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Made By-
Samarth Tyao


Movement or Chipko Andolan, was a forest congervdtion movCnent
tstarbed in 1973 at the Himalayan
region of Uttarakhand and went oh to
rallyinq point for many future environmerntal movemerntsall over tthe
Decome a
movernertts in Ihdia.
Worid. IE creabed a precedent for stoting non-violert
tocused on slowingdown the rapid deforestubion, expose vested interests,increase
Ond demonstrate the viability ot the people6
ecological awarenee6,
movement which practiced ithe
The Chpko Andolan orthe Chipko Movenent is a
sabyagraha where bath male and female actiuiste played vrtal role.
methods ot for
was awarded the Right Livelihood Award
|Later in 1987,the chipko movement
ecologically-souhd ueeot
ts dedicatioh to the Conservatioh,restoratioh and
India's natural resources

Achievenent of Chipko Movement.

Chipko protests in Utar Pradesh achieved a major victory in 1980with a
staBe by the arder ot
15-yeayban on green telling inthe Himalayan torests ot that
then, the movanernt has
Mrs. Tndra Crandhi,the then Prime Minister or India. Since
15-year ban in Utar
Spread to many states in the courtry. Ih addition to the
Vindhyas und has
Pradesh, the movenerit ha_ stopped felling in Westam Ghats the
generated preseue tora hdtural hesource policy tbat ie
more seneive to peoples
needs and ecdogical requirenerts

Teacher's Sign ... ens

Topic * **

People Thvalved
Sunderlal Bhhuquna,an environmentalist who was also the leader of te
Onipko Mouemant aleo had an impact in this movemet. One of hie natable
Condributions tothe Chipko mavenent,and to environmengtalismin geneal, as
his oreation of the chipko slogans,"Ecolagyie permanent economy He heped to bring_
the mavemert toprominence thraugh a 5,000km
trane-himalaya. March undertaken from 1981 to
1983, trawelling tiom one village toanother
gaining moresupport.He had an appointment
with the then PM Indira Gandhi &that meeting
resulbed in Gandhi's subeequent 15-yearban
on cutting of green treesin 1980. He was Sunderlal Bahuguna

closely associabed with Guura Daui,one of the pioneas of the mavement.

Graura Deui caneinto the forefront of he Chipko movenart in 1974.On 25 March

197tshewas toldby a.younggil that local loggesweecuttingtrees neartbier village.
Gaura Deuiarndother 27 womendecided to tackle the loggers,She carfronted and
chalenged the men to shoot her instead ot cubtng down the trees and she described
the forest as Vandevta. ond har maika(mother's house). With the help ot others
she halted he work of loggers ond wamen and ruua Deui hugged the ttrees in arder
to prevent them trom qetting them cut for 3-4 days. The loggers then left.

Guura Devwi

Teacher's Siqn
. Date......
Topic ****************

Other things thot happened

Sogn,villagers andwomen began to organisethemeelves under emall groups,take up
localcuses with the authorities,and stand up aqaingt commercia logging
thabtmeatened thier livelihood.More rallies ond Marches were held in lote
buttolittle ettect,untila decasion to take a direct action.

In March 1973, the lumbermen arived at Gopeshwar, oand oftara couple of weeks,
theywere corfronted at vilage Mondal on 24 Aprl 1973,uhere about a
villagers and DGSS workers were beating_drum9 and shoutingslogans,thus torcing
theconttactors teir lumbrmen to reteat

Recognitioh at the intenational leve

Ovrtime, as a United Nations Enuionmant rogramme report menboneo,
FChipko activists started working_a socio-egonomíc reolution by winning contral
of thier forest_resources from thehands ot a distort bureworacy which i6 only
concenedwith the selling of forestland for makingurban-oriented praducte

Ihtamational ecologists Gaw Chipko a9 acutural response ot the peoples loue for
thier erwironmert. Chipko was populakised by the femini st mouemernt,who pointed
Out that uillaqewomen houe to wolk long distonces to ollect fuel and fodder and
they become the tirst victoms ot forest destruction.


1974 Thetook plChiacepko rmovement

Teacher's Sign . . .

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