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Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _______

Literary Devices
1. a very typical example of a certain person or thing A. symbolism

2. Uses symbols to reveal a hidden meaning. B. onomatopeia

3. The repetition of similar sounds, generally at the beginning of words C. hyperbole

4. In literature, this is a reference to another work. D. Motif

5. A scene in a short story, a novel, a narrative poem, or a play that interrupts E. paradox
the action to show an event that happened earlier.

6. The use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come F. repetition

7. an exaggeration of fact used either for serious or comic effect G. Allegory

8. A contrast or an incongruity between what is stated and what is meant or H. Flashback

between what is expected to happen and what actually happens

9. Use of words to create a picture in the reader's mind using their senses. I. Alliteration

10. A contrast between two opposites. eg. big and small J. analogy

11. A comparison between two things K. Foreshadowing

12. The emotions evoked in the reader on reading the text. L. irony

13. A reoccurring feature, such as a name, an image, or a phrase, in a work of M. euphemism


14. the use of a word in which the sound imitates or suggests its meaning N. point-of-view

15. something nonhuman is given human qualities O. Allusion

16. perspective from which the story is told P. Archetype

17. use of words, phrases or sounds over and over usually for emphasis Q. Imagery

18. giving additional meaning to an object or person in a story R. Metaphor

19. comparison using like or as S. simile

20. A phrase where two or more words are diametrically opposed T. personification

21. contradictory statement that is true U. Juxtaposition

22. polite words used in place of harsh-sounding words V. oxymoron

23. connections between familiar and unfamiliar things W. Mood

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