Introduction To Business

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Faculty of Business Studies

Department of Business Administration

Program: BBA

ISCED Code: 0419 Course Code: BUSI- Course Title: Introduction to

1101 Business

Contact Hours: 03 Credits Hours: 03

Course Assessments
Attendance 10 Marks
CIE: Continuous Internal Evaluation Class Test/ Assignment/ Quizzes 10 Marks
Mid-term 30 Marks
SEE: Semester End Examination 50 Marks

Course Description:
Business is producing goods and services at minimum cost to fulfil the needs of the people of
society. With the passage of time the nature of business is changing. This course is designed in
such a way so that the students will get necessary concept about trade, industry, and commerce.
The course will prepare the students with necessary knowledge and understanding for learning
other courses in the field of business.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students will be able to-
CLO Understand the conceptual framework of Industry, Trade, Commerce and business.
1 Identify the scope of business environment.
CLO Explain the concepts of entrepreneurship and identify the problems faced by
2 entrepreneurs and provide reasonable solutions. Discuss the formation of Sole
proprietorship business, partnership business & Joint Stock Company as well as
identify the procedures of foreign trade & explore the Business Supportive
CLO Evaluate how social responsibility and business ethics can help to continue business in
3 a country in the context of Islam.

Mapping of CLO to PLO Mapping

CLO1 1 - - - - - -
CLO2 - 1 - - - - -
CLO3 - - - - - - -
3-High Correlation, 2- Medium Correlation, 1-Low Correlation
01. Foundation of Business 06 CLO1
Definition of Business, Evolution of Business, Characteristics of
Business, Objectives of Business, Elements of Business, Functions of
Business, Importance of Business, Economic Systems of Business,
Relation between Business and Economics
02. Business Environment 03 CLO1
Internal & External Environmental factors, Impact of Environment on
03. Entrepreneurship 03 CLO2
Meaning, Qualities of a growth-oriented entrepreneur, Risks of
Entrepreneurship, Small Business: Meaning and Causes of Small
Business Failure.
04. Franchising 03 CLO2
Meaning: Franchisor and Franchisee, Advantages and Disadvantages of
owning a franchise business, Franchising Agreement-Case Study on
Pizza Hut, KFC, Mc Donald.
05. Forms of Business Organization 03 CLO2
Different Forms of Business Organizations, Factors Affecting the
Choice of Business Organization.
06. Sole Proprietorship &Partnership 03 CLO2
Meaning, Features-Suitability, Advantages and Disadvantages of
owning Sole Proprietorship Business.
07. Partnership 03 CLO2
Define Partnership, Features of Partnership Business, Types of Partners,
Partnership Deed, Registration of Partnership, Effects of non-
registration of Partnership, Rights and Duties of A partner, Dissolution
of a Partnership Business.
08. Joint Stock Company 06 CLO2
Meaning & Characteristics, Types of Joint Stock Company, Advantages
and Disadvantages, Formation of Joint Stock Company, Prospectus-
Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association, Rights and
Obligations of Shareholders and Directors, Different types of Share,
Share Capital and Share Values-Liquidation of A company.
09 Cooperative Society 03 CLO2
Definition, Types, Features, Formation, Registration.
10 Business Supportive Organization 03 CLO2
BSCIC, BGMEA, EPB, EPZ, ICB, Stock Exchange, Chamber of
Commerce, SEC, BIDA, BOI.
11 Trade Practices in Bangladesh 03 CLO2
Basic Concepts of International Business, Middlemen involved with
International Business- Import and Export Procedure, Shipping and Non
Shipping Documents, Barriers to International Business, Types of
Letter of Credit- Opening an L/C.
12 Social Responsibility 03 CLO3
Meaning, Arguments for and against Social Responsibility, Areas of
Social Responsibility, Legal Measures of SR Expectations to Business
and Government, SR in Islam.
13 Business Ethics 03 CLO3
Meaning- Principles- Business Ethics in Islam.

Text Book
1. Nickels, W. G., McHugh, J. M., & McHugh, S. M. (2010). Understanding Business 9th ed.
McGraw-Hill Irwin: New York, NY. ISBN: 9780073511702

Reference Books
2. Fisher, C. &Lovell, A., (2006). Business Ethics and Values: Individual, Corporate and
International Perspectives. 2ndEdition. Harlow, UK: Prentice Hall
3. Bovee, Courtland L & Thill, John V. Business in Action, 5th edition, 2011 (FGCU Custom
Ed) ISBN: 13‐978‐0‐13‐213965‐6

Course Assessment Pattern (Theory courses):

Bloom’s Category Evaluations out of 100 marks
CIE (50 marks) SEE (50marks)
Cognitive Affective Mid-term: Assignment/ Attendance Written Exam: (50)
learning Learning (30) Class Test: (10) Marks (:10)
Remember - 5 - - 5
Understand - - 5 - 10
Apply - 5 - - 05
Analyze - 5 - - 10
Evaluation - 10 5 - 15
Create - 5 - - 05
x Responding x x 10
Remarks Course teachers may change the magnitude of marks in Bloom’s category(Both for CIE and
SEE), but he/she will have to keep in mind that the % of higher order learning mode must be
about 60% or more and all the Bloom’s categories to be addressed during the semester.
Note: CIE = Continuous Internal Evaluation, SEE = Semester End Examination.
Delivery methods & activities: Lecture, White Board Writing, Questions and Answers, Discussions Power
point Presentation,
Assessment tools: Class Attendance, Class test, Quizzes/ Assignment. Mid-Term & Final Exam. Project
evaluation & Viva.

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