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== wine L_ 2 E inthis unit we use the Past Simple regular tense. ( (We learn about designers and inventors and their A. amazingideas. can you guess what was Alfie's dad's ‘ favourite toy when he was young? Look and match in pair: Listen and check. Then, dishwasher headphones” microwave mobile phone quadcopter remote control Rubik's cube solarpanel tablet washing machine Discovery TASK. 2 Listen ond say. (aC 3 Askin pairs. FOO? What's this? It's got ten letters and three syllables. The third letter iss. Dishwasher! (rae KNOW) LEARNING Classify! Think of more cool inventions. |) LEIRI uses electric! dosartans weet computer bike 62 © Lesson 1 « Inventions vocabulary wa INCREDIBLE iNVENTIONS ‘1 Match and find the extra Letters. Then, write and answer. dish cone) head ponnet micro cubev mobile macheine quod phonnes remote tet Rubik's waisher solor phoone tab conpter ‘washing waves 1 You use it for washing . isa 2 Youcan cook with it, Itsa 3 Itusesthesuntomoke t's 4 Youlisten to with them, They're: 5 It'sa puzzle with coloured . isa 6 You can use it to turn on the . its 56 = Inventions vocabulary « Last week was amazing. It was ‘Science Week at ‘our school. We didn’t study. English or PE. Wenaaea Science every day on: rae ‘we taliced about solar energy. | with Daisy and ee solar panel to make a ‘ar. The car moved with energy from the Sun. We were lucky, it ‘was a sunny day! ‘On Tuesday, our class visited the planetarium. First, we watched a video about the planets. Then we _lookeed at the craters on the Moon through a telescope. ei ~ Science Week Qn Wednesday, we worked in ‘groups and talked about bridges. Each group designed a bridge. Our group used pasta to make a bridge! twas a fun day! On Thursday, we looked at flying machines. Our teacher showed us a quadcopter. There was a camera oN ‘on the quadcopter. The camera Imed our school. On Friday, we talked about the heart. | counted my heartbeats. Then, | closed my eyes and listened to some relaxing music on ‘my headphones. After five minutes, my heartbeat was slower. Alfie listened to some rock music and his heartbeat was faster! 2 Copy and correct the mistakes. {7 1 Megan worked with Joel on Monday. 4 2 On Monday. the weather was bad. 5 3. Thechildren watched video about the Moon, The children worked in groups on Thursday. There wos a solar panel on the quodcopter. ‘When Alfie listened to rock music, his heartbeat wos slower. > Listen and say who. Then play in pairs. CFs This boy watched a documentary, but he dicin’t visit the science museum. The Past Simple of regular verbs: We visited (a planetarium). © It's iam. Lesson2+ 63 G 1 Look at page 63 in the Student’s Book, choose and complete. Science Week 1 OnMonday, | worked f didn’t work with Alfie, 2 We visited / didn’t visit the planetarium on Tuesday. 3 Wewatched/didn't watch == video about solar panels. 4 My group used /didn't use pasta to make a bridge. 5 Wetalked/didn'ttalk __ about the heart on Friday. © Alfie listened / didn't listen to some relaxing music. 2 Look and complete with verbs in the Past Simple. 4 Alexis____the aquarium, She__the fish with o mobile phone. 2 Josh ‘with a fend, They ‘a quodcopter, 3 Natalia ‘at the moon. She atetescope. 4 Poul tothe birds. He the animats in his garden. ‘ity 2 and write. “count birds» Josh didn't count birds, CREP Alon “design aquadeopter” Josh Notatio eee © Poul ee 1 2 5 al 4 5 6 Cin © The Past Simple of regular verbs: We visited (a planetarium). © = ST ‘1 Watch the video ‘Incredible inventions’ Then, choose and say the correct sentences. () The children are moking o quiz / documentary. In the 1980s, mobile phones were big / small. Megan's granny was an architect / a secretary. A Japanese / Chinese inventor invented the Watkman. Joel's dad listened to his Walkman in the morning / at night. Rubik wos a teacher / doctor, Alfie's dad / mum ployed with a Rubik’s cube. Alfie / Megan can clo the Rubik’s cube. @ | watched someane do the Rubik's ween ° ow cube with their feet on TV! Maxim, Pussia 2 Listen and find one sentence from the table. (a) Liga) eos LCL at Affirmative Interrogative 1/You/She/ talked about inventions. ea 1/ you /she/ invent a phone? He/We/They worked in groups. he/we/they _ | play with a Rubik's cube? Negotive Short answers 1/You/She/ | visit the museum. | Yes, | did, He/we they: (A |woucioSaioot. [na, i/ Hou shee s wer they | diary Listen and read. Then answer the questions in your notebook. ¢(a {| Josephine Cochvane 1829 to 1918 Gishwasher alone at home. Then she worked with eee tome her dishwasher. The first dishwasher was ready in 1886. It was popular with hotels and restaurants. In 1897, ‘Student A look at page 82 ‘Student B look at page 85 1. Did Josephine tike washing 4 Didshe design the dishwasher | - Ask questions about the dishes? with @ team? scientists ond inventors. 2. Did she work witha mechanic? «Sid she open a factory? 3. Did she design a microwave? 6 Did she manage her factory? 64 © Lesson 3 « Past Simple questions and short answers: Did she design (a dishwashey? Yes, she cid. 0B Clty 4. Listen ond choose. Adolphe § n Logie Baird) Pe) Be 1 My mum was.a gil in the 1980s. I'masking her about her childhood. Did you use a mobile phone? Did you listen to music on a Walkman? Did you play computer games? Did you change channels with o remote control? Did you like Science? Did you play with a Rubik's cube? Adolphe Sax ! Scotland /in/ tive / Did / the /? mouse / Did / Douglas Engelbort / the / invent /? Belgium / ive / Did / John Logie Baird /in/ ? the / Douglas Engelbart / in / USA / live / Did /? John Logie Baird / the / invent / Did / saxophone /? TV/invent / Did / Adolphe Sox / the /? 3 Complete with vowels. Then answer for you about last weekend. 1 3 58 Did you so mbt phon? 2 Didyoul_st_nt_ m_s_c¢? Did youpt_y ¢_mp_t_r g_m_s? 4 Didyout_tk t_ yo_r fr__nds? + Past Simple questions and shot answers + Ea 4 Watch and say. a Which objects do Amy, Lisa ond Joson draw? 2 Watch again and answer. QSLire SKILLS BE CREATIVE! arena Noe) Do you like drawing, making models or other creative activities? 3 Read, think and suggest more ideas. 4 What's special about Amy's bike? How can you be creative? 2 Does anybody drow a snail? 3 What does Amy say about first ideas? Listen to-allidees, 4 What does Lisa say about Jason's lamp? a 5 Can you draw something with o spiral? Hove lots of ideas. 6 Have you got an idea for an old boot? AFTER you WATCH 4 | Read and listen. Then share ideas in Use your imagination, The first idea isn’t always the best! How about a shop with smells in cans? When you apen a can, you get a smell, There are cans ‘with the smell of the sea or fresh bread. Some cans have hortible smells too, such as the smell of old socks! Imagine there's an unusual new shop in your town, What does it sell? Work in a group and have lots of ideas. Remember to listen to all ideas, Use your imagination. groups My idea isa shop with talent hats. When you ‘wear one of the hats, you have a new talent. The “top chef” hat makes you cook delicious meals, When you wear the “fast runner” hat, you run fester than a hors. pore pac How about a solar panel shop? It sells ordinary objects with solar ‘panels. There's a hat with a solar panel radio. When its sunny, you can listen to music, You can buy a skateboard and headphones with solar panels too. i Vi Life Skills: creativity » Mediation » Lesson 4 © 65 Imagine it's your frienc's birthday party tomorrow. ‘The shops are closed and you haven't got @ present. ‘What can you do? 2 Imagine you meet ¢ friendly olien on your way te school You can ask it three questions: 3 Read and answer. pas DOSS oO? SZ es | Atha can you do ae | | / ava can goudo — fou can make hats, \ an mate a pencil holder. - with dn oid newspaper? & | with dn oid Jam Jar? ' Ss ) ~ It's the year 2040. Mack lives with Grandad in California. Her grandad's an inventor. Mack's mum lives im Japan, but they talk every day. Grandad is always busy, so Mack usually cooks dinn ‘where's Grandad?’ asked. Mum. “Oh, he’s working on his new inventio answered Mack. anti-gravity hoverboard. I've got to go now, it dinner time, Bye, Mur Mack picked something up. “what's this?’ she asked, ‘abl that's the first smartphone from 2007," answered Grandad. ‘I was one of the designers that helped to make i ‘Mack laughed, Well, it doesn't look smart? very important,” explained Grandad. ‘it was the first phone witha touch screen.” “can | borrow it?" asked Mack, ‘OK, but be careful, it's very old.” 66» Lesson 5 » Key vocabulary and grammar in context Grandad liked listening to music when he worked, He didn't hear Mack at first so she shouted, ‘Dinner’s ready!" There was a problem with the hoverboard. He explained it to ‘Mack. ‘The motor isn't working. It jumps back in time for twenty minutes and Iean’tcontrot it. I's very dangerous!” FARNING TO LEARN When you read text with speech marks, imagine that person speal The next day, Mack wanted to talk to Grandad. she opened the door, but he ‘wasn't there. She looked at the hoverboard. She-didn’t vemember that i was dangerous and she wanted totryit. Before youread! 1. Talk about an invention that important to you. () (‘think game consoles are briliant The hoverboard travelled backin time. Mack was ina different work room. There was a boy. “are you an alien?” he asked. ‘Er. I'm Mack. What years this?" Mack asked. the boy. gece faughed, ‘i's1960! heanswered. Mack 2 Read and tisten. (fe explained where she was from, They i pag aN Thehoverboard | (After you read) = make anoise. Answer the questions in your ‘what's notebook, £7] happening?” hoo 1 Where does Mock tive? ‘Thaveto ge 2. Whot does Grandad do? now, Mack 3 Who usually cooks dinner? severed 3 4 Whot does Mack ask to borrow? climbed onto 5 How tong does Mack stay | the board. in the past? ‘wait!"he 6 Whot does Steven think Mack is called, ut she at fst? disappeared. mum was angry. ‘steven Jobs! itwas dinner time halfanhour ago. Put that toy awaynow and wash your hands!* 1 Groat ideas don’t always come from just one person! + Think of an invention, Then, go online ‘and find out if only one person invented it, + Share what you find with your class. Key vocabulary and grammar in context » Lesson 5 « G7 ‘1 Complete the sentences. 4 Mock’s mum tives in 2) Mack usually cooks 3. Grandad invents o 4 The boy thinks Mackis on - 5. Grondad helped to design the fist 5 Sy 6 The boy's mum tells hie to wash his 2 Write the verbs in the Past Simple. Then number in order. Mack the smortphone. Mack ‘Dinner’s ready’ OCT Ta They, Seen e iis, ‘Con you think of o different ttle for this story? Grandad the problem with Who ore the main characters? the hoverboard, Mock totalk to Grandad. _ Where does the story happen? Mock inner Mack from the boy's work What's your favourite part of the story? Why? room. Grondad listening to music. \Who's your favourite character? Why? The hoverboard to make a noise. = Grade this story: _/10 Mack onto the hoverboard. GO» Key vocabulary and grammar in context « Omar 1 Listen and say the years. (= (D Ee GO-BREK AND Too O Which two years are not in the story? 2 Listen, read and say the years. Ces (7 teve Jobs was an important inventor and designer. He helped to make computers, smartphones and tablets very popular, and he produced Toy Story, the first full-length digital film. Steve Jobs was bom inSan Francisco, (IGEN California. He started Pixar, the digital fim company. He helped to invent the Phone, the fst success(ul smartphone. He introduced the Pad, an important tablet computer. He worked until the day beforehe died. (VV) 3 Read and say True or False. (>) 1 Steve Jobs was born in the UK 4 Steve Jobs was the producer of Toy Story. 2 He started Apple with his dad. 5 The iPhone wosn’t very successful, 3. Pixarwasa smartphone company. 6 The iPad wos tablet computer. Ceaperatve 68 » Lesson 6 » Calendar years » He was bom in (1955). oasldioon Ce EE 1 Write the years in words. 4 BOO 4: jw thous snd ow 2 1450; 3 1750: 4 1955: s 2016: 6 2009: 2 Put the words in order and write the years in words. 4 Las f Diego Velézquez / painted / Meninas 2 Tower / designed / Eiffel / the / Gustove Eiffel 3 Mount / Edmund Hillary / Everest / climbed 4 on/walked / Neit Armstrong / the / Moon 5 invented / Wide / World / the / Tim Berners-Lee / Web 3 Look and match. Then make a timeline for you in your notebook. + Calendar years * He was borin (1955).* G1 8 EEE (9 WORD WORK: COMPOUND NOUNS 1 Listen ond read. (ea 2 Combine words to write compound a nouns in your notebook. {7| Sometimes, we combine two words and make something net Foot and ball make football Po Pencil and case make pencil case. ‘These words are called compound nouns. There are two types: of compound noun. % Open compound nouns have a space between the words: ice cream, sports centre, and living room. Closed compound nouns don't have a space between the words: basketball, watermelon, and bookshop. g $ Ss WRITING: A REPORT 3 Read and write the correct verbs in your notebook. ({ {| Ee e My day out here, ee you go? Last Saturday, ede technology, museum with my broter, what did you see/40? Fist we looked at the cars, bat they were bocing.® the cars. 4 Next, ¢ "10 an inventor about her nen robot. The robot's name was Techbot, 1 “Techbot was amzing, It walked and it jumped. Then it ® football au “Canit dance?’ | asked. The inventor played some music and Techbot *.. with me and my brother! when we. arrived home, |... at the computer. Thore. was an email from the. inventor. vsth 2 video and a message, Techbot feed you! 17. he video. I was a video of wie. and my brother dancing, wth Teckbot ae Top Tipf-@—§ fig A.really liked the tedhoology museum. it interesting day. First, next and then show 6 Mandy a sequence of actions. > Now goto page 62 in the Activity Book and write about a day out. {7 Word Work: compound nouns * Writing: areport e Lesson 7 « 69 6’an WORD WORK: COMPOUND NOUNS ‘1 Read and write the compound nouns. You sleep in this room: Firefighters work here: You can use it to change TV channels: ‘You can buy clothes, oaks, food and toys here: You have « shower and brush your teeth here: ourwons You can see paintings and sculptures here: WRITING: A REPORT 2 Plan and choose. © plonetarium? What did you do? looked at animals / the Moon? played football / a computer game? watched a video?’ used a mobile phone? filmed animals / plants / people? _ listened to music/ the birds? cooked? talked to an inventor / astronaut /footballer? _ played / walked / worked / danced with friends? 2.700? ascience museum? a caste? asports centre? acity form? other? Your opinion Hreally liked. didn’t like twas a boring / an exciting day. First, next and then show a sequence of actions. 3 Look at Activity 2 and write about a day out, Where .. ? Last weekend, I (visited) a What ... ? First, Next, Then, My efi 62 =» Word Work: compound nouns * Writing: a report © Hi, I'm Nicole from Canada. _ My favourite Canadian invention is the snowmobile. Here in || Canada, the winter is usually cold ‘and snowy. and the snowmobile is the ideal form of transport. A mechanic called Joseph _ Bombardier invented the snowmobile in 1937. At first, they were popular with doctors and vets, then ordinary people started using snowmobiles too, | inwinter, | 9010 schoo! by snowmobile. My mum drives and I si behind, Snowmobiles are cool, but i's important to wear helmet Football, swimming, basketball ‘and ice hockey are all popular sports for kids in Canada. Did you know that basketball is a Canadian invention? I wos the idea of a PE teacher called James Naismith. Hi, Nicole. My favourite sandwich is cheese and apple. It's delicious! Ricardo, Peru 2. Find one true sentence and correct the false sentences in your notebook. {7 1 2 3 4 5 6 A PE teacher invented a new sport in 1892. ‘A mechanic invented peanut butter. Nicote Loves peanut butter and egg sandwiches. 70 © Lesson 8 » Leam about Canadian inventions rs Joseph Bombardier invented the egg carton in 1937, Teachers were the first people to use snowmobiles. James Naismith wanted to invent on outdoor sport. He invented basketball on a snowy winter day in 1892. ‘wasn't possible to play outdoors, so James Naismith invented basketball as an indoor game for his students. You can find Canadian inventions in your | kitchen too. An inventor called Joseph Coyle invented the egg carton in 1911, it was very populer, so Joseph Coyle invented a machine to make egg cartons next! Peanut butter’s from Ganada too, love making sandwiches with peanut butter ‘and jam. They're yummy, try one! your Gol Do you play basketball? Do you like it? What's your favourite sandwich? MY NEW WoRDs Yauetn “drive jam mechanic ESEP cose Did Alice listen to music? ( Yes, she did. ) 5S Ask and answer about what you did at the weekend. OQ? Did you go to the cinema? ( No, I didn’t. ) [irons aay Leta fe teen 0 ae ae swucunscnes (Ome = gaa fag eco Unitreview. 71 eSiee == EE 41 Look and write the invention. Then, listen and write the year. (Ge) 3 64 First, he travelled home on the bus with his friends. Next, he walked to the park and * Then, he listened to his music and # Then, after a snack, * Next,¢ Then, * Read and answer Yes, he did or No, he didn't. 1 Did Som walk home from school? 4 Did he play the guitar ofter school? 2 Did he play basketboll at half past three? 5 Did he tolk to Granny at five past eight? 3. Did he tisten to music on his headphones? 6 Did he watch TV at half past seven? © Unit review © Btenceeem see My Prociess CREED 1 Think: valuate your progress ey foo = | = = cy foo oS (wm | eS rr ic co | (ma co (oa (ra = Soo s&s f& SJ iS 9 e Se oe the unit and colour the batteries accordingly, 4 Icon talk about what people did in the past. 5 Lean use my imagination to create ideas. 2. Icon follow and understand a story that 6 know what compound nouns are. mbes the:presentand the pest, 7 Lean sequence @ report using first, next 5 Ian say calendar years, ‘ond then, 4 Icon talk about inventors ond their 8 know about some important Canadian inventions. inventions. 2 Observe and analyse: © Which battery is the most cherged? © What do I need to improve? S Reflect: in this unit, what helped you to learn the most? [J tistenings (__) Peitreroup work (J poster [_) Readings Digitol practice {_} videos Writing eetivities [_Jcrommortabies ond [_] Sutentteachor tine [) orat activites ata (J otner: divin wotk (_) Vocobutory activities 4 Action plan: © What can I do to learn more in the future? Q GO HOME AND TALK! ask your fornity about inventions. Answer invention? Why? Answer 2:

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