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1 consist

At a meeting, %of the members

of management personnel
2 Ifapproximately 2.236, then determine 3
the square root of 5 is In the cells shown, place a ten-digit
number such that the digit in the
and the rest of trainees. If the ratio of the square root of 80 with the same first cell indicates the total number of O's
male trainees to female trainees is 3: 4, precision using mental computation. in the entire number, the digit in cell 1
approximately what percentage of all the indicates the number of 1's in the
members at the meeting is female number, and so on, to the last cell.

4 Wednesday
You begin working at a new job on
and will work five days a 5 only
Make a circle inside a square using
the figure shown and scissors.
6 integral
Find five rectangles that have
dimensions of 1, 2, 3, 4, ... ,
7 When does 101 = 5 and 111 = 7?

week, Monday through Friday. You are 10 (using each integer only once) and
paid one cent on the first day, two cents that can be put together without.
on the second day, and four cents on the overlapping to form a square.
third day. Each day your pay continues to
double. On what day of the week will you
earn a daily wage of one million dollars?

8 The area of 6 ABC is 12 square

units. 6 DEF is inscribed in 9 A weight lifter can lift 260 kg not
including the bar. With an unlimited 1 0 diameter
Determine the length of the
of this circle. Points 0,
11 Ifravine
two dogs can jump acr~ss
six feet wide, then how
6 ABC so that D, E, and F are each number of weights in four sizes - 5 kg, ~and D are collinear; AD II BC; wide a ravine can four dogs jump across?
midpoints of the side on which they lie. 10 kg, 25 kg, and 40 kg - how many AC _l OD; OB _l OD.
6 GHJ is similarly constructed with G, different ways can the weights be placed
H, and J as midpoints of DE, EF, and FD.
If the construction is repeated two more
times, what is the area of the triangle
constructed last?

12 f(j(x))
on the bar if it will hold up to seven
weights on each side, assuming that the
individual weights on both sides are

13 circle
GJ 2

15 Given

Find a functionj(x) such that
x but f(x) =I= x.
Let be an angle inscribed in a
whose sides pass through 14 If(kzk+is kan+integer, show that
1) can be written as
4, and AD - 9. FmdAB.
AC =

the endpoints of a chord of length c. the sum of three squares.

Then cjd (where dis the length of a

diameter) is what trigonometric function
of <p?
i- - "' • A J4-cm p1zza wrtifiwerythTng - ·7 _. Owen a -circle-with radius 4
1 18"""'9YdneY"·
'ftarrrs Y.e porrea -iii ,._
19 Glv.fff'\e ABC D w\t.b
costs $15.75 at restaurant A, and a inscribed in a square. Find the newspaper filler that there are length twice the width; midpoints
16-cm pizza with everything costs $19.35 area of the shaded region. more microseconds in a minute than E, F, G, and H; and perimeter equal to 48
at restaurant B. Which is the better minutes in a century. True or false? units. Find the area of EFGH.


Upon solving the system of

20 Fbr the set (30, 80, 50, 40, x },
the mean, mode, and median 217 equations x 5y 17 = r and 22 Does the parabola 3y =
x 2 - 17 pass through any lattice 23 Find all two-digit numbers that
multiply their reversals to give
are all equal. Find x. x 2y = s for x andy, the answers turn points? a perfect square.
out to be of the form x = r 4 j sbandy =
sc; rd, where a, b, c, and d are positive
integers. Calculate the sum a+ b + c +

24 Suppose that a, b, and care

positive integers such that
25 If logA 27 = 0.75, what is A'(
26 Find the smallest positive
integer n such that the product 27 Write the following four
numbers in ascending order:
aj3 = b/4 = c/5 and abc = 1620. of n and 999 does not contain the digit 9. 3 '

Find b. (0.3) 2, 92, 27 3 / 92 , v'2 / 0.166

An integer n in base eight is

28 It is given that the five-digit
number 2xy89 is the square of 29 A certain number has exactly
eight factors, of which 35 and 77 30 3175. What is the integer 31 If120l for+2+3+4+···+m
positive m, what ism?

an integer (in base ten). Find the two- are two. Find the value of the number. immediately following n written in base
digit number ~y. 830?
is constant. Thus, the area of the
This month's problems 1-10 were provided by the spring semester fourth new triangle is 1/256 of the
1988 problem-solving class of Michael C. Hynes, University of Cen- area of !::. ABC, or (1/256) x 12.
tral Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-Cynthia Hildebrand, Mutfet Fox,
William Glover, Nancy Goodwin, Mary Frances Hout, Sister Maria
Scortino, Kathleen Snyder, Paula Sperrazza, Donna Ray, J ames
Straehla, Holly Willis, and Fay Grady. Problems 11- 14 were pro-
® 36 ways. Combinations of
weights for 130 kg are
shown. 130 kg would be placed on
vided by Larry Hoehn, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, each end of the bar to make 260
TN 37044. Problems 15-17 and 19 were provided by Richard A. Lit- kg.
tle's fall term 1987 class in Math 610, Geometry for Teachers, at 40 25 10 5
Ohio State University-Lydia Appel, Andy Banas, Debbie Capra,
Don Chandler, Amy Edwards, Dorian Edwards, Jeri Earnest, Jackie 3 1
Hutchings, Ken Seidel, Jeff Smith, and Laura Wenig. Problems 18,
20, 22, and 23 were provided by Charles D. Gallant, Saint Francis 3 2
Xavier University, Antigonish, NS B2G 1CO. Problems 21, 24, 26, 2 2
and 28 were provided by George Berzsenyi, Rose-Hulman Institute of 2 1 2 1
Technology, Terre Haute, IN 47803. Problems 25, 27, and 29-31 2 1 1 3
were provided by Janet Ramser and her students from Northeast
High School, Clarksville, TN 37040. 2 1 5
2 5
2 4 2
r:t\ 14 percent. Since 1/4 of the An alternative solution: The pay 2 3 4
\.V members are trainees, a ra- on the first day is 2°; on the sec-
2 2 6
tio of 3: 4 means that 317 of this ond day, 2 1 ; and so on. The ques-
114, or (317)(114), or 3/28 of the en- tion is on which day the pay, 2x- l, 2 1 8
tire members of the meeting con- will be more than 108 cents. This 2 10
sisted of male trainees and 4/7 of amount can be computed in a table 1 3 2 1
this 1/4, or (4/7)(1/4), or 117 of the of the powers of 2, on a calculator,
members, consisted of female or by logarithms; and we find that 1 3 1 3
trainees. 117 = 0.14 or approxi- x > (26.515 425) + 1 on the 1 3 5
mately 14 percent. twenty-eighth day. 1 2 4

® 8.944
80 = v'16X5 = v'i6 X VS
® Cut the square into pieces
along the dotted line and
put together in the order shown.
= 4 VS = 4 X 2.236
1 2 8
1 1 6 1
® 0123456789
16 l 2 l 1 l o l o l o l 1 l o l o l ol
1 1 5 3

0 Friday, the 28th day

Day Pay

1 $ 0.01 ® 1
1 1

2 0.02 10 3 1 8 2
3 0.04 1 7 4
4 0.08 1 6 6
5 0.16 6 8 1 5 8
6 0.32 1 4 10
7 0.64 1 3 12
8 1.28 1 2 14
9 2.56 7 1 1 16
10 5.12 5 1 18
11 10.24\\ 24. The given data indicate
9 4 ~ that AOBC is a rectangle.
1 342 177.28
0 In base two. The number
101 in base two is 1(4) +
Since diagonals of a rectangle
have the same measure, OC is 12
units. OC is also a radius of circle
0(2) + 1{1) = 5 in base ten. The 0. Therefore, the diameter of the
number 111 in base two is 1(4) + cirr.le is 24 units.
1(2) + 1(1) = 7 in base ten.
f.t-1\ This is what is .known as a

® 3/64 square units. The
area of C:. DEF is 1/4 of the
area of !::. ABC. This ratio of areas
\!...!) nonsense quest1on.
(Continued on page 373)

376 ______________________________________
Mathematics Teacher
ANSWERS TO CALE NDAR -Continued fr()m pafJC .176
~ Ll•t f'{.rl 11.1'. or mort.! g'l'n- Hcot·e. it must be 40 or 50 . Check
\!.51 t>rally./\.rl = o f I '(x
(1\, both cases.
unt: can du is ~o~r:t t: ~ - CrmM.:·
quenUy, the tlt:slrt:d v;;lur: ,,f n IS
11 here a i,; a con,;tanl and o ' x.
Are otlwr $Oiut ions po~::1ible? @ 31. To climinall.! x, raise
112, and inde1:d, !J!J!J · 112
Ill 888 is free nl' !Js.
~ Draw a diameter to one end- . both sides of the first equa-
~ point of c and join the other
tiOn to the second and or the sec-
ond equation to the fifth power
r,::;::n IQ.3J"' •. 27 4 ':!/9~, V <!iiJ. lfifi,
E'nd~ of c and d to obtain a right 'E.!) g-Irl, smce thetr t:qutvalimt
and divide the latter by the for- values are 1/9, l, 2v'3, and 27.
trtangle. Let ~h be the •mgle in this mel·. This process yields y = :/'lr"-
tnangle oppot'ite side c. Then 11 This was problem 6 on the 25 Nc,.
which, upon s ubstitution. into the' vember 1986 National Mathemat-
and ~hare supplcmentarv. There- second equation. gives x'/. =
fore sin II = sin J, = c d.- ics Invitationa l Contl.!st.
~' 1S 34 • or x = r 7 1s 11 • Conse-

quently, o + b t c + d - 7 + 17 +
5 + 2 = 31.
~ 78. Let z~ = 2xy89. 'I'hen z
'E!3J must be a three-digit num-
~ No. x 2 - 3y i 17 = 3y + ber' with firs t digit 1 and last digit
3 or 7. Moreover, sinct: 139 2
'E9 15 + 2 = 3(y + 5) + 2, and 140 2 =- 19 600 _... 2xy89 "'

no perfect. squares have this form . 32 400 = 180 2 , one mu&t have
@ 11, 22, ... , 99 only 143 .s z :o:: 177 . In search of the
tens digit of z, obser ve that
<lOt + 3J 2 = 100t 2 + 60t + 9 im-
~ Let a = 3k, b = 4k, and c = plies that t = 3 or 8 in order to
have 8 as the tens digit of z 2 ;
'EY 5k. Then abc = 60k3 = clearly not the case. Similarly,
1620 = (60)(27); hence k = 3 and
b = (4)(3) = 12. from ClOt+ 7J2 = 100t 2 ~ 140t-
49 it follows that t = 1 or 6. Since
@ at only the latter value falls within
the bounds for z, it follows that
logA 27 = 0.75 z = 167; and indeed, 167 2 =
@ tN 2 Tk + ! \ 2
A 314 = 27 27 889, and hence xy is 78.
=k 4 ~2k 3 -3k 2 ~2k+1 ( A 3/4)4/3 = 27413
=tk 4 "T" 2k 3 +k 2l+tk 2 + 2k+ 1\+k 2 A = 3 4 = 81 ~ 385. If 35 Ii.e., 5 / 7 1 and
=k 2tk•U 2 +tk + 1l 2 +k 2 'E5!J 77 (i.e., 7 x 11 ) are two fac-
~ 112. Write 999n as tors, others must be 1, 5, 7, 11,
li'?\ AB ~2 6. 4 AB = AB/9, or ~ (1 000 - 1)n = 1 OOOn - n and 55, leaving only one more of
~ \ABl = 36. and consider the resulting subtrac- the eight, which must be the num-
tion problem. First note that if n is ber 1·5·7·11. This problem is a
~ The 16-cm pizza costs less a one- or two-digit number, say, ab modification of problem 4 on the
~ per square unit. It is a bet- (allowing a but not both a and b to 24 March 1987 National Mathe-
ter deal assuming that the two piz- be 0), then in the subtraction prob- matics Invitational Contest.
zas are of the same thickness and lem
that the toppings are equivalent abOOO ~ 22s3o· 31768 = 1662Io =
1- 80.096 29/cm 2 versus =--..gQ ~ 22s3o . This problem is a
-80.102 37 cm 2 l. modification of problem 1 on the
at least one 9 will result. Conse-
@ (64 - 16r.)/4, or 16 - 4r. quently, n must consist of at least
t hree digits; denote it by abc and
25 November 1986 National Math-
ematics Invitational Contest.
consider the corresponding sub- Q 15. This value is the sum
f.l6\ True. 60 x 10 6 is greater traction problem: ~ of an arithmetic series
~ than 100<365)(24)60, which abcOOO whose formula isS = (n 2Ha - l l.
equals 52.56 x 10 6 . abc
~«\\ The area of EFGH equals 64 To mimimize n, one should aim for
120 =!f (1 + m l
\J.!!J square units. a = 1; similarly, b = 1 is the best 240 = m + m2
possible value, since b = 0 would
~ x = 50. Since the mode automatically introduce a 9; fi. 0= m 2 + m - 240
'f:::!J exists, x =
30 or 40 or 50 or nally, as a carry-over from the 0= (m + 16\l m - 15)
80. Since the median is the middle ones column must occur, the best m= 15

The Editorial Panel of the Mathematics Teacher is now considering sets of problems submitted by individu-
als, classes of prospective teachers, and mathematics clubs for publication in the calendar during the 1991-92
academic year . Please write to the editorial coordinator, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091, for
guidelines .
Tu;o other sources of problems in calendar form are available from NCTM: "Calendars for the Calculating'' Ia
set of nine monthly calendars that originally appeared from September 1983 to May 1984; order number 3.J.I.
$5.75) and "A Year of Mathematics" (one annual calendar that originally appeared in September 1982; order
number 311, $2.50; set of fiue, order number 312, $5.00). /ndividual members receive a 20 percent discount off
these prices.

May 1990 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- 373

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