ASL Topics

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1) Thank You Sachin!

2) A memorable day
3) Problems faced by an adolescent
4) Are sports necessary for students?
5) My childhood
6) The importance of friends in a student’s life
7) Road Safety
8) Save Electricity
9) The importance of inculcating the habit of reading
10) My dream vacation
11) Your first day at school
12) The day you decided to change your life
13) Dependence on computers-Is it good?
14) Important technological discoveries in the history of mankind
15) Impact of media on society
16) The value of discipline in academic life
17) If I were a millionaire
18) Your idea of a truly great man
19) Lives of great man all remind us, we can make our lives sublime
20) Man is the architect of his own fate
21) Merits & Demerits of the present system of examination
22) Craze of fashion among youngsters
23) Giving in to peer pressure
24) The changing face of India
25) Importance of inculcating the habit of reading
26) Students & Social Service
27) What makes a life happy
28) Women empowerment is a myth
29) Child performers on reality TV are ‘sugar coated’ child labours
30) If you could change one major historical event, what would it be?
31) Tell a foreigner about your beloved homeland
32) What kind of a movie would you make if you were a director?
33) Toys of school life
34) Changing face of Indian Cinema?
35) Traditions are an obstacle to progress?
36) Importance of Education
37) The role of youth Today
38) Importance of friends of life
39) Celebrity/Politician I would like to meet
40) My favourite book/writer/actor/cuisine
41) Generation Gap
42) My dream car/gadget
43) If I had wings
44) Your ambition in life

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