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Benign Heme Emergencies Malignant Heme Emergencies

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia Hypercalcemia
TTP Hyperleukocytosis
Sickle cell crisis Hyperviscosity
Acute tumor lysis syndrome
Acute cord compression
Superior vena cavae syndrome

Acute cord compression

• Lung ca > Breast ca > Prostate ca
• Thoracic spine > Cervical spine > Lumbar spine
• 90% pain; 75% weakness; 50% loss of bladder/bowel function
• Treatment: XRT + IV Dex + surgery (if able) best outcomes

Tumor lysis syndrome

• More common: high-grade lymphoma (Burkits) or acute leukemia (ALL)
• Tumor lysis Labs: ↑ uric acid, ↑ K, ↑ Phos, ↓ Ca
• Clinical tumor lysis = Tumor lysis labs + one of the following:
o Cr > 1.5, Arrythmia, Seizure, or Death
• Prophylaxis and Treatment:
o Allopurinol
o Rasbirucase

• Etiologies
o PTH-rP (80%): Sq cell CA (lung, Head & Neck), RCC, Bladder, Breast, Ovarian
o Osteolysis from bone mets (20%): Multiple myeloma, Breast, Lung
o Excess Vit D production from malignant cells: least common
• Sx: lethargy, confusion, nausea, constipation, polyuria, polydipsia, arrhythmias (bradycardia, short QT, cardiac arrest)
• Treatment (for Ca > 12-14):
o Calcitonin
o Pamidronate
o Zolendronic acid
o Steroids
o Furosemide (only use on euvolemic patients)

Superior vena cavae syndrome

• Etiologies
o Non-malignancy: thrombosis, fibrosing mediastinitis, post-radiation fibrosis
o Malignancy: lung ca, lymphoma (diffuse large B-cell)
• Initial treatment: Airway management
• Definitive treatment: XRT, chemo, endovascular stenting

Neutropenic fever
Transfusion reaction
AML w/o hyperleukocytosis
Bleeding diathesis

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