! tives chosen for prom court are:
As newly appointed principal, the principal wants
Bobby Backer—Jock. As the leader of the Ravens to set and enforce high academic and social stan-
baseball team, Bobby has made several enemies by dards – but at what cost? Peter Prez &
using his influence to get what he wants!
V.P. Patterson—Vice Principal. The second-in- Debbie Taunte
Sally Spirit—Cheerleader. After Sally’s recent command, V.P. has a lot to prove (and hide) if they
split with Bobby, it is hard to say if she wants him plan to continue on in their leadership position.
back or wants revenge.
Dr. Talk—School Counselor. In charge of advis- Bobby Backer &
Kevin Catcher—Baseball Player. With his grades ing and counseling the students, Dr. Talk may Dolly Dancer
falling and chances at college slim, many underes- have more knowledge than they let on.
timate Kevin and his abilities.
Teach Tanner—Math Teacher. As a popular
Cindy Sensational—Class Sweetheart. Cindy has teacher, Teach Tanner seems to be helping out the
Kevin Catcher &
captured everyone’s heart, including her boyfriend, students a bit too much. Will their close affiliation Cindy Sensational
Kevin Catcher. With such a sweet demeanor, are with the student body come back to haunt them?
Cindy’s actions genuine or just an act?
Coach Walters—Baseball Coach. With a chance Alan Algebra &
Gabby Backer—Gossip. As Bobby’s twin sister, to win a state baseball championship, Coach Wal-
Gabby is tired of living in the shadows of her ters is very motivated to make certain they meet Sally Spirit
over-achieving brother. For once, Gabby is look- all of their goals…at any costs!
ing to make her own way at the dance!
Larry Lefty—Outcast. Misunderstood and moody,
Larry is one of the overlooked players on the baseball
Roy Rivers—Alumnus. Back in town for the big
dance, Roy may have more planned for the eve-
ning than he is letting on.
Don’t Forget To Vote!
team—but he refuses to be ignored tonight!

Most Likely To...

...Succeed: Bobby Backer. From athletic skills to great grades, this boy has a way (or a way of

go getting) everything he can want in life.

...Marry a Millionaire: Debbie Taunte. Although Debbie has enough resources to finance
her future, her motto is “there is always room for more!”

ravens! ...Save the World Quietly: Cindy Sensational. Cindy’s pleasant attitude is only compli-
mented by her goal of becoming a doctor. Put that with the fact that she volunteers as a nurse’s assistant
Coach Walters, bring us home a and the girl can do no wrong.
State Championship Title!
...Become the Next Politician: Alan Algebra. He has to be one smooth talker to get
from dork to the prom court!
©2014 Night of Mystery Inc. -
Debbie Taunte
No one has a way with money quite like you—spending it, that is. You come from a family with money and
you like to flaunt it. Because of your obsession with finances, you won the nomination and election to be senior
class treasurer at Mayhem High.
Although your riches have gotten you far in life, they can’t buy you the one thing that you want most—to
be crowned the prom queen. In conspiring to achieve this honor, you learned that Bobby Backer (the jock) had
broken up with his steady girlfriend, Sally Spirit. You were certain that if you could convince Bobby to attend
the prom with you, your election as queen would be a certainty. Seizing the opportunity, you asked Bobby to the
dance but he turned you down. Since Bobby’s rejection, you found out that he is attending the dance with Dolly
Dancer (the pompon captain and a longtime rival of Sally Spirit). Not only do you dislike the fact that Bobby
chose Dolly over you, but for multiple reasons, you do not like Dolly. You find Dolly to be a very sneaky and un-
trustworthy individual. A few weeks ago, you witnessed Dolly paying off Sarah Social (the class vice president),
but you don’t know why. You wonder if the money transaction has anything to do with Bobby’s decision not to
go to the dance with you. With rejection still fresh on your mind, you became even more determined to win the
prom queen and make Bobby regret ever turning you down.
After being rejected by Bobby, the natural choice for a date was Peter Prez, the senior class president. Not
only is Peter a likable guy, he has been campaigning for the prom king even harder than you have been trying
to earn votes for the prom queen. In addition, Peter was turned down by Dolly Dancer (the pompon captain)
and will do anything to make sure that Dolly regrets her decision. With Peter as your prom date, you will have a
great chance at being crowned king and queen of the senior class.
The only downfall of taking Peter to the dance is the fact that you may have hurt the feelings of Clerical Ka-
tie (the class secretary). Katie helped Peter with his campaign for prom king, expecting that he would choose her
as his date. Unfortunately for her, Peter chose you as his date instead most likely because of your determination
to be on the court—something that Katie lacked. Regardless, you refuse to let Katie’s feelings come in the way of
achieving your dream of being crowned the prom queen.
As the prom draws near, you are more excited than ever to attend. You and Peter have been elected to the
court and you will let nothing stand in the way of being crowned queen of your senior class!

Acting and Dressing Your Part Wealthy and wonderful, you are looking
forward to a night where you are certain that you will be crowned the prom queen. Dress in your best prom
dress, complete with fine jewelry. Ruffles, frills, lace, bright colors, gloves and big hair are ALL in style. Do not
forget to wear your “Prom Court” sash. For more ideas on how to dress, how to make a sash, etc., please see the party
tips section at Simply type in and explore the Guest Info and
Costuming sections on the website.

©2008 Night of Mystery,

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