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Image Diagnost International GmbH

a GE Healthcare company

IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Software Installation Manual

Revision 1
Copyright© 2010 General Electric Company.
All Rights Reserved.
GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

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Page no. 2

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Table of Content

Table of Content

Table of Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Chapter 1: Safety
Definition of Warnings and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Acronyms Glossary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Chapter 2: Product Presentation

Chapter 3: Hardware Requirements
Chapter 4: Software Installation
Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (32-bit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Job Card IST A17 - Reporting mask configuration for MammoDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme configuration for Windows XP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Job Card IST A19 - Additional language files for Windows XP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP. . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Page no. 3

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Table of Content

Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation
(remote control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation from MammoWorkstation to third party client
(remote control) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Job Card CFG A17 - DICOM Shuttle configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Job Card CFG A18 - DICOM worklist SCP configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages configuration on DVD/CD . . . . . . . . . . 225
Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Chapter 5: Upgrade
Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Job Card UPG03 - License Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Job Card UPG04 - Basic software upgrade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Job Card UPG 07 - Backup of the configuration folder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263

Chapter 6: Uninstallation
Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN


Chapter 1 Safety
This chapter contains information and warnings related to safety.
! Notice:
This Manual is primarily intended for GE Field Engineers or for Engineers trained by GE. Page no. 5 Chapter 1

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN


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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Language Warning

ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ Това упътване за работа е налично само на английски език.

• Ако доставчикът на услугата на клиента изиска друг език,
(BG) задължение на клиента е да осигури превод.
• Не използвайте оборудването, преди да сте се консултирали
и разбрали упътването за работа.
• Неспазването на това предупреждение може да доведе до
нараняване на доставчика на услугата, оператора или
пациентa в резултат на токов удар, механична или друга

警告 本维修手册仅提供英文版本。
• 如果客户的维修服务人员需要非英文版本,则客户需自行提供翻
(ZH-CN) 译服务。
• 未详细阅读和完全理解本维修手册之前,不得进行维修。
• 忽略本警告可能对维修服务人员、操作人员或患者造成电击、机

警告 本服務手冊僅提供英文版本。
• 倘若客戶的服務供應商需要英文以外之服務手冊,客戶有責任提
(ZH-HK) 供翻譯服務。
• 除非已參閱本服務手冊及明白其內容,否則切勿嘗試維修設備。
• 不遵從本警告或會令服務供應商、網絡供應商或病人受到觸電、

警告 本維修手冊僅有英文版。
• 若客戶的維修廠商需要英文版以外的語言,應由客戶自行提供翻
(ZH-TW) 譯服務。
• 請勿試圖維修本設備,除非 您已查閱並瞭解本維修手冊。
• 若未留意本警告,可能導致維修廠商、操作員或病患因觸電、機

UPOZORENJE Ovaj servisni priručnik dostupan je na engleskom jeziku.

• Ako davatelj usluge klijenta treba neki drugi jezik, klijent je dužan
(HR) osigurati prijevod.
• Ne pokušavajte servisirati opremu ako niste u potpunosti pročitali
i razumjeli ovaj servisni priručnik.
• Zanemarite li ovo upozorenje, može doći do ozljede davatelja
usluge, operatera ili pacijenta uslijed strujnog udara, mehaničkih
ili drugih rizika.

VÝSTRAHA Tento provozní návod existuje pouze v anglickém jazyce.

• V případě, že externí služba zákazníkům potřebuje návod v jiném
(CS) jazyce, je zajištění překladu do odpovídajícího jazyka úkolem
• Nesnažte se o údržbu tohoto zařízení, aniž byste si přečetli tento
provozní návod a pochopili jeho obsah.
• V případě nedodržování této výstrahy může dojít k poranění
pracovníka prodejního servisu, obslužného personálu nebo
pacientů vlivem elektrického proudu, respektive vlivem
mechanických či jiných rizik.

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

ADVARSEL Denne servicemanual findes kun på engelsk.

• Hvis en kundes tekniker har brug for et andet sprog end engelsk,
(DA) er det kundens ansvar at sørge for oversættelse.
• Forsøg ikke at servicere udstyret uden at læse og forstå denne
• Manglende overholdelse af denne advarsel kan medføre skade
på grund af elektrisk stød, mekanisk eller anden fare for
teknikeren, operatøren eller patienten.

WAARSCHUWING Deze onderhoudshandleiding is enkel in het Engels verkrijgbaar.

• Als het onderhoudspersoneel een andere taal vereist, dan is de
(NL) klant verantwoordelijk voor de vertaling ervan.
• Probeer de apparatuur niet te onderhouden alvorens deze
onderhoudshandleiding werd geraadpleegd en begrepen is.
• Indien deze waarschuwing niet wordt opgevolgd, zou het
onderhoudspersoneel, de operator of een patiënt gewond
kunnen raken als gevolg van een elektrische schok,
mechanische of andere gevaren.

WARNING This service manual is available in English only.

• If a customer's service provider requires a language other than
(EN) english, it is the customer's responsibility to provide translation
• Do not attempt to service the equipment unless this service
manual has been consulted and is understood.
• Failure to heed this warning may result in injury to the service
provider, operator or patient from electric shock, mechanical or
other hazards.

HOIATUS See teenindusjuhend on saadaval ainult inglise keeles

• Kui klienditeeninduse osutaja nõuab juhendit inglise keelest
(ET) erinevas keeles, vastutab klient tõlketeenuse osutamise eest.
• Ärge üritage seadmeid teenindada enne eelnevalt käesoleva
teenindusjuhendiga tutvumist ja sellest aru saamist.
• Käesoleva hoiatuse eiramine võib põhjustada teenuseosutaja,
operaatori või patsiendi vigastamist elektrilöögi, mehaanilise või
muu ohu tagajärjel.

VAROITUS Tämä huolto-ohje on saatavilla vain englanniksi.

• Jos asiakkaan huoltohenkilöstö vaatii muuta kuin
(FI) englanninkielistä materiaalia, tarvittavan käännöksen
hankkiminen on asiakkaan vastuulla.
• Älä yritä korjata laitteistoa ennen kuin olet varmasti lukenut ja
ymmärtänyt tämän huolto-ohjeen.
• Mikäli tätä varoitusta ei noudateta, seurauksena voi olla
huoltohenkilöstön, laitteiston käyttäjän tai potilaan
vahingoittuminen sähköiskun, mekaanisen vian tai muun
vaaratilanteen vuoksi.

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

ATTENTION Ce manuel d’installation et de maintenance est disponible

uniquement en anglais.
(FR) • Si le technicien d'un client a besoin de ce manuel dans une
langue autre que l'anglais, il incombe au client de le faire traduire.
• Ne pas tenter d'intervenir sur les équipements tant que ce
manuel d’installation et de maintenance n'a pas été consulté et
• Le non-respect de cet avertissement peut entraîner chez le
technicien, l'opérateur ou le patient des blessures dues à des
dangers électriques, mécaniques ou autres.

WARNUNG Diese Serviceanleitung existiert nur in englischer Sprache.

• Falls ein fremder Kundendienst eine andere Sprache benötigt, ist
(DE) es Aufgabe des Kunden für eine entsprechende Übersetzung zu
• Versuchen Sie nicht diese Anlage zu warten, ohne diese
Serviceanleitung gelesen und verstanden zu haben.
• Wird diese Warnung nicht beachtet, so kann es zu Verletzungen
des Kundendiensttechnikers, des Bedieners oder des Patienten
durch Stromschläge, mechanische oder sonstige Gefahren

ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ Το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σέρβις διατίθεται μόνο στα αγγλικά.

• Εάν ο τεχνικός σέρβις ενός πελάτη απαιτεί το παρόν εγχειρίδιο σε
(EL) γλώσσα εκτός των αγγλικών, αποτελεί ευθύνη του πελάτη να
παρέχει τις υπηρεσίες μετάφρασης.
• Μην επιχειρήσετε την εκτέλεση εργασιών σέρβις στον εξοπλισμό
αν δεν έχετε συμβουλευτεί και κατανοήσει το παρόν εγχειρίδιο
• Αν δεν προσέξετε την προειδοποίηση αυτή, ενδέχεται να
προκληθεί τραυματισμός στον τεχνικό σέρβις, στο χειριστή ή στον
ασθενή από ηλεκτροπληξία, μηχανικούς ή άλλους κινδύνους.

FIGYELMEZTETÉS Ezen karbantartási kézikönyv kizárólag angol nyelven érhető el.

• Ha a vevő szolgáltatója angoltól eltérő nyelvre tart igényt, akkor a
(HU) vevő felelőssége a fordítás elkészíttetése.
• Ne próbálja elkezdeni használni a berendezést, amíg a
karbantartási kézikönyvben leírtakat nem értelmezték.
• Ezen figyelmeztetés figyelmen kívül hagyása a szolgáltató,
működtető vagy a beteg áramütés, mechanikai vagy egyéb
veszélyhelyzet miatti sérülését eredményezheti.

AÐVÖRUN Þessi þjónustuhandbók er aðeins fáanleg á ensku.

• Ef að þjónustuveitandi viðskiptamanns þarfnast annas tungumáls
(IS) en ensku, er það skylda viðskiptamanns að skaffa
• Reynið ekki að afgreiða tækið nema að þessi þjónustuhandbók
hefur verið skoðuð og skilin.
• Brot á sinna þessari aðvörun getur leitt til meiðsla á
þjónustuveitanda, stjórnanda eða sjúklings frá raflosti, vélrænu
eða öðrum áhættum.

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

AVVERTENZA Il presente manuale di manutenzione è disponibile soltanto in lingua

(IT) • Se un addetto alla manutenzione richiede il manuale in una
lingua diversa, il cliente è tenuto a provvedere direttamente alla
• Procedere alla manutenzione dell'apparecchiatura solo dopo
aver consultato il presente manuale ed averne compreso il
• Il mancato rispetto della presente avvertenza potrebbe causare
lesioni all'addetto alla manutenzione, all'operatore o ai pazienti
provocate da scosse elettriche, urti meccanici o altri rischi.

警告 このサービスマニュアルには英語版しかありません。
• サービスを担当される業者が英語以外の言語を要求される場合、
(JA) 翻訳作業はその業者の責任で行うものとさせていただきます。
• このサービスマニュアルを熟読し理解せずに、装置のサービス
• この警告に従わない場合、サービスを担当される方、操作員あ

경고 본 서비스 매뉴얼은 영어로만 이용하실 수 있습니다 .

• 고객의 서비스 제공자가 영어 이외의 언어를 요구할 경우 , 번역
(KO) 서비스를 제공하는 것은 고객의 책임입니다 .
• 본 서비스 매뉴얼을 참조하여 숙지하지 않은 이상 해당 장비를
수리하려고 시도하지 마십시오 .
• 본 경고 사항에 유의하지 않으면 전기 쇼크 , 기계적 위험 , 또는
기타 위험으로 인해 서비스 제공자 , 사용자 또는 환자에게 부상을
입힐 수 있습니다 .

BRDINJUMS Šī apkopes rokasgrāmata ir pieejama tikai angļu valodā.

• Ja klienta apkopes sniedzējam nepieciešama informācija citā
(LV) valodā, klienta pienākums ir nodrošināt tulkojumu.
• Neveiciet aprīkojuma apkopi bez apkopes rokasgrāmatas
izlasīšanas un saprašanas.
• Šī brīdinājuma neievērošanas rezultātā var rasties elektriskās
strāvas trieciena, mehānisku vai citu faktoru izraisītu traumu risks
apkopes sniedzējam, operatoram vai pacientam.

ĮSPĖJIMAS Šis eksploatavimo vadovas yra tik anglų kalba.

• Jei kliento paslaugų tiekėjas reikalauja vadovo kita kalba – ne
(LT) anglų, suteikti vertimo paslaugas privalo klientas.
• Nemėginkite atlikti įrangos techninės priežiūros, jei neperskaitėte
ar nesupratote šio eksploatavimo vadovo.
• Jei nepaisysite šio įspėjimo, galimi paslaugų tiekėjo, operatoriaus
ar paciento sužalojimai dėl elektros šoko, mechaninių ar kitų

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

ADVARSEL Denne servicehåndboken finnes bare på engelsk.

• Hvis kundens serviceleverandør har bruk for et annet språk, er
(NO) det kundens ansvar å sørge for oversettelse.
• Ikke forsøk å reparere utstyret uten at denne servicehåndboken
er lest og forstått.
• Manglende hensyn til denne advarselen kan føre til at
serviceleverandøren, operatøren eller pasienten skades på
grunn av elektrisk støt, mekaniske eller andre farer.

OSTRZEŻENIE Niniejszy podręcznik serwisowy dostępny jest jedynie w języku

(PL) • Jeśli serwisant klienta wymaga języka innego niż angielski,
zapewnienie usługi tłumaczenia jest obowiązkiem klienta.
• Nie próbować serwisować urządzenia bez zapoznania się z
niniejszym podręcznikiem serwisowym i zrozumienia go.
• Niezastosowanie się do tego ostrzeżenia może doprowadzić do
obrażeń serwisanta, operatora lub pacjenta w wyniku porażenia
prądem elektrycznym, zagrożenia mechanicznego bądź innego.

ATENÇÃO Este manual de assistência técnica encontra-se disponível

unicamente em inglês.
(PT-BR) • Se outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar a tradução deste
manual, caberá ao cliente fornecer os serviços de tradução.
• Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e
compreendido este manual de assistência técnica.
• A não observância deste aviso pode ocasionar ferimentos no
técnico, operador ou paciente decorrentes de choques elétricos,
mecânicos ou outros.

ATENÇÃO Este manual de assistência técnica só se encontra disponível em

(PT-PT) • Se qualquer outro serviço de assistência técnica solicitar este
manual noutro idioma, é da responsabilidade do cliente fornecer
os serviços de tradução.
• Não tente reparar o equipamento sem ter consultado e
compreendido este manual de assistência técnica.
• O não cumprimento deste aviso pode colocar em perigo a
segurança do técnico, do operador ou do paciente devido a
choques eléctricos, mecânicos ou outros.

ATENŢIE Acest manual de service este disponibil doar în limba engleză.

• Dacă un furnizor de servicii pentru clienţi necesită o altă limbă
(RO) decât cea engleză, este de datoria clientului să furnizeze o
• Nu încercaţi să reparaţi echipamentul decât ulterior consultării şi
înţelegerii acestui manual de service.
• Ignorarea acestui avertisment ar putea duce la rănirea
depanatorului, operatorului sau pacientului în urma pericolelor de
electrocutare, mecanice sau de altă natură.

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

ОСТОРОЖНО! Данное руководство по техническому обслуживанию

представлено только на английском языке.
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UPOZORENJE Ovo servisno uputstvo je dostupno samo na engleskom jeziku.

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GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

OPOZORILO Ta servisni priročnik je na voljo samo v angleškem jeziku.

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• Če tega opozorila ne upoštevate, se lahko zaradi električnega
udara, mehanskih ali drugih nevarnosti poškoduje ponudnik sto-
ritev, operater ali bolnik.

DIKKAT Bu servis kılavuzunun sadece ingilizcesi mevcuttur.

• Eğer müşteri teknisyeni bu kılavuzu ingilizce dışında bir başka
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• Servis kılavuzunu okuyup anlamadan ekipmanlara müdahale
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Definition of Warnings and Notes

Definition of Warnings and Notes


Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious

Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious


Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate

! Notice:
Used for instructions to the user to prevent damage to property.

Used to draw attention to information that is important for the user to know. Page no. 15

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Definition of Warnings and Notes

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Acronyms Glossary

Acronyms Glossary

AET Application Entity Title

AWS Acquisition Workstation
CSe Collaboration Server
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DICOM Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine
DNS Domain Name System
DSh DICOM Shuttle
DMWL DICOM Modality WorkList
FE Field Engineer
FWL FireWall
GUI Graphical User Interface
HIS Hospital Information System
IP Internet Protocol
JC Job Card
LPR Paper Laser networked printer
MDS Mammo Documentation Station
MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act
MR MRI system
MWS MammoWorkstation
OLC OnLine Center
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System
PM Planned Maintenance
Q/R Query / Retrieve
RIS Radiology Information System (Modality Worklist server)
SCP Service Class Provider
SIP Service Information and Procedures Page no. 17

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Acronyms Glossary

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

US Ultra-Sound device
VPN Virtual Private Network

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Revision History

Revision History

Note for the Technical Writer:

This publication is contained in a multibook Master folder. It is a slave publication.
To maintain this publication, it is mandatory to use "Master Folder" 5391140-1-8EN as the Frame Maker source.

Reference Date Main reason for change

5392563-8EN 19 July 2010 Initial release for software version 4.5.3

Rev 1

5391141-1-8EN November 2010 New release for software version 4.6.0.

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Revision History

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Product Presentation

Chapter 2 Product Presentation

This chapter provides an overview of the Image Diagnost applications that are part of the Image
Diagnost Software installer. The applications have different hardware requirements. Each application
needs a separate license.

1 Introduction
IDI has developped a set of software solutions focused on improving the efficiency of the mammography
diagnostics capabilities in a digital network.

Images DICOM Worklist

RIS Prefetch
Server priors
Server DICOM Worklist
(plus prior reports)

DICOM structured
report to PACS
Export to RIS
via HL7

PDF report Image Diagnost Solutions

July 2008

1-1 Image review (MammoWorkstation)

• high speed reading
• image auto-alignment
• structured, in image reporting
• workflow for single and double reading
• image control with a keypad
• contrast enhancement with the backlight option
• lesion identification in different views

1-2 Workflow management

• routing of images between equipment or imaging centers
• JPEG 2000 image compression for fast transmission
• single worklist input to acquisition from multiple worklist providers
• auto-fetching of priors
• single reading
• blind double-reading Page no. 21 Chapter 2

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Product Presentation

2 Physical description
2-1 Components Description
2-1-1 MammoWorkstation
MammoWorkstation is designed for diagnostic reading of mammograms.
The base software license is typically used in combination with a RIS client for reporting and does not
contain report creation.
In the base software license DICOM worklist provided by a RIS is available. The base software license
does not contain workflow management with user specific worklists provided by CollaborationServer.
2-1-1-1 Reporting Module (option)
The reporting module provides an integrated report creation mask for Mammography. It can be used to
document the report and access prior reports. The reports can be exported to an information system
using document formats such as DICOM-SR, XML, DICOM encapsulated PDF or PDF.
2-1-1-2 Workflow Module (option)
The workflow module provides support for CollaborationServer based workflow management including
double reading workflows and user specific worklists. If MammoWorkstation is used stand-alone, the
CollaborationServer functionality is built-in on the same PC. If multiple MammoWorkstations are used,
the CollaborationServer resides on a separate PC.
2-1-1-3 Backlight Module (option)
The backlight module provides image post-processing capabilites. It requires the "For Processing" raw
data from the mammography modality.
2-1-2 Mammo Documentation Station
The MammoDS is the MammoWorkstation software run in an environment not approved for diagnostic
reading. The technologist can use MammoDS to access patient data simultaneously to the examination.
MammoDS is installed close to the mammography system. MammoDS provides access to finding
annotations and reports created by the radiologist. In addition, the technologist can enter clinical patient
information obtained during the exam. This information is available to the radiologist when reading the
2-1-3 DICOM Shuttle
The DICOM Shuttle provides routing services to distribute DICOM documents across devices and
Its WorklistBroker module consolidates worklists from different sources and presents them as one single
Worklist to one or more mammography modalities.
In addition to DICOM Shuttle node, some DICOM Shuttle satellites can be installed to connect to multiple
devices that are in remote locations.
2-1-4 CollaborationServer
The Collaboration server connects with RIS using DICOM worklists and manages the workflow for
MammoWorkstations. It provides workflow schemes for single reading and blind double reading.
It is proposed as an additional hardware in case there are multiple workstations on site.

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Product Presentation

3 Functional description
3-1 Stand-Alone MammoWorkstation configuration
Illustration 1 Stand-alone MammoWorkstation

1. The mammography station retrieves the worklist from the RIS.

2. The mammography is taken.
3. The image is sent to the MammoWorkstation and to the PACS archive.
Modality configuration: Must send images to MammoWorkstation, requires AE Title, Port and IP of
4. The radiologist selects the worklist source. The MammoWorkstation retrieves the worklist from the
RIS - the corresponding image is already available. Refer to Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a
worklist server on page 197 for further details.
5. The radiologist reads a case from the worklist and enters a report. MammoWorkstation stores this
report as DICOM structured report document and prepares sending it to the archive associated to the
6. The images can be printed on a DICOM printer. The PDF created from a report can be printed on any
ordinary paper printer. Refer to Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration on page 217 for
further information.
7. The report is sent to the PACS archive. Page no. 23 Chapter 2

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Product Presentation

3-2 Workflow examples

Illustration 2 RIS driven workflow

Illustration 3 RIS driven workflow with DICOM Shuttle

The images are automatically pushed to the right PACS.

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Product Presentation

Illustration 4 IDI driven workflow (with Collaboration Server)

- Collaboration Server enables advanced Mammo Workflow (multiple reading, rule based
worklists, user specific worklists).
- Structured report: homogenous vocabulary + accurate lesion localization.
Every hardware equipment shall be in compliance with IEC/EN 60950-1: Information technology
equipment - Safety. Page no. 25 Chapter 2

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Product Presentation

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Hardware Requirements

Chapter 3 Hardware Requirements

1 General Hardware requirements

1-1 Hardware requirements for MammoWorkstation software
MammoWorkstation software requires a PC that fulfills the following minimal requirements:
• Two Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5504 2.00GHz (or better)
• 8GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 160GB 7.2k (or better) for operating system
• 2x HDD SATA II 500GB 7.2k (or better) for local database cache
• Display controller with standard DVI connector.
• network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x64 multilingual or Windows 7 x64 multilingual
Displays: MammoWorkstation software requires a three monitor setup, where there is:
• one display monitor with at least 1280 × 1024 pixel
• two 5MP diagnostic display monitors for primary diagnostic interpretation of mammographic images
! Notice:
Diagnostic displays used with MammoWorkstation must be cleared by local regulatory authorities
for use in digital mammography. Vendors evidence of regulatory approval for display systems shall
- displays,
- display controller,
- calibration equipment and procedures,
- display system QC procedures
! Notice:
For USA: Evidence of MQSA compliance is required.

1-2 Hardware requirements for CollaborationServer and DicomShuttle Node

CollaborationServer and DICOMShuttle Node software option require a PC that fulfills the following
minimal requirements:
• One Intel Dual-Core Xeon 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 2x HDD SATA II 250GB 7.2k (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x32 multilingual or Windows 7 x32 multilingual
For DICOM Shuttle PC and CollaborationServer PC, optionally one display monitor with at least
1280 × 1024 pixel can be attached. Page no. 27 Chapter 3

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Hardware Requirements

1-3 Hardware requirements for MDS and DicomShuttle peripher (local)

MammoDS and DICOMShuttle peripher (local) software option require a desktop or tablet PC that fulfills
the following minimal requirements:
• One Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 60GB (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x32 multilingual or Windows 7 x32 multilingual
MammoDS is intended for non-diagnostic usage only. Only one non-diagnostic display with at
least 1280 × 1024 pixel is required.

2 Interface requirements and validated 3rd party systems

DICOM interfaces and IHE profiles supported by IDI can be found under:
• IDI DICOM Conformance Statement:
• IDI IHE Integration Statement:

2-1 Mammography Modalities

2-1-1 Requirements
All images sent to or imported in the MammoWorkstation must conform to applicable regulatory
requirements. Image quality must conform to applicable quality guidelines. All modalities must be
certified for softcopy reading.
For images to be displayed they must meet certain minimum DICOM requirements.Functionality, such
as automatically sorted images in the Patient Folder can only be guaranteed when these DICOM
requirements are met. For some CR modalities, the configuration needs to be adapted by the vendor.
The following DICOM parameters must be provided:

1. Accepted Modalities for X-ray mammography

General Series Module Attributes (C.7-5)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0008,0060 Modality MG | CR* | OT

0018,0015 Body Part Examined BREAST

Images from other modalities are not interpreted as X-Ray Mammography. Instead they appear in the
"Additional Series" list.
*For Fuji-CR there is a "MG-Option", which is to be used instead of CR.

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Hardware Requirements

2. Sorted Patient Folder

General Image Module Attributes (C.7-9)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0020,0020 Patient Orientation P,FL | A,FR | P,L | A,R |

P,F | A,F

Mammography Image Module Attributes (C.8-70)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0020,0062 Image Laterality R|L

CR-Image (C.8-2), X-Ray Image (C.8-26), DX Positioning Module Attr. (C.8-68)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0018,5101 View Position CC | MLO | ML

For Agfa CR also the Series Description Description (0008,103E, General Series Module
Attributes C.7-5) is interpreted.
Translation table for standard orientations:

Patient Orientation Image Laterality View Position







MammoWorkstation supports additional values for patient orientation with automatic flip and rotation of
images for proper display.
If Patient Orientation is missing, the "View Code Sequence" is used according to SNM3:

Code Value Code Meaning Equivalent View View Position in

Position Workstation

R-10242 cranio caudal CC CC

R-10224 medio-lateral ML ML

R-10226 medio-lateral MLO MLO

oblique Page no. 29 Chapter 3

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Hardware Requirements

Code Value Code Meaning Equivalent View View Position in

Position Workstation

R-10244 caudo-cranial FB CC

R-10228 latero-medial LM ML

R-10230 latero-medial LMO MLO


The following "View Modifier Sequences" are supported::

Code Value Code Meaning Image type in Workstation

R-102D6 Magnification Magnification

If none of the above values are set, then the MammoWorkstation cannot sort the images according to
laterality and view position. The images will be displayed unsorted in the Patient Folder.
3. Measurements and Scales, Quadrant-Zoom, DICOM-Print
CR-Image Module Attributes (C.8-2) / X-Ray Image Module Attributes (C.8-26)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0018,1164 Imager Pixel Spacing

The following attribute overrides the Imager Pixel Spacing:Image Plane Module Attributes (C.7-10)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0028,0030 Pixel Spacing

If none of these values are available, then the 1:1cm display function will be deactivated. Furthermore,
the scales in the Magnifying Glass and measurement function will be deactivated. DICOM print will not
be possible as well.
4. Windowing
VOI LUT Module Attributes (C.11-2)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0028,1050 Window Center

0028,1051 Window Width

0028,1055 Window Center & Width


0028,3010 VOI LUT Sequence

If a VOI LUT Sequence is present, it overrides the Window attributes.

If none of these values are set, the MammoWorkstation applies default values.

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Hardware Requirements

5. MQSA compliance
In order for MQSA compliant mammographic image identification, the modality must
fill the following DICOM tags:)

Tag Attribute Name Accepted Values

0010,0010 Patient Name

0010,0020 Patient ID

0008,0022 Acquisition Date

0008,0032 Acquision Time

0020,0062 Image Laterality

0018,5101 View Position

0008,0080 Institution Name

0008,0081 Institution Address

0008,1070 Operators Name

0018,700A Detector ID or 0018,1007

Cassette ID

0018,1000 Device Serial Number

If the required information is encoded in other DICOM tags, these tags must be added to the display
preferences of MammoWorkstation (see Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference
configuration on page 169).

2-1-2 Validated 3rd party modalities

Validated and in clinical use with IDI MammoWorkstation are the following modalities:
- Agfa CR 75, CR 85 (CR)
- Agfa DM1000 (FFDM)
- Fuji FCR (CR)
- GE Senographe 2000 D, DS, Essential (FFDM)
- Hologic Lorad Selenia (FFDM)
- IMS Giotto (FFDM)
- Kodak DirectView CR 850, CR 950, CR 975 (CR)
- Konica-Minolta CR Regius 190 (CR)
- Philips PCR Cosima (CR)
- Planmed Nuance (FFDM)
- Siemens Novation (FFDM)
- Image Diagnost DigitzingStation with Vidar CAD Pro
- Image Diagnost DigitzingStation with Kodak LS 85
Image Diagnost is dedicated to provide compatibility with all mammography modalities on the market. Page no. 31 Chapter 3

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Hardware Requirements

2-2 CAD display

2-2-1 Requirements
• If the CAD is manufactured by ICAD, the computer must have been installed in 2004 or later (The
Serial Number will end in 04 or greater). In this case, you will need to contact ICAD and download
the latest available software version.
• If the ICAD was not manufactured in 2004 or later it may need to be replaced. Contact the IDI service
team/OLC for more details.
• MammoWorkstation supports DICOM CAD-SR. Other formats are not supported
2-2-2 Validated 3rd party CADs
Validated third-party CAD systems for use with IDI MammoWorkstation are:
- ICAD SecondLook Digital
- Hologic R2 ImageChecker
- Siemens syngo MammoCAD

2-3 PACS connection (DICOM Q/R)

2-3-1 Requirements
See Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration on page 173 for explanations on how to
configure archive sources.

For seamless PACS integration the following conditions on the PACS are to be validated:
• The MammoWorkstation prefers DICOM Q/R using the modern relational query model. The basic
hierarchic query model is also supported, but reduces the query performance of the workstation.
• For prefetch automation, the PACS should support the DICOM Tag Body Part Examined
(0018,0015) in queries.
• For storing of overlays, the PACS must support storing DICOM Grayscale Softcopy Presentation
State documents. (SOP class 1.2.840.10008.
• For the integrated reporting to work, the PACS must support storing DICOM Structured Report
documents. (Basic Text SR, SOP class 1.2.840.10008.
• For the CAD-display to be stored, the PACS must support storing DICOM CAD documents.
(Mammography CAD SR, SOP class 1.2.840.10008.
Additional useful features for decentralized tele-mammography networks:
• Rule-based auto-routing to archives and workstations
• Query-forwarding to secondary archives
• Extendible with web-server/web-client that supports display of reports in DICOM Structured Report
For additional information, refer to the DICOM Conformance Statement.
2-3-2 Validated 3rd party PACS systems
Validated and in clinical use with Image Diagnost MammoWorkstation are the following PACS systems:
- Agfa IMPAX
- Agfa-GWI
- Aycan PACS
- Cerner Image Devices PACS
- ConVis PACS

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Hardware Requirements

- Econmed PACS
- Fuji Axon PACS
- GE Centricity Archive
- GE Centricity RA 600
- Image Devices PACS
- Kodak Carestream PACS
- Medavis PACS
- MedicalCommuniations Ashvins PACS
- Medigration PACS
- Medos PACS
- Philips PACS
- Rogan DelftPACS
- Sectra PACS
- Tiani PACS
- Unisolo PACS
- Vepro PACS
- Visus PACS

2-4 Printer (DICOM Print)

2-4-1 Requirements
See Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration on page 217 for explanations on how to configure
a printer.
2-4-2 Validated 3rd party Printer
Validated and in clinical use with Image Diagnost MammoWorkstation are the following printers:
- Agfa DryStar (Mammo)
- agfa AXYS
- Carestream DryView
- Fuji DryPix (Mammo)
- Kodak DryView (Mammo)
- Konica Minolta DryPro (Mammo)

2-5 DICOM worklist server

2-5-1 Requirements
See Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server on page 197 for explanations on how to
configure a worklist.
For seamless integration the following condition on the worklist server has to be validated:
• For worklist tasks to show a status, the DICOM worklist server must support DICOM Modality
Performed Procedure Step.
2-5-2 Validated 3rd party worklist server
Validated and in clinical use with Image Diagnost MammoWorkstation are the following worklist servers:
- DocExpert RIS Page no. 33 Chapter 3

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Hardware Requirements

- Exprivia RIS
- GE Centricity RIS
- iSoft/GAP RIS
- Image Devices RIS
- Kodak RIS 2010
- Medavis RIS
- Medos RIS
- Siemens Medico RIS
- Turbomed RIS
- Unisolo RIS

2-6 Third party DICOM viewer interfaces

2-6-1 Requirements
SeeJob Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages configuration on DVD/CD on page 225 for
explanations on how to configure a DICOM viewer.
2-6-2 Validated 3rd party DICOM viewers interfaces
The MammoWorkstation supports installation of external viewers for general radiology tasks.
Validated viewers are:
- Merge CADstream
- Merge eFilm-Workstation
- AW Server (GE)

2-7 Remote control interfaces

2-7-1 Requirements
2-7-2 Validated 3rd party remote control interfaces
The MammoWorkstation supports the installation of 3rd party remote control interfaces.
For a complete list of the so far validated 3rd party remote control interfaces, refer to the Common
Documentation Library and search for the document "Validated Remote Control Interfaces":
1. Go to
2. Select "XR".
3. In the menu "Select all desired XR Products", select IDI MWS and network solutions .
4. Insert the document name "Validated Remote Control Interfaces".

2-8 Third party applications

2-8-1 Requirements
2-8-2 3rd party applications
The following applications can be installed on the MammoWorkstation. The listed applications have no
noticeable impact on the performance of the MammoWorkstation:
- Agfa DS 3000
- RadWorks RA600
- Visus Workstation

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Software Installation

Chapter 4 Software Installation

This chapter contains all information necessary for installation of IDI products.

1 Scenario IST00A - MammoWorkstation Installation Steering Guide

# Action Job Card Timin


1 Unpacking Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking on page 41 15’

2 Installation of Windows (64-bit) Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP 45’
Professional (64-bit) on page 43
or Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7
(64-bit) on page 49
3 Setup of Network Connection Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup 15’
on Windows XP on page 117
or Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup
on Windows 7 on page 119
4 Basic Windows Configuration Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration 15’
for IDI on page 69
or Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration
for IDI on page 83
5 IDI Publication Installation Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation 15’
on page 99
6 IDI Software installation Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation on 20’
page 101
7 IDI Software licensing Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing on 10’
page 113

License delivery may take 24 hours; installation steps can still be completed, but license
code entry is mandatory to access the application and run functional tests.
8 VNC installation and configuration Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for 15’
Windows XP on page 149
9 Mandatory configuration Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration on 15’
page 121
10 Desktop theme configuration Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme 5’
configuration for Windows XP on page 125
11 Keypad installation Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad 10’
installation on Windows XP on page 129
or Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad
installation on Windows 7 on page 137 Page no. 35 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Software Installation

# Action Job Card Timin


12 Local DICOM settings and database Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and 10’
configuration database configuration on page 155
13 User accounts creation Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation on 10’
page 159
14 Language and display preference Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display 10’
configuration preference configuration on page 169
15 DICOM partners configuration Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners 20’
configuration on page 173
16 DICOM media import configuration Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import 5’
configuration on page 177
17 Remote control configuration Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation 20’
from third party client to MammoWorkstation
(remote control) on page 181
18 RIS synchronisation Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation 30’
from MammoWorkstation to third party client
(remote control) on page 187
19 Connection to a worklist server Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist 10’
server on page 197
20 DICOM printer configuration Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer 10’
configuration on page 217
21 Measurements calibration Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration 10’
on page 221
22 Customer specific settings Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting 5’
on page 223
23 Language configuration Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages 5’
configuration on DVD/CD on page 225
24 Unscheduled Reporting Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting
configuration configuration on page 231
25 HL7 export configuration Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration 20’
on page 227
Final sequence: required to complete the installation.

26 Acceptance test Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on 20’

page 241
27 Backup of the configuration folder Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration 15’
folder on page 247

Chapter 4 Page no. 36

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Software Installation

2 Scenario IST00B - MammoDokuStation Installation Steering Guide

# Action Job Card Timing

1 Unpacking Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking on page 41 10’

2 Installation of Windows (32-bit) Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP 35’
Professional (32-bit) on page 57
or Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7
(32-bit) on page 59
3 Setup of Network Connection Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on 15’
Windows XP on page 117
or Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup
on Windows 7 on page 119
4 Basic Windows Configuration Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for 15’
IDI on page 69
or Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration
for IDI on page 83
5 IDI Publication Installation Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation on 15’
page 99
6 IDI Software installation Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation on 10’
page 101
7 IDI Software licensing Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing on 10’
page 113

License delivery may take 24 hours; installation steps can still be completed, but
license code entry is mandatory to access the application and run functional tests.
8 VNC installation and Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows 15’
configuration XP on page 149
9 Mandatory configuration Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration on 15’
page 121
10 Desktop theme configuration Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme configuration 5’
for Windows XP on page 125
11 Reporting mask configuration Job Card IST A17 - Reporting mask configuration 5’
for MammoDS on page 123
12 Keypad installation Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad 10’
installation on Windows XP on page 129
or Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting
configuration on page 231
13 Local DICOM settings and Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and 10’
database configuration database configuration on page 155 Page no. 37 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Software Installation

# Action Job Card Timing

14 User accounts creation Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation on 10’
page 159
15 Language and display Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display 10’
preference configuration preference configuration on page 169
16 DICOM partners configuration Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners 20’
configuration on page 173
17 DICOM media import Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import 5’
configuration configuration on page 177
18 Remote control configuration Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation 20’
from third party client to MammoWorkstation
(remote control) on page 181
19 RIS synchronisation Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation 30’
from MammoWorkstation to third party client
(remote control) on page 187
20 Connection to a worklist server Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist 10’
server on page 197
21 DICOM printer configuration Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration 10’
on page 217
22 Measurements calibration Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration 10’
on page 221
23 Customer specific settings Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting on 5’
page 223
24 Language configuration Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages 5’
configuration on DVD/CD on page 225
25 HL7 export configuration Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration on
page 227
Final sequence: required to complete the installation.

26 Acceptance test Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241 20’

27 Backup of the configuration Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration 15’
folder folder on page 247

Chapter 4 Page no. 38

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Software Installation

3 Scenario IST00C - DicomShuttle, CollaborationServer Installation Steering


# Action Job Card Timing

1 Unpacking Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking on page 41 5’

2 Installation of Windows (32-bit) Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP 10’
Professional (32-bit) on page 57
or Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7
(32-bit) on page 59
3 Setup of Network Connection Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on 15’
Windows XP on page 117
or Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup
on Windows 7 on page 119
4 Basic Windows Configuration Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for 15’
IDI on page 69
or Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for
IDI on page 83
5 IDI Publication Installation Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation on 15’
page 99
6 IDI Software installation Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation on 10’
page 101
7 IDI Software licensing Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing on 10’
page 113

License delivery may take 24 hours; installation steps can still be completed, but license
code entry is mandatory to access the application and run functional tests.
8 VNC installation and configuration Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows 15’
XP on page 149
9 Mandatory configuration Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration on 15’
page 121
10 Local DICOM settings and Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and 10’
database configuration database configuration on page 155
11 Language and display preference Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display 10’
configuration preference configuration on page 169
12 DICOM partners configuration Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners 20’
configuration on page 173
13 Routing rules configuration Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration 20’
on page 189 Page no. 39 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Software Installation

# Action Job Card Timing

14 Connection to a worklist server Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist 10’
server on page 197
15 DICOM Worklist SCP configuration Job Card CFG A18 - DICOM worklist SCP 15’
configuration on page 203
16 Worklist broker configuration Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration 15’
on page 205
Final sequence: required to complete the installation.

17 Acceptance test Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241 20’

18 Backup of the configuration folder Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration 15’
folder on page 247

Chapter 4 Page no. 40

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking

Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Reception
1. Examine the system on reception. Check any shock indicators present. If possible, make a visual
check of all items.
2. If problems occur (items missing, signs of shipping damage, excessive shock, etc.), note them down
on the delivery note before signing for reception.

4 Installation CDs check

Check that the following CDs are delivered:
• Image Diagnost Software CD (part no. 5327866-7) for all PCs.
• Barco display driver for Windows XP and display calibration software CD for MWS.
• Mammography Workflow Solutions User Publication CD (part no. 5391143 -1-299) for all PCs.
• Mammography Workflow Solutions Service Publication CD (part no. 5391144-1-2EN) for all PCs.
• IDI Service Tool - InSite Interactive Platform CD (part no. 5399069) for MWS and MammoDS.
The Installation Procedure for InSite is available in the IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions
Service Information and Procedures 4.6 Class M.
Only GE FE are allowed to perform the InSite installation. Page no. 41 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A01 - Unpacking

This page is blank.

Chapter 4 Page no. 42

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
MammoWorkstation software requires a PC that fulfills the following minimal requirements:
• Two Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5504 2.00GHz (or better)
• 8GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 160GB 7.2k (or better) for operating system
• 2x HDD SATA II 500GB 7.2k (or better) for local database cache
• Display controller with standard DVI connector.
• network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x64 multilingual

Displays: MammoWorkstation software requires a three monitor setup, where there is:
• one display monitor with at least 1280×1024 pixel
• two 5MP diagnostic display monitors for primary diagnostic interpretation of mammographic images
! Notice:
Diagnostic displays used with MammoWorkstation must be cleared by local regulatory authorities
for use in digital mammography. Vendors evidence of regulatory approval for display systems shall
- displays,
- display controller,
- calibration equipment and procedures,
- display system QC procedures
! Notice:
For USA: Evidence of MQSA compliance is required. Page no. 43 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

4 Installation of Windows XP (64bit)

1. Connect mouse and keyboard to any USB port. Connect monitor and power cord to the computer
(network cable may be connected now or later).
2. Press the power button.
A system image stored on a partition of the hard-disk will be launched automatically to perform the
installation. The following screens will be displayed.

3. Perform the following steps through the next screens:

a. Accept the enduser license agreement
b. Customize regional and language options
c. Type your full name and the name of your company organization
d. Adjust date and timezone

4. After an automatic reboot the installation will be complete.

The whole process will take approximately 30 minutes.

Chapter 4 Page no. 44

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

5 Creation of RAID 0 (striped volume)

The OS is installed on Disk 0. Combine Disk 1 and Disk 2 to form a Raid 0 (also called striped volume).
1. Click on Start ➜ right click on My Computer ➜ Manage ➜ Disk Management.
2. Right click on Disk 1 and then on "Delete Partition".

3. Do the same for Disk 2.

The result will be:

4. Right click on Disk 1 and convert the disk to a Dynamic Disk. Page no. 45 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

This screen will be displayed:

5. Select Disk1 and Disk2.

The resulting screen will be:

Note that "Basic" turned to "Dynamic".
6. Right click on Disk 1(1) and create a New volume.

Chapter 4 Page no. 46

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

7. Click [Next] in the New Volume Wizard.

8. Choose "Striped" and click [Next].

9. Highlight Disk 2 on the left pane and click [Add].

Then click [Next] Page no. 47 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A03 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (64-bit)

10. Choose letter "D".

11. Choose "NTFS" as file system (default setting) and checkmark "Perform a quick format".
12. At the top of the disk management window you can now see that a striped volume (consisting of
Disk 1 and Disk 2) has been created.

The final screen should look like this:

Chapter 4 Page no. 48

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
MammoWorkstation software requires a PC that fulfills the following minimal requirements:
• Two Intel Quad-Core Xeon E5504 2.00GHz (or better)
• 8GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 160GB 7.2k (or better) for operating system
• 2x HDD SATA II 500GB 7.2k (or better) for local database cache
• Display controller with standard DVI connector.
• network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows 7 x64 multilingual

Displays: MammoWorkstation software requires a three monitor setup, where there is:
• one display monitor with at least 1280×1024 pixel
• two 5MP diagnostic display monitors for primary diagnostic interpretation of mammographic images
! Notice:
Diagnostic displays used with MammoWorkstation must be cleared by local regulatory authorities
for use in digital mammography. Vendors evidence of regulatory approval for display systems shall
- displays,
- display controller,
- calibration equipment and procedures,
- display system QC procedures
! Notice:
For USA: Evidence of MQSA compliance is required. Page no. 49 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

4 Installation of Windows 7 (64bit)

1. Connect mouse and keyboard to any USB port.
Connect monitor and power cord to the computer (network cable may be connected now or later).
2. Press the power button.
3. Press F9 to get the boot menu.
4. The following screens will be displayed: Select the Boot Device. Change your setting via the arrow

5. Wait for files being loaded:

6. The following screen will be displayed:

7. Select language according to customer specification. Confirm by clicking [Next].

8. Choose a user name for your account (e.g. "ImageDiagnost") and a name for your computer. Confirm
by clicking [Next].

Chapter 4 Page no. 50

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

9. Set a password for your account (e.g "idi"). Confirm by clicking [Next].
10. Read and accept the license terms. Confirm by clicking [Next].

11. In the following window select "Ask me later":

12. Review your time and date settings. Confirm by clicking [Next].

13. The computer will reboot.

14. After an automatic reboot the installation will be complete. Page no. 51 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

5 Creation of RAID 0 (striped volume)

The OS is installed on Disk 0. Disk 1 and Disk 2 will be combined to form Raid 0 (also called striped
1. Click on Start ➜ right click on Computer ➜ Manage ➜ Disk Management.
2. Right click on Disk 1 and then on "Delete Volume".

3. Do the same for Disk 2.

The result will be:

Chapter 4 Page no. 52

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

4. Right click on Disk 1 (1)and convert the disk to a Dynamic Disk (2).

This screen will be displayed:

5. Select Disk1 and Disk2 and confirm by clicking [OK].

The resulting screen will be:

Note that "Basic" turned to "Dynamic". Page no. 53 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

6. Right click on Disk 1 and create a New Striped Volume.

7. A wizard "New Striped Volume" will appear. Click [Next].

8. Highlight Disk 2 on the left pane and click [Add].

Then click [Next]

Chapter 4 Page no. 54

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

9. Select letter "D" and click [Next].

10. Select "NTFS" as file system (default setting) and checkmark "Perform a quick format".
On the next page confirm the process with [Finish].
11. At the top of the disk management window you can now see that a striped volume has been created.
The final screen should look like this: Page no. 55 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A43 - Installation of Windows 7 (64-bit)

This page is blank.

Chapter 4 Page no. 56

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (32-bit)

Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (32-bit) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to:
• MammoDS / TechInsight
• CollaborationServer
• DICOMShuttle

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
3-1 Hardware requirements for CollaborationServer and DicomShuttle Node
CollaborationServer and DICOMShuttle Node software option require a PC that fulfills the following
minimal requirements:
• One Intel Dual-Core Xeon 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 2x HDD SATA II 250GB 7.2k (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x32 multilingual
For DICOM Shuttle PC and CollaborationServer PC, optionally one display monitor with at least
1280×1024 pixel can be attached.

3-2 Hardware requirements for MDS and DicomShuttle peripher (local)

MammoDS and DICOMShuttle peripher (local) software option require a desktop or tablet PC that fulfills
the following minimal requirements:
• One Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 60GB (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows XP x32 multilingual
MammoDS is intended for non-diagnostic usage only. Consequently only one non-diagnostic
display with at least 1280×1024 pixel is required. Page no. 57 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A04 - Installation of Windows XP Professional (32-bit)

4 Installation of Windows XP (32bit)

1. Connect mouse and keyboard to any USB port.
For Dicom Shuttle and Collaboration Server, there are no mouse and keyboard delivered with the
2. Connect monitor and power cord to the computer (the network cable may be connected now or later)
and switch the monitor on.
3. Press the power button.
A system image stored on a partition of the hard-disk will be launched automatically to perform the
4. Select language according to customer specification.

5. Accept the end user license agreement:

6. In the following window choose "Not right now":

7. Enter a computer name and description:

8. Choose "skip" for "How will your computer connect to the Internet?".
The internet connection will be setup later.
9. Choose "No, not at this time" for "Ready to register with Microsoft?"
Setup is complete.

Chapter 4 Page no. 58

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit)

Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to:
• MammoDS /TechInsight
• CollaborationServer
• DICOMShuttle

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 35’

3 Hardware requirements
3-1 Hardware requirements for CollaborationServer and DicomShuttle Node
CollaborationServer and DICOMShuttle Node software option require a PC that fulfills the following
minimal requirements:
• One Intel Dual-Core Xeon 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 2x HDD SATA II 250GB 7.2k (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows 7 x32 multilingual
For DICOM Shuttle PC and CollaborationServer PC, optionally one display monitor with at least
1280×1024 pixel can be attached.

3-2 Hardware requirements for MDS and DicomShuttle peripher (local)

MammoDS and DICOMShuttle peripher (local) software option require a desktop or tablet PC that fulfills
the following minimal requirements:
• One Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz (or better)
• 2GB RAM (or better)
• 1x HDD SATA II 60GB (or better)
• Display controller with standard DVI connector
• Network controller with 1GBit/s (or better)
• DVD+-RW double layer
• Localized professional keyboard, Mouse
• Windows 7 x32 multilingual
• MammoDS is intended for non-diagnostic usage only. Consequently only one non-diagnostic display
with at least 1280×1024 pixel is required. Page no. 59 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit)

4 Installation of Windows 7 (32bit)

1. Connect mouse and keyboard to any USB port. Connect monitor and power cord to the computer
(the network cable may be connected now or later).
2. Press the power button.
Press F9 to get the boot menu:

3. The following screens will be displayed: Select the Boot Device. Change your setting via the arrow

4. Wait for files being loaded:

Chapter 4 Page no. 60

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit)

5. The following screen will be displayed:

6. Select language according to customer specification. Confirm by clicking [Next].

7. Choose a user name for your account (e.g. "ImageDiagnost") and a name for your computer. Confirm
by clicking [Next].
8. Set a password for your account(e.g "idi"). Confirm by clicking [Next].
9. Read and accept the license terms. Confirm by clicking [Next]. Page no. 61 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A44 - Installation of Windows 7 (32-bit)

10. In the following window select "Ask me later":

11. Review your time and date settings. Confirm by clicking [Next].

12. The computer will reboot.

13. Setup is complete.

Chapter 4 Page no. 62

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on Windows XP

Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on Windows XP Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’’

3 Hardware requirements
• CAT6 Hospital Network cables must be used for Gigabit speed.

4 Physical connection
1. Connect the RJ45 connector to one network card ports.

5 Configuration of IP address
1. Click on Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Network Connections and right click on "Local area connection"
In case the Control Panel window opens in Category View, click Switch to Classic View.
Since there are two network cards, there are also two "Local area connections". Choose the one
that corresponds to the port the network cable is connected to.
2. Scroll down to "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" and click on the button [Properties].

3. Enter the static IP address that was provided by the customer (A). Page no. 63 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A06 - Network connection setup on Windows XP

a) All IDI Workstations PCs have to be online and remotely accessible at any time.
b) There is no need to specify DNS servers (B). Doing so could affect the speed of the medical

Chapter 4 Page no. 64

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7

Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7 Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Hardware requirements
• CAT6 Hospital Network cables must be used for Gigabit speed.

4 Configuration of IP address
1. Click on Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Network and Internet ➜ Network and Sharing Center
2. On the left side click Change adapter settings.
3. Right click on Local Area Connection and select Properties.
In case the workstation has two or more interfaces, make sure to select the correct Local Area
Connection. Page no. 65 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7

4. Checkmark "InternetProtocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" and click on [Properties].

5. Checkmark "Use the following IP address".

6. Enter the static IP address that was provided by the customer (A).
If the static IP address is not yet available, choose "Obtain an IP address automatically". This
requires that a DHCP server is available in the local network.
If a dynamic IP address was chosen, make sure to change the dynamic IP address to the static IP
address as provided by the network administrator of the final destination once the configuration is

Chapter 4 Page no. 66

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7

a) All IDI Workstations PCs have to be online and remotely accessible at any time.
b) There is no need to specify DNS servers (B). Doing so could affect the speed of the medical
application. Page no. 67 Chapter 4

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A07 - Network connection setup on Windows 7

This page is blank.

Chapter 4 Page no. 68

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Hardware requirements

4 Run Microsoft Windows updates

1. Ensure that the computer is connected to the internet.
2. Click on Start ➜ All Programs ➜ Windows Update.
3. Select Express ➜ Download ➜ Install Now
4. When the installation is complete, restart the workstation PC.
Depending on the required updates, you are sometimes asked to reboot even though the process
is not complete (i.e. Internet Explorer 7 update).

Verification: To ensure that all updates have been installed, return once more to the windows update and
check for updates.
If no internet connection is available you must install the Framework. (See the
delivered CD or in the folder C:\install\windows_dotnet_1.1).

5 Windows user account creation

! Notice:
The default account created during Windows installation is the Administrator account. For
computer security reason, a password must be provided to this account. In addition, a "standard
user" account must be created (the "standard user" account will have most of the Administrator
rights). Any account must be password protected.
Also remember that it is possible, on request, to set a BIOS password that prevents any
uncontrolled boot. Page no. 69 Chapter 4

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1. Click on Start ➜ right click on My Computer ➜ Manage ➜ "Local Users and Groups".

2. Right click on "Users" and then on "New User".

3. Fill in the details (choose a generic user name e.g. "ImageDiagnost").

4. Set a password e.g. "idi" .

5. Uncheck "User must change password at next logon" .
6. Check only "Password never expires" and click [Create].
User name is limited to 20 characters.

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7. Assign admin rights: right click on the user that has just been created and select "Properties".

8. Go to tab "Member Of" and click [Add...].

9. In the Select Groups window, type "Administrators" and click on the button [Check Names] to
make sure there is no typing error.
! Notice:
To avoid unauthorized access to any MammoWorkstation, one of the following security features
must be activated on all user accounts:
- Auto-logoff: the current user is logged-off when inactive for 30 min:
a. Select Start ➜ Control Panel (switch to classic view) ➜ Display.
b. On tab Screen Saver, choose a screen saver.
c. Checkmark the box On resume, display the welcome screen / On resume, password protect.
- Press the keys [Windows + L] when leaving the room. Page no. 71 Chapter 4

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10. Setting Administrator password:

Right click on Name "Administrator" and select "Set Password...".

For Administrator, choose password "operator".

11. Logout from the session: Select Start ➜ Log Off, click [Log Off].

The new user account should appear and the Administrator account should have disappeared.
12. Login to the new account. You are ready for the next installation steps.

6 Remote desktop activation

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System - tab "Remote" .
2. Checkmark "Allow users to connect remotely to this computer".

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7 Performance adjustment
1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System - tab "Advanced", section "Performance" .
2. Click on button [Settings].
3. In tab "Visual effects" select "Adjust for best performance".

8 Disable Error reporting

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System - tab "Advanced".
2. Click on button [Error Reporting].
3. In tab "Error Reporting" select "Disable error reporting" and uncheck "But notify me when critical
errors occur". Page no. 73 Chapter 4

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9 Turn off automatic updates

! Notice:
Automatic Windows Updates can have significant impact on the performance
of the MammoWorkstation. It is therefore recommended to turn off Automatic Windows Updates.

However, if the customer requires that Automatic Windows Updates is active, it is the responsibilty
of the customer to ensure that the system passes the acceptance test after any Windows Update.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

Turn off automatic updates:

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System - tab "Automatic Updates".
2. Select "Turn off Automatic Updates" .

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10 Power options modifications

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Power Options - tab "Power Schemes".
2. Set up the following:
• Power schemes: "Always on"
• Turn off monitor: according to user
• Turn off harddisks: Never
• System standby: Never
• System hibernates: Never

11 Folder creation for local image database

Create a folder named "dbcache" on Disk D: (for MWS) or on Disk 1 (for CS, DSH, MDS respectively).
This is the location where all the images will be stored.
! Notice:
Never create "dbcache" on the "windows" C: partition.

12 Windows domain membership

If the customer requires the MammoWorkstation to be member of a domain, it is important to
guarantee the following:
- Read + write access for the folders "dbcache" and "ProgramFiles/ImageDiagnost".
Local admin rights (i.e. to restart services). Page no. 75 Chapter 4

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13 Firewall
1. It is recommended to turn off the firewall.
a. To turn off the firewall, select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Windows Firewall - tab "General".
b. Select "Off".

2. However, if the customer requires the firewall to remain active, make sure that the following ports are

Ports to keep open

104 DICOM storage

4005 DICOM worklist

8080 Support interface

5900 VNC, Remote Desktop Tool

3389 RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

To open a port through the firewall, perform the following steps for each port:
a. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Windows Firewall - tab "Exceptions".
b. Click on [Add Port...].
c. Enter the name and port number of the port to keep open and select "TCP".

If the customer requires the firewall to remain active, make sure that the system passes the
acceptance test.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

14 Antivirus software
! Notice:
Antivirus software can have significant impact on the performance of the MammoWorkstation. It is
therefore recommended to turn off any antivirus software.
• To turn off the Antivirus software, select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Security Center.

However, if the customer requires that an Antivirus software is running observe the following
1. Preparation:
• import and load several cases (note the number of cases)
• pay attention on how long it takes to import and load these cases Page no. 77 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

2. Procedure:
• Make sure the following folders and files are not scanned by the Antivirus software:
- the IDI Cache folder ("dbcache")
- the Image Diagnost Folder in the Windows Program Files
- 64bit systems (MammoWorkstation): C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost
- 32bit systems (DICOM Shuttle, Collaboration Server, MDS): C:\Program Files\
- all files with ".dcm" extension
- the MySQL Folder in C:/mysql
• Make sure the following services and applications are - depending on Antivirus software used-
not exclusively locked by the Antivirus software while the workstation is in use:

Folder dbcache

Services ApacheTomcat6forIDI

Application MammoWorkstation.exe

! Notice:
Antivirus scan must not be performed while operators are using the MammoWorkstation.
Example: A full scan can be scheduled daily at 11pm.

3. Validation: After installing an Antivirus software, check the performance of the MammoWorkstation
• importing and opening several cases (the same number of cases as before).
• comparing the loading time to the performance prior to the Antivirus software installation.
! Notice:
If the loading time is significantly longer than it was before, it is recommended to uninstall the
Antivirus software. Otherwise the performance of the MammoWorkstation will be impaired.
In the past, IDI customers have used the following Antivirus Software option:
- Antivirus option by Trend Micro.
So far, this option had no noticeable impact on the performance of the MammoWorkstation. This
Antivirus Software has not been validated and due to continuous change and update procedures
every Antivirus Software is subject to, an undisturbed performance can not be assured for the
If the customer requires that an Antivirus software is running, make sure that the system passes
the acceptance test.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

15 Computer name setting addition

1. Open File Explorer, right click on MyComputer and select Properties.

2. Select tab Computer Name and click [Change].

3. In Computer Name field, enter the new computer name, then click [OK].
Type 15 characters max (e.g. "Helens-Shuttle1")
4. Reboot the computer. Page no. 79 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

16 Alert settings
1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Security Center.
2. On the left side, click on the "change the way security center alerts me" and uncheck:
• Firewall
• Automatic Updates
• Virus Protection

17 Remote desktop software

It is indispensable for Image Diagnostic to acces the workstation PCs remotely for:
• Maintenance
• Updates
• Troubleshooting
• Configuration
• Training issues

It it possible to employ RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), which is already a component of XP. In that
case, be sure that a user password is set. Otherwise RDP won’t work. The disadvantage though, is that
while being connected remotely to a system via RDP no interaction of the user on the other end is
possible. Thus connections for training and demonstration purposes are not viable.
Therefore we recommend a freeware tool such as VNC (see Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for
Windows XP on page 149).
Any other appropriate tool can be used as well.
After installing a Remote Software tool, make sure the system passes the acceptance test. See
Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

18 Deactivate IPv6
To this date, IDI MammoWorkstation is not compatible with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).
IPv6 must therefore be deactivated:
To deactivate IPv6 you must be a Member of the Administrator Group or at least have permission
to edit the Windows registry.

1. Go to Start ➜ Run, type cmd ➜ click [OK].

2. Execute the command: >netsh int ipv6 uninstall
3. Press [Enter].
For further information on how to deactivate IPv6 refer to: Page no. 81 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A05 - Windows XP configuration for IDI

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Hardware requirements

4 Run Microsoft Windows updates

1. Ensure that the computer is connected to the internet.
2. Click on Start ➜ All Programs ➜ Windows Update.
3. On the right side, click on [Turn automatic update on].

4. Click on [Check for updates].

5. After checking for updates, click on [Install updates]. Page no. 83 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

6. Accept the license terms and click [Finish].

Depending on the required updates, you are sometimes asked to reboot even though the process
is not complete (i.e. Internet Explorer 7 update).

Verification: To ensure that all updates have been installed, return once more to the windows update and
check for updates.
If no internet connection is available you must install the Framework. (See the
delivered CD or in the folder C:\install\windows_dotnet_1.1).

5 Windows user account creation

The default account created during Windows installation is an Administrator account. For computer
security reason, a password must be provided for this account.
Also remember that it is possible, on request, to set a BIOS password that prevents any
uncontrolled boot.
! Notice:
Every account must be passowrd protected!
1. Click on Start ➜ right click on Computer ➜ click Manage ➜ expand "Local Users and Groups".

2. For new users, right click on "Users" and then on "New User".
User name is limited to 20 characters.

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

3. Set a password:
• Select "Users" and highlight the desired user.
• Right click the user and click "Set password"..

• Confirm query by clicking [Proceed].

• Click [OK].
! Notice:
To avoid unauthorized access to any MammoWorkstation, one of the following security features
must be activated on all user accounts:
- Feature 1: the current user account is locked when inactive for 30 min:
a. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Appearance and Personalization.
b. Under Personalization click "Change Screen Saver".
c. Checkmark the box: On resume, display logon screen.
- Feature 2: Press the keys [Windows + L] when leaving the room.

4. Activate Administrator account and set password:

• Activate Administrator account:
- SelectStart ➜ right click on Computer - click on Manage.
- Expand "Local Users and Groups".
- Select "Users" and highlight Administrator.
- Right click on Administrator and select Properties.
- Uncheck "Account is disabled".
• Set password for Administrator account:
- Right click on Administrator.
- Select "Set Password".
- Confirm query to proceed.

For Administrator, choose password "operator". Page no. 85 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

5. Logout from the session:

• Select Start.
• Select the arrow button next to the [Shut down] button.
• Select Log Off.

The new user account should appear as well as the Administrator account.
6. Login to the user account. You are ready for the next installation steps.

6 Remote desktop activation

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ System ➜ Remote settings (on the left side).
2. Checkmark "Allow connections from computers running any version of remote desktop (less

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7 Performance adjustment
1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ System ➜ Advanced system settings - tab
2. In the tab Advanced go to section Performance and click on [Settings].
3. In tab "Visual effects", select "Adjust for best performance".

4. Click [Apply] ➜ the windows appearance will change to windows standard theme.

8 Disable Error reporting

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ Action Center.
2. Expand "Maintenance" and select "Settings". Page no. 87 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

3. Checkmark "Never check for solutions (not recommended)".

9 Turn off automatic updates

! Notice:
Automatic Windows Updates can have significant impact on the performance of the
MammoWorkstation. It is therefore recommended to turn off Automatic Windows Updates.

However, if the customer requires that Automatic Windows Updates is active, it is the responsibilty
of the customer to ensure that the system passes the acceptance test after any Windows Update.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

Turn off automatic updates:

1. Select Start ➜ All Programs ➜ Windows Update.
2. On the left side click on "Change settings".

3. Under section "Important updates" ➜ in the drop down menu select "Never check for updates (not

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10 Power options modifications

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Hardware and Sound ➜ Power Options.
2. Expand "Show additional plans".

3. Select "High Performance".

4. Click on "Change Plan Settings".
• In the drop down menu next to "Turn off the display", select the time after which the display shall
be turned off.

5. Click on "Change advanced power settings".

• Expand "Hard disk" ➜ expand "turn off hard disk after" ➜ set "Setting (Minutes)" to "Never".
• Install graphic card driver to deactivate the stand-by (Sleep) mode.
For further information on installing a graphic card driver refer to the Hardware Installation Manual.
• Expand "Sleep" ➜ expand "Hibernate after" ➜ set "Setting (Minutes)" to "Never". Page no. 89 Chapter 4

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6. Save the settings by clicking [Save changes].

11 Folder creation for local image database

Create a folder named "dbcache" on RAID 0 (for MWS) or on Disk 1 (for CS, DSH, MDS respectively).
This is the location where all the images will be stored.
! Notice:
Never create "dbcache" on the "OS" C: partition.

12 Windows domain membership

If the customer requires the MammoWorkstation to be member of a domain, it is important to
guarantee the following:
- Read + write access for the folders "dbcache" and "ProgramFiles/ImageDiagnost".
- Local admin rights (i.e. to restart services).

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

13 Firewall
1. It is recommended to turn off the firewall.
a. To turn off the firewall, select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ Windows Firewall.
b. On the left side click "Turn windows firewall on or off".
- Set all location settings to "Turn off Windows Firewall (not recommended)".

2. If the customer requires the firewall to remain active, make sure the following TCP ports are open:

TCP Ports to keep open

104 DICOM storage

4005 DICOM worklist

8080 Support interface

5900 VNC, Remote Desktop Tool

3389 RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol

To open a port through the firewall, perform the following steps for each port:
a. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ Windows Firewall.
b. On the left side click "Advanced settings".
c. On the left side select "Inbound Rules". Page no. 91 Chapter 4

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d. On the right side select "New Rule".

e. Select "Port" and click [Next].

f. Insert the port number and click [Next].

g. Keep setting "Allow the connection" and click [Next].

h. Select the Profile according to customer's need and click [Next].
i. Enter the Name and Description (optional) of your created rule.
j. Click [Finish].

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If the customer requires the firewall to remain active, make sure that the system passes the
acceptance test.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

14 Antivirus software
! Notice:
Antivirus software can have significant impact on the performance of the MammoWorkstation. It is
therefore recommended to turn off any antivirus software.
• To turn off the Antivirus software, select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security.

However, if the customer requires that an Antivirus software is running observe the following
1. Preparation:
• import and load several cases (note the number of cases)
• pay attention on how long it takes to import and load these cases

2. Procedure:
• Make sure the following folders and files are not scanned by the Antivirus software:
- the IDI Cache folder ("dbcache")
- the Image Diagnost Folder in the Windows Program Files
- 64bit systems (MammoWorkstation): C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost
- 32bit systems (DICOM Shuttle, Collaboration Server, MDS): C:\Program Files\
- all files with ".dcm" extension
- the MySQL Folder in C:/mysql
• Make sure the following services and applications are - depending on Antivirus software used-
not exclusively locked by the Antivirus software while the workstation is in use:

Folder dbcache

Services ApacheTomcat6forIDI

Application MammoWorkstation.exe

! Notice:
Antivirus scan must not be performed while operators are using the MammoWorkstation.
Example: A full scan can be scheduled daily at 11pm.

3. Validation: After installing an Antivirus software, check the performance of the MammoWorkstation
• importing and opening several cases (the same number of cases as before).
• comparing the loading time to the performance prior to the Antivirus software installation. Page no. 93 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A45 - Windows 7 configuration for IDI

! Notice:
If the loading time is significantly longer than it was before, it is recommended to uninstall the
Antivirus software. Otherwise the performance of the MammoWorkstation will be impaired.
In the past, IDI customers have used the following Antivirus Software option:
- Antivirus option by Trend Micro
So far, this option had no noticeable impact on the performance of the MammoWorkstation. This
Antivirus Software has not been validated and due to continuous change and update procedures
every Antivirus Software is subject to, an undisturbed performance can not be assured for the
If the customer requires that an Antivirus software is running, make sure that the system passes
the acceptance test.
See Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241.

15 Action Center
1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ Action Center.
2. On the left side click on the "Change Action Center settings":

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3. Uncheck:
• Windows Updates
• Network Firewall
• Virus Protection

16 Remote desktop software

It is indispensable for Image Diagnost to access the workstation PCs remotely for:
• Maintenance
• Updates
• Troubleshooting
• Configuration
• Training issues

It it possible to employ RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), which is already a component of Windows 7. In
that case, be sure that a user password is set. Otherwise RDP won’t work. The disadvantage though, is
that while being connected remotely to a system via RDP no interaction of the user on the other end is
possible. Thus connections for training and demonstration purposes are not viable.
Therefore we recommend a freeware tool such as VNC. Any other appropriate tool can be used as well.

After installing a Remote Software tool, make sure the system passes the acceptance test. See
Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on page 241. Page no. 95 Chapter 4

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17 Change User Account Control Settings

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ System and Security ➜ Action Center.
2. On the left side select "Change User Account Control Settings".
3. Change the slider to
"Never notify me when:
• Programs try to install software or make changes to my computer
• I make changes to Windows settings":

4. Apply changes by clicking [OK].

18 Deactivate IPv6
To this date, IDI MammoWorkstation is not compatible with the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). The
IPv6 must therefore be deactivated:
To deactivate IPv6 you must be a Member of the Administrator Group or at least have permission
to edit the Windows registry.
! Notice:
Since serious problems may occur if the registry was modified incorrectly, back up the registry
before modifying it. If any problem occurs after modifying the Windows registry, restore it with the
backup version.For detailed information on how to back up the Windows registry, refer to

Temporary solution:
1. Open the Local Area Network Status window and click on [Properties].
2. Uncheck the box next to The Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6).
The IPv6 will be enabled again whenever the system is restarted.

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! Notice:
Since no procedure to deactivate IPv6 on Windows 7 has been validated so far, the following
procedure can only be a suggestion. Check every modification on Windows registry with your
Network Administrator.
Permanent solution:
1. Open the registry editor by clicking Start ➜ Run, type regedit ➜ click [OK].
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM ➜ CurrentControlSet ➜ services ➜ TCPIP6 ➜
Parameters key.
3. Right-click on [Parameters] on the left side. Select New ➜ DWORD (32-bit) Value.
4. Name the value as DisabledComponents.
5. Set the value to 0x20 to use IPv4 instead of IPv6 in prefix policies.
6. Click [OK].
7. Reboot the system.

1. Open the Local Area Network Status window and click on [Properties]. The box next to Internet
Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) should be unchecked.
For further information on how to disable the IPv6 permanently, refer to

19 Mouse pointer properties

This configuration is only necessary for Windows 7 installation on Barco monitors.

1. Select Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Hardware and Sound . In the section Devices and Printers, select
2. A dialog window will open. Select the tab "Pointers".
3. In the drop down menu (1), select "Windows Standard (large) (system scheme)".

4. Click [Apply] to implement the configuration. Click [OK] to exit the menu. Page no. 97 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation

Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 IDI Publication on CD
Two IDI Publication CDs are provided:
1. Mammography Workflow Solutions User Publication CD.
The Mammography Workflow Solutions User Publication CD contains all User Documentation.
2. Mammography Workflow Solutions Service Publication CD.
The Mammography Workflow Solutions Service Publication CD contains all Service Documentation.
! Notice:
At the end of the installation process, the IDI Publication CDs (User and Service) must be given to
the customer to make sure the customer can consult these CDs on others PCs as well.
The customer is responsible for regrouping and storing these publication CD-ROMs in a safe
place. These CDs are needed during the entire life cycle of the MammoWorkstation system.

4 Installing IDI publications on a Windows PC

In order to view a publication, the PC must be running a Windows XP/ Windows 7 operating
system, and Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or above must be installed.

To install the publications on a Windows PC, proceed as follows:

1. Insert the Publications CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of a Windows PC. An Autorun Home Page
appears giving you the choice between installing the User/Service Publications on the PC or viewing
them directly from the CD-ROM.
The Autorun Home Page is always in English. If the Autorun Home Page does not appear, please
refer to section 4-1 Autorun Home Page opening issue.
2. Click on the [Install Publications on PC] button.
3. From the Windows Installer application that appears, follow the self-explanatory steps to install the
publications on the PC.
4. Before removing the CD-ROM, click on the [Exit] button to close the Autorun Home Page.
5. The CD content will be installed under:
• for Service Documentation: C:\Program Files\GEHC\MammoServicePubs
• for User Documentation: C:\Program Files\GEHC\MammoUserPubs Page no. 99 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A11 - IDI Publication installation

4-1 Autorun Home Page opening issue

The windows operating system on your PC may be configured with the Autorun feature disabled. If the
Autorun feature is disabled on your PC, the Autorun Home Page will not automatically appear when you
insert the CD-ROM.
If the Autorun Home Page does not appear on your PC, browse the root of the CD-ROM and double click
on the Autorun.exe file. The Autorun Home Page will then appear.

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Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation

Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 IDI Software preparation from CD

The Image Diagnost Software CD contains all Image Diagnost software and the Image Diagnost
Software Installation Manual.
1. Create two folders:
- C:\install
- C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\doc
2. Enter IDI software CD
3. Copy the following files and folders to the install folder C:\install:
• Setup_ImageDiagnost_[version].exe
• adobe_acrobat (item is obsolete on Win XP).
• vnc_remote_desktop
• windows_dotnet_1.1
• xkeys_keypad_x64_1.0.1.2
• xkeys_keypad_x64_1.0.1.13
• imapi
• barco_win7
4. Copy the PDF from the CD to the document folder C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\doc:
• ImageDiagnost_Installation_Manual_4.6.0.en.pdf

4 Microsoft .Net Framework installation

1. Execute the dotnetfx.exe.
2. Click [Yes] when being asked if you would like to install Microsoft.Net Framework 1.1 Package.
The software will be installed.

5 Image Mastering API v2.0 Installation for Windows XP

Installing Image Mastering API v2.0 software is mandatory to make use of the features "Patient
CD" and "DICOM CD" within the IDI application.

For MammoWorkstation you need to install the 64bit version of Image Mastering API v2.0.
For MammoDS you need to install the 32bit version of Image Mastering API v2.0. Page no. 101 Chapter 4

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Both packages, the 64bit version and the 32bit version of Image Mastering API, are included on
the Image Diagnost Software CD.

Make sure to choose the correct language for the Image Mastering API v.2.0 corresponding to your
Windows operating system.

1. Launch the Image Mastering API v2.0 installer. At the beginning a warning will be displayed. Click

2. The Installation Wizard will be displayed. Click [Next].

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Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation

3. Accept the license and click [Next].

4. The software will be installed.

a. For MammoWorkstation the wizard needs to restart Windows to apply the changes. If you decide
to restart later, tick the Do not restart now checkbox(1).
Click [Finish] to exit the Software Update Installation Wizard.

b. For MammoDS, click [Finish] to exit the Software Update Installation Wizard. Page no. 103 Chapter 4

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6 IDI application installation

1. Follow the instructions of the Image Diagnost software setup program and execut
Setup_ImageDiagnost_[version].exe.The recommended installation folder is the Image Diagnost
Folder in the Windows Program Files:
- 64bit systems (MammoWorkstation): C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost
- 32bit systems (DICOM Shuttle, Collaboration Server, MDS): C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost
The location of the installation folder must not be changed.

2. During installation just confirm the dialog boxes with [Next].

3. Accept the License Agreement by clicking [I Agree].

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Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation

4. When you get the message box "Installing MySQL", click [OK].

5. An additional installation window will open to guide you through installing MySQL.Click [Next>]:

6. Keep the default path (C:\mysql): Page no. 105 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation

7. Keep the default type of setup.

8. Click [Finish] to complete the MySQL setup.

9. After MySQL setup is complete, confirm with [OK]. The software will be installed.

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10. Click [Finish] to close the Image Diagnost 4.6.0 Setup Wizard.

11. Check the installation log files for errors.

The three "WARNING" messages (indicated in the screenshot below) can be ignored!

! Notice:
This log file informs you about the installation process. If one of the lines starts with "ERROR"
instead of "INFO", please contact Image Diagnost for assistance.

12. Close this log file window. The license screen will appear.
To complete the installation of a DICOMShuttle, refer to Job Card CFG A17 - DICOM Shuttle
configuration on page 201. Page no. 107 Chapter 4

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7 Post-installation checks
7-1 Multiple items created
Due to the fact that MammoWorkstation is available as a 32-bit version and as a 64-bit version, several
multiple items might be created.
After the installation process, it is necessary to check that only the icons that correspond to your installed
system are available.

7-1-1 MWS Icons

After the upgrade process, there should only be one MWS desktop icon, MWS shortcut icon, one MWS
icon in the quick access area in the Windows taskbar and one MWS icon in the Start dialog.
If there are several MWS icons, make sure to delete the icons that do not correspond to your installed

7-1-1-1 Delete MWS desktop icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

7-1-1-2 Delete MWS shortcut icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
1. Go to Start ➜ All Programs ➜ Image Diagnost
2. Right click on the icon you want to delete.
3. Select "Delete" in the opened dialog.
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

7-1-1-3 Delete MWS quick access icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
1. Expand the quick access bar (next to the [Start] button) by clicking on the "double greater-than sign"

2. Right click on the icon you want to delete and select "Delete".
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

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7-1-1-4 Delete MWS icon in the Start dialog

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
1. Click on [Start] ➜ a dialog window opens.

2. Right click on the icon you want to delete and select "Remove from This List".
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

7-1-2 Program Folder

7-1-2-1 Program Folders on a 64 bit system:
During the upgrade process, two new program folders will be created.
- Program folder x64 ➜ program folder for the 64 bit version
- Program folder x86 ➜ program folder for the 32 bit version
7-1-2-2 Program Folders on a 32 bit system:
During the upgrade process, only one new program folder will be created.

Check that only one new program folder has been created.
If two program folders have been created, the program folder that does not correspond to your
installed system must be deleted. Page no. 109 Chapter 4

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Delete the program folder that does not correspond to your installed version:
1. Go to C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation.
2. Delete the x64 folder.

Is needed
for 64-bit
Is needed
for 32-bit

! Notice:
For Windows 7: Always start the MammoWorkstation as Administaror:
- Right click on "Setup_ImageDiagnost_[version]_[…].exe and click Run as administrator.

- Confirm "User Account Control" query.

- Right click on the MammoWorkstation icon.
- Select Properties

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- Go to tab Compatibility and enable the Run this program as an administrator checkbox (1). Page no. 111 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A12 - IDI Software installation

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
• Internet connection
To operate the system, a valid license for Image Diagnost Software is required. The license key
depends on the PC hardware.

4 Installation code creation

The installation code describes the hardware and system environment.
1. Login to Settings and go to the License tab. Click on [Display license agreement]. Page no. 113 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

2. Click [Accept].

3. Click on [Request license].

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

The "Installation Code" will be displayed:

Installation Code

4. Copy this code.

5. Connect to the internet (from any PC) and go to:
6. Fill in all fields. To obtain a license, perform the following:
- identify yourself,
- identify the customer order with the purchased options, and
- provide the "Installation Code" created above. Page no. 115 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

For a MWS standalone license request (single MammoWorkstation including a Collaboration
Server), use MammoWorkstation (standalone) as the Ordered system configuration:

7. Press [Send] to send the completed form.

! Notice:
License codes are only issued during Munich office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00-17:00 (CET).
! Notice:
The license is sent to the e-mail address provided in the form. Take care to spell your e-mail
address correctly. In case of inquiries, send an e-mail to
8. Enter the license code in the respective field (1) as shown below and click on [Finished]. The C-Echo
test will be carried out.

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If the Features of Version 4.x (not available in USA) and the Backlight creation (not available in
USA) boxes were ticked for the license request, the following warning will be displayed. Press
[Activate license]; the C-Echo test will be carried out.

For a MWS standalone license request, ensure that the CollaborationServer checkbox is checked. Page no. 117 Chapter 4

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If you confirm the dialog with [Finished], the C-Echo test will be carried out.

As the mandatory configuration has yet not been completed, a warning pop-up comes up (see
below). Confirm this warnings by clicking [OK]. Then click [OK] on the License tab.

If you confirm this warning and click [OK] on the License tab, you will receive the following message:

9. Confirm this message by clicking [OK]. Go to the tab Local (which will be marked by a red cross) and
continue the mandatory configuration, seeJob Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration on page 121

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

! Notice:
For Windows 7: Always start the MammoWorkstation as Administaror:
- Right click on the MammoWorkstation icon and select Run as administrator.
- Right click on the MammoWorkstation icon.
- Select Properties
- Go to tab Compatibility and enable the Run this program as an administrator checkbox (1). Page no. 119 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing

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Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration

Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’’

3 Configuration
1. Login to Settings. The default credentials are:
- Name: admin
- Password:admin
2. On the tab "Local", fill in the following fields:
1. Name of station: this name is used as the station name in DICOM evidence documents (such as
reports or presentation states) created with MammoWorkstation or MammoDS.
2. Name of institution: this name is used as the institution’s name in DICOM evidence documents
(such as reports or presentation states) created with MammoWorkstation or MammoDS.

2 Page no. 121 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A16 - Mandatory configuration

3. Own AE Title (Other DICOM partners, e.g. a PACS archive, must know this AE Title.)
4. Insert the path to the folder "dbcache" (folder for the local image database) created earlier. The
file cache must be on a separate partition. For MammoWorkstation this is a dedicated RAID 0
5. Establish the cache size (minimum size is 150GB, maximum size is 80% of the harddisk size).
3. Click [OK] after completion. A warning pop-up comes up (see below). Confirm this warnings by
clicking [OK].

4. A service will be restarted and tested:

4 Verification (MammoWorkstation)
1. Login to MammoWorkstation using
- Login: demo
- Password: demo
This completes the mandatory configuration.

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Job Card IST A17 - Reporting mask configuration for MammoDS

Job Card IST A17 - Reporting mask configuration for MammoDS Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoDS / TechInsight.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
• HP Compaq dc7900 Base Model Convertible Minitower PC.

4 Introduction
If the Reporting Module is licensed, the Reporting mask in the IDI application will be available.
While setting up a MammoDS, the Reporting Mask Type needs to be adapted to meet the requirements
of the MammoDS.

5 Configure Reporting Mask Type

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the MammoWorkstation.ini.

4. Look for section [Modality Settings].

5. Edit the following tags and replace the default parameters:
Tags with default parameters for MWS:
• ReportingWorkflow = STD
• ReportingMaskType = REPORTING
Tags after modification for MammoDS:
• ReportingWorkflow = STD (For Germany, put "MASC2" or "MAMMASOFT")
• ReportingMaskType = AQUISITIONDOCU
• ReportingMaskType = CLINICALDOCU
In the CLINICALDOCU view, the Imaging Parameters, which are required in the
AQIUSITIONDOCU, don’t need to be filled in. Page no. 123 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A17 - Reporting mask configuration for MammoDS

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Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme configuration for Windows XP

Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme configuration for Windows XP Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 5’

3 Procedure
It is not necessary to configure the desktop theme under Windows 7.

1. Navigate to:
• C:\Program Files(x86)\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\desktop-theme for
• C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\desktop-theme for MammoDS.
2. Double-click "imagediagnost_MWS_standard".

The Display Properties window will open.

3. Click [Apply] to validate your choice. This step lasts about 10 seconds. All monitors should then have
a black background.
4. Switch to tab "Desktop" and click [Browse].
5. Browse to the directory:
• C:\Program Files(x86)\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\desktop-theme for
• C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\desktop-theme for MammoDS. Page no. 125 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A18 - Desktop theme configuration for Windows XP

6. Select "desktop_logo". Confirm with [OK].

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Job Card IST A19 - Additional language files for Windows XP

Job Card IST A19 - Additional language files for Windows XP Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.
This job card only applies to countries where either East Asian languages or complex script and
right to left languges are used.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 5’

3 Install additional language files

Under Windows 7 the East Asian languages and complex script and left to right languages are
already installed by default.

1. Go Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Regional and Language Options.

2. Go to the tab Languages.

3. Enable the check box next to Install files for East Asian languages.
➜ at the dialog box informing you about the required space for these language files, click [OK]. Page no. 127 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A19 - Additional language files for Windows XP

4. Enable the check box next to Install files for complex script and right-to-left languges (including Thai).
➜ at the dialog box informing you about the required space for these language files, click [OK].
5. Click [Apply].

6. After installation, you will be asked to restart your computer. Click [Yes].

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Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP

Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Hardware requirements
• IDI keypad, P/N 5314876

4 Installation
Make sure that the right file C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\keypad\
[yyyymmdd]_keypad_v[version]CAD.mws (e.g. 20090519_keypad_v45CAD.mws) version is used.
Make sure that the correct keypad version of MacroWorks II keypad is used. This version
is included in the MammoWorkstation Software version 4.6.0.

1. Attach the keypad device via USB. You can choose any available USB port.
Before you start the installation, make sure the keypad device is properly connected to the
2. Activate the keypad by turning the wheel on the right side of the keypad up: the control button will
turn red.
3. Execute the installer mwii.v[current version].exe from the install folder and follow the instructions. Page no. 129 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP

4. Reboot the computer after being prompted to do so:

5. After the restart, an icon named "X-keys MacroWorks II" will be visible in the system tray.

This icon indicates that the device driver has been correctly installed and loaded.

5 Verification of installation
1. Right click on the icon to display the context menu.
The displayed context menu must look like the following:

2. In case the system tray icon is not visible, reactivate it by going to Start ➜ All Programs ➜ P.I.
Engineering ➜ MacroWorks II ➜ MacroWorks II.

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Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP

3. If this fails, right click on the taskbar and open the task Manager.

4. Highlight the process "MacroWorks.exe" on the tab "Processes" and click on [End Process].

5. Restart MacroWorks II as described above.

6 Configuration
1. To start the configuration, open the keypad GUI (graphical user interface) and select "Xkeys
Desktop" from the X-keys’ task bar icon ’s context menu or scroll the sliding controller (1) anti-
clockwise. Page no. 131 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A20 - MacroWorks II keypad installation on Windows XP

The keypad GUI will appear.

The keys are blank as no
functions have been assigned yet.

2. Select File ➜ Open.

3. Activate the recommended key configuration:
a. Navigate to the default MacroWorks-script
e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\keypad\).
b. Select the [yyyymmdd]_keypad_v45CAD.mws (1) and click [Open] (2).

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7 Verification of configuration
1. Once the xkeys layout has been loaded, check that shortcuts are assigned to each key:

Correction for MammoWorkstation 4.3.0: Replace <F2> with "Ctrl-M" and <F3> with "Ctrl-C".
The following table shows an example of xkeys settings:

Table 1

Alt-Cursor up Shift-AltCursor up 2(number of MLO protocol) 3(number of CC protocol)

Alt Cursor down Shift-Alt-Cursor down Alt-d Alt-e

Alt-Cursor left Alt-Cursor right Alt-f Alt-i

Alt-j Alt-q Alt-y Alt-r

Alt-Page down Alt-Page up Alt- - Alt-n

2. Come back to this section for validation purpose as soon as images have been imported into the
The shortcut configuration setting shown in the task before is equal to the following labels which can
be added to the keys on the keypad: Page no. 133 Chapter 4

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Spare keys
(if no reporting)

Available commands are listed at the end of the user manual.
The keypad layout can be customized using the MacroWorks II software. Labels for spare keys are
provided in /Program Files/ImageDiagnost/MammoWorkstation/keypad/.

8 Customizing the keypad layout

To change a key assignment on the keypad, do the following:
1. Start the X-keys GUI.
2. Open a "Record/Edit Macro" window:
a. Click the key you wish to reprogram with your mouse.
b. Press a key on the keypad itself.
The "Record/Edit Macro" window for this specific key will open.

3. Click the [Clear] button to unassign the current keyboard layout for this specific key.

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4. There are two ways to configure this specific key:

a. Press the keys on the keyboard that are to be assigned.

In the previous example,

- press [Alt],
- go to menu Insert ➜ Key Down,
- press [Alt],
- go to menu Insert ➜ Key Up,
- press [OK].
The key is configured.

b. Navigate to
C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\keypad.

- Select the desired .exe file with the mouse.

- Drag the selected .exe file into the keypad GUI
- Drop the selected .exe file on the empty key of the keypad GUI.
The key is configured.
5. Go to File ➜ Save to save the layout.
For further questions, consult the P.I. Engineering helpfile: go to Start ➜ P.I. Engineering ➜
MacroWorks II ➜ MacroWorks II Help. Page no. 135 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7 Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Hardware requirements
• IDI keypad, P/N 5314876

4 Installation
Make sure that the right file C:\Program Files (x86) \ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\ keypad\
[yyyymmdd]_keypad_default.mws (e.g. 20200617_keypad_default.mws) version is used.
Make sure that the correct keypad version of MacroWorks 3 keypad is used. This version
is included in the MammoWorkstation Software version 4.6.0.

1. Right click on the installation file MW3InstallerWeb.exe from the install folder and click "Run as
administrator": Page no. 137 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

2. Accept the License Agreement by clicking [I Agree]:

3. Click [Next].

4. Click [Install].

5. After the installation is complete, click [Close].

6. After MacroWorks3 setup is complete, you will be asked to restart your computer. Click [Yes].

7. After the restart, attach the keypad via USB. You can choose any available USB port.
8. Windows will automatically install the device drivers.

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9. An icon named "X-keys MacroWorks 3" will be visible in the system tray.

This icon indicates that the device driver has been correctly installed and loaded.

5 Verification of installation
1. Right click on the icon to display the context menu.
The displayed context menu must look like the following:

2. In case the system tray icon is not visible, reactivate it by going to Start ➜ All Programs ➜ P.I.
Engineering ➜ MacroWorks 3 ➜ MacroWorks 3. Page no. 139 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

3. If this fails, right click on the taskbar and open the Task Manager.

4. Highlight the process "MacroWorks3.exe" on the tab "Processes" and click on [End Process] (1).

5. Restart MacroWorks3 as described above.

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6 Configuration
1. To start the configuration, press the programming switch to open the MacroWorks3 Graphical User

2. Click on File ➜ Import

3. A Script Conversion Wizard opens up. Click [Next]. Page no. 141 Chapter 4

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4. Click on [Browse].

5. Navigate to the default MacroWorks-script

e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\keypad\).
6. Select the [yyyymmdd]_keypad_default.mws (1) and click [Open] (2).

7. Click [Next] in the Script Conversion Wizard.

8. In the section Destination Device select the radio button "Select the device" and hightlight your
device (e.g."X-keys Desktop SE").
The name of your device can be found on the back of the keypad.

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9. Click [Next].

10. A short overview of the buttons and the assigned macros appears. Click [Next]. Page no. 143 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

11. Click [Finish]. The Script Conversion Wizard window will close and the main window of MacroWorks3
will become active. On the top, click on the dropdown menu and select your device (1).

12. The "Closing Script!" window appears. In the dropdown menu select your device and click [Assign].

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

7 Verification of configuration
1. Once the xkeys layout has been loaded, check that shortcuts are assigned to each key:

Correction for MammoWorkstation 4.3.0: Replace <F2> with "Ctrl-M" and <F3> with "Ctrl-C".
The following table shows an example of xkeys settings:

Table 2

Alt-Cursor up Shift-AltCursor up 2(number of MLO protocol) 3(number of CC protocol)

Alt Cursor down Shift-Alt-Cursor down Alt-d Alt-e

Alt-Cursor left Alt-Cursor right Alt-f Alt-i

Alt-j Alt-q Alt-y Alt-r

Alt-Page down Alt-Page up Alt- - Alt-n

2. Come back to this section for validation purpose as soon as images have been imported into the
"dbcache". Page no. 145 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

The shortcut configuration setting shown in the task before is equal to the following labels which can
be added to the keys on the keypad:

Spare keys
(if no reporting)

Available commands are listed at the end of the user manual.
The keypad layout can be customized using the MacroWorks II software. Labels for spare keys are
provided in /Program Files/ImageDiagnost/MammoWorkstation/keypad/.

8 Customizing the keypad layout

To change a key assignment on the keypad, do the following:
1. Start the X-keys GUI.
2. Open a "Record/Edit Macro" window:
a. Click the key you wish to reprogram with your mouse.
b. Press a key on the keypad itself.
The "Record/Edit Macro" window for this specific key will open.

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

3. Click the [Clear] button to unassign the current keyboard layout for this specific key.
4. There are two ways to configure this specific key:
a. Press the keys on the keyboard that are to be assigned.

In the previous example,

- press [Alt],
- go to menu Insert ➜ Key Down,
- press [Alt],
- go to menu Insert ➜ Key Up,
- press [OK].
The key is configured.

b. Navigate to
C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\keypad.

- Select the desired .exe file with the mouse.

- Drag the selected .exe file into the keypad GUI
- Drop the selected .exe file on the empty key of the keypad GUI.
The key is configured.
5. Go to File ➜ Save to save the layout.
For further questions, consult the P.I. Engineering helpfile: go to Start ➜ P.I. Engineering ➜
MacroWorks II ➜ MacroWorks II Help. Page no. 147 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A48 - MacroWorks 3 keypad installation on Windows 7

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Hardware requirements
• IDI software application CD.
A validated VNC version supporting Windows 7 can not be provided.
Contact the IDI Service team for further information.

4 Introduction
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) allows to view and fully interact with another computer.
VNC consists of two components: a server, which runs on the computer you want to remotely access,
and a viewer, which runs on the computer you are sitting in front of.
A remote desktop software such as VNC must be available to diagnose and fix problems.

5 Installation
1. Launch the VNC installer. Click [Run].
2. The VNC Setup Wizard will open. Click [Next]. Page no. 149 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

3. Accept the license agreement by selecting the radio button "I accept the agreement".

4. Select a destination location for the installation. Click [Next].

5. Choose Full Installation and click [Next].

6. For the following two windows, click [Next].

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

7. Check your settings and click [Install].

8. At the end of the installation, the VNC server can be configured.

6 Configuration
Make sure that port 5900 is open through the firewall (See section Firewall on page 76).
1. Click [Configure] to set a password for incoming connections. This is mandatory.
Click [Apply].

2. Click [Next].
3. Click [Finish]. The installation and configuration of VNC is complete. Page no. 151 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

7 Verification
7-1 IP address determination
1. Click on Start ➜ Run..., type in "cmd" and hit [Enter].
2. Next type "ipconfig".

3. Or else in the task bar, double click the system tray icon for your local area connection.

4. Go to tab Support.

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

7-2 Remote connectivity test

1. Go to another computer which resides on the same network and connect to the computer where you
have just installed the VNC server.
At least the VNC viewer has to be installed on the other computer.
2. Insert the IP of the target computer and click [OK].

3. Enter the just configured password when you are prompted for, and click [OK].

The desktop of the other computer will be visible in a VNC window. Page no. 153 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A22 - VNC Installation for Windows XP

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Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration

Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Overview of tab "Local"


7 8

4 5



1. Insert a descriptive name for the station. The lenght must not exceed 16 characters. This name will
appear on the login screen.
This name is used as the station name in DICOM evidence documents (such as reports or
presentation states) created with MammoWorkstation or MammoDS.
2. Insert the institution’s name.
This name is used as the institution’s name in DICOM evidence documents (such as reports or
presentation states) created with MammoWorkstation or MammoDS.
3. Displays the local computer’s name (on which the application is installed). Other DICOM partners,
e.g. a PACS, must know this name.
4. The AE Title of the local DICOM storage SCP. Other DICOM partners, e.g. a PACS archive, must
know this AE Title. Page no. 155 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration

5. Use C-ECHO to test the availability of the local DICOM Storage SCP. A green checkmark implies
that the SCP is active. If verification fails, a red cross appears. Typical cause for failure during
installation is an invalid license.
6. Port for the local DICOM Storage SCP. Port 104 is the standard port used for DICOM
communication. Keep this port unless the network administrator of the customer site tells you
otherwise. Other DICOM partners, e.g., a PACS, must know this AE Title.
7. The Image Diagnost authentication server provides user accounts for MammoWorkstation and
MammoDS. It also manages the administrator accounts for all other IDI products.
The location of the authentication server depends on the availability of a CollaborationServer:
a. There is no CollaborationServer: For a stand-alone installation, the authentication server is part of
the local installation, i.e., "localhost". It is already preconfigured. There is nothing to do.

b. There is a CollaborationServer: In this case, the

CollaborationServer provides a central authentication
service for all workstations. Instead of "localhost", enter
the IP number of the CollaborationServer:
- on each MDS, MWS and DSH, open the
GlobalConfig.ini file through the support interface
(http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/; user:
admin; password: admin).
- add the IP address of the CollaborationServer into
the following parameters:
Replace the xxx.yyy.zzz.ppp (see screenshot
below) with the IP of the Collaboration Server

When logging on to the MWS, MDS or DSH, the CollaborationServer’s user database will now be
contacted for authentication.

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Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration

8. Verify network connectivity to the authentication server. A green checkmark reflects a proper network
9. The path to the local file cache. This is the folder "dbcache" (created earlier).
The file cache must be on a separate partition. For MammoWorkstation this is a dedicated RAID 0
10. Set the size that will be reserved for local database, i.e., the space that the folder "dbcache" can
At least 20% of the hard-disk must remain free.
11. For MammoWorkstation and MammoDS only:
If active, the user can search the local database (cache). This is recommended only for
demonstration purpose, if no PACS archive is available or the if PACS archive does not provide
appropriate DICOM Q/R services.
Normally, only worklist and PACS sources are available to the user. This has the advantage that the
user has access to the complete patient information and that evidence documents (reports,
presentation states) are automatically stored in the PACS archive. MammoWorkstation takes care of
prefetching images from the PACS and keeping a copy of these images on the local database
(cache). Page no. 157 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A02 - Local DICOM settings and database configuration

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Introduction
The Image Diagnost user manager allows identification of physicians working with the
MammoWorkstation and MammoDS. The accounts of administrators with access to settings are
The location of the user manager depends on the availability of a CollaborationServer:
a. There is no CollaborationServer: For a stand-alone installation, the user manager is part of the
local installation. User accounts are managed on the local PC. In this case, the User Manager
URL refers to "localhost".
b. There is a CollaborationServer: In this case, the CollaborationServer manages user accounts
centrally. In this case, the User Manager URL refers to the IP number of the CollaborationServer:
The tab "Local" in "Settings" displays the currently configured authentication server that provides
the User Manager.

4 User account creation

1. Open the User Manager by entering this URL: http://localhost:8080/CollServerWebGUI.
In case of centrally managed systems, use http://<CollaborationServer>:8080/CollServerWebGUI,
where <CollaborationServer> is replaced by the IP address of the CollaborationServer.
Alternatively, go to the Supportinterface: http://localhost:8080/supportinterface (replace "localhost"
with the IP address of the CollaborationServer if there is one, e.g.

2. Select [Collaboration Server Admin]:

The default Login is "admin", password
• Select [USERS AND ROLES]. Page no. 159 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

3. Create accounts for

MammoWorkstation users:
• Click on [Create a new USER].
• Fill in the mandatory fields.
- ID: choose an appropriate ID.
When starting the application,
the ID will be the Name of the
user account.
- Name: choose an appropriate
name. The name is not going
to be used when staring the
- Password: choose an
appropriate password.
- Rad Code: leave empty
- Supervisions: the default
setting is 0. If you need to
configure this setting, contact
your local service team.
- Status: Select Active
- Role members: choose a
group to which the created
user shall belong. Indicate if
the worklist task assigned to
this specific user shall be
Public to all other users in this
group or if the tasks should be
Hidden and therefore only be visible to this specific user.
- Authorization to access TASKs: Select the tasks this specific user is allowed to carry out. To
select several tasks, press [Ctrl] and contemporarily select the desired tasks with the mouse.
• Confirm with [Save USER] when finished.

Only users with the role "admin" can
configure the MammoWorkstation.
At least one user must have the
admin role. So do not delete the
admin account.

4. To validate the account creation, start MammoWorkstation and login with the just created account.

In the application login window, the Name will be the ID of the User account creation window.

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

5 Role and task configuration for a combined MammoWorkstation /

Collaboration Server
1. Open the User Manager by entering this URL http://localhost:8080/supportinterface.
2. Select [Collaboration Server Admin]:
The default Login is "admin", password "admin".
• Select [Create a new ROLE].

- Enter an appropriate ID for your role (e.g. Breast Care Center).

- Enter an appropriate description for your role (e.g. Breast Care Center). Page no. 161 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

• Once the role is created, it will be displayed in the User account creation window and can be
selected as a ROLE member:

5-1 Create a worklist upon import of images

This option is especially interesting for sites that do the reporting externally. They need to keep track of
images that have entered the IDI MammoWorkstation. Each imported study/ image must therefore
create a worklist task.
The configuration steps encompass modifications within the GUI (graphical user interface) as well as
within xml files:

5-1-1 Modifications within GUI

1. Login to Settings. The default credentials are:
- Login: "admin"
- Password: "admin"

Chapter 4 Page no. 162

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

2. Go to tab Routing.
- Choose the rule "Create worklist on import". The AE title of this rule is AE_MAMMO_WL.(1)
- Tick the box "Notify Collaboration Server" (2) and insert the right IP address (3) of the
Collaboration Server.
The IP address can either be "localhost" if the workstation includes a Collaboration Server, or the
IP address of a separate Collaboration Server.

2 3
The modality needs to be configured to send images to the AE title " AE_MAMMO_WL". The reception of
images at this AE title triggers a notification being sent to the Collaboration Server. The Collaboration
Server then creates a worklist task.

5-1-2 Modifications within xml files

The default behaviour is that a Single Reading task is created for Demo User.
The default settings can be modified:
Make sure the IDI application including the logon screen is closed, otherwise changes in
configuration files won't take any effect.

2 Page no. 163 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/ .
2. Select Configuration Folder (1).
- Click on WfConf.xml (2) to open the file and search for the tag:
<worklist_definitions description= [...]>

The parameter of this tag states which file contains the active worklist definitions. The default file
is WorklistDefinitions.en.xml.

- Go back to the Configuration Folder.

- Checkmark "WorklistDefinitions.en.xml" (3) and click on edit.
- Search for the following section:

<sps_performing_actor_name>Demo User</sps_performing_actor_name>

This section is responsible for the creation of a SINGLE_READING task scheduled for Demo User when
an image is sent to the AE title AE_MAMMO_WL. This reading task will be available to any user that is
authorized to access the task READING and that is a member of the same group as the Demo User.

All available task types/task descriptions that can be applied to

are listed below:

task_type_code task_type_description


KVSCREENING_TASK_2B Clinical Documentation



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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

task_type_code task_type_description


KVSCREENING_TASK_6 Consensus Reading


DIGITIZE Digitize Film

PRIORS Request Priors





When modifying the WorklistDefinition.en.xml file, it is mandatory to make use of these predefined task
types. Certain task types include a listener that will create a consecutive task after completion of the
previous one.
Example: After a "First Reading" task is completed, a "Second Reading" task will automatically be
created. The Second Reading will be followed by a "Consensus Reading" task if the findings of First
Reading and Second Reading were different.

Example of a valid modification:

If you want to create a First Reading task for the user "Site XXX", the section in the
WorklistDefinitions.en.xml file has to be modified as shown below:

<wl_order_task_type_description>First Reading<
<sps_performing_actor_name>Site XXX</sps_performing_actor_name>
</item_creation> Page no. 165 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

3. Restart Apache Tomcat service.

5-1-3 Verification
1. Login to MammoWorkstation.
2. Send any patient to the rule "Create worklist on import".
It does not matter if the images received on the rule "Create worklist on import" were sent from
outside (modality) or from within the IDI workstation. The effect is the same.

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

3. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
4. Select Findings Summary(1).
5. Select Worklist Status (2).

6. Choose "Scheduled" for Task Status.

7. Click [Search].


If a First Reading task for User "Site XXX" was created (see image above), the configuration is correct. Page no. 167 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A04 - User accounts creation

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Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration

Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MWS and MDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Overview of tab "Preferences"


1. Select the language for the user interface.
2. Adjust the brightness of the user interface.
3. Cancel or activate the display of the "Track viewed images warning".
This warning display may be mandatory in your country (e.g. US). Check the regulation before
canceling this warning. For further information refer to Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific
setting on page 223 .

4. Adjust the display font size of the user interface.

For MDS, the font size has to be reduced from the default 13 down to 7. Page no. 169 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration

5. Edit information displayed as annotations on top of each image. The default setting follows the IHE
(Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) recommendation. The default setting can be restored with the
button [Reset to IHE standard].
The first line, containing Patient ID and Patient’s Name is mandatory. Consequently, this line is
grayed out and cannot be edited.

The format for each line consists of

a. A text string: the text string must be written withing quotation marks (e.g. "Patient [%s] %s").
The string may contain placeholders to insert DICOM values. Use %s to indicate a placeholder.
Placeholders are substituted by the DICOM values specified in subsequent arguments.
b. DICOM tag IDs as arguments: The string is followed by a comma separated list of DICOM tag IDs
as arguments.
For DICOM tag xxxx,yyyy write xxxx-yyyy.

Default DICOM attributes that fulfill IHE and MQSA requirements are:
The entry in bold script in the column "Dislayed image information in tab Preferences: Text string
+ DICOM tag ID" is the one corresponding to the attribute. Additional text was only added for easier
localization of the quoted attribute.

DICOM tag Attribute Displayed image information in tab

Text string + DICOM tag ID

0010,0020 Patient ID "Patient [%s] %s", 10-20, 10-10

0010,0010 Patient's Name "Patient [%s] %s", 10-20, 10-10

0010,0030 Patient's Birth Date "DOB %y, Age %s", 10-30, 10-1010

0010,1010 Patient's Age "DOB %y, Age %s", 10-30, 10-1010

0008,0060 Modality "%s, Acq date %y %t", 8-60, 8-22, 8-32

0008,0022 Acquisition Date "%s, Acq date %y %t", 8-60, 8-22, 8-32

0008,0032 Acquisition Time "%s, Acq date %y %t", 8-60, 8-22, 8-32

0020,0010 Study ID "StudyID %s, SeriesNR %d, ImageNR

%d",20-10, 20-11, 20-13

0020,0011 Series Number "StudyID %s, SeriesNR %d, ImageNR

%d",20-10, 20-11, 20-13

0020,0013 Image/Instance Number "StudyID %s, SeriesNR %d, ImageNR

%d",20-10, 20-11, 20-13

0028,0011 Columns "%dx%dx%d, %s %s", 28-11, 28-10,

28-101, 28-1400, 18-1401

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Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration

DICOM tag Attribute Displayed image information in tab

Text string + DICOM tag ID

0028,0010 Rows "%dx%dx%d, %s %s", 28-11, 28-10,

28-101, 28-1400, 18-1401

0028,0101 Bits Stored "%dx%dx%d, %s %s", 28-11, 28-10,

28-101, 28-1400, 18-1401

0018,1400 Acquisition Device "%dx%dx%d, %s %s", 28-11, 28-10,

Processing Description 28-101, 28-1400, 18-1401

0018,1401 Acquisition Device "%dx%dx%d, %s %s", 28-11, 28-10,

Processing Code 28-101, 28-1400, 18-1401

0008,1070 Operator's Name "Operator %s", 8-1070

0018,0060 Peak Voltage Output "KVP %fkV, Exp %fmAs %fms, S-

Value: %f", 18-60, 18-1152, 18-1150,

0018,1150 Exposure Time "KVP %fkV, Exp %fmAs %fms, S-

Value: %f", 18-60, 18-1152, 18-1150,

0018,1152 Exposure "KVP %fkV, Exp %fmAs %fms, S-

Value: %f", 18-60, 18-1152, 18-1150,

0018,1405 Relative X-ray Exposure "X-Ray rel %f, ED %fmGy, OD %fdGy,

Angle %f", 18-1405, 40-8302, 40-316,

0040,8302 Entrance Dose "X-Ray rel %f, ED %fmGy, OD %fdGy,

Angle %f", 18-1405, 40-8302, 40-316,

0040,0316 Organ Dose "X-Ray rel %f, ED %fmGy, OD %fdGy,

Angle %f", 18-1405, 40-8302, 40-316,

0018,1510 Position. Primary Angel "X-Ray rel %f, ED %fmGy, OD %fdGy,

Angle %f", 18-1405, 40-8302, 40-316,

0018,1191 Anode Target Material "A/F %s/%s, D %fmm, Fcomp %fN", 18-
1191,18-7050, 18-11A0, 18-11A2

0018,7050 Filter Material "A/F %s/%s, D %fmm, Fcomp %fN", 18-

1191,18-7050, 18-11A0, 18-11A2

0018,11A0 Body Part Thickness "A/F %s/%s, D %fmm, Fcomp %fN", 18-
1191,18-7050, 18-11A0, 18-11A2

0018,11A2 Compression Force "A/F %s/%s, D %fmm, Fcomp %fN", 18-

1191,18-7050, 18-11A0, 18-11A2 Page no. 171 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A06 - Language and display preference configuration

DICOM tag Attribute Displayed image information in tab

Text string + DICOM tag ID

0018,700A Detector ID "DetID %s, last calibration %y", 18-

700A, 18-700C

0018,700C Date of last Calibration "DetID %s, last calibration %y", 18-
700A, 18-700C

0008,0080 Institution Name "Inst %s, %s" , 8-80, 8-81

0008,0081 Institution Address "Inst %s, %s" , 8-80, 8-81

0008,0070 Manufacturer "%s, %s, SN %s" , 8-70, 8-1090, 18-


0008,1090 Manufacturer Model Name "%s, %s, SN %s" , 8-70, 8-1090, 18-

0018,1000 Device Serial Number "%s, %s, SN %s" , 8-70, 8-1090, 18-

For CESM it is recommended to add:

To add the CESM DICOM tags, you need to replace other DICOM tags.

DICOM tag Attribute Displayed image information in tab

Text string + DICOM tag ID

0018,0010 Contrast Bolus Agent "Agent %s, Vol %s, Concentration %s",
18-10, 18-1040, 18-1049

0018,1040 Contrast Bolus Volume "Agent %s, Vol %s, Concentration %s",
18-10, 18-1040, 18-1049

0018,1049 Contrast Bolus Ingredient "Agent %s, Vol %s, Concentration %s",
Concentration 18-10, 18-1040, 18-1049

0018,1042 Contrast Bolus Start Time "%s", 18-1042

For German Screening it is recommended to add:

DICOM tag Attribute Displayed image information in tab

Text string + DICOM tag ID

0018,6000 Sensitivity "KVP %fkV, Exp %fmAs %fms, S-Value:

%f", 18-60, 18-1152, 18-1150, 18-6000

6. Click [Apply] and then restart the PC.

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Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration

Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 Introduction
Partners are external DICOM devices the Image Diagnost applications communicate with. Partners can
provide a source and/or a destination. Typical partners are a local or remote PACS, other
MammoWorkstations, or a routing target such as DICOM Shuttle.
MammoWorkstation and MammoDS support as source: DICOM Storage SCP, DICOM Query-Retrieve
SCP, and DICOM-Media (DICOMDIR). Destinations can be DICOM Storage SCU or DICOM-Media.
CollaborationServer and Dicom-Shuttle support as source: DICOM Storage SCP. Destinations can be
DICOM Storage SCU.

4 Overview of tab "Communication"



1. List of all DICOM Partner that have been configured.

2. Create new DICOM Partners or delete existing ones. For partner type "DICOM Media", see Job Card
CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration on page 177 .
3. Display name of the DICOM partner.
4. Optional description of the DICOM partner. Page no. 173 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration

5. TCP/IP address of the DICOM partner. Use [Ping] to verify that the IP is reachable.
6. Only for MammoWorkstation and MammoDS:
If the DICOM partner supports DICOM Query and Retrieve service, MammoWorkstation can query
patient information and retrieve images from this partner.
MWS does not support Q/R (it can only be destination).
7. AE title of the partner DICOM Q/R SCP. Use [C-ECHO] to verify the presence of a DICOM SCP.
8. Port of the partner DICOM Q/R SCP.
9. Select the type of Query/Retrieve model supported by the DICOM partner. Study-Root + Relational
provides the best performance. Select this if supported by the PACS.
10. The DICOM partner provides DICOM Storage SCP service. It can be target of send-actions.
AE Title and Port of the Storage SCP.
Use [C-ECHO] to verify the presence of a DICOM SCP.
11. Choose if images are to be compressed when sent.
Options are: None, JPEG 2000 lossless, JPEG 2000 1:10, JPEG 2000 1:15.
12. Define where the evidence documents created at MammoWorkstation and MammoDS (reports/
DICOM SR and presentation states/DICOM PR/DICOM encapsulated PDF (DOC)) should be sent.
Default is the partner itself. I.e., for cases from a PACS source reports would be sent back to the
same PACS.
Sometimes, an alternative target is required.
Example: The destination could be a rule on the DicomShuttle.
- This rule could contain preconditions e.g. only PR/SR (and/or DOC) depending on what the
archive accepts.
- This rule could contain a list of other members of a screening unit and the PACS.
The evidence documents would then be distributed amongst all recipients on that list.
For further information on Routing rules, refer to Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration
on page 189.
13. The DICOM partner provides DICOM Storage Commitment SCP. The DICOM Shuttle can pass
through storage commitment requests from the modality to the archive.

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Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration

5 Verification
Verify your configuration using the [Ping] and [C-ECHO] functions.
Verification status:

• : Verification in progress

• : The Partner is reachable

• : No service found. Page no. 175 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration

This page is blank.

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Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration

Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 5’

3 Prerequisite
Ensure that your data source is a DICOM Media. This requires that the data source (CD/DVD/folder) is
organized in conformance to the DICOM Media format standard. To verify this, check that this structure
can be seen in the root folder. The root folder must show a file "DICOMDIR":

To import DICOM images that are not in a DICOM structured media, use the tool "Import files from
disk" accessible from menu Start ➜ Program Files ➜ Image Diagnost ➜ Tools.

4 Procedure
1. Insert any CD in the CD driver of the MammoWorkstation.
2. Enter the settings of the MammoWorkstation and select the tab "Communication".
3. Configure a new DICOM Partner (Dicom – CD).

4. Insert the path to your CD/DVD-drive or to a folder holding the images for the import.
Ensure that the path directs to the "DICOMDIR" file. In case of a DICOM CD/DVD, use the path of
the drive, e.g., "E:\". Page no. 177 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration

5. Click [OK] (the IDDicomReceive.scp service will be restarted and a C-Echo test will be performed).

6. Exit the IDI application (otherwise the new DICOM Partner won’t be visible).

5 Validation
1. Login as a user to MammoWorkstation and perform a seek mode on the DICOM Partner holding the
data as shown below (Interval of time "unlimited").

The images are still on the DICOM media and not yet in the local cache. The prefetch status is
therefore displayed red.

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Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration

2. Click [Prefetch] to load the images from the DICOM media onto the local database (cache). To select
several cases at once, press [Ctrl] and contemporaneously select the desired cases with the mouse
After the import is finished, the images will have a green prefetch status. Page no. 179 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A10 - DICOM media import configuration

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to
MammoWorkstation (remote control) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 Introduction
MammoWorkstation supports context synchronization between a third party client and
MammoWorkstation. For example, a third party client may be a RIS, MIS or SIS application. This section
describes desktop synchronisation of the current context from the third party client to the
To verify proper configuration and perform an end to end test, access to the third party client is required.

4 Overview of tab "Remote control"

2 Page no. 181 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

1. Allows other applications (RIS, MIS, SIS, etc.) to synchronize the context with the
MammoWorkstation. Images for the current context will be shown in MammoWorkstation.
2. Specify which source is queried for images, in case of a remote control event. This should be the
PACS associated with the RIS application that remote controls MammoWorkstation.

5 Validation
5-1 Allow remote control
1. To allow remote control by other applications, login to the settings, go to tab Remote Control and
enable this feature.

5-2 URL invocation

The system to be validated (e.g. RIS) opens the following URL:
with appropriate query parameters, which forwards the call to the backend service.

Query parameters specify the loadType and the loadCurrent parameters:

Possible parameters are:
- LoadType=PATID ;
Content in loadCurrent = Patinet ID
- LoadType=STUDYUID;
Content in loadCurrent = Study instance UID
- LoadType=ACCNR;
Content in loadCurrent = Accession number

For test reasons, try one of the three URL invocation options:
1. Patient ID:
• The RIS Client must call
loadCurrent=patient-id, with the Patient ID as loadCurrent parameter.

Chapter 4 Page no. 182

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

• Validate the URL invocation by using the Internet Explorer:

•If the call was successful, the Internet Explorer displays the message:
• This call invokes the display of the patient with the Patient ID XXXXXXX on the
2. Study Instance UID:
• The RIS Client must call
STUDYUID&loadCurrent=study-uid, with the StudyUID as loadCurrent parameter.
• To get the Study Instance UID:
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
default login admin/admin
- Select Import Processes (1)


- Select MG for Modality. (2)

- Press Search.(3) ➜ a list will be displayed.

- Select an arbitrary File path(4) ➜ the DICOM File Header Listing will be displayed. Page no. 183 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

- Search for the Study Instance UID, with the Tag 0020,000D

• Validate the URL invocation by using the Internet Explorer

•If the call was successful, the Internet Explorer displays the message:
• This call invokes the display of the patient with the StudyUID XXXXXXXXXXXX on the
3. Accession Number
• The RIS Client must call
loadType=ACCNR&loadCurrent=accession, with the Accession Number as loadCurrent
• To get the Accession Number:
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
- Select Import Processes (1)


- Select MG for Modality. (2)

- Press Search (3) ➜ a list will be displayed.

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

- Select an arbitrary File path (4) ➜ the DICOM File Header Listing will be displayed.
- Search for the Accession Number: Tag 0008,0050

• Validate the URL invocation by using the Internet Explorer:

• If the call was successful, the Internet Explorer displays the message:
• This call invokes the display of the patient with the Accession Number XXXXXXXXXXXX on the
MammoWorkstation. Page no. 185 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A12 - Desktop synchronisation from third party client to MammoWorkstation (remote control)

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Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation from MammoWorkstation to third party client (remote control)

Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation from MammoWorkstation to third

party client (remote control) Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 30’

3 Introduction
MammoWorkstation supports context synchronization between a third party client and the
MammoWorkstation. For example, a third party client may be a RIS, MIS or SIS application.
This section describes desktop synchronisation of the current context from the MammoWorkstation to
the third party client.
To verify proper configuration and perform an end to end test, access to the third party client is required

4 Overview of tab "Remote control"


1. Activate remote control: Allows the MammoWorkstation to synchronize the context with another
application (RIS, MIS, SIS, etc.). Page no. 187 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A13 - Desktop synchronisation from MammoWorkstation to third party client (remote control)

2. Enter the file system path to the external binary.

3. Enter the Remote command parameters, the application you want to remotly control asks for.
Contact the vendor of the application for further detail on specifically required Remote command
For the open study event, the command line arguments, the binary is called with, can be parameterized.
For Study Instance UID, Accession Number and Patient ID, wildcards can be used. Wildcards in the
parameter list are replaced by the values of the current context.
• [study]: wildcard for the Study Instance UID.
E.g.: -STUDYID [study]
• [accno]: wildcard for the Accession -Number.
E.g.: -ACCESSIONNR [accno]
• [patid]: wildcard for the Patient-ID.
E.g.: -PATIENTID [patid]
The default parameter is -STUDYID[study][accno]: The remotly accessed application will
receive the Study Instance UID as well as the Accession-Number.

Chapter 4 Page no. 188

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to DicomShuttle and CollaborationServer.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 Introduction
Routing rules allow associating actions to storage AE titles. If a document is sent to the rule AE title, the
rule is executed.

4 Overview of tab "Routing"



1. List of all rules created. Create a new rule with the [plus] button.
Do NOT delete any of the default routing rules. Only modilications are allowed.
2. The display name of the rule. This should be descriptive.
3. AE title of the rule.
Always reference a rule by it’s AE title.
Rule display names are only relevant for the user interface.
4. Optionally, formulate a precondition under which this rule is executed. If the precondition is not met,
no action takes place. Page no. 189 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

Preconditions can contain "and" and "or" relations.

a. Click [New] for a new precondition.

b. Enter the DICOM tag and value and whether this condition is to be met (==) or not (!=).

This precondition means that the rule only processes documents where the DICOM tag 0008,0060
has the value "SR" or "PR". All other documents will be ignored.
5. Change DICOM Header.
a. It is possible to change DICOM tags of incoming documents.

Use this option only if you are exactly aware of the consequences.
Modification of DICOM header information for incoming documents may destroy image and/or
patient data. A user must be exactly aware of the consequences when using this option

There are many DICOM tags that shall not be modified. In certain situations changing a tag requires
changing other tags as well, e.g., the instance UID.

b. Define one or more actions. Each action can have a precondition of its own.
Formulate the tags and values that need to be corrected. Refer to section How to correct patient
demographics on page 480 for details

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

6. Checkmark "Notify CollaborationServer" if a worklist entry is to be created when an image is received

by the rule.
An example is the default rule "Create worklist on import" with the AE title "AE_MAMMO_WL".
Leave "localhost" if the CollaborationServer is installed on this PC workstation. If the
CollaborationServer is not installed on this PC, enter the Name or IP address of the

7. Option to maintain a MPI (Master Patient Index) to anonymize patient’s identity towards external
targets (i.e. external diagnostic readings) and keeping track of the true identity internally. (Do not
8. Determine if images are decompressed when imported.
Must always be checked for all rules on MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.
On a DicomShuttle, images typically remain untouched in compressed format for further routing.
9. Configure send actions.
a. Click [New] to add targets to the send action.

The "Forward to" drop down menu lists all available destination DICOM partners (see Job Card CFG
A08 - DICOM partners configuration on page 173).
When adding a new DICOM partner the IDI application has to be terminated and restarted in order
for the new target to be visible on the "Forward to" drop down menu.
b. Choose the compression rate.
c. Choose whether the send action is to take place immediately or at a specific time. Page no. 191 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

5 Configuration example: image distribution

The following example shows the configuration needed to distribute the incoming images to different
DICOM nodes.
1. Define a rule:
Any image sent to the routing rule "LOC_XX" (any location) will be sent to the recipients below (see
the list in section "Send action" (1)) unless it does not meet the precondition.

2. Define the precondition:

Only images with a patient ID (DICOM Tag 0010,0020) not starting with "1.2" should be forwarded
according to the rule above:

Chapter 4 Page no. 192

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

3. Change DICOM Header.

• In case the source sending the images uses tags that are not compliant with the DICOM
standard, corrections can be automated with this feature.
• In case some tags have to be modified due to requirements of the workflow, corrections can be
automated with this feature .

Tag view position is

18,1051 or 18,5101

Tag laterality is 20,60

or 20,62

The document does not contain the correct DICOM tags. Instead a private tag (0019,0010) is
provided. The rule corrects the DICOM header tags for view position and laterality.

6 Configuration example: SR distribution

The following use case in this example demands routing rules configuration on different nodes.

Use Case:
After the reading for a client has been completed on a selected MWS/MDS, a report (SR) is being
created on this machine. This SR needs to be sent to a rule (listed on DSH) that distributes the SRs to all
other machines MWS/MDS (and especially to the Collaboration Server).

The following example shows the configurations needed to distribute the SR to different DICOM nodes. Page no. 193 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

1. Define a distribution rule on DSH to

distribute the incoming SR to all MWS/
a. Login on DSH and go to tab "Routing".
b. Create a new routing rule on DSH for
each MWS/MDS where SRs can be
created as shown in the following
screenshot "SR_From_B4".
c. In the field "Send action", add recipients
(in this case all MWS/MDS except the
MWS, where the SR was created).

2. Define a distribution rule on each MWS/MDS to send the created SR to the DICOM Shuttle (DSH).
a. Define a new partner on the MDS/
- Login on each MDS and MWS
that creates SR and go to tab
- Create a new partner (which will
be the DicomShuttle) and for the
target, choose the name of the
routing rule (configured in the
screenshot above) hosted on the
DicomShuttle "SR_FROM_B4".
- Test connectivity with ping and
- Click [OK] and exit the
application to apply the changes.
- Exit out of the logon screens as

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

b. Define a new partner on the MDS/

- Login on each MDS and MWS,
go to tab "Communication" and
switch to "Cache" as shown in
the screenshot below.
- For destination, choose in the
drop down menu the new
created partner "SR_FROM_B4"
responsible for the SR sending.

This will result in all SR documents being automatically sent to the distribution rule on the DSH (which
then sends it to the CS and all other machines except the one where the SR was generated). Page no. 195 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules configuration

This page is blank.

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Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server

Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation, MammoDS, DicomShuttle with WorklistBroker,
CollaborationServer and DigitizingStation.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Introduction: what is a worklist?

When a client enters the medical practice of a physician (radiologist), all relevant data (name, ID, date of
birth, etc.) are entered into a database. This is usually a RIS (Radiology Information System) or any
other proprietary system.
All clients, of whom a mammography is to be taken, are added to a list – referred to as "worklist". The
worklist is then transferred to the mammography modality. This is more convenient and prevents
misspellings (especially with long patient IDs).
Typically the worklist server is a RIS/HIS/SIS information system. The Image Diagnost
CollaborationServer is a special worklist server that adds user and group awareness to DICOM

4 Overview of tab "Worklist & RIS"


1 10


15 Page no. 197 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server

1. Overview of configured worklists. Create a new worklist with the plus button.
2. Display name of the worklist.
3. Description of the worklist.
4. AE title used to identify myself (Calling AE title).
If left blank, this is the same as the local AE title (tab Local).
To access a worklist scheduled for a specific modality, the AE title of the modality can be entered
5. TCP/IP address of the worklist server. Use [Ping] to verify network connection.
6. AE title of the worklist server SCP. Use [C-ECHO] to verify DICOM connection.
7. Port on which the worklist server SCP listens.
8. Search Keys: Filter the worklist from the worklist server by the desired criteria.
The Image Diagnost WorkflowBroker provides client side filtering. In case the worklist server does
not support a search key, i.e., the server provides too many entries, the application locally filters
the answer and removes the surplus entries.

A list of typical DICOM search keys is provided in the dialog:

Allowed search keys are:

Schedules Procedure Step

>Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001)

>Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002)

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Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server

>Scheduled Procedure Step Start (0040,0003)


>Modality (0008,0060)

>Scheduled Procedure Step ID (0040,0009)

Requested Procedure

Requested Procedure Description (0032,1060)

Requested Procedure ID (0040,1001)

Study Instance UID (0020,000D)

Imaging Service Request

Accession Number (0008,0050)

Requesting Physician (0032,1032)

Referring Physician’s Name (0008,0090)

Patient Identification

Patient’s Name (0010,0010)

Patient ID (0010,0020)

Other Patient ID’s (0010,1000)

Patient Demographic

Patients Birth Date (0010,0030)

Patient’s Sex (0010,0040)

9. Enable "PPS" if the workflow server accepts DICOM Performed Procedure Steps (PPS). In that case
MammoWorkstation and MammoDS can commit worklist task status, i.e., the worklist server knows
when to close the task.
Must always be checked in case of a CollaborationServer.
10. Check "MammoWorkstation" if you configure a worklist for MammoWorkstation or MammoDS. The
worklist will then be available to the user in the Worklist tab of the Patient Manager.
11. Associated archive: location where the MWS will search for images corresponding to the worklist
The local cache will always be searched no matter what this field contains.
Usually, this field contains the PACS archive that is used in combination with the RIS. Each worklist
can be associated to its own source.
Only under certain circumstances the local cache is configured (if the archive cannot perform Q/R
tasks or is exceptionally slow). It is then recommended to prefetch images from the PACS before
performing reading tasks.
12. Check "Image Diagnost CollaborationServer" if the worklist is provided by a CollaborationServer. In
that case, the worklist contains additional user and group information.
(only available with license module "Workflow"). Page no. 199 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A16 - Connection to a worklist server

13. Query mode: Always select "Current tasks" for CollaborationServer.

(The option "Free search in worklist" is private.)
Setting for a CollaborationServer managed task creation:

Setting for a RIS (or any other) managed task creation:

Even though "Free search in worklist" is greyed out it has to be selected.
14. Check "WorklistBroker" to activate the worklist broker mode. In that case the worklist is stored in the
local WorklistBroker and is available from the WorklistBroker DICOM Worklist SCP.
For further information refer to Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration on page 205
15. Adjust port for HL7 communication.
For further information, see Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration on page 227.

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Job Card CFG A17 - DICOM Shuttle configuration

Job Card CFG A17 - DICOM Shuttle configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to DICOM Shuttle.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Introduction
To improve the performance of a DICOM Shuttle, two configurations can be modified.

4 Deactivate ROI calculation

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit CcConf.xml.

4. Look for the following tag: <allow_roi_calculation description=[...]>, and set the value
of this tag to 0:

5. After any modification in the CcConf.xml, restart the Apache Tomcat service. Page no. 201 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A17 - DICOM Shuttle configuration

5 Deactivate the icon preview calculation

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the CcConf.xml.

- Look for the following tag: <icon_width_pix description=[...]>, and set the value of this
tag to 0:

4. After any modification in the CcConf.xml, restart the Apache Tomcat service.

Chapter 4 Page no. 202

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Job Card CFG A18 - DICOM worklist SCP configuration

Job Card CFG A18 - DICOM worklist SCP configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to DicomShuttle with WorklistBroker and CollaborationServer.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Introduction
The local DICOM Worklist SCP provides DICOM modality Worklist to external devices. The Dicom-
Shuttle WorklistBroker provides worklists for modalities. The CollaborationServer provides worklists for
MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

4 Configuration
4-1 Worklist SCP
The default configuration of the local Worklist SCP is:
TCP/IP port: 4005

1. Keep this AE-Title and port unless the network administrator of the customer site tells you otherwise.
Other DICOM partners, e.g. a modality, must know this AE Title.
2. To edit the local Worklist SCP parameters:
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
- Open the Configuration Folder.
- Edit IDWorklistSCP.xml

- Edit the following two tags: Page no. 203 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A18 - DICOM worklist SCP configuration

4-2 Activate the worklist

3. To activate the worklist:
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
- Open the Configuration Folder.
- Edit WfConf.xml
- Set the value of the following tag <mwl_find_connection_is_active description=
[...]> to 1:

4-3 Adjust query cycle time

4. If necessary, refresh the time adjustment (in minutes):
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
- Open the Configuration Folder.
- Edit WfConf.xml
- Set the value of the tag <mwl_find_query_cycle description=[...]> to an appropriate
value (in minutes)
Example (default value is 5):

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to DicomShuttle with WorklistBroker and CollaborationServer.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Introduction
The ImageDiagnost WorklistBroker has two functions:
1. Merge several worklists from exernal worklist servers into one single worklist and present this
worklist to a mammography station.
2. Duplicate an existing worklist in order to present it to more than one mammography station.
The WorklistBroker is part of the functional range of the DicomShuttle. It is a separate piece of software
though and has to be licensed separately.
The WorklistBroker acts as a DICOM Worklist SCU when querying Worklist from remote worklist server
such as a RIS. It uses the DICOM Worklist SCP to provide worklists to modalities or MammoWorkstation
and MammoDS.

4 Worklist broker - Merge several worklists

1. The worklist for the mammography station (Mammo) might come from different sources (RIS, PIS or
any other). Many mammography stations are only capable of accepting a worklist from one single
source. Consequently only Worklist 1 would be displayed at the mammography station. Patient
information of Worklist 2 and Worklist 3 would have to be typed in manually. The Image Diagnost
worklist broker can compensate this deficiency. Page no. 205 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

2. Different worklist sources are merged into one single worklist.

3. Configuration example:
The screenshots below shows 2 worklists from 2 different sources (RIS_WORKLIST1 and
Both reference the same worklist rule "EXTERNAL_TASK" , which means that they are implicitly
merged into one single worklist.

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

The EXTERNAL_TASK rule states the target (Mammography station) of the merged worklist. It will
be displayed at the mammography station "ANY_X_RAY_MASCHINE".
Click on [Edit] to enter the details:

target Page no. 207 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

5 WorklistBroker: Duplicate an existing worklist.

1. In this scenario one worklist is to be presented to several mammography stations. Copies of the
worklist rule item „DIST2MAMMO123“ (distribute to mammography stations 1, 2 and 3) are created.
Each worklist rule item specifies a different target.

2. Configuration example:
The screenshots below shows one worklist (RIS_WORKLIST1), which references the worklist rule
item "DIST2MAMMO123". Two copies of this worklist rule item are created. Each item states a
different target.

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

a. Click [Edit rules] and create two copies of the existing rule so that there will be three instances.

target 1

or delete

target 2

target 3

b. Combine the two functions of the worklist broker to merge several worklists into one single
worklist and present it to several mammography stations. Page no. 209 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A20 - WorklistBroker configuration

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to DicomShuttle with Storage Commit Broker.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 45’

3 Introduction
The Storage Commit Broker is an intermediary between the PACS (document archive) and the modality.
It is responsible for scheduling the image routing as well as the DICOM Storage Commit requests and
responses. The Storage Commit Broker is needed in case a modality cannot directly send the DICOM
Storage Commit request to the PACS (document archive).
The DICOM Storage Commit service is needed to enable the modality to check whether image data was
successfully archived by the PACS (document archive).
The DICOM Storage Commit minimizes the risk of image data loss. However, the DICOM Storage
Commit cannot prevent the loss of image data since image data could be deleted or changed in the
PACS (document archive).

4 Storage Commit Broker - Workflow

The Storage Commit Broker does not actively send requests to the PACS (respectively to other
document archives). The Storage Commit Broker is a mere intermediary between the PACS and
the modality. Every Storage Commit Request is initiated by the modality.

The IDI Storage Commit Broker schedules the image and storage commit routing. Page no. 211 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

Detailed Workflow description:

1. The IDI Storage Commit Broker receives the image data from the preconfigured Modality.
2. The IDI Storage Commit Broker forwards the image data to the PACS (and respectively to other
document archives) via a preconfigured routing rule.
3. The IDI Storage Commit Broker receives a DICOM Storage Commit Request from the preconfigured
4. The IDI Storage Commit Broker forwards the DICOM Storage Commit Request to the PACS (and
respectively to other document archives) via a preconfigured routing rule.
5. The IDI Storage Commit Broker receives the response regarding the DICOM Commit Request from
the PACS (and respectively from other document archives).
6. The IDI Storage Commit Broker forwards the response regarding the DICOM Storage Commit
Request to the Modality that initially sent the DICOM Storage Commit Request.
! Notice:
If a Storage Commit Broker is used, it is indispensable that the preconfigured modalities as well as
the PACS (respectively any other document archive) support DICOM Storage Commit.
Ask the modality manufacturer and the PACS provider whether DICOM Storage Commit is
supported by their products.

5 Configuartion of the Storage Commit Broker

The configuration of the Storage Commit Broker requires three steps:
1. Configuration of a DICOM archive (e.g. PACS), which supports Storage Commit.
See 5-1 Configuring the DICOM archive.
2. Configuration of a Routing Rule, which regulates the distribution of the image data and Storage
Commit requets.
See 5-2 Configuring the rounting rule.
3. Configuration of a Modality, which initiates the Storage Commit request via the routing rule.
See 5-3 Configuring the modality.

All necessary configurations can be done within the IDI MammoWorkstation GUI:
• Login to Settings. The default credentials are:
- Name: admin
- Password: admin

5-1 Configuring the DICOM archive

Configure a PACS (document archive) that will archive the DICOM documents. The PACS (document
archive) must support DICOM Storage Commit.
Contact the PACS (document archive) provider to ensure that DICOM Storage Commit is
1. Go to the tab "Communication".
For more information on configuration of a DICOM partner on the "Communication" tab, refer to
Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration on page 173.

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

2. Setup an additional DICOM Partner "Remote DICOM archive" via the Select archive type dialog:

3. Configure the new DICOM partner as usual.

Checkmark the box "Supports Dicom storage commitment" and fill in the appropriate DICOM AE-Title
and the appropriate TCP Port.

4. Click [Apply] to implement the applied configurations.

5-2 Configuring the rounting rule

The routing rule is responsible for:
- receiving image data from a modality and forwarding the image data to the appropriate PACS
(document archive).
- receiving DICOM Storage Commit requests from a modality and forwarding these DICOM
Storage Commit requests to the appropriate PACS (document archive). Page no. 213 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

1. Go to the tab "Routing".

For more information how to configure routing rules, refer to Job Card CFG A14 - Routing rules
configuration on page 189.
2. Configure a routing rule as usual.
Indicate the preconfigured PACS that supports DICOM Storage Commit as desired routing target.

3. Click [Apply] to implement the applied configurations.

5-3 Configuring the modality

First of all the modality is responsible for initiating the transmission of the image data to the Storage
Commit Broker. After the image data has been sent, the modality sends a DICOM Storage Commit
request to the Storage Commit Broker.
The sending/routing of the DICOM Storage Commit request is handeled by the same routing rule as the
routing of the image data.

To ensure that the Storage Commit Broker forwards the DICOM Storage Commit response to the
modality that initiated the DICOM Storage Commit request in the first place, the Storage Commit Broker
needs the following information of the modality:
- DICOM AE Title
- IP-Address
- TCP Port

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

1. Go to the tab "Communication".

For more information on configuring a DICOM partner on the "Communication" tab, refer to
Chapter 4 Job Card CFG A08 - DICOM partners configuration.
2. Setup an additional DICOM Partner "Modality" via the Select archive type dialog.

3. Configure the required data.

Checkmark the box "Supports Dicom storage commitment" and indicate the TCP port required by the

4. Click [Apply] to implement the applied configurations.

Repeat step 1-4 for every modality that is considered by the preconfigured routing rule. Page no. 215 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A25 - Storage Commit Broker (SC Broker) configuration

6 Storage Commit delay time configuration

By default, the Storage Commit Broker waits for two hours before forwarding the DICOM Storage
Commit request to the PACS (document archive).
The delay time can be configured:
1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the CcConf.xml.

4. Look for the following tag: storage_commit_delay_time description= "" [...]>, and set
the value of this tag to the desired value:

• for 60 seconds delay time, enter >60<.
• for 1 hour delay time, enter >1h<.
• for 30 minutes delay time, enter >30m<.
5. Click [Save] to save for applied modifications.

6. After any modification in the CcConf.xml, restart the Apache Tomcat service:

Generally it is possible to configure a delay time in the PACS (document archive) as well. This way
the PACS waits for the indicated delay time before processing the DICOM Storage Commit
For delay time configuration in the PACS, contact the respective PACS (document archive)

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Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration

Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Overview of tab "Print"


1. Display name of the printer.

2. TCP/IP address of the printer. Use [Ping] to verify TCP/IP connectivity.
3. AE title of the printer SCP. Use [C-ECHO] to verify DICOM connectivity.
4. Port of the printer SCP.
5. Test the printer availability.
6. Restart the MWS to activate the printer settings. Page no. 217 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration

4 Verification
1. Press [Check Printer] to perform basic functionality and connectivity test of the printer.
The output shall describe the printer name and supported formats.
2. In case the printer is not identified, MammoWorkstation provides default values and the printer name
is "default printer".
In this case:
a. Start the MammoWorkstation and open a patient.
b. Click on the [Print] button and press [Info].
A popup window will appear showing the DICOM information of the printer.
Illustration 1 Printer DICOM information

c. Make sure these information fit 100% to the printer settings in the PrinterDefaults.xml. To check
- Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
- Open the Configuration Folder.
- Edit the PrinterDefaults.xml

For the example in Illustration 1, the printer configuration line should be:
<PrinterS0P PrinterName="DRYPIX1"
Manufacturer="FUJIFILM Corporation"

d. If the information in the DICOM information of the printer differ from the one in the
PrinterDefaults.xml, correct the PrinterDefaults.xml.
e. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

3. If the printer model is not included in this file, contact the IDI service team.

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Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration

5 Customize printer configuration

5-1 Printer module
1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the PrinterDefaults.xml

Each printer configuration contains the following line:

Example for Fuji Drypix 4000:

<PrinterS0P PrinterName="DRYPIX4000HIGH"
Manufacturer="FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD"
ManufacturerModelName="DRYPIX 4000"/>

4. Copy these three lines and set the values to the ones of your printer.
Make sure to use the correct DICOM information of the printer.
5. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

! Notice:
If the printer was customized, send the printer information and printer configuration to

5-2 Enable sending of max/min density

Sending of max/min density information should be disabled for most printers.

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the PrinterDefaults.xml Page no. 219 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A22 - DICOM printer configuration

4. Edit the following tags by setting the parameter "apply" to

a. "yes": enable sending of min/max density
b. "no": disable sending of min/max density
<MaxDensity unit="Old/100" value="400" apply="yes"/>
<MinDensity unit="Old/100" value="20" apply="yes"/>
If sending of max/min density is enabled, the values of these tags must be corrected according to
the used printer module.

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Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration

Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 10’

3 Overview of tab "Calibration"

1. Physical screen size must be configured for true scale (1:1) scaling to operate properly.
Size values must exactly match the dimensions of the two portrait monitors (the visible area). Either
refer to the manufacturer’s specification or take exact measurements with a ruler.
2. Correction of the gray scale display function. Change only after consultation with IDI.
With Gamma correction for digitized film, you can simulate a light-box appearance on screen (values
of 0.4 to 0.5)
3. The resolution an image has when transferred from the IDI image folder to a third party application
via drag-and-drop. Page no. 221 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A24 - Measurements calibration

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Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting

Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 5’

3 Track viewed images warning removal

A warning appears when closing a case without reviewing all new images

! Notice:
This warning display may be mandatory in your country (e.g. US).
Check the regulation before applying the following:
To cancel the display of this warning:
1. Login to MammoWorkstation ➜ Settings.
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
2. Select the tab Preferences.
3. Untick the Checkbox next to "Track viewed images: Show warning upon closing a case in case some
images were not reviewed in full screen resolution ". Page no. 223 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A40 - Customer specific setting

4 Outdated study warning time configuration

Reading from worklist or PACS search, a warning message appears whenever the most recent study is
older than 180 days:

The time range is configurable by service.
! Notice:
This warning display may be mandatory in your country (e.g. US).
Check the regulation before applying the following:
To cancel the display of this warning:
1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit MammoWorkstation.ini.

4. In the section [Modality Settings], change the line DaysMinAgeForPriorStudy = 180 to

DaysMinAgeForPriorStudy = 99999.

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Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages configuration on DVD/CD

Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages configuration on DVD/

CD Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 5’

3 Procedure
1. Open GlobalConfig.ini file in folder C:\Program\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation\cdViewer\config.
2. Replace "Language = de " by the shortcut of your language (e.g. "en" for english)
3. Configure a new DICOM Partner (Dicom – CD).
Available languages and shortcuts are listed in C:\Program\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation
\bin Page no. 225 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A28 - DICOM-Viewer languages configuration on DVD/CD

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Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration

Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Enable HL7 export

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit WfConf.xml.

4. Set the value for the following tag to 1:

<sr_h17_export_is_allowed description="Allow SR2HL7 Export">1</sr

5. Restart the Apache Tomcat service. Page no. 227 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration

6. Verify that HL7 export is enabled by going to Finding summary ➜ Worklist Status.
A new column (SRHL7 Export Status) should be visible now:

4 Port adjustment for HL7 communication

1. Login to MammoWorkstation Settings
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
2. Open the tab Worklist & RIS.
3. Select the RIS system which receives HL7.
4. Enable the checkbox Is HL7 server.
5. Select the button [Configure HL7 server].
You will see the following input mask:

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Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration

6. Fill in the following fields:

a. Host name / IP number: Enter the host name / IP address of the RIS
b. Port: enter the Port of the RIS
c. Receiving application: This field uniquely identifies the receiving application among all other
applications within the network enterprise. The network enterprise consists of all those
applications that participate in the exchange of HL7 messages within the enterprise.
d. Receiving facility: This field identifies the receiving application among multiple identical instances
of the application running on behalf of HL7 identifier for the user-defined table of values for the
first component.
e. HL7 configuration file name: Enter the complete path name.
If your HL7 configuration partner is a Centricity RISi 4_2, the configuration file name is:
C:/Program Files/Image Diagnost/config/SR2HL7_GE_Centricity_RISi_4_2.xml.
As far as other HL7 configuration partners are concerned, contact the Service team for further

5 Check workflow settings

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the WorklistDefinitions.en.xml.
4. Configure the following parameter:
“hl7_target id=”
5. Insert the RIS ID after <hl7_target
(red text (1) in the following example)
Copy the RIS ID from the Config GUI:
- Login to MammoWorkstation Settings
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
- Open the tab Worklist & RIS.
- Copy the ID of the RIS (2nd text input field
after Worklist name)
! Notice:
This ID is created automatically. Never change this ID manually. Page no. 229 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export configuration

6. Indicate if you want to send a PDF report to the RIS or not

 insert "Yes" or "No" (red text (2) in the following example)
For all tasks that you want to export as HL7, you must repeat steps 1 to 6.
The below indicated example displays the applied modifications
for task type KVSCREENING_TASK_3.
A PDF report can only be sent if the Workstation created an encapsulated PDF.
<result_export task_type_code="KVSCREENING_TASK_3">
<hl7_target id="EXAMPLE-RIS-1" dicom_encapsulated_pdf="YES" />

6 Restart Apache Tomcat Service

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Select "Restart Server".

Chapter 4 Page no. 230

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to MammoWorkstation and MammoDS.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 60’

3 Introduction
The configuration of unscheduled reporting is required for the following use case:
1. The physician selects a case in an external RIS (Patient Selection RIS). The RIS opens the selected
case in the MammoWorkstation via remote control.
2. The physician can read the case and enter the report in the MammoWorkstation. The report is then
going to be transferred to an IDI CollaborationServer.
3. The IDI CollaborationServer sends the report data to the external RIS (Report Storage RIS) via HL7

To review the finished report, the physician needs to open the report in the Report Storage RIS.

4 Unscheduld reporting
The configuration of unscheduled reporting requires the following four configuration steps:
1. Configuring the MammoWorkstation.
2. Configuring remote control in the RIS (Patient Selection RIS).
3. Configuring the IDI CollaborationServer.
4. Configuring the RIS (Report Storage RIS) responsible for storing the sent report data . Page no. 231 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

4-1 Configuring the MammoWorkstation

1. Login to MammoWorkstation ➜ Settings.
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
2. Select the tab "Remote Control".
3. Make sure the check box "Allow remote control by other application" is selected.
This check box is selected by default.
4. Select the tab "Worklist &RIS".
5. Set up the Collaboration Server. For more information on this topic, refer to Job Card CFG A16 -
Connection to a worklist server on page 197.
For the Unscheduled Reporting, the MammoWorkstation will not receive the worklists from this
CollaborationServer since all activities are triggerd by the RIS.
However, the Collaboration Server can provide its own additional worklist.

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

4-2 Configuring remote control in the RIS (Patient Selection RIS)

It is the responsibility of the RIS provider to enable remote control. Contact the RIS provider to
make sure the remote control interface is correctly configured.

To remotely control the MammoWorkstation, the following tool must be used:

This tool is provided by Image Diagnost:
➜ Go to C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\CacheController
To verify the tool, follow the below procedure:
1. Go to Start ➜ Run..., type "cmd" and hit [Enter].
2. Darg and drop (1) the "MWSRemoteControl.exe" in the opened Command Line window.
3. Type in "--scheduled-task --patient-by-id XXXXX".
For opening a case on the MammoWorkstation, the case must be clearly identified by one of the
following query parameters:
- Patinet ID
- Study Instance UID
- Accession number
4. Hit [Enter].

! Notice:
For the RIS configuration it is important that the"MWSRemoteControl.exe" tool is always started
with the option "- -scheduled-task". Page no. 233 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

4-3 Configuring the IDI CollaborationServer

The CollaborationServer receiving the report data from the external MammoWorkstations (see
section 4-1 Configuring the MammoWorkstation) is now configured to transfer the report data via
HL7 to the Report Storage RIS.
4-3-1 Configuration in the MammoWorkstation GUI
1. Login to MammoWorkstation ➜ Settings.
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
2. Select the tab "Worklist & RIS".
3. Set up the Report Storage RIS. For more information on this topic, refer to Job Card CFG A16 -
Connection to a worklist server on page 197.
The RIS ID (1) is created automatically. Note the RIS ID down, you will need it to complete the
configuration in the Supportinterface (see section 4-3-2 Configuration in the Supportinterface).
4. Enable the checkbox "Is HL7 server" (2).
5. Select the button [Configure HL7 server].
For more information on HL7 export configuration, refer to Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export
configuration on page 227.

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

4-3-2 Configuration in the Supportinterface

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/.
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit WorklistDefinitions.en.xml.

4. Configure the HL7 element (1):

<result_export task_type_code="UNSCHEDULED_REPORTING">
• Insert the RIS ID, which was automatically created in the MammoWorkstation GUI field "ID" (see
also section 4-3-1 Configuration in the MammoWorkstation GUI), in the tag <hl7_target

For further information on how to configure HL7 Export, refer to Job Card CFG A32 - HL7 export
configuration on page 227.
5. Restart the Apache Tomcat service.

5 Configuring the RIS (Report Storage RIS)

To make sure that the HL7 communication between CollaborationServer and RIS (Report Storage RIS)
is successful the Report Storage RIS must be configured to be able to receive HL7 information.
It is the responsibility of the RIS provider to enable HL7 communication. Contact the RIS provider
to make sure that the HL7 communication feature is correctly configured in the Report Storage
RIS. Page no. 235 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A34 - Unscheduled reporting configuration

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Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature

Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Introducation
Starting with software version 4.6, the MammoWorkstation will be able to identify and display CESM
The configuration files required for the CESM feature are not automatically transferred during the
upgrade procedure.

To enable the CESM feature two configuration files need to be manually updated:
• HangingProtocolConfig.xml
• WindowLevelConfig.xml

4 Update the HangingProtocolConfig.xml

4-1 Complete the HangingProtocolConfig.xml
1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the HangingProtocolConfig_CESM.xml.

4. Copy (select desired text and press "Ctrl + C") the content of the HangingProtocolConfig_CESM.xml
from the xml element <Protocol name="CESM"> to the xml element </Protocol>

[...] Page no. 237 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature

5. Go back to the Configuration Folder.

6. Edit the HangingProtocolConfig.xml.

7. Paste (press "Ctrl +V") the content of the HangingProtocolConfig_CESM.xml into the
HangingProtocolConfig.xml after the xml element <Protocol Config
Verion="preliminary"> (first line).

paste the content of the HangingProtocolConfig_CESM.xml here

8. Save the applied configuration by clicking [Save].

4-2 Update the HangingProtocolConfig.xml

1. Go back to the Configuration Folder.
2. Edit the HangingProtocolConfig.xml.

3. Look for the following xml group:

You will find the xml group in the just imported <Protocol name="CESM"> section.
Search for the xml tag <name="LCC Large">.

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Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature

4. Look for xml element <LayoutItem layoutTrafo="FLIP_HORZ" layoutPos="0">

5. Change the value from "FLIP_HORZ" (1) to "NONE_TRAFO" (2):

6. Save the applied configuration by clicking [Save].

5 Update the WindowLevelConfig.xml

1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the WindowLevelConfig.xml.

4. Look for the following xml section starting with:

<imagetype name="GE Backlight" description="GE DR BL">

5. Insert the following section after the xml element </imagetype> (1).
<imagetype name="GE CESM" description="GE CESM" presetName="NORMAL"
presetIsVoiLut="no" defaultVoiFunction="SIGMOID">
<taggroup boolop="AND">
<tag id="0x00080008" vr="CS" valuemask="DERIVED*"/>
<tag id="0x00080060" vr="CS" value="MG"/>
<tag id="0x00080016" vr="CS" value="1.2.840.10008."/>
<tag id="0x00080070" vr="CS" value="GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS"/>
<tag id="0x00181030" vr="CS" valuemask="CESM"/>
</imagetype> Page no. 239 Chapter 4

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Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature

6. Save the applied configuration by clicking [Save].

7. Check the applied modifications. The result should look like the following:

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 Introduction
The acceptance test is mandatory to complete the installation of the system.
The acceptance test must be repeated:
- Whenever third party software is installed on the same PC.
- Whenever a new interface to a third-party system is initially configured.
- Whenever a connected third-party system is changed (only the tests that apply to the specific
interface must be performed).

3-1 How to perform the Acceptance test

1. Fill in the system configuration
2. Carry out the acceptance test
3. Fill in the test results
4. Archive the test results

4 System configuration
Document the exact system configuration this acceptance test is applied to (refer to the Image Diagnost
Software CDAcceptanceTest_Report.pdf).
Product type refers to Mammography Modalities, PACS, RIS, CAD and Printers.

Product Vendor Product Product Hostname/ AE Title AE port NAT

Type name name version IP address address Page no. 241 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

5 Acceptance test
5-1 File-path of local image cache
5-1-1 Purpose
• Validate the hard-disk resources for the local cache database are available.
• Validate that third party software does not block hard-disk resources.
5-1-2 Procedure
1. Go to Settings tab "Local" and read the cache file path.
2. Open the cache file path in Windows Explorer.
3. Verify that the cache file path directs to an empty hard-disk partition. The only folder on the partition
shall be the local image cache.
5-1-3 If the test fails
1. Correct the location of the local cache.
2. Remove all third-party files from the cache partition.

5-2 Storage SCP, database and webserver

5-2-1 Purpose
• Validate that the TCP/IP ports for the DICOM Storage SCP, the database, and the webserver are
• Validate that third party software does not block the TCP/IP ports used for Storage SCP, database or
5-2-2 Procedure
1. Send new DICOM images to the local storage SCP.
2. MammoWorkstation and MammoDS: Open the case and verify that the images are displayed.
Other: Verify in support interface, that the documents were imported.
5-2-3 If the test fails
1. Check if the IDReceiveSCP service is running: Manually restart the IDReceiveSCP service (using
Windows services control)
2. Check if the Apache Tomcat service is running: Manually restart the Apache Tomcat service (using
Windows services control).
3. Check if the MySQLservice is running: Manually restart the MySQL service (using Windows services
4. Open "log/IDReceiveSCP.log" and check for error messages.
5. Causes can be:
• no valid license
• another service blocking the Storage SCP port (validate with command line command netstat).

5-3 Mammographic image identification

(only for MammoWorkstation)
5-3-1 Purpose
• Validate MQSA compliant display of labeling on screen.

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

MammoWorkstation displays labeling according to the IHE Mammography Image Profile.
Vendors not always encode the required information in the appropriate DICOM tags.
5-3-2 Procedure
For each connected mammography modality:
1. Open a case in MammoWorkstation with at least one CC and one MLO view of each breast.
2. Verify that the following labeling appears on each image:
• Name of patient (top row)
• Patient identifier (top row, in brackets)
• Date of examination (bottom center)
• View and laterality (position near the axilla)
3. Activate "Annotation" in the toolbar.
4. Verify that the following labeling appear on each image:
• Facility name and location. At a minimum, the location shall include the city, State and zip code of
the facility.
• Technologist identification.
• Detector ID or Cassette ID (used for Cassette/screen identification).
• Device Serial Number (used for Mammography unit identification).
5-3-3 If the test fails
1. Login to MammoWorkstation Settings and go to the tab "Preferences". Select "Reset to IHE
2. Verify in the DICOM header of the images that the required DICOM tags are properly filled in.
To display the DICOM header, open the Supportinterface (http://localhost:8080/supportinterface),
navigate to "import processes" and search to the patient.
The required DICOM tags are listed in Dicom Conformance Statements (

5-4 Calibration of monitor size

(only for MammoWorkstation)
5-4-1 Purpose
• Validate that measurements in true size (1:1cm) are displayed with correct size.
5-4-2 Procedure
1. Open a case in MammoWorkstation.
2. Select the zoom "1:1cm true size".
3. Below the images a "1cm" indicator is displayed.
4. Take a ruler and validate that there is no significant discrepancy (less than 1mm).
5-4-3 If the test fails
1. Configure the display size in the MammoWorkstation settings tab "Calibration". Page no. 243 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

5-5 DICOM Q/R interface

(only for MammoWorkstation and MammoDS)
5-5-1 Purpose
• Validate that the DICOM Q/R interface with a third party PACS operates correctly.
5-5-2 Procedure
For each configured source partner (DICOM Query and Retrive SCP):
1. Login to MammoWorkstation.
2. Select the source in the Search tab of the Patient Manager.
3. Query a patient list (e.g. today).
4. Select a case and open it. The images must be transferred from the PACS and displayed.
5-5-3 If the test fails
1. Verify the partner configuration.
2. Ensure that the MammoWorkstation is configured in the PACS. The PACS must configure the IP
number and port that are associated with the MammoWorkstation AE title.
3. Verify that the PACS can manually send images to MammoWorkstation.
4. Open log/CacheController.log. Search for the corresponding FIND and MOVE commands.
The log-file contains the full command line command. Copy the line for the FIND and for the MOVE
and execute both in a Windows command shell.
5. Open log/IDReceiveSCP.log. Verify if an association was established.

5-6 DICOM Worklist interface

(only for Mammoworkstation and MammoDS)
5-6-1 Purpose
• Validate that the DICOM worklist interface with a third party worklist server, e.g. a RIS operates
5-6-2 Procedure
For each configured worklist source (DICOM worklist SCP):
1. Login to MammoWorkstation.
2. Select the source in the Worklist tab of the Patient Manager.
3. Query a worklist.
4. Verify that the entries in the MammoWorkstation worklist display correspond exactly with the entries
planned in the worklist server. Use the worklist server console (this might require a specialist from the
company that provides the worklist server to the customer).
5. Select a case and open it. The images must be transferred from the PACS and displayed.
5-6-3 If the test fails
1. Verify the worklist configuration. Especially have a close look at the matching keys.
2. Ensure that the MammoWorkstation is configured in the worklist server, e.g. RIS. Some worklist
servers require the client to be known.

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

5-7 DICOM Print interface

(only for Mammoworkstation)
To ensure optimal quality of the film printer output, follow the QC program developed by the
manufacturer of the device. Refer to the Printer Operator’s Manual or ancillary documentation provided
by the manufacturer of the printer.
If the printer is used with a film processor incorporating wet chemistry processing, refer to the Printer
Operator’s Manual or ancillary documentation provided by the manufacturer of the printer.
The below test is an additional requirement. It does not replace the QC program developed by the
manufacturer of the printer.
5-7-1 Purpose
• Validate that the DICOM print interface with a third party DICOM printer operates correctly.
5-7-2 Procedure
1. Open a case and print a test image on attached printers.
2. Check image scaling. The 1 cm ruler in the footer must be 1 cm long.
3. Check overall image quality.
5-7-3 If the test fails
1. Verify the printer configuration. Ensure that the "Test Printer" protocol shows that the printer was
2. Verify that the printer is configured and that the customer has a license to print from this workstation
(this might require a specialist from the company that provides the printer to the customer). The
workstation should be configured in the printer with a dedicated AE Title.
3. Contact the vendor of the printer. Output quality must be configured in the printer. Page no. 245 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test

6 Acceptance tests results

Test Completed /

Check the file path of local image cache

(Acceptance test 5.1)

Check that the TCP/IP ports are available for Storage SCP, database and webserver
(Acceptance test 5.2)

Check MQSA compliance of labeling on screen

(Acceptance test 5.3)

Check that measurements in true size are displayed with correct size
(Acceptance test 5.4)

Check correct operation of DICOM Q/R interface with PACS

(Acceptance test 5.5)

Check correct operation of DICOM worklist interface with worklist server (e.g. RIS)
(Acceptance test 5.6)

Check correct operation of DICOM print interface with DICOM printer

(Acceptance test 5.7)

7 Archive the Acceptance test

1. Go to Image Diagnost Software CD AcceptanceTest_Report.pdf.
2. Fill out the word document:
• Table concerning site, customer, Filed Engineer
• Table concerning system configuration
• Table concerning acceptance test results.
3. Send this document to

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Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration folder

Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration folder Chapter 4

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 15’

3 Backup to HDD
1. Create a folder on the HDD D (or C), e.g. BackupV4.5.x.
2. In this backup folder, copy the directories:
• ~\ImageDiagnost\CadServer
• ~\ImageDiagnost\config
• ~\imageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation.

4 Backup to USB device

1. Create a folder on the USB key or external HHD, e.g. BackupV4.5.x.
2. In this backup folder, copy the directories:
• ~\ImageDiagnost\CadServer
• ~\ImageDiagnost\config
• ~\imageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation. Page no. 247 Chapter 4

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Job Card IST A34 - Backup of the configuration folder

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Chapter 5 Upgrade
This chapter contains all information necessary to upgrade all IDI products.
In order to minimize the downtime of the workflow, we recommend to use the following sequence for the
1. Upgrade Collaboration Server (old DSH, MWS, MDS will work with the new Collaboration Server
2. Upgrade each DICOM Shuttle (old MWS, MDS will work with the new DICOM Shuttle version).
3. Upgrade each MDS.
4. Upgrade each MWS.
For each IDI-node, a new license shall be requested before the upgrade is started.
New license is not needed to perform the upgrade but needed to hand over system to the

1 Scenario UPG00A - IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions Upgrade

Steering Guide
The FE must check Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation on page 251 and Job Card
UPG03 - License Request on page 255 before he goes on site.

# Action Job Card Who? Timin


1 Backup and preparation Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade 1FE 20’
preparation on page 251
2 Request license Job Card UPG03 - License Request on 1FE 30’
page 255
3 Upgrade IDI application Job Card UPG04 - Basic software upgrade on 1FE 20’
page 259
4 Backup of the configuration folder Job Card UPG 07 - Backup of the configuration 1FE 15’
folder on page 261
5 Post-Upgrade checks Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks on 1FE 10’
page 263
6 Enable CESM feature Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature on 1FE 15’
page 237
Final sequence: required to complete the upgrade

7 Acceptance Test Job Card IST A32 - Acceptance test on 1FE 20’
page 241 Page no. 249 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation

Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation Chapter 5

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 20’

3 Hardware requirements
• v4.6.0 software CD.

4 Backup v4.5.x configuration

1. Open the Windows Explorer and go to the data hard disk (e.g. Data Disc D:).
2. Create a new folder named YYYYMMDD_IDI_Backup (e.g. 20100617_IDI_Backup).
3. In this folder create a second folder v_4.x.x (e.g. IDI_v4.2.0).
4. Create a third folder named IDI_v4.6.0.
5. Go to the ImageDiagnost folder
• C:\Program Files (x86)\ImageDiagnost
• C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost
6. Press the Control button [Ctrl] and select the folders config and CadServer in C:\Program Files
(x86)\ImageDiagnost (respectively C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost) as shown in the following
7. Right click on the config folder.
8. Select Copy.

9. Go to the created path D:\YYYYMMDD_IDI_Backup\IDI_v4.x.x.

10. Right click ➜ select Paste.
Expected result: The folders config and CadServer were copied. Page no. 251 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation

5 Backup 4.5.x MySQL Database

There are two databases that hold all the relevant information:
- Database "workflow"
- Database "test_cache"

It is therefore advisable to create a backup of the database before performing any tasks that might pose
a risk.
1. Go to Start ➜ Run, type "cmd" and click [OK].
2. Type c: and hit [Enter] to change to the c drive.
3. Type cd c:\mysql\bin and hit [Enter] to change directory to the folder where all the mysql tools
are stored.

1. Type:
mysqldump –u root –h localhost –-opt test_cache > d:\backup_test_cache.sql

“D:\” stands for the data hard disk. If your data hard disk is named differently, change the “D:\”
element according to your data hard disk.
If you are using a MDS, only one hard disk might be available.

2. Hit [Enter].
3. Continue with:
mysqldump –u root –h localhost –-opt workflow > d:\backup_workflow.sql

Be careful! The dataset can be destroyed if you use the wrong sign!
! Notice:
The less-than sign [<] or greater-than sign [>] indicates in which direction the information flow
takes place: [<] into the database; [>] out of the database.
4. Hit [Enter].
The above executed actions will extract the content of the two databases "workflow" and "test_cache"
and store it into a text file named "backup_workflow.sql" and "backup_test_cache.sql".
5. Validate backup:
To verify the result, navigate to the directory where the database backup files have been stored on
hard disk D:

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Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation

If you are using a MDS, only one hard disk might be available.
6. Press the Control button [Ctrl] and select the files "backup_test_cache.sql" and
7. Select Copy.
8. Go to the created path D:\YYYYMMDD_IDI_Backup\IDI_v4.x.x.
9. Right click ➜ select Paste.

6 Stop services
1. Right click on My Computer.
2. Click on Manage ➜ Computer Management ➜ Services and Applications ➜ Services.
3. Stop the services IDReceiveSCP and IDWorklistSCP one after another! Page no. 253 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG02 - Software upgrade preparation

7 Check MWS Tray

Before upgrading your system, make sure the MWS Tray is stopped ➜ MWS Tray icon is not present in
the notification area of the Windows taskbar.
A running MWS Tray will prevent an undisturbed upgrade procedure.

If the MWS Tray icon is visible (which means the MWS Tray is still running), follow the below indicated
1. Open the Task Manager:
- Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc]
- Go to Start ➜ Run, type "taskmgr" and click [OK].
2. Go to the tab Processes.
3. Make sure the box next to Show processes from all users is ticked (1)
4. Look for all processes where the column "Image Name" contains "MWSTray.exe".
5. Right click on each MWSTray.exe and select End Process Tree (2).

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Job Card UPG03 - License Request

Job Card UPG03 - License Request Chapter 5

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer
Time: 30’

3 Hardware requirements
• v4.6.0 software CD.

4 License Request
For every upgrade a new license needs to be requested to ensure the tracking of installed base and to
check the license-configuration.
If the Installation code has been kept from the previous v4.5.x installation, the Preliminary steps
don't need to be performed. You can directly request a new licence with the kept installation code
before you go on site.
Use the instructions in Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing on page 113 for the request.
If the MammoWorkstation is connected to Insite, the Preliminary steps can be performed remotely
before you go on site.

5 Preliminary steps
5-1 Licensed modules check
1. Login to MammoWorkstation ➜ Settings.
- name: "admin"
- password: "admin"
2. Select the License tab. Page no. 255 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG03 - License Request

3. Note the licensed modules in the lower part of the window.

If not exaclty the same modules are installed during the update, the installation will fail.

5-2 Installation code

5-2-1 Delete the License key code:
1. Go to http://localhost:8080/supportinterface/
2. Open the Configuration Folder.
3. Edit the GlobalConfig.ini.

4. Delete the LicenseKey code.

5. Click [Save].

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Job Card UPG03 - License Request

5-2-2 Create a new Installation code

1. Login to MammoWorkstation ➜ the License tab will open.

2. Click on [Display license agreement] ➜ Click [Accept].

3. Click on [Request license].
4. Copy the Installation code.

5. Request the new license as described in Job Card IST A13 - IDI application licensing on page 113. Page no. 257 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG03 - License Request

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Job Card UPG04 - Basic software upgrade

Job Card UPG04 - Basic software upgrade Chapter 5

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Hardware requirements
• v4.6.0 software CD.

4 Prerequisites
1. No customization has been applied beyond the Configuration User Interface.
If customized configuration has been applied beyond the Configuration User Interface, contact the
GE Service Team.
2. Document the current customized configuration in the Configuration User Interface.
If the documentation of the configuration has not already been done, manually look through the
different configuration dialogs.
Make sure to note down every applied configuration!

5 IDI application installation

Do not install v4.6.0 before obtaining the new license.
1. Exit the application if running.
2. Run the Installer (copied in folder C:\installV4.6.0). Page no. 259 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG04 - Basic software upgrade

3. Click [Next>].
The software is being installed.
4. Click [OK] to avoid installing MySQL.

5. Wait for installation to be completed.

6. Click [Finish] at the end of installation.

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Job Card UPG 07 - Backup of the configuration folder

Job Card UPG 07 - Backup of the configuration folder Chapter 5

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Backup to HDD
After every upgrade it is mandatory to save the current configuration to a backup folder.

1. Create a folder on the HDD D (or C), e.g. BackupV4.5.x.

2. In this backup folder, copy the directories:
• ~\ImageDiagnost\CadServer
• ~\ImageDiagnost\config
• ~\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation.

4 Backup to USB device

1. Create a folder on the USB key or external HHD, e.g. BackupV4.5.x.
2. In this backup folder, copy the directories:
• ~\ImageDiagnost\CadServer
• ~\ImageDiagnost\config
• ~\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation. Page no. 261 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG 07 - Backup of the configuration folder

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Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks

Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks Chapter 5

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 Obsolete Program folder

Check that the "bin" program folder was deleted during the upgrade procedure.
1. Go to C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation.

Expected result:
No bin folder is available.

2. If the bin folder still is available, delete the bin folder.

It is mandatory to delete this folder!

4 Multiple icons created

Due to the fact that MammoWorkstation is available as a 32-bit version and as a 64-bit version, several
mutliple items might be created.
After the upgrade process, it is necessary to check that only the items that correspond to your installed
system are available.

4-1 MWS Items

After the upgrade process, there should only be one MWS desktop icon, MWS shortcut icon, one MWS
icon in the quick access area in the Windows taskbar and one MWS icon in the Start dialog.
If there are several MWS icons, make sure to delete the icons that do not correspond to your installed

4-1-1 Delete MWS desktop icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

4-1-2 Delete MWS shortcut icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64) Page no. 263 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks

1. Go to Start ➜ All Programs ➜ Image Diagnost

2. Right click on the icon you want to delete.
3. Select "Delete" in the opened dialog.
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

4-1-3 Delete MWS quick access icon

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
1. Expand the quick access bar (next to the [Start] button) by clicking on the "double greater-than sign"

2. Right click on the icon you want to delete and select "Delete".
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

4-1-4 Delete MWS icon in the Start dialog

The two icons are:
- one 32 bit icon: MammoWorkstation
- one 64 bit icon: MammoWorkstation (x64)
1. Click on [Start] ➜ a dialog window opens.

2. Right click on the Icon you want to delete and select "Remove from This List".
Make sure to delete the icon that does not correspond to your installed system.

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Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks

4-2 Program Folders

4-2-1 Program Folders on a 64 bit system:
During the upgrade process, two new program folders will be created.
- Program folder x64 ➜ program folder for the 64 bit version
- Program folder x86 ➜ program folder for the 32 bit version

4-2-2 Program Folders on a 32 bit system:

During the upgrade process, only one new program folder will be created.

Check that only one new program folder has been created.
If two program folders have been created, the program folder that does not correspond to your
installed system must be deleted.

Delete the program folder that does not correspond to your installed version:
1. Go to C:\Program Files\ImageDiagnost\MammoWorkstation
2. Delete the x64 folder.

Is needed
for 64-bit
Is needed
for 32-bit

5 CESM feature enabled?

To enable the CESM feature after an upgrade has been completed, it is necessary to execute the
configuration steps described in Job Card CFG A46 - Enable CESM feature on page 237. Page no. 265 Chapter 5

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Job Card UPG 08 - Post-Upgrade checks

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Uninstallation Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation

Chapter 6 Uninstallation

Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation Chapter 6

1 Applicability
This job card applies to all PCs.

2 Personnel requirements
1 Field Engineer

3 IDI relevant services stop

1. Go to Start ➜ Control Panel ➜ Administrative Tools ➜ Services
A window with all installed services will appear.

2. Stop (1):
- ApacheTomcat6forIDI
- IDDicomReceiveSCP
- IDDicomWorklistSCP
- MySql
- IDRMIRegistry
Stopping the IDRMIRegistry service should also stop the MWS Tray. If the MWS Tray does not
stop, continue with section 4 MWS Tray stop. Page no. 267 Chapter 6Chapter 6

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Uninstallation Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation

4 MWS Tray stop

1. Open the Task Manager:
- Press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Esc]
- Go to Start ➜ Run, type "taskmgr" and click [OK].
2. Go to the tab Processes.
3. Make sure the box next to Show processes from all users is ticked (1)
4. Look for all processes where the column "Image Name" contains "MWSTray.exe".
5. Right click on each MWSTray.exe and select End Process Tree (2).

5 Configuration of IP address
1. Go to Start ➜ Control panel ➜ Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select "Image Diagnost Software" and click the button [Change/Remove].

3. Proceed accordingly with "MySQL".

Chapter 6Chapter 6 Page no. 268

GE Healthcare IDI Mammography Workflow Solutions

Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Uninstallation Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation

6 Folders manual deletion

1. Delete the Workstation Cache (folder dbcache) manually.
! Notice:
This is very important for data protection reasons.
In case you want to dispose of the hard-disk, be aware that deleting data or even formatting the
hard-disk won’t actually erase the data. It is still there and accessible to most file recovery
programs. Only when new data is written to the hard-disk, the old data is permanently wiped.
Windows does not provide any tool to do this, so procure an appropriate tool on the internet.
2. Delete the C:\mysql folder manually.
3. Delete the C:\Program Files\ImagesDiagnost folder manually.

7 Verification
Manually check that all MammoWorkstation services are removed:
1. Go to Control Panel ➜ Administrative Tools ➜ Services.
The services "ApacheTomcat6forIDI", "IDDicomReceiveSCP" and "IDDicomWorklistSCP" must
be removed. Page no. 269 Chapter 6Chapter 6

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

Uninstallation Job Card UIST A02 - IDI applications uninstallation

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Revision 1 Software Installation Manual 5391141-1-8EN

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Manufactured by:
GE Medical Systems SCS
283, rue de la Minière - BP 34
78533 Buc Cedex

for Image Diagnost International GmbH

Balanstraße 57
81541 Munich, Germany

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