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JILL: For the past years, the district has been celebrating its annual Pasidungog to honor our dedicated
teachers for their inexhaustible efforts to improve the quality of education for students and to pay
recognition to distinguished educators for their exemplary pedagogical performance. It is a well-deserved
occasion to support, validate, and encourage pedagogical innovators to continue what they do best –
ROEMAR: Simultaneously, this has also been an opportunity for educators to socialize and celebrate one of
the significant cultural events that has been a part of every academic year, the Christmas party. It is a fun
activity that we all grew up with, a time of giving, a celebration of a fruitful year, an opportunity to
reconnect, rebuild, and create more friendships, and a reminder to spread God’s love.
JILL: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to this year’s San Roque District’s Pasidungog and
Christmas Party with the theme: “Paskong Pinoy: Kultura at Tradisyon.”
Without further ado, let’s sit back, relax, and enjoy tonight’s festivities.
ROEMAR: To formally start the program, let us all rise for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to
be conducted by the Don Juan F. Avalon National High School Teaching Staff. This will be followed by a
doxology from the San Roque Central Elementary School Teaching Staff. After which, the Bantayan National
High School Teaching Staff will lead the singing of the Division Hymn. Then, the Himno san San Roque will
follow, and the Bantayan Elementary School Teaching Staff will lead the singing of the San Roque Hymn.
… Everyone, you may now take your seats.
Opening Remarks
JILL: To officially welcome us all in tonight’s event, we would like to call on our fellow educator, the
President of San Roque District Federated Teachers Association – Sir Ronald B. Morillo.

ROEMAR: … Thank you, Mr. Morillo for that warm welcome.
Vocal Solo
ROEMAR: Now, I have a question for our teachers. Naniniwala ba kayo na talented ang mga teachers ng San
… That’s the spirit! To prove this point, ladies and gentlemen, I give you THE DIVA from Don Juan F. Avalon
NHS, Ma’am Lyra Mae Jarito, to grace us with a vocal solo.

JILL: Thank you for that ______ performance, Ma’am Lyra.
Introduction of Key Note Speaker
JILL: At this point, let us hear the introduction of our key note speaker. To do this honor, I give you the
principal of Bantayan National High School, Madame Cherry S. Abalon.
Sir Aljibe gives his message…
ROEMAR: Thank you, Dr. Aljibe for that highly encouraging and inspiring message.
ROEMAR: In the realm of education, there exists a group of remarkable individuals who possess an
unyielding passion for their profession. They are the unsung heroes, the catalysts for change, and the
champions of knowledge. These individuals are teachers, and their dedication often goes beyond the
boundaries of what is expected.
Indeed, teachers spend a tremendous effort on providing THE best for their students, and this event is a
reminder that these efforts have not gone unnoticed.
This time, let us move on to the highlight of tonight’s event, the awarding of district’s most outstanding
personnel, school, and program implementers.
We would like to request ____________________ to come up stage as the congratulatory panel for our
JILL: Once again, congratulations to the district’s most outstanding personnel, school, and program
implementers. Appreciation is a powerful force that can transform the educational landscape, and that is
why it is important to honor our educators. It is time that we acknowledge their tireless efforts, provide
them with the resources they need to thrive, and foster a culture of appreciation.
At this juncture, let us pin our ears back as we call on the Northern Samar Provincial Governor, the Hon.
Edwin Marino Ongchuan, to give us a message.

ROEMAR: Thank you, Hon. Ongchuan, for that ___________ message.
Awarding of Loyalty Service
This time, let us proceed to the Awarding of Loyalty Service to our teachers who have been in service for
ten years. Again, we would like to request ________________ to come up stage as the congratulatory panel
for our awardees.
JILL: Congratulations to our educators who have remained in this service and continue to share their
Once again, let us give a thunderous applause to our awardees.
Intermission Number
Now, to break the monotony of this program, let us welcome the Don Juan F. Avalon National High School
Performing Arts Organization, as they will render their special number.

ROEMAR: Thank you for that _______________ performance.
Oath Taking Ceremonies
Moving on to the next part of our program – the Oath Taking Ceremonies, starting with the San Roque
District Federated Teachers Association Officers.
Calling of officers…
ROEMAR: We would like to request our Division Legal Officer, Atty. Risty T. Adarayan, to induct the officers.

Thank you, Atty. Adarayan. Let’s proceed with the oath taking of San Roque District Federated Teachers
Association Officers.
Calling of officers…
JILL: We would like to request Senior Board Member, Atty. Don L Abalon, to induct the officers and give us a
message afterwards.

ROEMAR: Thank you, Senior Board Member Abalon for that ____________ message.
Let us move on to the oath taking of San Roque District School Heads Association Officers.
Calling of officers…
ROEMAR: To induct our officers and give us a message, let me present you our municipal mayor, Dr. Maria
Ana G. Abalon.
JILL: Thank you, Hon. Abalon for that _________________ message.
Turn Over of Responsibilities
Closing Remarks
ROEMAR: At this point, let us give way to our Public Schools District Supervisor, an outstanding awardee
herself, Dr. Esther O. dela Cruz, to give us her closing message.
Thank you, Madame Dela Cruz, for that _____________ message.
That concludes the third part of our program. Before we proceed to the next one, let us first have and enjoy
our dinner. May we request everybody to please rise for a prayer.
In the name… Bless us, oh Lod, and this thy gift which we are about to receive from thy bounty, through
Christ our Lord. Glory be… Amen.
Presentation of Philippines Folk Dances
ROEMAR: Busog na ba ang lahat? Are we ready for the next part of the program?
…That’s it. Earlier tonight, we have established and proved that teachers are indeed talented. In this part of
the program, we will further showcase teachers’ talents through the presentation of Philippine Folk
Dances. This is to commemorate Philippine traditions through songs and dance, and a way to preserve our
cultural heritage. Tonight is also about ensuring that the traditions and values of the Filipinos are not lost
and are continued to be celebrated and appreciated.
The first folk dance presentation will be given by the Bantayan National High School. Ladies and gentlemen,
let’s give a round of applause to the Bantayan National High School in their Binatbatan dance!

JILL: Binatbatan is a dance that emerges from the northwestern religion of Ilocos. The playful movement of
this dance were created specifically for children. This represents the action of cotton farmers as they
separate the seeds from the fibers using sticks.
At this juncture, we will give the floor to the next presenter. Everyone, let us welcome the San Roque
Central Elementary School in their La Jota dance.
ROEMAR: The Philippine Jota, adapted from the original Spanish folk dance, evolved into a formal ballroom
dance. This Jota named for the capital city Manila, complete with bamboo castanets, celebrates the
Filipinos’ successful revolt for independence from Spain.
Now, the next performers will sing one of the Philippines’ famous folk songs, Sarung Banggi. Ladies and
gentlemen, the Bantayan Elementary School!
JILL: Sarung Banggi is Bicol’s hallmark love ballad, as well as one of the country’s most famous and well-
known folk songs. The meaning of the song is “one night", and it was written by veteran singer Potenciano
Meanwhile, the next performance will be of a medley – a combination of old songs. Without further ado,
let’s give a round of applause to Ginagdanan, Malobago, Pagsang-an, Lawaan Elementary Schools, and
Malobago – Pagsang-an National High School.
ROEMAR: The last but not least presentation will be performed by Balnasan, Balud, Coroconog, Dale, and
Laoangan Elementary Schools, Lucero Heights Primary School, and Balnasan National High School. Let’s
give way to DABACOLAO!
ROEMAR: We have witnessed our educators as they paid tribute to the Philippine folk dances and songs as
well as they sung us Christmas carols. Truly, these performances are our way of preserving Philippines
culture and traditions.
Search for Lucky Pair District Personnel 2023
Let’s move forward to another highlight of this gathering, the Seach for Lucky Pair District Personnel 2023!
To explain the mechanics of the search, may we call on Sir Ronald Morillo, president of SRDFTA.
Sir Ronald: …
The winners will be determined through a draw lots – one from our female educators, and another one
from the male educators. To draw the winner for the female category, may we request… and … to draw for
the male category.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us give a resounding applause to our Lucky Pair District Personnel 2023!! Lucky
Pair, you may now carry out your Royal Walk around the quadrangle.

Lucky Pair, please stay at the center for a short dance…
May we request our Lucky Pair back on the stage.
To pay homage to our Lucky Pair District Personnel 2023, let’s call on the Don Juan F. Avalon National High
At this point, the raffle draw will begin. Christmas is a season of giving, and it is only right to share our
blessings. Names of the winners will be drawn from this bowl/box, and if yours has been called, please
come up here to claim your prize.
As part of the traditions of a Filipino party, an interpretation of a kuracha dance will not go undone. The
first pair to interpret the kuracha dance will be…
Dance for All
This time let’s give the floor for a dance-for-all.
This event would not have been as successful as it was if it weren’t for the people and organizations behind
it. So before we end the program, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our distinguished
visitors, Governor Edwin Onchuan, SDS Dr. Gaudencio Aljibe, PSDS Dr. Esther O. dela Cruz, Mayor Maria Ana
Abalon, Senior Board Member Atty. Don L Abalon, awardees, school heads, stakeholders, and teachers.

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