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1. The word Psychology' is derived from words

(a Psyche and logos(b) Psyche and logus(c) Psycho and logos(d) Psycho and logus
2. Which of the following is a branch of Psychology

(a) Developmentalpsychology (b) Abnormal psychology(c) Clinical psychology(d) Allof the above
3.Importance of Psychology is- (a) In the ficld of education(b) In the ficld of guidance and counsclling(c) In the field of
industry and business management(d) Allof the above
4. Simplest form (method) of thinking is -a) Abstract thinking(b) Logical thinking(e) Creative thinking(d) Perceptual
5.We can tolerate frustration because of the function of- (a) ld(b) Ego(c) Supcrego(d) Oedipus complex
6. What do you mean by learning- (a) Acquistion of skill(b) Acquistion of knowledge(c) Modification of behaviour
which result from practice and experience(d) Any change in behaviour
7. Habits are- (a) Acquired(b) Inborn(c) Both acquired and inborn(d) None of the above
8. Subsystem of personality which play important role to satisfy our biological needs through right way and show the
right way to behave- (a) Id(b) Supcrego(c) Ego ideal(d) Ego
9. Perception is- (a) Sensation and interpretation(b) Sensation and language(c) Sensation and memory(d) Sensation and

10, Thinking is also known as- (a) Memory(b) Motivation(c) Cognition(d) Attention
11. According to Freud, the mind's thrce components are: a. ego, id, supercgo b. unconscious, moral, immoral c. oral,
anal,phallic d. primary, secondary, tertiary
12. Humanistic psychologists embraced the idea of: a. repression willc. unconscious drives d. the id
13. According to Freud, children pass through 4 stages of psychosexual development.
Which of the following shows the stages in the correct developmental order? a. oral, anal, phallic, latency b. latency, oral,
anal, phallic c. phallic, anal, oral, latency d. oral, phallic, latency, anal
14. are the basic biological units that transmit characteristics from one generation to the next: a. genes b.
neurons c. glia d. instincts

15. Who is considercd the "father of psychology" by his establishment of the first psychology lab? a. Wilhelm Wundt b.
William Jame c. Sigmund Freud d. E. B. Tichener

16.The behaviorists believed: a. Psychology should emphasize the study of healthy people. b. Psychology should only
study observable and objectively described acts d.Psychology should study the self examination of inner ideas and
experiences. d. AIl of the above

17. Which technique would you be using if you take a sip of a soft drink and concentrate on what you are
experiencing(cold, bubbly,. sweet, etc.)? a. cinpiricisn1 3. ueliaviourism c. introspection d. functionalism
18. Who is known as the founder of behaviourism? a. John Watson b. Carl Rogers c. Wilhelm Wundt d. Sigmund Freud
19. How did John Watson define psychology? a. the scientific study of the brain b. the scientific study of the unconscious
c. the scientificstudy of behaviour d. the scientific study of conscious experience
20. What is the focus of applicd psychology? a. pure science research b. unique qualities of people c. practical problemsd.
mental processes involved in acquiring knowlcdge
21. Which type of psychology best categorizes the research on bullying described in the Featured Study? a. behavioural
psychology b. cognitive psychology c. experimnental psychology d. applied psychology
22. What are currently the two largest areas of specialization in rescarch-oricntcd psychology? a. clinical and counselling
psychology b. developmental and clinical psychology c. social and counselling psychology d. developmental and social
23. Which type of psychologist is concerncd with changes in behaviour throughout thc life span? a. a social psychologist
b. a developmental psychologist e. a personality psychologist d. a cognitive psychologist
24. Which of the following professionals could provido a prescription for antidepressant medication? a. a physiological
psychologist b. a clinical psychologist c. a psychiatrist d. a counselling psychologist
25. Which of the following premises means that knowledge should be acquired through observation? a. philosophy b.
empiricism c. subjectivity d. introspection
26. What is a theory? a. the premise that knowledge should be acquired through logical reasoning b. a statement of fact
that describes a set of observations c. the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation d. a system of
interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations
27. What does a scientist use to explain a set of observations? a. introspection b. a theory c. common sense d. empiricism.
28. Which of thefollowing is NOT part of critical thinking? a. working systematically toward a desired goal b. originally
believing that the stated position on a topic is incorrect c. generating multiple solutions to problems d. using principles of
likelihood when dealing with probabilistic events
29. Psychologists are referred to as scientists because: a.) they work with complicated computers b.) they rely upon
sophisticated brain-imaging machines c.) they base their work on scientific attitudes and proccdures d.) psychology is
related to human biology which is an important part of science
30. John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, and BF Skinner would have agreed that psychology is the study of: a.) behavior b.) the
mind c.) conscious experience d.) mental processes
31. The followers of argue that there is aclose relationship between animal behavior and human behavior.
a.) Jean Jacques Rousseau b.) Charles Darwin c.) John Locke d.) Rene Descartes
32. What is the "levelof analysis" for a social psychologist? A) the individual in the context of a social situation B) the
social situation itself C) a person's level of achievement D) a person's level of reasoning
33. Which of the following 'subfields of psychology i_ INCORRECTLY matched with its description? A. Behavioral
neuroscience: examines the relationship between the nervous system and behavior B. Cognitive: exxamines how people
grow and change from conception through death C. Experimental: examines the processes of sensing, perceiving,
learning, and thinking D. Clinical: deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders
34. Which of the following subfields of psychology is CORRECTLY matched with a sample topic? A. Behavioral
neuroscience: the influence of chronic stress on physical health B. Developmental psychology: the effectiveness of drug
therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder C. Cognitive psychology: the influence of on event on people's thinking D.
Health psychology: the role that frustration plays in producing aggression
35. Developmental psychology: A. focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems. B. studies
how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death. C. focuses on higher mental processes,
including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making, and language. D. deals with the study,
diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders.
36. Which branch of psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or disease?
A. Developmental psychology B. Health psychology C. Perceptual psychology D. Clinical neuropsychology
37. Howdo clinical and counseling psychology differ? A. Clinical psychology requires more advanced study than does
counseling psychology. B. Clinical psychologists have a PhD or an MD degree, whereas counseling psychologists have a
PsyD degre. C. Counscling psychologists deal with problems that are more specific than the problems that clinical
psychologists deal with. D. Clinical and counscling psychology are synonymous.
38. Dr. Growe is reading about a research in which psychologists investigated the effect of group size on the conformity
of group members. Dr. Growe is most likely reading the Journal of Psychology. A. Developmental B. Social C.
Counscling D. Evolutionary
39. Where the word "psychology" does come from? A. Italian B. Greek C. Latin D. None of the above
40. Who is the author of the book "principles of psychology"? A. Charles Darwin B. Sigmund Freud C. William James D.
Wilhelm Wundt

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