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Elaborate 2 lessons learnt from the story

From the story,I have learnt that we need to respect our neighbours by not disturbing them by a loud
noise or anything that could make them uncomfortable.This could be seen through her neighbour
that keep continued to blast the music even though she already told to him to turn down the
volume.Personally,I think that Barbara has the right to reprimand politely because her routine got
disturbed by the noise that keep coming from her neighbour.

After that,the second lesson that I have learnt is we must learn on how to be patient in every
situations.This could be seen through the part which is Barbara scream to her neighbour and
threaten him that she could take a actions that can cause violence if he don’t want to turn down the
volume.From my perspective,we must be polite to other people and not threaten them because we
don’t want things to get worse.

To sum up,we must respect other people and also be a person who has a great patience so that
every problem can be sloved.


If you were Barbara, what would you do to make sure that your neighbours are not disturbing you?

Give 2 solutions to what you can do.

If I were Barbara,I would having an open communication and ask my neighbour politely.Other than
that,if my neighbour ignore my complaint,I would refer to mediator to settle down this problem.


ELC121 MBA1321H

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