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Present continuous «Complete the sentences with am, is or are. 1. They ...... watching TV. 2. He ...... taking photos. 3. We ...... drinking coffee. Aol wanes running very fast. 5. Alfred ...... washing dishes. 6. You . cooking soup. Ped Qn woresesse driving his car. Biel wiamsens eating pizza. 9. Antony ...... cleaning his teeth. 10. Frank and Charles ...... writing. * Complete the sentences with the present simple or continuous of the verbs in the brackets. | . (play) tennis every Saturday and Sunday. @ HE USUGIIY ssisiscsosmasimmen cee (go) to work by bus. . My sister .................. (make) a cake at the moment. MGS sesremsiaeccomessenenssnras (prepare) dinner at the moment. fesinnisaceeRN ATEN (play) basketball every day. L ecvernserseomeimmnesionene (use) the computer now. wLIStENLJONA veces (play) the violin: . Lalways ... W sos 10. My father always . viesseeees (drive) slowly. * ©Pianetabambinit (do) my homework after school. © Onan WNe OQ g . (cook) for my mother now. A) CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION 1L-Anthony called/was calling while T parked/was parking the car. 2-Miranda drove/was driving to work when she saw/was seeing the accident, 3Thomas didn’t watch/wasn't watching the film when Sonia arrived home, “4.Did he lie/was he lying on the sofa at 530 yesterdey? 5.-WhenT left/was leaving he office, the phone rang/was ringing {6-Tt snowed/was snowing in the mountains when we got up yesterday. 7.-Barbara was living/ived in Poris when she wes 15 years old {8-1 wes writing/wrote my blog on the Tnternet while you slept/were sleeping 9.-While Dovid was recovering/recovered in hospital I decorated the flat 10-When T was waking /woke: up, I realized that it was getting /got dork. 2 GF 2 x. GD 92.) se. 8) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE 1.-Yesterday at 9,30 pm my parents... (sit)in the garden... (rink) some Coke. 2. The chambermaid ...... (meke) my bed in the hotel ond ... (clean) the bathroom breakfast. 3.» Somebody ... knack) on the door while Tread) the newspaper. 4.cMy brother (buy) @ lat of books when he (ive) in Cambridge S.-William oo. (not meet) Sally at the eirport last Sundoy. hove) dinner when the light... (G0) out (Feel) so she (rot go) to work (rive) at the wedding, Miriam... (intreduce) me to some Friends. 9.Sarah (run) to catch the bus, when she oun» (Fall) down and...» (break) her ankle, 10-Richord (teach) at the university when he ..... (meet) his wife PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE JUST / ALREADY / EVER / NEVER / YET My Dad nu {fly, just) From New York, 2, Johnandl Kate ~ (buy, already) the tickets for next weeks concert, 3. Do you want some lunch? No, thanks. | (cat, just) @ ham sandwich 4 (be, ever) to italy? 5. Howlong, Jan (know) her boyfriend? 6 (receive, yet, neg) my magazine 7 Tim inever, ride) on a rollercoaster. 8 (give, yet) you your jacket back ennecewn? 91 a‘ --wjust, meet) my cousin from Canada, 1 see) my keys? I think 11, Briget.. (watch, already) this play, 30 she’s going home. 12, How many sisters. + YOU wlget)? v-vne($ell) her car toa friend, 3B. Maty ve 14, We aren't late, The programme somal start, Neg) 15, csnnsnsnninnenene( 90, alteady) that film. | saw it last year. 16, You. (miss, just) the bus. It left a minute ago. II, secant -{ ring) the shopping in onun? 28, Can Iread that newspaper? Yes, |. (just, finish) reading it. 19. ‘Tom and Jake wnsmnnmenne( VER, €at) chorizo? 20, How long, Henry. (live) in Brazil? 21. think he il 22, That MP4 be) in the shop window for months, 2, ou (ever, send) an email to your aunt? 24. How MUCH .coeeerneYOU ssenransennense( Spend) this month on CDs? 25. My sister, Hannah... already, finish) university. 26. MY MUM oases susssuea(Never, wear) colourful clothes. We vs aul snene(b3ss) his driving test 28. Quick! Someone -neeen enous, steal) my purse? 29. Don't Move. beninnnsinsninsninennn(M@B, take) the photo 30, She's tired because She sunssnsssinininsnineanion(fust, Wake) UP. 31, Idon't think | ever, fall) in love with anyone. 32, Jeremy. como just, break) his leg, 33. sesenmnarsnatnns ¥OUsmnerensnenn( 0, ever) such a fantastic car! 34, Thank goodness you... sss 1AVE, NER) ss 35. Get ard nnn ne nnnnnenenn{ Be) in the national team since 2006. ete the sentences with the verbs sent conti t brackets. Use 1.= Julia... ... making her homework at home. (do) 2.-Ernesto .......... in the lake with his father. (sail) . Some cakes. (bake) nian. table tennis. (play) a letter to my boyfriend. (write) .. for his teacher. (wait) 7.- William and Anne ........... some orange juice. (drink) 8.-The teacher _. some tests. (correct) 9.-That heavy man .eunw some big porcels. (carry) 10.-Flora uu... to Los Angeles now. (fly) 11. -David the newspaper in the library. (read) 12. -Vietoria - long blue skirt. (wear) 13. -YOU wun. in the park with the dog. (run) .. television now. (watch) a bath. (have) 16.-Walter ... ‘an English song. (sing) 17.-The girl .. ows her bicycle. (ride) 18.-We . some flowers in the country. (pick) 19. -TOM vruonnnmm his father in the garage. (help) 20.-Alice ..o..u-.. her birthday party. (celebrate) 21.-You .. Some shopping now. (do) . their summer holidays. (enjoy) PRESE! PERFECT VS. PAST SIMPLE » clipe (go) to my first football match when I was six. 2. My sister (see, never) a film at the cinema. 3.1 (not, go) to a birthday party (for/since) last March. 4. In 2005 my brother (meet) five players form the Real Madrid team. 5. Where you (live) when you where younger? 6. (have) an argument with my girlfriend at the weekend. 7. They__(study) English yet. 8. (go) on holiday last summer. 9. My Dad (smoke) since 2002. 10. How long (know) Jeremy? it she. Find) her way to the newsagents yesterday? 12. They (live) in Bilbao for a long time. 13,1 (be) a Harry Potter fan since I was ten, 14. Doug (not, lose) his mobile phone. 15. the architect (build) a new department store? 16. Mary (already, buy) your books for school. 17. How long she (have) that red car? 18, Sondra (call, just) to say hello 19, My team (not, win) a match recently. 20.1 ___(be born) in 1990. 21. When your sister (start) school? 22. This week (see) two good films. 23. She (work) as a waitress (since/for) she was sixteen. 24, That's the best concert T (be, ever) to. 25. Patricia __ (see) Chris last week. 26. ‘the butcher (sell) all the sousages? 27. Jon and Kate Gust, have) a baby! 28.1 (fall) and (break) my arm this morning, 29. Where you (be) all day? 30. Alice (not, answer) my letter. Perhaps she's busy. 31. you (win, ever) the lottery ? 32. My Mum and Dad (just, come) back from a great holiday. 33. Do you want some lunch? No, thanks, T (ect) 34. How much money — (spend) on clothes last weekend? 35, -you (foil, ever) an exam? Past perfect /Past simple kok wk ok o* Complete the sentences wth the verbsin brackets Use Past Perfecto Past Simple fens = 1 Tom svn (give) me the book yesterday but I knew he (ot read) it. 2 Alice came back from Australia and she seid that she... (enjoy). lot there. 3-When T-orrived home T realised that I... (nat phone) my grandparents. 4 The postman ee (60M) OFFEP Toone (leave) the office. 5.-When the old ody... (return) to her flat, she oun. (see) that burglors... (break) into. 6-The train eave) before Helen ..n..u.n (arrive) at the station. TMy grandmother... (make) some cheese sandwiches whenT ...... (get) home. et 530 BAF ter She nnn (Study) the lesson, she (do) the exercises, 9.- Barbara (Forget) that She non (not do) amy shopping for the weekend, 10+ Jack on nnnsnn (be) very tired because he (work) until ote 11 Before Henry (come) home, his friend... (toke}the dog for a walk. 12-By the time Linda... (park) her car, her boyfriend (rink) two cups of cof fee 13-My dog (be) hungry becouse he... (rave)pothing to eat since Breafast.. 14.-T wondered where Tu (5ee) him before. 15. The robbers (escape) by the time the police... (rrive) 16-The policemen (errest) the man who, (steal) the money 17-The computer (show) that the George Hurt so. (commit) some crimes in the past 18 The man (cheek) all the windows after he ..---»--m (lack) the front door. 19-When T (open) the checolate box, T saw that somebody... (ea) all of them. 20-When Elisa v{meet) Arthur, hi (finish) his studies ot university, 21-1 (recognize) him becouse T =~ (See) his photo in the newspaper before. 22. Margaret was upset becouse her husband... (forget) her birthday, Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets ‘a baby boy, (have) 2arthur hhis homework recently. (finish) Anduli Just, 3.-My daughter... to the gym. (go) 4-We.. tennis For two hours. (play) 5.-Thomas his car and bought a new one. (sell) 6.-Vietoria ...... hee grandparents since last month. (not/see) 7.-The French Prime Minister his wife. (leave) 8-Carmen and YOU .n..».mmn all the final exams. (pass) Dol ns ‘anew recipe today. (try) 1O.-Alexander osu. t0 his uncle on the phone. (talk) 1.-Blizebeth some plates this morning, (break) 12Patrick and Susan... @ lot of money this week, (save) 13.-The postman the bell a few times. (ring) 14.Your parents ‘the candles. (blow) 15.+T'm sorry but I... to bring my mobile. (Forget) 16.- The nurse .......@ hole in her garden, 4ia) 17.-The kid some water on the flaor. (spill) BBL secon juste .- Your reasons. (understand) 19.-Kathy ... ‘@nnice castle in the sand. (build) 20.-Felipe me to go out with him. (ask) 21-Martha ‘a beautiful woman, (become) PAST SIMPLE or PAST CONTINUOUS? Ll (walk) down the street when I (notice) a new shop. 2. Where (they/be) yesterday at 5 pm? They (have) dinner with their friends. 3. While she (work) in the garden, her brother (play) computer games. 4. Imagine the situation that. (happen) to me yesterday. | (get) up early in the morning, (brush) my teeth, (prepare) breakfast, and while | (eat) it, somebody suddenly (scream) outand | (get) scared. Then | (find) outit (be) a cat. 5. What (you/do) from 4 pm to 6 pm last Monday? - Well, I'm not sure but I think 1 (write) an essay about environment. 6. He (study) for an exam when his mom (come) in, 7. They (lie) on the sofa the whole afternoon yesterday. Would you believe it? 8. We (cook) lunch when the bell (ring). 9. She (see) a weird-looking man while she (pass) by a new shopping centre. 10. While | (have) a bath, my husband (arrive) back home. 11.He (wait) for his wife when he (spot) a stain on his jacket. 12.When we (get) home, we (discover) that our water pipes (leak) water. We (have) to fix it immediately because the kitchen (be) full of water. 13.She (give) a new toy to her younger sister. 14. Birds (sing) while we (cycle) last weekend. 15, They (swim) in the ocean when a big shark (appear) close to them. .ESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT CONT 1 PAST SII 1, Can Italk to you? - No, you can’t. (have) a bath. 2. She (listen) to music every morning. 3. We (not/like) metal music, we (prefer) rock. 4, When he (see) the accident yesterday, he (help) the driver. 5. What {you/do)? -1 (look) for my glasses. 6. They (bring/always) presents when they (visit) us. 7. When we (be) younger, we (think) Prague was in France. 8 He (not/win) the award in 2006. 9, That's typical! He (want) to win every time he (participate) in a competition. 10. Why /ou/bring) that toy to school last week? - Because I y—__. 2) y (want) to show itto my schoolmates, 11. Be quiet, please, My children (try) to sleep. 12. They, (not/go) to school at weekends, 13.Why (you/believe) him? He (tell never) the truth. He (lie/always). 14.She (decide) to visit London last month, She (meet) interesting people, (see) wonderful sights, and (enjoy) herselfa lot. 15. Where (she/be)? | (wait) for her. 16. (they/lnow) that water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius? 17. My parents (build) the house in 1985, 18. He {not/marry) her because she (break) up with him last year. 19. Look at her! She (sit) in the park over there. Isn’tshe wonderful? 20. (he/like) the book he (borrow) yesterday? PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 4. Study the boxes above. Then, complete the sentences below. 1. My cat been _ (steep) sleeping ai day. Jim 2A (do) exercise? B: Yes, he . He needs arrest, 3. (rain) for several days. 4. | failed the test because | not (study) hard. 5. We (drive) for two hours. 6. Tracy and Tom (play) tennis for an hour. 7. A: I'm sorry I'm late. you (wait) along tme? B: No.1 ——— ‘8. Where you (spend) your summer holidays? ‘9. Who {eat) my cookies? 10. A: You look tired. you (work) hard? B: Yes, ! 2. Study the boxes above. Then, complete the sentences below. 1.She___- ____s _(wattch) too much television lately. 2.What___you__ (do)? 3.Mary (feel) a littie depressed. C2 4h, — (wait) for two hours. 5, She a (listen) to music for two hours, 6____she______(write) the report since 7th August 20117 Fe (meet) him since 2009. 8. They (complete) their work since Monday, 9. Kids (play) games for five hours. 10. They (come) to office since January 2012. 3. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets She (not cooking) because she is tired. Mary and Laura (study) Frech for 3 years. My dogs (bark) all night. You (not drive) since we left the city. My sister (write) some nice poems. 1] My cats been sleeping for 8 hours. 2] I'm tired because |__________ been working out. 3] My dog been barking all night. 4] My mother been writing his project all day. 5] He's thinking of new project for days. 6] Julie has _____ living in Italy since May. 7) | have been (cook) so I'm really hot. 8] Has it raining since you arrived? 9 Rick been studying hard this semester? 10] They have been ______________ (watch) TV much recently. Il] Mira doesn't understand what you said because she __. been listening. 12] He has been____ (Work) too hard today. 13] Somebody been easing my cookies. There are very few left. 14] It has snowing a lot this week. 15] They been learning English for two years. 16] | have been (read) an interesting book about the history of Greek. 17] | am so tired because |____rrunniing. 18] your brother and sister been getting along? 19] How long you been learning Japanese? 20] A: Has John been fixing your bicycle for hours? B: Yes, SaLIVEWORKSHEETS | Present Perfect Continuous (Negative) Fill in the blank space to make a negative present perfect continuous sentence. For example ; She much recently. (sleep) —> She hasn't been sleeping much recently. sill this week, (work) . He his homework. (do) here for very long. (live) today. (work) enough recently, (sleep) this week. (snow) nT TY. I have been studying. (watch) . He for two weeks. (run) 4. She enough water. (drink) 10. They (exercise) much these days. PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE OR PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 1. Parvati the book all afternoon, (read) 2. They for hours. (call) 3. Jenny, how many apples ? (pick) 4. He is very tired now. He. (run) 5. Molly hard. She'll take an exam next week. (study) 6. Dinner’s ready, My mother a good meal for the family. (cook) 7. What you Sirius? You are covered in paint. (do) 8. They 4,000 meters. (run) 9. How long___ Peter for the bus? (wait) 10. My grandparents in this house all their life. (live) 11. My grandpa many different countries. (visit) 12. They the house for Christmas, It looks nice. (decorate) 13, These boys for 15 minutes. They 3 fights this week. (fight / have) 14. They have just arrived home from Spain. They look sunburned. I think they in the sun. (lie) 15.He hasn't anything to help his wife this evening because he TV for the last 2 hours. (do) 16. Kate has to stay at home because it__—— heavily for hours. (rain) 17.He alot recently. He should give up smoking. (cough) 18. can smell something sweet.__you dear? (cook) 19.He 397 miles, from London to Aberdeen. (drive) 20.Someone the window. (broke) GaLIVEWORKSHEETS Past perfect /Past simple * * * Ww * * Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use Past Perfect or Past Simple tens: Le Tot nn (Give) me the book yesterday but T knew he..... . (not read) it. 2- Alice came back from Australia and she Said that she: ..n.nm-n (enjoy) @ lot there, 3.-When T arrived home I realised that T ....n.m--~ (not phone) my grandparents. 4 The postman once (COME) OFEP T eeonnnne (leave) the of fice. 5-When the old lady... (return) to her flat, she... (see) that burglars... (break) into. 6-The tri oocnrnnnin (leave) before Helen ann. (arrive) at the station 7-My grandmother . -~. (make) some cheese sandwiches when I... (get) home at 5.30 8.-After she (study) the lesson, she ........ (do) the exercises. 9 Barbara . (forget) thot she .. (not do) any shopping for the weekend, 10- Jack..... » (be) very tired because he...... w.- (work) until late. 1L- Before Henry .............. (come) home, his friend .. (take)the dog for a walk. 12.-By the time Linda sone (park) her car, her boy friend (drink) two cups of coffee. 13.-My 0g eon (be) hungry becouse Re non-n-nnne (have)nothing to eat since breakfast. 14.- Lwondered where I o (see) him before. 15-The robbers... .- (escape) by the time the police ...... 16.-The policeman .... (errest) the man who .. 17-The compute? vonnenuee (SHOW) that the George HUPT svnunmum (Commit) some crimes in the past. 18 TRE MAM ose vows (Cheek) all the windows after He ..coccnnvnnne (l0CK) the front door. 19.-WhenT ...... - (open) the chocolate. box, I saw that somebody .... (eat) all of them. 20,-When Elisa meet) Arthur, he (finish) his studies at university. Qe Tecnu (recognize) him because I .. (see) his photo in the newspaper before. 22.- Margaret was upset because her husband we... (forget) her birthday. Use the words in brackets to make a present perfect continuous question. For example : (you / sleep / much recently?) —> Have you been sleeping much recently? 1 (1 / sing / too loudly?) 2. (she / drink / enough water?) 3. (he / study / hard today?) 4. (they / live / here for a long time?) 5. (I / talk / a lot?) 6. (he / eat / too much?) 7. (she / work / here for very long?) 8. (they / run / yet today?) 9. (How long / you / study / Korean?) 10. (What / you / do / today?) Present Perfect Continuous Fill in the blank space to make a present perfect continuous sentence. Forexample,She____here for ten years. (live) > She has been living here forten years. 1.1 soccer so | am tired. (play) 2. He English for five years. (study) 3. She in Paris for six months. (live) 4. They all morning. (work) 5. You for 10 hours. (sleep) 6. It so the floor is slippery. (rain) Teil tired recently. (feel) 8. He so he is sweating. (run) 9. She a lot of coffee recently. (drink) 10. They a lot these days. (exercise) © 2020 This worksheet is free to use for personal or classroom use. & Present Perfect Continuous — since & for 1. Emily has been working in our company over five years. 2. Your mother has been looking for you morning. 3. My family had been living in this house 2004. 4. Ithas been raining two days. 5. We have been learning English January. 6. They have been waiting for you lunchtime. 7, Students have been sitting here a tong time. 8, Matthew has been teaching maths years, 9. | have been trying to reach you Wednesday. 10. They have been shopping ages. 11. Lilly has been staying at her aunt Christmas. 12, Emma and John have been relaxing five days, 13, We have been playing tennis two hours. 14, You have been running 8pm. 16. Ihave been watching TV you left. © 2020 May be freely copied for personal or classroom use. Present Simple, Past Simple oF Present Continuous? 1. My mother (cook) dinner every da: 2 He (hot go) to school last yea, he (bo five 3. What (yu, do) now? -1 (rash) my acwand hands 4 He ‘ot varie) his home task at the moment T (think) he {play)on the computer 5. (she, et i ream yesterday? 6 We (usually dink) oof in the morning: But now 1 (have) te, Little Kate (ee) an elephant tw slaysago and (be) very suprise. 8. Listen! My sister (sing) or favourite song, She <) 19 sing» lot Last week she (Wake) port ina big concer andl (el) proud of it 2. What (ie draw) ast Sunday? 10. My fiend {always, haved breakfast before school, He (0 like) teat somewhere ce Present Simple, Past Simple or Present Continuous? 1. My mother (cook) dinner every day. 2. He (not, go) to school last year, he ___ (be) five. 3. What (you, do) now? - I (wash) my face and hands. 4. He (not, write) his home task at the moment. I (think) he (play) on the computer. 5: (she, eat) ice cream yesterday? 6. We (usually, drink) coffee in the morning. But now I (have) tea. 7. Little Kate (see) an elephant two days ago and (be) very surprised. 8. Listen! My sister (sing) her favourite song. She (like) to sing a lot. Last week she (take) part in a big concert and (feel) proud of it. 9. What (he, draw) last Sunday? 10. My friend ___ (always, have) breakfast before school. He (not, like) to eat somewhere else. S&LIVEWORKSHEETS Present Perfect Worksheet Fill in the blanks with present perfect verb form not___ him today. (see) He ____ the whole book. (read) They to the park. (go) He not____his lunch yet. (eat) The cat onto the roof. (climb) |____ this car for five years. (have) |____ animals since | was a little girl. (love) |____ the present perfect since we started learning it. (like) ____ shopping with her mom. (go) ‘to go to Europe for years. (want) ____ the story. (read) ____ my homework. (do) our project. (finish) ____accake. (make) They to the park. (go) |______sa cold. (catch) We____ our homework. (do) They soccer in the rain. (play) James __just__ a new car. (buy). We our math lesson. (finish) Past simple or present perfekt? She can’t write, because she oo he arm at football last Saturday. 3. John stamps, when he was ten years old 4. Kelly already a new job, 5. How long you here? 6. Myssister the piano since she was ten 7. Whent child, we a black dog. 8. Yesterday Molly shopping, but she anything 9. Vm somry, 1 oo the article yet. 10. They here in February. Hs He his leg last week 12. Peter can't go out, because he his homework. 13, We here for six months now. Ma this film two vears ago Is you ever to Paris? 16, Yes. To... there fast summer 17. My brother in America thee years, but now he lives in London. 181 ‘my key, lean’ find it 19, We a holiday last year. 20, What time oss YO sven 10 Bed Hast night? 21, Sue travels. lot, She alot of countries 22, Jim’ s grandmother in 1990, 23. Is Amy here? No, she yet 24, My parents married since 1980, 25. How long, she inthis house? For about ten years. 26. We any good film recently 2 you ‘Tom’s party last Friday? Yes, 1 28. The weather very good yesterday. 29. He 4 car since he was twenty-five, 30.1 just this exercise (break) (lay) (collect (nd) (work) (play) (be, have) (0.001 buy) (not write) (move) (break) (not do) (ive) (see) 9 (be) (ive) (lose) (not have) (go) (4 (die) (not come) (be) Cave) ) (not see) (enjoy) (not be) (have) (Finish) Present Perfect Tense COMPLETE THE SENTENCES 1,- Elisabeth ....... (begin) to work at the pub. 2,- Tania and John a... justo. (come) home with Anne, (isit) the Museum in London. ‘already... (Gell) his old car. My son... (learn) to play the guitar. YOU amon (not/meet) my boyfriend yet, 7.-Tania ....... (send) me a few messages today. at (understand) these instructions. 9.-The traffic ....-.. (be) terrible today on the roads. 10.-The President wom (open) the new hospital, 11, -Yolanda .....~ (buy) some presents for her sons. 12,-eene YOUrem (S00) the last American Film? 13,-Martha (write) a nice poem at school. 14.-A gardener ...... (Keep) my garden beautifully. 45.-T uuu... Cswiteh) on all the lights in the house 36.~ My cousins ........ (fly) to New York this morning. AT. Leonor nnn. (not/finish) her homework yet. 18,-Charles and you wm.» (win) the competition. 19.-YOU nuen (not/taste) my new recipe. 20, Daniela... (feel) badly today. She is il. ae ¥* Present Perfect Med Write the verbs into brackets and decide if are affirmative, negative or interrogative VW caisson ACA. einiestnininene this book. (read) 2) ... the aceident. They were at school. (see) 3) Lilian ... _~- her homework? It seems she didn’t, (do) 4) Eric win London .... 12004. (live) 5) in France .. aw. ten years, (live) 6) ... Elliot .. anew car? I saw it in front of his garage. (buy) 2 . the room, It's still very tidy! (clean) 8) swcusnn Waly. (visit) %) .~ this novel with me. (wateh) 10) . his bone. (eat) i) ever su by plane, (fly) TB)! saamnecasinersanacinan YORE miccamianameamaraid Tango Mmee) 13) already ... ... the problem. (forget) 14) My grandparents... in France... .. 20 years, (live) 15) Children lesson with Mrs Hellen. (learn) .. the plants yet. (water) SLeollactive cori 17) Allher life my aunt on the left. She lives in London. (drive) Present Simple, Pask Simple or Present Continuous? 1. What (you, read) now? We _____ (read) a very interesting book about a dog. 2. She (learn) English words two hours ago and (go) for a walk. 3. My brother (wash) his face and (clean) his teeth every morning. 4. Yesterday he (not, eat) breakfast because he (get up) very late. 5. I can’t understand them. (they, speak) English now? No, I (not, think) so. I (not, understand) them either. 6. (you, want) to go to the cinema tonight? - Sorry, I am afraid, I can’t. I always (look) after my little brother on Friday evenings. 7. Last week she (go) to the club and (dance) all night. - When (she, come) back home? - I (not, remember) exactly but it (be) very late. Our mum (be) very angry. S&LIVEWORKSHEETS Past Simple or Past Continuous past continuous. My friend, the bus when T saw . Sue was living in France when her uncle (ie). Nick was cooking dinner when the phone. |. My mother inner while my father was reading a book ‘When you phoned, I (have) a shower. ‘We were watching TV when my dad (come). Tom park when a dog started barking, ‘My father was working in the garden when our neighbour: (come). They got married while they (study) at the unversiy, 10. He was driving when the accident (happen). 11. While (valk) I saw ‘Adam. 12. While | was reading a newspaper my 14. Helen broke herleg while she somebody stole my car. 16. When children went out, it ———— (ean). 17.Whenl he was shopping. 18 When I walked in children (fight), (0) through the 1. Open the brackets in the past simple or | 2. Open the brackets in the past simple or past continuous 4. When | (heat) them, they, ‘Gpeak) Engesh 2 They. (tet the police that they (olay) football 3. Adam (isten) to music when Ben (6rop) the radio. 4. My mum _(make)a cake when the doorbal (ng) 5.We (walk) in the park whenit (start) to rain. 6. Anna ie) her bike wien she (hit) atree 7. My parents (leep) when my brother (begin) to play the drums. 8. John (rave) lunch when Tom (come), 9. My mother (plant) flowers when my ite brother (Gump) on the tuips. 107They, (have) a party ‘when the Hghts (0) off m4 Tea when the ‘spaceship (and). 12. Chiidren lay) a ‘game wien (come). 13. We (eave) the party when Re 14. Sally when she) 18. We. ‘when Adam 16. She, ‘when she $ E 1. How Tong your sis... vegetarian? (be) 2. senses YOU srnsesnnne YOUF Sandwich yet? (eat) 3. Mum... a chocolate cake. Fancy a piece? (just make) eae YOU ses (hear) B Tn 6. We ... party. (not see) 7. Susie ocean. (swim) 12. MUM seen 18. My uncle 19. Anthony 20. 1... anything from Laura? .u him for ages. (know) ... Paul since his birthday _.» her nails. Gust do) is ear for 5 years. (have) 9. This is the first time Tou.ecccnnennenes (already leave) back home yet. ... her coffee. (just drink) . the news yet? (watch) the competition twice. (win) ... her key again. (lose) shopping. (go) in public? (sing) the marathon ten times. (run) again. (oversleep) her yet. (not call) x in the 2 & / x ¥ e a PRESENT PERFECT Complete the sentences using verbs in brackets. Later, ‘match them to the pictures. 1The gil a just uu @ portrait. (paint) _-interesting stories to the children. (reod) ‘about her boyfriend. (dream) os two letters for my mom. (bring) nathing today. (do) -. for the first time. (meet) ou @new dish for the customers. (try) ‘on holidays to the sea. (G0) her bed early. (make) 10.-My neighbour ..... his weekend at the sea. (spend) UW. The teacher eu. the kids some pictures. (show) 12.-My sister uu @ few songs at the disco. (dance) $3.-The old man oss TW for three hours. (watch) 14.-6ina.....already .... her deg for a walk. (take) allot of exercise at the gym. (do) ientnnainnn (FY) 17.-Mrs Harrison... Maths for five years. (teach) 18.-The three kids... in the park happily. (play) 19.-Thomes ns... € fish this morning. (catch) 7 cg | |B || Pl hs eu ay aL Goh Hef. Present & past tenses Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous Fill in the gaps with a correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. Yesterday my uncle (repair) the car, while 1 (do) my homework. 2. Today (be) Monday and we. (have) dinner in the dining-room now. 31 (have) two brothers and one sister. We. (have) a great fun at the moment. 4. What, (you/do) when the accident happened? 5. Myelder brother (be) very intelligent. He (want) to be a doctor. 6. She. (have) a terrible headache right now. She (need) to take an aspirin, 7. A: Where (be/your sister) born? B:I (not/know) to be honest. 8, When my parents (be) young, they (listen) to Rolling Stones 9. Mysister____ (believe) in magic. She always__ (try) tricks on me! 10. Every morning | (get up) at 7 o'clock, 1 (have) my breakfast. When | (eat), my mother___ (prepare) my lunch. When | ___ (finish) having breakfast, | always (take) my bike, and | (go)quickly to school. 1 always (arrive) late! My teacher. (not/like) this. 11. A: Hey! What (you/doy? B: |_____ (do) my homework. 1 ____(not/want) to get a bad grade tomorrow. 12. Once upon a time, there (be) a horrible witch, She (love) scaring children and she (live) near a school. Every day, she (invite)children to her house with a really scary face, but children (not/want) to go. 13. A: What (you/do) in Loncton these days? B: 1 (look) for ajob. 4 (you send) an email to Bill now? 15. When the postman (arrive), my father: (have) a shower. 16, Every night | (go) to the cinema wt {not go) to work today. 18. Colin and Barbara Boyle (not/be) born in Dublin but they. (travel) there a lot of times. 19. He. (not wear) a jacket every day. 20. We (have) a great fun last weekend. 21, Helen (not want) a new job. 22. We (not know) him very well. 23. Asa child,1 (enjoy) playing guitar: 24, She __ (have) breakfast at 630. 25.1 (study) Italian at the moment. 26. When | (be) 10,1 (eat) sandwich every morning. 27. Why (she wear) that horrible hat? 28. The supermarket (not open) til 9.00. 29.10 (vain) in Paris this morning 30. My car is old, but it (work) well. {ill nthe blani space fo make @ present perfect continuous sentence. {For example : Sne here for ton years, (ve) —* Sne has been living rere for ten years Li_____ soccer so 1 am tired, (play) English for five years, (study) 3. She in Paris for six months. (live): 4. They all morning, (work) 5. You for 10 hours, (sleep) 61 80 the floor is stippery. (rain) et tired recently, (fee!) 8 Mali 80 she is sweating, (run) @. She a lot of coffee recently. (drink) 10. they____alot these ne lerercise) omte bk | ~~ 0, Og 2 O ‘og © r Chass U PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE Exercise 1. Write the past participle of these verbs: vers | parncpre | | YERE | parricipne | | VERE | panricipLe be do have make read write take win play see watch study Exercise 2. Choose the correct option: a) My father have / has been to London. b) My parents have / has been to New York. c) | have / has studied English since | was 3 years old. d) Marta have / has worked at Fontarron school for 5 years. e) | haven't / hasn't visited my granparents since last month. f) Coronavirus have / has killed many people. Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using present perfect: a) (see) that movie 15 times! b) People (travel) to the Moon. c) We (read) the Quijote book with Sonia. d) Alicia (be) to France four times. e) Marcos (write) two poems. f) Xavi (finish) his homework. g) Marta (live) in Madrid for some years. GaLIVEWORKSHEETS sic dt Ash tli tnd” COCHOOEOPOOLOOOOOOEO OEE OOOO E OLS Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continucus: 4. How long... as (wait) for me? (be)? (talk) for hours. We 2. Where 3. We .- (not see) each other for a while. - SUE oan - (twist) her ankle again. (break) up with each other for good. 4 5. Tinaand Alex... 6 (learn) English for a couple of years. 7 (drink) too much coffee recently. (hear) the news yet? (ust arrive). 9. Your brother. 10. Shella. . (never travel) by plane before. 1. We. jt) here for half an hour. How long are we (call) her yet? . (do) my homework since the afternoon. I'm - (hide) behind the tree? 1» (ery) all night. (already co) the shopping. - (already move) in. arene nnssn (read) since the morning? (not ‘alk to my parents about the party never eat) seafood. (hurt) my knee really badly. 22, My sister and her boyfriend (see) each other fora few weeks. SASRAAAAAAANAAAAA Soho? VAPPPPPP PDD LPL DEED LED D DP DPLE

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