IT001 - Module

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 To have an overview of the entire corporate IT Landscape
 To know the need of knowing how the corporate IT works
 Understand how IT industry started and why corporations/companies require specific set of
technologies from professionals within IT

Where to start your path as a credible a recruiter within Technology?

1. Have basic principles under your belt to discuss IT
2. Need to know the components of a corporate IT landscape
3. Appreciate the roles within IT and how these people design, build and maintain the IT landscape
4. Build a glossary that is aligned to IT professional for them to feel you are genuinely someone
who can understand what they actually do.

 The use of computers and other electronic device to create, manipulate, store, and transmit
data, often around a network, from device to device.

How do you visualize IT?

Application Software

Operating System


Three-Layer Model of IT

Video to watch - Computer Science Basics: Hardware and Software

Whenever you look at anything to do with IT, be it a laptop, tablet, smartphone, or the large bank of
servers which you might see at the heart of your organization. The first thing we need to understand is a
conceptual model of IT. And if we keep that in our mind, it will help us to discuss any of those IT

As you can see the hardware is useless to the you, or an “end-user” as we call it in IT, unless you have
installed software.
 Hardware – Physical or tangible layer part of IT and the…

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 Operating Software – Is the initial layer of software exists primarily to bring your hardware come
to life or what makes it usable… 2
o It does a lot of things, but it is useless to our eyes because it does not seemingly get
involved in all “good stuff” we do every day. (e.g., sending email, watching movies,
listening to songs, etc.)
 Application Software – top layer of IT that carries out the useful stuff in our life.

We’re going to use this model to discuss:

 Basic IT Principles
 Key components of corporate IT
 Understand the layout of the IT department
 What do the roles within IT do
 How they design and build
 Use IT terminology/nuances with confidence
 Gain credibility as a recruiter in Technology


Video to watch - Evolution of Computer 1930 To 2021 || History of the Computer (5 Minutes)

It is generally accepted that no matter how far technology might progress into the future, there will
always be the need for this layer called hardware. Yes, of course, the hardware will change in shape and
size dramatically with time, as it has done so over the last decade, but the concept of hardware will
always be there.

Evolution of Hardware

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 Back in 60’s, 70’s to 80’s
o IT in these days did not consists of PCs. There were HUGE MACHINES that were being 3
used. Only few privileged groups that could afford of having those huge computers that
sat in their basements.
o This HUGE equipment is called “Mainframe” (is a term originally referred to the large
cabinets that housed the central processing unit and main memory of early computers)

 Millennials – Tablets and laptops

 Generation Zed (1990s to 2000s) – Tablets, Smartphones, and smart watches.
So, you can see that hardware is an evolving concept. Now let's categorize some of the hardware
concepts that you should familiarize yourself with if you're in IT recruitment now.

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