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Case Summaries

Two (2) Papers (1-2 pages) on a Case: All students will submit one-page case summary for
Atlas Case. In addition, each student will be assigned to summarize another case study. Given
the space constraints, you will be better served if you focus on the questions for the case (see
below list of questions for each case). Don’t try to bite off all possible issues in 1-2 pages. You
may find the readings in the day of the case helpful in answering these questions (see course
outlines). Case Summaries will be made available to the instructor at the morning of the day of
the Case.

Class Participation
Learning opportunities are maximized when you are actively engaged in the class
discussion. The goal of class discussion is to arrive at a collective analysis of the issues
presented by the day’s materials. Strategic analysis is not accomplished through the
routine application of formulas, but rather through reasoned analysis under conditions of
limited information and uncertainty. One of the primary goals of this course is to help you
develop the ability both to clarify your own position on a strategic question and to be able
to articulate and defend it clearly.
You should be prepared for every class. We may open the class by asking someone to
summarize the readings or cases briefly, or answer a short question. If you happen to
have information from outside the case materials, please do not introduce it in the
discussion without prior discussion with the instructor. The point of the case discussion is
to adopt the perspective of the decision makers at the time of the case, and adding extra
information shifts the discussion away from the issues we need to emphasize in the case.
On the other hand, if you are particularly knowledgeable about a case, a firm or an
industry we discuss please let the instructor know so that your insights can be eventually
brought to bear in the discussion.
Since every student is a co-producer of the class discussion, it is important that every
class member listens carefully to one another and attempts to build on or constructively
critique prior comments. Try to resist the temptation to jump to topics that are not
specifically open for discussion.

Class participation covers your own contribution to classroom learning. I am mainly

looking for quality in class participation, not just quantity.
In a typical session, one or more students will start the class by answering a specific
question or discussing a specific issue. Preparation of the case (including assigned study
questions) and associated required readings, if any, should be sufficient to handle this
kind of lead-off assignment. After this initial analysis, I will open the discussion to the
rest of the class. As a class, following group presentation, we will then try to complete
the analysis of the situation, address the problems and issues presented in the case, and
examine how they relate to our previous discussions.

Good class participation entails:

• Listening well and letting others speak;
• Making comments that are relevant to the discussion, cut to the core of the
problem, are linked to comments made by other participants and to the themes that
the class is exploring together.
• Integrating materials with past classes and the readings when appropriate;
Willing to challenge the ideas that are being expressed and to test new ideas;
• Showing evidence of analysis rather than just stating an opinion or intuitive

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