G8 Essential Biology Workbook 43

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Plant transport ‘The following words refer to plant transport, but they are scrambled up. Unscramble the words. LHPEMO —PIEREMISD—- MXYLE_—CRUOSSE When you have unscrambled the words, match them with their definitions, ‘A main carbohydrate transported in plants B site of water and mineral transport © outer covering of plant _ tissue which transports sugars 1, Study the diagrams below. In a C70 . a. Identify the tissues labelled A, B, and C in diagram A. A B c Bl b. An experiment was caried out using the plant shown in diagram B. The roots of the plant were allowed to stand ina solution of eosin (a red dye), and one of the leaves was kept inside a container that could be filled with radioactively labelled carbon dioxide. The apparatus was placed in bright ight for 6 hours. cross-section ofthe stem was then cut using a sharp scalpel. i. State which of the tissues A, B, or C would be stained red... 1) Explain your answer, 0 ii, The section was allowed to stand on a piece of film sensitive to radiation, When the film was developed it appeared as shown in diagram C. Explain why the film had this appearance. R 39

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