Second Midterm Exam English II

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Universidad Central

English II
Profesor Lawrence Vega Miranda Total points 100 points
Third Quarter 2023 Score__________ Grade_________
Second Midterm Exam


Instrucciones generales
1. Durante los diez minutos de inicio de la prueba pueda hacer consultas sobre la transcripción o redacción de la
prueba. Transcurrido ese tiempo no se aceptan consultas.
2. El examen debe resolverse, de manera ordenada y limpia. Debe usar – salvo indicación contraria – sólo tinta
azul o negra. No marcar respuestas con colores fosforescentes.
3. La utilización correcta de las reglas ortográficas es parte de la prueba y se rebajarán puntos de la calificación si
aparecen errores de este tipo.
4. En caso de copia o fraude se aplicarán las normas establecidas al efecto por la Universidad.
5. El examen se envía una sola vez al correo
6. El examen debe ser enviado hoy a más tardar a las 9:30
7. No se admitirán exámenes enviados después del horario establecido.
8. El documento se envía en Word.
9. El documento NO debe enviarse en PDF
10. Todas las respuestas deben basarse en la materia vista en clase.


Write down the correct wh question . (10 points- 1 point each)

1. ______________________________? I am buying a new car.
2. ______________________________? The train is leaving at 6:00.
3. _____________________________? Nancy is taking the bus.
4. ______________________________? He is coming today.
5. ______________________________? I am spending the night in a hotel.
6. ______________________________? I am not studying Mathematics.
7. _____________________________? I am buying the sweater in that store.
8. _____________________________? I played soccer.
9. _____________________________? He went to New York.
10.______________________________? He was happy.
II. Complete in present or present progressive in parenthesis. ( 9 points)
1. Ana always______________ (drink) water here.
2. Someone _______________(come) right now.
3. He_____________(play) at five in the morning.
4. She ______________ (work) in a school right now
5. The bomb__________(explode).
6. It________________ ( not/be) important
7. She________________(not/understand) the lesson
8. We________________( write) a letter,
9. They_______________(not/ study) now.

III. Answer the following questions. Use long answers. ( 6 points-1 pt each one)
1. Are you paying attention in class? Yes,_______________________.
2. Is she working hard? Yes, ________________________________.
3. Is she cooking dinner? No, _________________________________.
4. Are they watching television? Yes, __________________________.
5. Are they coming together? Yes, ____________________________.
6. Are you walking the dog? Yes, ____________________________.
7. Were you tired? Yes, _____________________________________.

IV. Rewrite the following sentences in negative form.( 7 points- 1 point each)
1. I am sleeping.
2. She is eating apples.
3. He drinks water.
4. They are talking.
5. We are playing chess.
6. They are taking a shower
7. We are watching television.
V. Rewrite the following sentences in present progressive. ( 8 points- 1 each)
1. She cleans the house._______________________________________
2. He drinks water.___________________________________________
3. She does not go.___________________________________________
4. They do not study._________________________________________
5. We sing a song.___________________________________________
6. It rains.__________________________________________________
7. He plays well._____________________________________________
8. He has problems.__________________________________________

VI. Classify the following adjectives( 10 points, 1 point each)

1. Beautiful__________________
2. Peruvian__________________
3. Wooden__________________
4. Old______________________
5. Circular__________________
6. Large____________________
7. New_____________________
8. Blue_____________________
9. Silk______________________


1. Write down three characteristics of scanning. ( 3 points, 1 point each)

2. Write down three characteristics of skimming. ( 3 points, 1 pointe ach)
3. Write three reasons why skimming is useful. ( 3 points, 1 point each)
4. Write three characteristics why scanning is useful ( 3 points. 1 point each)

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following text and do the exercise.

The Transatlantic Slave Trade

Between the 16th and 19th centuries, Europeans forcibly removed millions of people from their

homes in West Africa and transported them across the Atlantic Ocean in awful conditions.

These people were sold into a life of slavery in the Americas. They were forced to work with no

pay and many were treated poorly. This was known as the transatlantic slave trade. This period

of history resulted in the deaths of millions of African people.

The Triangular Trade

The transatlantic slave trade is often referred to as the Triangular Trade. There were three parts

to the trade. 1. Firstly, large ships travelled to West Africa carrying goods such as cloth and

guns. These goods were exchanged for men, women and children who had been taken from

their villages. 2. During the middle passage across the ocean, conditions were dangerous to

health. The overcrowded and dirty ships spent months crossing the ocean and many people

died. When the ships arrived, their passengers were sold at auction and set to work. Thus,

African people were bought and sold as if they were no more than an item in a shop. They were

now known as slaves who were forced to work growing crops with little chance of payment or

freedom. 3. Lastly, the third stage of trade involved the ships returning with goods grown by the

African people. These goods (such as sugar and cotton) were sold to the people of Britain and

other European countries. The triangle was complete and the process would begin again. Page

1 of 3 visit What Happened to the African Villagers on the Middle Passage? After
they had been taken from their homes, up to 700 villagers were forced onto huge ships. Many of

them had never seen the sea before.

They were chained together with little room to move. If they survived the middle passage, they

were sold into slavery. People were separated from their friends and family. They were told to

forget their earlier life and they were given a new name. On the plantations, slaves worked for

14 hours or more each day. If they made a mistake, or if they tried to resist or fight back, they

were beaten. As a result, many slaves rebelled. Some even gained freedom and fought for an

end to slavery. Abolition at Long Last Eventually, people in Britain began to recognise that

slavery was unethical. In 1807, the Houses of Parliament banned the slave trade. However, it

was not until 1833 when slaves were finally freed across the British Empire. The Transatlantic

Slave Trade Olaudah Equiano’s Story Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) was kidnapped in West

Africa and sold as a slave. Fortunately, he was able to survive and pay for freedom. He became

an abolitionist – someone who was fighting for an end to slavery – and travelled to Europe to

share his autobiography. It was published over 200 years ago and contained details of his

dreadful experiences during the journey across the Atlantic and of slavery. Due to its honesty, it

prompted many readers to question the concept of slavery and therefore became a powerful

argument for its abolition.

Did You Know…? Olaudah Equiano toured Britain so he could share his story. He talked in

Birmingham, Nottingham, Manchester, Sheffield and Cambridge. Page 2 of 3 visit

The Transatlantic Slave Trade In the USA, slavery continued even after its abolition because

there was lots of disagreement. Plantation owners in southern states became very wealthy due
to slave labour but those in the north disagreed with the use of slaves. As a result, the American

Civil War (1861-1865) happened.

The civil rights movement of the 1960s arose because of the continued segregation of black

and white Americans over 100 years after slavery was officially ended. Glossary abolition

auction cargo middle passage plantation segregation unethical The action of abolishing a

system – in this case, slavery. A public sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder. Goods

carried on a ship, aeroplane or lorry. The journey that captured Africans took across the Atlantic

Ocean, under unsanitary conditions. An estate on which crops, such as coffee, sugar and

tobacco, are grown. The enforced separation of different ethnic groups in a country. Morally

wrong and unacceptable behaviour.

1. Analyze the Title ( 2 points)

2. Type of Text ( 2 points)
3. Find the Thesis statement ( 2 points)
4. Looks for three ideas in the Know, want to learn and learned ( 9 points)
5. Write down an outline of the text ( 15 points- 1 point each)
6. Look for four sentences that may summarize the whole composition ( 8 points. 2 points each)

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