Numerical Investigation On The Characteristics of Mass - 2018 - International J

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i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

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Numerical investigation on the characteristics of

mass transport and performance of PEMFC with
baffle plates installed in the flow channel

Yan Yin, Xuefeng Wang, Xiang Shangguan, Junfeng Zhang, Yanzhou Qin*
State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

article info abstract

Article history: A 3D numerical model of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) with the installa-
Received 23 December 2017 tion of baffle plates is developed. The majority of the conservation equations and physical
Received in revised form parameters are implemented through the user defined functions (UDFs) in the FLUENT
21 February 2018 software. The characteristics of mass transport and performance of PEMFC are investi-
Accepted 4 March 2018 gated. The results reveal that the baffle plate can enhance the mass transport efficiency
Available online 29 March 2018 and the performance of PEMFC. The baffle plate installed in the PEMFC flow channel in-
creases the local gas velocity, which can promote the reactant gas transport and the liquid
Keywords: water removal in the porous electrode. As a result, the reactant gas concentration is larger
PEMFC in the porous electrode, which enhances the fuel cell performance for decreasing the over-
Flow channel potential of concentration. The fuel cell output power increases with the blockage ratio of
Baffle plate the baffle plate. Considering the extra pumping power resulted from pressure loss caused
Pressure loss by the baffle plate, the fuel cell with the blockage ratio of 0.8 is found to perform best in
Cell performance terms of the fuel cell net power generation. The fuel cell performance increases first with
the baffle plate number, due to the better reactant distribution and water management, but
decreases when the baffle plate number is too large, due to the excessive blockage for the
reactant gas transport to the channel downstream. The PEMFC investigated with 5 baffle
plates in the channel is found to be optimal. A channel design to achieve gradually
increasing blockage ratios is also proposed, which exhibits better cell performance than the
design with even blockage ratios.
© 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

with rapid start-up feature and thus becomes a desirable op-

Introduction tion of power output device for automobiles.
A normal PEMFC consists of bipolar plates (BPs), gas
With the depletion of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect diffusion layers (GDLs), catalyst layers (CLs), and proton ex-
growing, more and more researchers focus on fuel cell for its change membrane (PEM). The bipolar plate is an important
sustainable hydrogen energy utilization, high energy conver- component of PEMFC which supplies reactants to the porous
sion efficiency and nearly zero emission. The proton exchange electrode, collects current and removes reaction products.
membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) can work at a low temperature Design of the flow channel carved in the bipolar plate is one of

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Y. Qin).
0360-3199/© 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8049

Nomenclature n kinetic viscosity (m2 s1)

x stoichiometry ratio
a water activity
r density (kg m3)
A cell geometric area (m2)
s surface tension (N m1)
C molar concentration (mol m3)
t shear stress (Pa)
CP specific heat (J kg1 K1)
4 potential (V) or volume fraction
d pore diameter (m)
u volume fraction of ionomer in catalyst layer
D mass diffusivity (m2 s1)
j dimensionless constant
E Young's modulus (Pa)
EW equivalent weight of membrane (kg kmol1) Subscripts
f interfacial drag coefficient a anode
F Faraday's constant (C mol1) BP bipolar plate
G shear elastic modulus (Pa) c cathode
H latent heat, (J kg1), surrounding heat transfer cell fuel cell
coefficient (W m2 K1) CL catalyst layer
I current density (A cm2) Cond condensation
jo volumetric exchange current density (A m3) d dissolved water
k thermal conductivity (W m1 K1) eff effective
K permeability (m2) e, ele electronic
m_ mass flow rate (kg s1) EOD electro-osmotic drag
M molecular weight (kg kmol1) equil equilibrium
nd electro-osmotic drag coefficient (H2O per Hþ) evap evaporation
P pressure (Pa) fl fluid phase
Q_ heat transfer rate (W) g gas phase
R universal gas constant (J mol1 K1) GDL gas diffusion layer
RH relative humidity (%) H2 hydrogen
s volume fraction i, j the i th and j th components
S source terms or entropy (J mol1 K1) in inlet
T temperature (K) ion ionic
T0 volume averaged cell temperature (K) l liquid water
u velocity (m s1) m mass (for source term)
V electrical potential (V) men membrane
X mole fraction O2 oxygen
Y mass fraction out outlet
ref reference state
Greek Letters
rev reversible
a transfer coefficient
sat saturation
g water phase change rate (s1)
sl solid phase
d thickness (m)
surr surroundings
ε porosity or strain tensor
T energy (for source term)
z water transfer rate (s1)
u momentum (for source term)
h over potential (V)
v water vapor
q contact angle ( )
d-v dissolved water to vapor
k electrical conductivity (S m1)
v-l vapor to water liquid (vice versa)
l water content in ionomer or lame constant
m Poisson ratio or dynamic viscosity (kg m1 s1)

the main tasks involving fuel cell performance improvement. parameter for the parallel flow fields, while the stoichiometry
A reasonable design of the flow channel influences compre- was the key parameter for the interdigitated flow fields.
hensively the reactant gas transport, water management and Imbrioscia et al. [3] investigated the gas flow behaviors in
fuel cell performance. response to the width, depth and shape of the flow channel
Many researchers have investigated the modification of based on a 3D fuel cell model using the Open FOAM software
fuel cell flow channel based on the traditional channel types. and revealed that a correct position of obstruction nearby the
Belchor et al. [1] proposed a parallel serpentine-baffle flow gas inlet would make sense to the flow management. Lim-
field design which obtained better fuel cell performance at a jeerajarus et al. [4] studied the effect of various flow field de-
small current density, due to the water retaining effect of the signs and the number of channels on the PEMFC performance
design. Cooper et al. [2] carried out the experimental optimi- using the FLUENT software. They found that less number of
zation of parallel and interdigitated PEMFC channels, and channels provided better reactant uniformity and cell per-
found that the channel/land width was the most important formance for a small-size PEMFC; and the influence of the
8050 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

channel geometry was greater as the number of channels was

 Svl þ Sdv MH2 O

 Svl þ Sdv MH2 O

increased. Lim et al. [5] analyzed a modified parallel flow field
using staged channel widths, showing that the modified flow

field exhibited more even reactant gas and pressure distribu-

tions. Hossain et al. [6] further designed two parallel channel
configurations by reducing the header width based on Z-type

and U-type channels to achieve the flow uniformity. Jackson
et al. [7] used a discrete method to assess flow maldistribution


and deduced a mathematical relationship to optimize the flow

distribution, based on a Z-type channel configuration. Cooper

SH2 ¼ 

SO 2 ¼ 
et al. [8] experimentally investigated the influence of the
aspect ratio of an interdigitated flow channel on the fuel cell


performance. There are also researches concerning about the
tapered flow channel. Fontana et al. [9] studied the liquid

þ Spc
water transport behaviors inside a tapered flow channel,
based on a 2D dynamic and isothermal model using the vol-

kV4ion k2 kion
ume of fluid (VOF) method. Mancusi et al. [10] studied the in-

ja jhact j þ kV4e k2 ke þ kV4ion k2 kion þ Spc

fluence of the channel taper angle on liquid water transport
and fuel cell performance, based on a 3D model. Xu et al. [11]


investigated the influence of the channel aspect ratio and base

kV4e k2 ke
angle on the flow resistance characteristics and distributions

in a trapezoidal like channel, carved in a metal bipolar plate.

Mahmoudimehr et al. [12] numerically investigated the design

2F þ jc jhact j þ

þ Spc
kV4c k2 ke þ Spc
of the cathode channel cross sectional area. The results

kV4ion k2 kion
showed that the optimal design was related to the PEMFC


kV4c k2 ke
operating conditions and the relative humidity of inlet gas had

jc TDS
the greatest influence on the optimal design. Wang et al. [13]

proposed a novel parallel cathode flow design with a sub-
channel to enhance the reactant gas transport and the water
removal in PEMFC. Qin et al. [14] inserted a small hydrophilic


needle into the straight channel to facilitate liquid water
removal from the GDL surface by the needle capillary force. Li
et al. [15] numerical investigated the fuel cell performance and

transport characteristics of PEMFC with metal foams as the


flow distributor, and found that the fuel cell performance was
improved, and the species, temperature and current density

F kion fion

were more uniformly distributed in the rib regions compared

F kion fion

nd eff

with the traditional designs. Wilberforce et al. [16] reviewed

nd eff

the modification of the common existing flow channel de-

Table 1 e Source terms for the conservation equations [32].

Sdv þ V$

 Sdv þ V$

signs. They mainly focused on the pressure drop of the

modified channels and pointed out that the modified parallel
flow channel had the lowest pressure drop, compared with

other modified designs.


The studies mentioned above show that the design of the

channel carved in the bipolar plate is fundamental to PEMFC


operation. Recently, the application of baffle plates or blocks


installed in the channel was proposed, showing it an effective

Kg u g

Kg u g

Kg u g
mg !

mg !

mg !


SH 2 þ Sv

SO 2 þ Sv


Cathode CL

Anode CL

Fig. 1 e Computational domain in the present study.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8051

enhancement of fuel cell performance based on a 2D fuel cell

Table 2 e Transport properties related with temperature
model, and declared that the liquid water should be consid-
and pressure [31,32].
ered in the numerical simulation at high current density.
Parameters Correlations
Perng et al. [19] investigated the effect of rectangular block on
(T in K and P in Pa)
the fuel cell performance. The results showed that the
Hydrogen dynamic viscosity mH2 ¼ 3:205  rectangular block improved the fuel cell performance.
ðkg m1 s1 Þ 103 ðT=293:85Þ1:5 ðT þ 72Þ1:0 Furthermore, they also explored how the gap size and block
Oxygen dynamic viscosity mO2 ¼ 8:46 
width affected the fuel cell performance [20]. Ku et al. [21]
ðkg m1 s1 Þ 103 ðT=292:25Þ1:5 ðT þ 127Þ1:0
investigated the influence of operational factors on PEMFC
Hydrogen diffusivity ðm2 s1 Þ DH2 ¼ 1:055 
performance with a modified channel, and the result indi-
104 ðT=333:15Þ1:5 ð101325=PÞ
cated that the fuel cell performance was enhanced with the
2 1
Oxygen diffusivity ðm s Þ DO2 ¼ 2:652 
number of blocks. Heidary et al. [22] investigated the block
104 ðT=333:15Þ1:5 ð101325=PÞ
Water vapor dynamic viscosity mv ¼ 7:512 
number effect on the fuel cell performance, showing that the
ðkg m1 s1 Þ 103 ðT=291:15Þ1:5 ðT þ 120Þ1:0
block number could be optimized. They also reported that the
Liquid water dynamic viscosity ml ¼ 2:414  105  10247:8=ðT140Þ staggered blockages in parallel flow channels performed bet-
ðkg m1 s1 Þ ter than the in-line arrangement [23]. Perng et al. [24] inves-
Water vapor diffusivity in Dav ¼ 1:055  tigated the flow channel with trapezoid baffle plates and
anode ðm2 s1 Þ 104 ðT=333:15Þ1:5 ð101325=PÞ found that the fuel cell performed best when the angle of
Water vapor diffusivity in Dcv ¼ 1:055  trapezoid baffle plate was 60 . Ashorynejad et al. [25] explored
cathode ðm2 s1 Þ 104 ðT=333:15Þ1:5 ð101325=PÞ how the amplitude and frequency of a wave-like channel
Effective mass diffusivity Di
¼ Di ε1:5 ð1  4l Þ1:5 undersurface influenced the fuel cell performance, based on a
ð m2 s1 Þ 2D half fuel cell model. Li et al. [26] further studied a wave-like
serpentine channel, both in numerical and experimental.
They reported that the wave-like channel design not only
way to improve the fuel cell performance. Soong et al. [17] enabled a lower pressure drop, but also leaded to a higher cell
proposed a novel configuration of partially blocked channel performance compared with the traditional channel. Other
with baffle plates transversely inserted in the channel. They types of flow channels have also been reported. Wang et al.
mainly explored the effects of the gap ratio, the porosity of [27] designed a novel biometric flow slab to enhance the fuel
GDL and the Reynolds number on the mass transport. Liu et al. cell performance and studied its effect on the pressure drop
[18] studied the effect of baffle plate number on the and flow uniformity. Ruan et al. [28] applied a biomimetic flow

Table 3 e Correlations related with the water phase change and dissolved water transport [32,33,35,36].
Parameters Correlations
Interface drag coefficient Kl mg
f ¼ Kg ml

Liquid phase diffusivity ðm2 s1 Þ Dl ¼  Kmll dPc

8  0:5
Capillary pressure (Pa) >
> ε
> ½1:417ð1  4l Þ  2:12ð1  4l Þ2 þ 1:26ð1  4l Þ3 ; qc < 90
< s cos q K0
Pc ¼  0:5
> ε
: s cos q ½1:4174l  2:1242l þ 1:2643l ; qc > 90
Surface tension (N m1) s ¼  0:0001676T þ 0:1218; 273:15  T  373:15
Pressure of liquid water Pl ¼ Pg  Pc
Liquid phase velocity (m s1) !
u ¼  Kl VP
l ml l
Vapor and liquid water ðkg m3 s1 Þ > Shcond Dv ðPv  Psat Þ
< Apore εð1  4l Þ ; Pv > Psat
d RT
Svl ¼
: Apore Shevap Dv ε4 ðPv  Psat Þ ; Pv < Psat
d RT
Vapor and dissolved water ðkg m3 s1 Þ Sdv ¼ zdv EW ðld  lequil Þð1  4l Þ
Saturation pressure (Pa) log10 Psat ¼  2:1794 þ 0:02953ðT  273:15Þ  9:183  105 ðT  273:15Þ2 þ
1:4454  107 ðT  273:15Þ3
Dissolved water content ld ¼ rEW C H2 o
Diffusivity of dissolved water ðm2 s1 Þ >
> 7 2346
< 3:1  10 ld ½expð0:28ld Þ  1exp
, 0 < ld < 3
Dd ¼  
> 2346
: 4:17  108 ld ½161expðld Þ þ 1exp , 3  ld < 17
 2 3
Equilibrium dissolved water content 0:043 þ 17:81a  39:85a þ 36:0a ; 0  a  1
lequil ¼
14:0 þ 14ða  1Þ; 1 < a  3
Water activity Xvp Pg
a ¼ Psat þ 24l
Electro-osmic drag coefficient nd ¼ 2:5ld =22
8052 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

Table 4 e Correlations related with electronic and ionic transport.

Parameters Correlations
Ionic conductivity [35]
kion ¼ ð0:5139ld  0:326Þexp 1268 303:15

Effective Ionic conductivity [36] eff

kion ¼ u1:5 kion
Effective electronic conductivity [36] eff
kele ¼ ð1  ε  uÞ1:5 kele
Transfer coefficient aa ¼ ac ¼ 0:5
Reference exchange current density in anode (A m3) ref
j0;a ¼ 109 exp  1400 T1  353:15

Reference exchange current density in cathode (A m3) ref
j0;c ¼ 104 exp  7900 T1  353:15

Reference hydrogen, oxygen concentrations (mol m3) ref ref

CH2 ¼ CO2 ¼ 40:0
8 !0:5 
Butler-Volmer equation >    
> ref CH2 2Faa 2Fac
> j ¼ ð1  4 Þj exp hact  exp  hact
a l 0;a
CH2ref RT RT
> !    
> ref CO2 4Faa 4Fac
: jc ¼ ð1  4l Þj0;c
> ref
hact  exp 

channel based on the Murray's Law to improve the fuel cell

performance. Kahraman et al. [29] imitated the structure of Model formulation
tree leaves and added the cylindrical obstacles in the channel
to improve the fuel cell performance. Monsaf et al. [30] Computational domain and assumptions
analyzed a spiral flow field design, and investigated the ef-
fects of the channel width, the number of turns and the flow Fig. 1 shows the computational domain of the present study,
direction of the spiral channel. which is a 3D PEMFC unit consisting of the straight flow
In PEMFC operation, the liquid water is crucial to the mass channels, the bipolar plates, the GDLs, the CLs (on both anode
transport and cell performance [18]. However, the liquid water and cathode) and the membrane. The fuel cell dimensions are
is hardly considered in the previous numerical simulations of 100 mm  3.4708 mm  2.0 mm along the x, y and z directions,
applying the baffle plate in the flow channel, due to the respectively. The cross section of the flow channel is
complication of liquid water transport mechanisms. More- 1 mm  1 mm. The thickness of the BP is 0.5 mm. The thick-
over, the introduction of the baffle plate leads to an additional nesses of the GDL, CL and membrane are 0.2 mm, 0.01 mm and
pumping power for the reactant gas supply in the flow chan- 0.0508 mm [31], respectively. The GDL considered in the model
nel, and the pumping power should also be taken into is TORAY carbon paper TGP-H-060 and the membrane is
consideration when discussing the baffle plate effect on the Nafion 112. A baffle plate is applied in the middle of the
fuel cell performance [24], which has almost been neglected in cathode flow channel. The blockage ratio is defined as the
the previous studies. In this study, a two-phase, 3D PEMFC height of the baffle plate divided by the height of the channel,
model with baffle plates installed in the channel is developed, which measures the blocking extent of the baffle plate to the
incorporating the liquid water transport in the porous elec- gas transport in the channel.
trode and membrane. The distributions of velocity, mass The following assumptions are made to simplify the
concentration and pressure are obtained and analyzed using PEMFC model:
the PEMFC model. The effects of the blockage ratio and baffle
plate number on the fuel cell performance are investigated,
considering the pumping power for gas supply. A novel
channel design achieving more even reactant gas distribution
and better fuel cell performance is also discussed.

Fig. 3 e Comparison between the present numerical results

Fig. 2 e Meshes for the simulation. and experiment data given in Ref. [37].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8053

4. The membrane is assumed to be impermeable to all the gas

Table 5 e Operating conditions and material or physical
properties of PEMFC [31,37].
5. Both the GDL and CL are assumed to be homogeneous and
Parameters Values Units
Anode inlet temperature 343.15 K 6. The PEMFC model is applied in a single channel fuel cell;
Cathode inlet temperature 343.15 K 7. The electrochemical reactions in the CL are solved by the
Anode inlet relative humidity 100% e
Butler-Volmer equation.
Cathode inlet relative humidity 100% e
Stoichiometric flow rate at the anode 1.5 e Conservation equations
Stoichiometric flow rate at the cathode 3.0 e
Faraday constant 96487 C mol1
The conservation equations for the mass, momentum and gas
Universal gas constant 8.314 J mol1 K1
Porosity of gas diffusion layer 0.6 e species are developed for the flow in the channel, GDL and CL
Porosity of catalyst layer 0.3 e regions. The dissolved water and ionic charge are considered
Intrinsic permeability of GDL 1.0e-12 m2 for the CL and membrane regions. The energy conservation is
Intrinsic permeability of CL 1.0e-13 m2 considered for the whole computational domain of the fuel
Equivalent weight of dry membrane 1100 kg kmol1 cell. The conservation of electronic charge is applied to the BP,
GDL and CL regions. And all of these conservation equations
are presented below with the source terms provided in
1. The PEMFC is assumed operating at a steady state; Table 1.
2. The gas mixture is assumed to be ideal gas and the flow is
The mass conservation equation of gas mixture:
laminar due to the low Reynolds number;
3 The gravity effect is neglected; V$ rg !
u g ¼ Sm (1)

Fig. 4 e Velocity distribution in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the conventional channel (a) and the channel with a
baffle plate (b) in the cathode of PEMFC.

Fig. 5 e O2 concentration in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the conventional channel (a) and the channel with a baffle
plate (b) in the cathode of PEMFC.

Fig. 6 e O2 concentration in the x-z plane (y ¼ 0.00155 m) of the GDL for the conventional channel (a) and the channel with a
baffle plate (b) in the cathode of PEMFC.
8054 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

Fig. 7 e Liquid water volume fraction in the x-z plane (y ¼ 0.00155 m) of the GDL for the channel with a baffle plate: (a) along
the plane middle line (z ¼ 0.001 m); (b) along the whole plane.

The momentum conservation equation of gas mixture:

    !  ! !!   ! 
rg !u g!
ug ug ug 2 ug
V$ ¼ VP g þ m g V$ V þ V  mg V V$ þ Su (2)
ε2 ð1  4l Þ2
εð1  4l Þ εð1  4l Þ 3 εð1  4l Þ

Fig. 8 e Effect of the blockage ratio on the velocity distribution in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the channel: (a)
Blockage ratio ¼ 0; (b) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.4; (c) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.6; (d) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.8; (e) Blockage ratio ¼ 1.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8055

Fig. 9 e Effect of the blockage ratio on the O2 concentration in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the channel: (a) Blockage
ratio ¼ 0; (b) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.4; (c) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.6; (d) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.8; (e) Blockage ratio ¼ 1.

Gas species (i represents hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and Electronic charge:

water vapor, respectively):
0 ¼ V$ keff
e V4e þ Se (6)
V$ rg !
u g Yi ¼ V$ rg Di VYi þ Si (3) eff
where is the effective electronic conductivity of the
Liquid water:
Ionic charge:
V$ f rg !
u g ¼ V$ðrl Dl V4l Þ þ Sl (4) 

0 ¼ V$ kion V4ion þ Sion (7)
Dissolved water (water in membrane): eff
where kion is the effective ion conductivity of the material.
0 ¼ mem V$ Dd Vld þ Sd (5) Energy conservation equation:
eff ! eff
where rmem is the density of the membrane in dry condition, V$ rCp fl
uT ¼ V$ kfl;sl VT þ ST (8)
EW is the equivalent weight of membrane, Dd is the effective
The parameters related to the transportation properties are
diffusion rate of the dissolved water, and ld is the dissolved
given as follow. In this model, all the gases are regarded as
water content.
ideal gas, so the gas mixture density can be expressed as [33]:

Fig. 10 e Effect of the blockage ratio on the O2 concentration in the x-z plane (y ¼ 0.00155 m) of the GDL: (a) Blockage
ratio ¼ 0; (b) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.4; (c) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.6; (d) Blockage ratio ¼ 0.8; (e) Blockage ratio ¼ 1.
8056 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

X Yi
rg ¼ Pg RT (9)

The dynamic viscosity of gas mixture can be expressed as


X Xi mi
mg ¼ P (10)
i j Xi jij

  . 0:5  0:25 0:5
1 þ mi Mi
mj Mj
jij ¼ h  i0:5 (11)
8 1 þ Mi M

In the meanwhile, we also take the change of transport

properties related to temperature and pressure into consid-
eration, and these equations are presented in Table 2. The
permeability of GDL is related with the porosity and diameter
of the fibers forming the GDL and the volume fraction of liquid
water. The permeability of gas and liquid in porous electrode
(GDL and CL) can be expressed below, respectively:

Kg ¼ K0 ð1  4l Þ4:0 (12)

Kl ¼ K0 44:0
l (13)

If the porous GDL and CL are full of liquid water, the

permeability of gas deduced from the equation will become
zero due to the blocking effect of liquid water. The correlations
related with water phase change and dissolved water trans-
port are given in Table 3. The correlations related with elec-
Fig. 11 e Effect of the blockage ratio on the current density tronic and ionic transport are summarized in Table 4.
distribution along the channel length direction (a) and the
fuel cell average current density (b). Boundary conditions

The mass flow rate is set for the inlet boundary condition of
both anode and cathode channels. The mass flow rates of the
anode and cathode are calculated as:

rag xa Iref A rcg xc Iref A

m_ a ¼ ; m_ c ¼ (14)

where A is the active area of fuel cell. F is Faraday's constant. x

is the stoichiometry ratio. Iref is the reference current density.
Air is supplied to the cathode channel. The species concen-
trations of O2 and H2 in the cathode and anode inlets can be
determined, respectively, as:
0:21 Pcg  RHc Psat Pag  RHa Psat
CO2 ¼ ; CH2 ¼ (15)
where T0 is the inlet gas temperature, P is the pressure, and RH
is the inlet relative humidity. The boundary condition of
channel outlet is set to pressure outlet in both anode and
cathode. The inlet gas temperature is considered to be con-
stant, equal to the operating temperature. The temperature of
Fig. 12 e Effect of the blockage ratio on the pressure drop, the surrounding walls is set to be the operating temperature.
gross power, pumping power and net power of the fuel cell At the top and bottom surfaces of the anode and cathode, the
for the fuel cell output voltage of 0.52 V. electronic potentials can be defined as follows:
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8057

Fig. 13 e Effect of the baffle plate number on the velocity distribution in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the channel: (a)
Baffle plate number ¼ 0; (b) Baffle plate number ¼ 1; (c) Baffle plate number ¼ 3; (d) Baffle plate number ¼ 5; (e) Baffle plate
number ¼ 7.

Numerical procedures

4a;end ¼ Vrev  Vcell ¼ htotal
e (16)
e ¼0 The governing equations are implemented in the FLUENT
software. The Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked
where htotal is the total voltage loss, and Vrev and Vcell are the
Equations (SIMPLE) is used for the pressure-velocity coupling.
reversible and operating cell voltages, respectively. And the
The standard method is chosen for the pressure discretiza-
reversible cell voltage can be solved by the following equation:
tion. The majority of the equations and physical parameters
  are implemented through the user-defined functions (UDFs).
RT0 1
Vrev ¼ 1:229  0:9  103 ðT0  298:15Þ þ lnPin
H2 þ lnPin
O2 The grid independence is studied, and structured grids are
2F 2
(17) employed to mesh the computational domain which is given
in Fig. 2. Strict convergence criteria with the residual of 108

Fig. 14 e Effect of the baffle plate number on the O2 concentration in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the channel: (a)
Baffle plate number ¼ 0; (b) Baffle plate number ¼ 1; (c) Baffle plate number ¼ 3; (d) Baffle plate number ¼ 5; (e) Baffle plate
number ¼ 7.
8058 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

Fig. 15 e Effect of the baffle plate number on the O2 concentration in the x-z plane (y ¼ 0.00155 m) of the GDL: (a) Baffle plate
number ¼ 0; (b) Baffle plate number ¼ 1; (c) Baffle plate number ¼ 3; (d) Baffle plate number ¼ 5; (e) Baffle plate number ¼ 7.

are used for all variables. To achieve accurate results, the channel with a baffle plate, compared with the conventional
calculation is executed in double precision and the algebraic channel, especially in the location where the baffle plate lies
multigrid (AMG) method is used to improve the convergence in. This is more clearly shown in Fig. 6 for the O2 concentration
process. The second-order upwind discretization scheme is in the GDL (x-z plane). An O2 enrichment region forms in the
selected as a numerical scheme. GDL over the baffle plate due to the convection effect. The
baffle plate also helps remove the produced liquid water in the
Model validation electrode. As shown in Fig. 7, the amount of liquid water in the
GDL behind the baffle plate has a sudden decrease due to the
Fig. 3 depicts the PEMFC performance comparison between gas convection effect, and the liquid water volume fraction in
the numerical results and the experiment data in Ref. [37]. All the downstream is much lower than the upstream of the
the parameters used in the numerical results are the same channel. The liquid water removal in turn promotes the gas
with the experiment conditions in Ref. [37]. It can be seen that transport into the GDL, resulting in the O2 enrichment region
the simulation results agree well with the experiment data. shown in Fig. 6.

Effect of the blockage ratio

Results and discussion
The blockage ratio (or the height of baffle plate) may have
Mass transport comparisons significant influence on the mass transport and fuel cell per-
formance. The blockage ratios investigated are selected as 0,
All the material and operating parameters are given in Table 5. 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0, respectively.
The fuel cell voltage is chosen as 0.52 V for all the cases Fig. 8 shows how the blockage ratio of baffle plate in-
investigated. Fig. 4 shows the velocity distribution in the fluences the velocity distribution in the channel. A similar
conventional channel and the channel with a baffle plate. It is transport feature can be noticed from the results: the gas ve-
seen that the flow of the main stream is slow and steady in the locity reaches the maximum value in the zone between the
conventional channel; whereas it is squeezed on the top of the baffle plate and GDL, and the maximum gas velocity increases
baffle plate due to the blocking effect in the channel, the local with the blockage ratio, except for the blockage ratio of 1.0 as
gas velocity becomes high, and the gas is forced to run into the the channel is fully blocked by the baffle plate, for which the
porous electrode. Because of the large velocity, the gas gas velocity in the channel becomes small due to the blocking
transport behavior in the porous electrode changes to con- effect. The velocity vectors given in Fig. 8 indicate that more
vection rather than the conventional diffusion around the reactant gas flows into the porous electrode as the blockage
baffle plate, enhancing the gas transport efficiency in the ratio increases. Fig. 9 shows the O2 concentration in the
electrode. channel along x-y plane. It is clearly seen that the O2 con-
Fig. 5 shows the O2 concentration in the channels. The O2 centration increases in the channel with the blockage ratio.
concentration decreases in both cases along the channel due The O2 enrichment region can all be observed in the GDL for
to the consumption of O2. The O2 concentration is larger in the the channel with a baffle plate, and O2 enrichment along x-z
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8059

plane is more significant as the blockage ratio increases, as due to the reactant consumption for the conventional chan-
shown in Fig. 10. It is demonstrated that higher O2 concen- nel. However, the current density has a spike around the baffle
tration reduces the over-potential of concentration and ben- plate due to the O2 enrichment discussed earlier for the
efits the fuel cell performance. The baffle plate can also channel with a baffle plate. Correspondingly, the current
promote the reactant transport to the rib area between the density spike is more evident as the O2 enrichment is more
adjacent channels, especially for the blockage ratio of 0.8 and significant, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Due to the baffle plate,
1.0 shown in Fig. 10 (d) and (e), in which higher O2 concen- the average current density is elevated compared with that of
tration is clearly observed in the rib area. This can make better the conventional channel, and the average current density
use of the active area of PEMFC and enable further improve- increases with the blockage ratio shown in Fig. 11 (b). The
ment of the fuel cell performance. effect of the baffle plate on the PEMFC performance is evident,
Fig. 11 shows the current density for various blockage ra- and the average current density or power density is increased
tios. As shown in Fig. 11 (a), the current density decreases by 5.54% for the blockage ratio of 1.0, compared with the
almost linearly from the channel inlet to the channel outlet conventional channel.

Fig. 16 e Current density distribution along the channel length direction for various baffle plate numbers.
8060 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2

when the channel is fully blocked with the blockage of 1.0, the
reactant gas can only be forced to flow in the porous electrode
which makes the pressure loss extremely large. The gross
power and net power of fuel cell are also shown in Fig. 12.
Although the fuel cell gross power for the blockage ratio of 1.0
is the largest, the net power calculated by the gross power
subtracting the pumping power for the blockage ratio of 0.8 is
the largest, due to the extremely large pumping power of the
fully blocked channel. Taking the pumping power into
consideration, the channel with the blockage ratio of 0.8 per-
forms best in net power rather than the fully blocked channel,
and the largest fuel cell net power is increased by 3.73%,
compared with the conventional channel.

Effect of the baffle plate number

Fig. 17 e Effect of the baffle plate number on the fuel cell
average current density. The effect of the baffle plate number on the mass transport
characteristics and fuel cell performance is also investigated.
The baffle plate numbers investigated are 0, 1, 3, 5 and 7,
respectively. The blockage ratio is fixed as 0.8 for the cases
Fig. 13 shows the velocity distribution in the channel with
different baffle plate numbers. It is straightforward that the
number of convection regions increases with the baffle plate
number, with the largest velocity almost the same in the
channel with baffle plates. More convection regions lead to
more even velocity distribution in the channel, benefitting the
gas transport in the electrode. Correspondingly, the number of
O2 enrichment regions increases and the O2 distributes more
evenly with the baffle plate number, as shown in Figs. 14 and
15. However, the channel blockage effect is too strong for the
baffle plate number of 7, which impedes the O2 transport,
decreasing the O2 concentration in the channel downstream
when compared with that for the baffle plate number of 5.
Fig. 18 e Effect of the baffle plate number on the pressure Fig. 16 shows the current density distribution along the
drop, gross power, pumping power and net power of the channel length direction. The local current density has a tight
fuel cell for the fuel cell output voltage of 0.52 V. relationship with the O2 concentration, and the number and
location of spikes in the current density curve is consistent
with the O2 enrichment regions induced by the baffle plates.
The addition of the baffle plate may increase the pressure The average current density increases first then decreases
drop in the flow channel. To make the PEMFC performance after the peak value as shown in Fig. 17. In order to better
optimization more reasonable, the pumping power of the gas optimize the baffle number, the results for the channel with 4
supply should be taken into consideration. The pressure drop and 6 baffle plates are also included in Fig. 17. The largest
and the resulting pumping power are given in Fig. 12. It is average current density occurs when the baffle plate number
found that the pressure drop is quite small for small blockage is 5, increased by 9.46% compared with the conventional
ratios; however, the pressure loss increases dramatically as channel.
the blockage ratio continues to increase after 0.8, leading to The pressure drop and the resulting pumping power are
larger pumping power for the reactant gas supply. Especially given in Fig. 18. The pressure loss and the pumping power

Fig. 19 e O2 concentration in the middle x-y plane (z ¼ 0.001 m) of the channel: (a) with even blockage ratios (0.8); (b) with
increasing blockage ratios (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8).
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 8 0 4 8 e8 0 6 2 8061

Fig. 20 e O2 concentration in cathode at the x-z plane (y ¼ 0.00155 m) of the GDL for the channel: (a) with even blockage
ratios (0.8); (b) with increasing blockage ratios (0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8).

increase with the baffle plate number. The fuel cell gross investigated and optimized. It is found that excessive large
power and net power are also given in Fig. 18, with the largest baffle plate number impedes the reactant transport to the
values both observed when the baffle plate number is 5. The downstream in the channel, damaging the fuel cell perfor-
fuel cell net power is increased by 9.39% for the channel with 5 mance. The optimal baffle plate number for the present study
baffle plates, compared with the conventional channel. is 5 in terms of the fuel cell net power. The optimal channel
design increases the fuel cell net power by 9.39% compared
Design of channel with gradually increasing blockage ratios with the conventional channel. A novel channel design with
gradually increasing blockage ratios is also proposed, which
In order to further improve the PEMFC performance, a novel shows even better fuel cell performance with an increase in
design of channel is conceived to achieve more even reactant fuel cell net power by 12.12%, due to the more even reactant
and current density distributions. The blockage ratios of the distribution and smaller pressure loss.
baffle plate are not the same, but increase along the channel
length direction from 0.4 to 0.8. The gradual increase in
blockage ratios lead to greater convection effect, then stronger
O2 enrichment, and thus can somehow compensate the O2
consumption along the channel length direction, making the
This work is supported by the National Natural Science
O2 distribution in the channel more evenly.
Foundation of China (Grant No. 51706153) and the Natural
A comparison of the O2 concentration distributions is
Science Foundation of Tianjin, China (Grant No.
shown in Figs. 19 and 20. It reveals that the design of channel
having gradually increasing blockage ratios achieves more
even O2 distributions in the flow channel, compared with the
channel having even blockage ratios. Moreover, the pressure references
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