Day 21

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Yolo Object detection using FPGA

What you will Learn today ?

What is Deep Learning
Yolo Object detection using PYNQ
About pantechsolutions
Manufacturers of Lab equipment's(ECE &EEE) and
Sensor Interface
Manufacturer of Brainsense EEG Headset
Reconfigurable Algorithms on AI
Manufacture of AI development Boards

Vision: To help 10 millions students to learn technology

in a easy way
About me

My Primary Expertise
Microcontroller Architecture: 8051,PIC,AVR,ARM,MSP430,PSOC3DSP Architecture: Blackfin,C2000,C6000,21065L
SharcFPGA: Spartan,Virtex,CycloneImage Processing Algorithms: Image/Scene Recognition, Machine Learning,
Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Pattern Recognition, Object Classification ,Image Retrieval, Image enhancement and
denoising.Neural Networks : SVM,RBF,BPNCryptography :RSA,DES,3DES,Ellipti curve,Blowfish,Diffe Hellman
Compilers: Keil,Visual DSP++,CCS, Xilinx Platform studio,ISE, Matlab, Open CV
Attendance Link at 8.30 pm
Minimum attendance required for an E-Certificate is 18 Days.
Attendance link will be valid for 2 hrs. after the event.
For Internship Candidates no attendance required ,it will be
accessed from the LMS Portal. (
Recorded Video Streaming for some classes to improve
Learning Experience
Only Xilinx FPGA and tools will be covered.
What is Artificial Intelligence

What is Deep Learning
How it works
Supervised learning
Unsupervised learning
Semi Supervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Ensemble Learning
Deep Learning Data types
Different Neural Networks for Different Data
Why Labeling is Important
Comparison of the Pretrained Models
How Yolo works
Printed Certificate &Online Support System @ Rs 999 Rs
500+18% GST(offer price )

Where you have the recorded video ,Watch at any time

Videos will be enable after live in online support system, take free preview by signing up
Practice on your own time.

(Join the 30 Days Challenge )
Thank You

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