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Changing the Land

Module 1-a

Name: Adjective:
global warming= eroded=
fossil fuels= toxic=
energy renewable= biggest=
Wildlife= economy=
threat= talented=talentó s
oil spills= slow=lent
landscape= simultaneous=simultà nia
sources= hit=colpejar
cause= amazing=increïble
droughts= tired=cansat

Verb: Other expressions:

To ban= recently=
To raise money= entirely
To take actions= abou=abou
To destruction= much=molt
To bring= often=sovint
To back to life= before=abans
To restore= several=diversos
To drilling= apparently=aparentment
To order= how=
To fill up= rarely=
Making history
Module 1-b

Name: Adjective:
armies= exèrcits defeated= derrotat
accomplishment= assoliment amazing= sorprenent
decline=disminució led to= conduït a
development= desenvolupament major=major
knowledge= coneixement ruled = governat
developments= desenvolupaments increible=increïble
trade= comerç amusing=divertit
freedom= llibertat Thrilling=Emocionant
role= rol Suitable=Adequat
government=govern Ordinary=Ordinariament

Verb: Other expressions:

To taken control= Prendre el Long before= Molt abans
control It is thought=Es pensa
To take place= Tenir lloc It is believed=Es creu
To last=Per ú ltim However=malgrat això
To rule=governar In my opinion=En la meva opinió
To use=Usar From my opinion=Des de la meva
To give=Donar opinió
To include=Per incloure I’d like to read=M'agradaria llegir
To find=Trobar It sounds=Sona
To destroy=destruir I’d prefer= preferiria
To protect=Protegir
Going the Distance
Module 1-c

Name: Adjective:
network= grups de connexions heavy= pés
time consuming= temps consumit lovely= bonic
capable of= capaç major= major
standard of living= qualitat de vida short= curt
landscape= paisatge long before= molt abans
steam= vapor risky= perilló s
distance= distà ncia long= llarg
track= camí high= rà pid
speed= velocitat small= petit
loads= cargas big= gran

Verbs: Other expressions:

To run= corra together= junts
To run on= utilitzar what= que
To hop on= entrar she= ella
To do= fer when= quan
To reach= arribar how much= quan costa
To set up= crear it= això
To get around= estar al voltant must= obligació
To shipped= transportar then= aleshores
To see= observar he= ell
To buy= comprar they= ells
Surprising Results
Module 2-a

Name: Adjective:
engineer = Enginyer responsible = Responsable
pocket = Butxaca beneficial = Benefició s
radiation = Radiació essential = Essencial
microscope = Microscopi creative = Creatiu
success = È xit fascinating = Fascinant
food coloring = Colorant alimentari heavy = Pesat
artificial sweetener = Edulcorant expensive = Car
artificial useful = Ú til
weapon = Arma poor = Pobre
teens = Adolescents cheap = Barat
microwave = Microones
propeller = Hèlice

Verbs: Other expressions:

To operate = Operar because = perquè
To check it out = Comprovar-ho unusual = inusual
To melt = Fondre rarely = rarament
To figure out = Descobrir used = utilitzat
To end up = Acabar together = junts
To remove = Treure what = què
To stick to = Enganxar-se a she = ella
To attempt = Intentar when = quan
To attach = Adjuntar how much = quant
To contain = Contenir Long before = Molt abans
To turn into = Convertir-se en
To spill = Esparcir
To worn = Desgastar
To find out = Descobrir
Unusual Talents
Module 2-b

Name: Adjective:
course = curs spend = passar (temps); gastar
crop = collita collapse = ensorrar-se
homeless = sense llar injure = ferir
tragedy = tragèdia warn = advertir
volcano = volcà drown = ofegar-se
survivor = supervivent search = buscar
mud = fang put out = apagar
earthquake = terratrèmol ignore = ignorar
shelter = refugi predict = predir
aid = ajuda break out = esclatar / començar

Verbs: Other expressions:

gifted = talentos
hidden = ocult spend time = passar temps
successful = exitos at the top = a dalt
common sense = sentit comú in the middle = al mig
genius = geni hit = colpejar
outstanding = excepcional without warning = sense previ avís
sensitive = sensible make the most of = aprofitar al
multitasking = multitasca put out a fire = apagar un incendi
fearless = intrepid at the bottom = al fons
bright = llest fearlessness = intrèpidament
natural leader = líder de innat warning off = advertir de que no
at the side = a un costat
Not What It Seems
Module 2-c

Name: Adjective:
inhabitant = habitant injure = ferir
lift = ascensor put out = apagar (un incendi)
landmark = lloc d'interès search = buscar
office block = bloc d'oficines spend = passar (temps); gastar
concrete = formigó predict = predir
facilities = instalaciones break out = començar / produir-se
property = propietat (un incendi)
steel = ferro pull down = Derribar
block of flats = bloc de pisos strike = colpejar
brick = maó warn = advertir
collapse = derruir-se

Verbs: Other expressions:

missing = desaparegut go for it = llançar-s'hi
trapped = atrapat give up = rendir-se
burned = cremat workout = fer exercici
recorded = enregistrat bring up = esmentar
dangerous = perilló s call off = cancel·lar
homeless = sense sostre run out of = quedar-se sense
several = diversos show up = presentar-se
high-rise = de molts pisos land on = aterrar a
safe = segur break down = avariar-se
fearless = intrepid stay in touch = mantenir-se en
Finding Your Roots
modul 3-a

Name: Adjective:
amazing - brutal
Brought up- Criat beautiful - preció s
rows - fila cheap - barato
siblings- germans cute - mono(persona)
cousins- cossins old - vell
schoolwork- treball escolar good looking - guapo
twins-bessó busy - ocupat
spoiled-mimat slim - prim
only child- fill ú nic strong - fort
children- nens famous - famó s
shelter - refugi anxious - anció s

Verbs: Other expressions:

to do - fer she - ella
to have - tenir other - un altre
to need - necessitar alone - sol
to bring - portar only - només
to buy - comprar this - això
to accept - aceptar these - aquestes/s (plural)
to add - añ adir now - ara
to appear - aparèixer yesterday - ahir
to apologise - demanar disculpes they - ells/es
to answer - contestar which - quin
Exploring Customs
modul 3-b

parades= (desfile) polite= educat
roots= arrels important= important
day= dia usually= normalment
tour= tour a lot of fun= molta diversió
festival= festival all day long= durant tot el dia
the crowds= public meaningful= significatiu
fireworks= focs artificials harmless= inofensiu
daily life= vida diaria respectful= respectuosament
way of life= estil de vida appropriate= apropiat
atmosphere= ambient easily= fà cilment
rarely= rarament


to do= fer what= que
to discuss= discutir customary= acostumat
to read= llegir settle= assentar se
to show= ensenyar temporary= temporalment
to watch= beure advantage= avantatge
to join= unirse who= qui
to pray= rezar when= quan
to display= mostrar why= perquè
to believe= creure how= com
to held= sostendre where= on
to stay= permenir
Going Global
modul 3-c

student = estudiant exotic = exò tic
friend = amic new = nou
laptop = ordinador portà til great = genial
club = club fantastic = fantà stic
school = escola cheap = barato
background = entorn cheap = barato
border = frontera fluent = fluid
horizon = horitzó lonely = solitari
foreign language = llengua stressful = estressant
estrangera temporary = temporal
lifestyle = estil de vida


to take advantage = aprofitar the = el
to go = anar we = nosaltres
to have = tenir a = un
to attend = assistir in = en
to learn = aprendre When = quan?
to adapt = adaptar-se and = i
to expand = expandir who = qui?
to experience = experimentar for = per
to have in common = tenir un comú all = tot
to settle down = establir you = vosaltres
not = no

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