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On a galaxy far far away there were created 7 powerful rubik cubes.Why?

,for 7 good

and pure hearts or brothers so they can rule in peace their kingdoms.After that the younger

brother was jealous of the older one thinking that his power should rule the 7 kingdoms.Later

a week much later was a big fight between the younger and the older brother,but still the

other brothers help the older by joining the fight.Since after the war they won and destroy the

bad brother they were relive but their wounds where so bad that before they died they made

their cubes to go found good and pure much pure hearts so they can destroy the bad

cube.Well after ten years that will happened…So well that's where the real story begins.Of

course you might ask who are we? Well we are the rubik cube squad 6 “kids” that save the

universe, From who? Well that is the story.

Okay let's start with how we met,well our families move to the same neighborhood

and well since there we became best friends.After that we made a group of rubik cubes

competitions at our secret meeting place(the old abandoned mansion),and so after those

years we are finally in 7th grade(if you are reading these and are in 6 grader don't go to 7th

grade is for your own good) and we are so good friends that nothing stop us.Well almost

nothing since the teachers put our seats far from each other and we mostly work in different

groups but still we are almost always together even when we eat or talk.But one day all of

that change starting maybe at a night to be more specific.BOOM!!! 6 rubik cubes fell from the

sky when the six of us came out to see them(since we live near each others house) well to

be specific we really touch them and silly of us we were electrified and well we woke up at

the hospital without a scratch but with the cubes in our hands,but what the weird about them

was that it had only one color.

So after that we went to school(with the cubes since they follow us every way)

and after school we met at our secret place , so they can share their theories of where the

cubes came from.But after much talking they saw that they had superpowers and that they

had old very old super suits so after a few hours they modify it the way they like it.Still they

made their meeting place into their training room for their powers.After that they went home

for dinner and do their homework.

In the morning, the news of the city informing the students in school(for them it was

just very boring),all was peaceful until a villain, a supervillain, was destroying a part of the

city so the 6 friends jumped into action to protect the people. Later that the villain retired and

really really defeated after the fight the reporters arrived to interview the heroes to know their

names, so for that day one they were call the rubik cube squad or by their individual

name(Shark,Red,Pac-Man,Metallic,Beast and Shooter).So after that they heroes returned to

school a little with some wounds and really tired but happy that they defeated the villain or

that was what they thought.But the villain would never give up until he had all the rubik

cubes and their powers so he can rule the world.So he planned to have a hostage and he

knew perfectly who a famous reporter.

After an exciting and exhausted day the 6 friends and heroes too went to bed super

exhausted and a little painful.But what they thought their problems were over they started

again but with a new twist and story.So when Chris(or also Shark) wake up he found out his

mother was gone and a note and video of the villain(Drak Copy) having his mom as hostage

and that if he wanted her back he should make the video viral so the heroes will came to the

rescue of her.Of the panic and stress Chris did what Dark Copy say but not only that,he

made a reunion with his friends so they could help him save his mom life.After that the villain

say that if the heroes surrender she(Chris mom) will be alright.

Of Course Shark(Chirs) wanted to do that right away but Shooter(Mia) and the others

didn't agree.Finally what seem years of waiting they all agree to fight for each other and

save Sharks mom.So when Dark Copy try to hurt Chris mom he couldn't since Shooter

mad+ke him stop before he could even reach to hurt her.For the heroes and the supervillain

meant only one thing and that was that the fighting begins in other words the new war.

But our heroes fail so shooter grab all the cubes before Dark Copy and used all the

powers at the same time and for her surprised that protected everyone from the explosion of

the building.After that all the heroes revive but shooter didn't she was dead like Dark

Copy.When all the other heroes thought Shooter died she came back to life but not only that

happened but she had new powers and a cool new suit.After that little by little the other
heroes supersuits change and their powers had new upgrades.Everyone was happy

because they thought Dark Copy was destroyed but in the middle of the smoke a figured

appear and grab the broken cube of the villain and disappeared in the flames.So this is the

end for the adventures of our heroes or isn't it…?

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