Data Analytics Project 1

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Data Analytics in Everyday Life

Analyzing commute to work


Working in a busy city and getting to work is something every

professional goes through. Unknowingly, people calculate the
time it will take them to commute by weighing the relevant
factors and accordingly coordinate their whole day and routine.
They Plan by determining the distance and time taken, Prepare
by taking into account the factors and after other subsequent
steps, they figure out the most viable commute option for them. 2
People take the first step by
Planning. They take into account by
what time they have to be in office,
how much time it might take them
to reach, when do they need to start
their day etc.
They make a sense of the time taken
by them to reach their office by
analysing traffic conditions
prevalent during their time of
commute, weather conditions, and
other factors like condition of road,
commute options, public or private
transport etc. 3

Traffic conditions are the primary reason of variable commute times and
unexpected delays. Generally, offices start at the same time, resulting in
more people on the road and more traffic. Also, they analyse possible routes
and try to examine which one might be best suited.

Weather conditions like heavy rain or dense fog further delay the commute
time. People check their weather forecasts and if they see there are chances
of rain, they take a longer buffer time and leave early.

Public vs Private Transport

This decision is crucial due to many factors. Fuel prices, distance from home, if
the person prefers driving etc. In a case where fuel pices are more, people
choose public transport. When the roads are excessively crowded, people may
choose to take the metro, not the bus. If people prefer driving and do not want
to deal with public transport crowd, they might overlook inflated fuel prices 5
and travel by public transport.
People now decide the actual departure time and commute duration on the
basis of factors decided before hand. They organise the different commute
options, cost incurred in each and time taken by them. They might also make a
pros and cons list if the trade offs they are facing are very difficult to decide

They correlate the data and analyse the time taken. For instance, they take
into account current weather conditions and incorporate that into general time
taken. They also analyse how public and private transport will be affect and
different factors affecting those. For example, if the roads have potholes and it
is rainy season. Or if it is winter season and public transport is not very crowded.

Such analysis poses as the deciding factor and people decide according to
their preferences. 6
Now, as the final decision is made, they decide upon their preferred commute
route, departure time and method of transportation. They visualise the facts
and based upon their trade offs and preferences, choose a viable option.
Time Taken (mins) Cost (Rs)
40 75






0 0
Bus Metro Own Car Carpool Rapido Bike Bus Metro Own Car Carpool Rapido Bike 5
Now people communicate their decision to their peers and inform them about
delays that could occur or inform them about their arrival time to keep them in


Now, they act upon their plan, commute to the work as decided and make
necessary changes by going over their analysis, taking into account everyday

Thank You!
Data Analytics
in Real Life
Data Analytics
while Preparing
for Exam
01 - Introduction
02 - Plan
03 - Prepare
04 - Process
05 - Analyze
06 - Share
07 - Act
01 - Introduction
We use Data Analytics in our day to day lives
without even realising. As given by the Trainity
Example, we analyze our requirements, plan
accordingly and act upon it. Similarly, planning
for our exams in the last one month of the
semester is a crucial brain exercise that we
students master. From time management to
figuring out what portions to cover in what time,
requires heavy planning and might cause us
extra stress if we misinterpret our course.
Therefore in this project, we will be analyzing the
process of exam preparation.
02 - Plan
As Step 1, students plan what subjects they have.
They decide which subject is the most difficult,
which one has the vastest syllabus and how
much they know of each subject. This lets them
sort out their priorities, get a sense of where they
stand and help them understand their syllabus.



Prior Preparation
02 - Plan
Students may prepare an Excel sheet
detailing the subjects sorted on the basis of
their liking and its content.

This Excel sheet will help them in

managing their preparation, tracking their
progress and easily making changes along
the way.
03 - Prepare
Now students look at the time they have, Recreation

other commitments etc. and start figuring 3 hours

out how much time to give to each subject

or how to study in a day. Sleep
8 hours

7 hours

3 hours
Basic Needs
3 hours
Then based upon their prior research
regarding understanding of the syllabus,
its contents, weightage of each subject
04 - Process
etc., the students start to prepare.
While preparing, students start to realise
the fault in their plan and the
discrepancies between their thought and
reality. It might be that subject they
deemed to be toughest is actually taking
lesser time while a purely theoretical
subject is taking a larger amount of time.
Now students revise their plan and
improvise to efficiently keep their
preparation on track.
05 - Analyze
time devoted before time devoted after After preparing for a while and
having covered their syllabus,
students start to revise and go over
the material again. They determine
4 where they lacked, their weak
points etc. They devise a plan to
strengthen these areas or to go
over these once again, for the sake
of it, depending on their time

Now they consult their peers
06 - Share and tutors about their
progress, take feedback and
take notes of thing they might
have missed. Their peers and
tutor give them insight about
their own experience and
share their views on the
student's preparation. The
student takes into account
their opinion and tries to
incorporate it in their studies.
07 - Act
Finally, the students sit for their exams and write them.
After their exams are over, they again analyze how their
exam went and try to determine how much marks they
might score.
Thank You

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