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Narrator- Dear friends do you have a smartphone, everybody has one.

Today social media has became an important part of our

lives. In this play, we are going to represent how social
media and technology has both positive as well as negative
sides to it. How it can improve our lives as well as how it can
destroy our lives. Let’s start the play.

We start the play from the drawing room, with a couple discussing about
their children’s result.

(Father is sitting while holding a news paper then mother comes)

Mother- Dear, would you like a cup of tea.

Father- No thanks, dear.

Mother- (thinks for a while) Oh, today Arun and Rohit’s results are
going to be announced.

Father- Oh yes! Let’s see what happens.

Then both the kids come from school dancing

Rohit- Look father, we both got first division. I have got 95% in my
10th board exams.

Arun- See mama, I have got 94% only 1% less then brother.

Father- Oh really! I am proud of you my sons.

Arun- Now tell us papa, what is our reward. You told us that we
would get a gift if we scored good marks in exam.
Father- Oh yeah! I remember. I already knew you two would score
good marks, so I have already bought your gifts. (gives both
kids a smartphone)

Both kids- Thank you very much papa. Mama where is your gift.

Mother- Oh yes my boys, I already knew my boys will score good marks
so I have already purchased Laptops for both of you. They will
arrive by tomorrow.

But remember kids anything in access is like poison so use you

phones and laptops carefully.


Narrator - This is the 2nd scene. A man and a woman are beating their
daughter in law and throwing her out of the house and Arun
and Rohit sees this.

Daughter- Help!...Somebody help me!

Woman- Get out! Go away from here! You can not live here with us.

Daughter- But mother in law, tell me what is my fault.

Woman- This is what you call dowry! You came with empty hands.

Rich man- Huh! Didn’t you know we are the richest landlord family of
this town. Go to your father and bring money, only then you
can live here.

Daughter- No father in law, don’t say this. My father gave you everything
he had. Please let me live here.
(Arun and Rohit sees this. Rohit calls the police while Arun records
everything and posts it on social media)

Rohit – Hello police station, sir please come quickly here a man and
woman are beating their daughter in law and forcing her to
give dowry.

Arun- Oh yeah! What a scene.

(Police came)

Police man- What is happening here, officer catch these two. Who called
us, What is the matter?

Arun- We called you sir. These two are beating their daughter in law

Police man- Oh this is the matter. Well done boys we need more citizens
like you. Arrest both of them. Now we can use that video as

(Then Arun and Rohit’s father came)

Father- Well done my boys I saw everything. Now hurry up we need

to go to the hospital. My friend had an accident and he is very

Father- What happened Mrs. Gupta. How is Mr. Gupta now?

Mrs.Gupta- (crying) Yesterday while coming back home he met with an

accident. He is not well , condition is very serious. He needs O
negative blood as soon as possible, but it is not available at
the blood bank.
Father- Oh God. Stop using mobiles you two, can’t you see the

Arun- Just one minute papa I got an important messege of my

friend. After all, what can we do, my blood is not O negative.

Rohit- Don’t worry papa. I posted the emergency of O-ve blood on

social media with hospital address and phone number.
Someone is coming to donate their blood.

Father- Very good beta.

Stranger- I am here. Who needs O negative blood? I will danate my

blood don’t worry.

Mrs. Gupta- Thank you so much sir.

Stranger- No need to say that. Thanks to that post on social media, I am

able to save a man’s life.


Narrator- A few days later the school teacher called Arun and Rohits
parents to school to give their class 11th report cards.

Mother- Arun stop using mobile you are always chatting on phone.

Teacher- Congratulations Mr. Shukla, your son Rohit has topped the
class. He is so brilliant and Talented. But...

Father- But what mam ?

Teacher- Mr. Shukla, Arun has got compartment in physics and only
passing marks in other subjects. This is because of spending
too much time on social media and smartphone.

Mother- See, I always told you to study but you won’t listen.

Narrator- Did you see how proper use of technology helped Rohit to
save two lives. But what happened to Arun due to misuse of
the same. Arun wasted one whole year of his study. We
should always remember technology is for our help and we
should never allow it to hinder us. Technology is our ally and
we should never let be our master.

-: Thank you all :-

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