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PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Client Server Computing

In client server computing, the clients requests a resource and the server provides that
resource. A server may serve multiple clients at the same time while a client is in contact
with only one server. Both the client and server usually communicate via a computer
network but sometimes they may reside in the same system.

An illustration of the client server system is given as follows −

Characteristics of Client Server Computing

The salient points for client server computing are as follows:

 The client server computing works with a system of request and response. The client
sends a request to the server and the server responds with the desired information.
 The client and server should follow a common communication protocol so they can
easily interact with each other. All the communication protocols are available at the
application layer.
 A server can only accommodate a limited number of client requests at a time. So it
uses a system based to priority to respond to the requests.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

 An example of a client server computing system is a web server. It returns the web
pages to the clients that requested them.

Difference between Client Server Computing and Peer to Peer Computing

The major differences between client server computing and peer to peer computing are as

 In client server computing, a server is a central node that services many client nodes.
On the other hand, in a peer to peer system, the nodes collectively use their resources
and communicate with each other.
 In client server computing the server is the one that communicates with the other
nodes. In peer to peer to computing, all the nodes are equal and share data with each
other directly.
 Client Server computing is believed to be a subcategory of the peer to peer

Advantages of Client Server Computing

The different advantages of client server computing are −

 All the required data is concentrated in a single place i.e. the server. So it is easy to
protect the data and provide authorisation and authentication.
 The server need not be located physically close to the clients. Yet the data can be
accessed efficiently.
 It is easy to replace, upgrade or relocate the nodes in the client server model because
all the nodes are independent and request data only from the server.
 All the nodes i.e clients and server may not be built on similar platforms yet they can
easily facilitate the transfer of data.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Disadvantages of Client Server Computing

The different disadvantages of client server computing are −

 If all the clients simultaneously request data from the server, it may get overloaded.
This may lead to congestion in the network.
 If the server fails for any reason, then none of the requests of the clients can be
fulfilled. This leads of failure of the client server network.
 The cost of setting and maintaining a client server model are quite high.

Basics of Distributed System

A distributed system contains multiple nodes that are physically separate but linked together
using the network. All the nodes in this system communicate with each other and handle
processes in tandem. Each of these nodes contains a small part of the distributed operating
system software.

A diagram to better explain the distributed system is −

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Advantages of Distributed System

Some advantages of Distributed Systems are as follows −

 All the nodes in the distributed system are connected to each other. So nodes can
easily share data with other nodes.
 More nodes can easily be added to the distributed system i.e. it can be scaled as
 Failure of one node does not lead to the failure of the entire distributed system. Other
nodes can still communicate with each other.
 Resources like printers can be shared with multiple nodes rather than being restricted
to just one.

Disadvantages of Distributed Systems

Some disadvantages of Distributed Systems are as follows −

 It is difficult to provide adequate security in distributed systems because the nodes as

well as the connections need to be secured.
 Some messages and data can be lost in the network while moving from one node to
 The database connected to the distributed systems is quite complicated and difficult to
handle as compared to a single user system.
 Overloading may occur in the network if all the nodes of the distributed system try to
send data at once.

Grid Computing

Grid Computing can be defined as a network of computers working together to perform a

task that would rather be difficult for a single machine. All machines on that network work
under the same protocol to act as a virtual supercomputer.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

The task that they work on may include analyzing huge datasets or simulating situations that
require high computing power. Computers on the network contribute resources like
processing power and storage capacity to the network.

Grid Computing is a subset of distributed computing, where a virtual supercomputer

comprises machines on a network connected by some bus, mostly Ethernet or sometimes the

Advantages of Grid Computing

1. It is not centralized, as there are no servers required, except the control node which is just
used for controlling and not for processing.
2. Multiple heterogeneous machines i.e. machines with different Operating Systems can use
a single grid computing network.
3. Tasks can be performed parallelly across various physical locations and the users don’t
have to pay for them (with money).

Disadvantages of Grid Computing

1. The software of the grid is still in the involution stage.
2. A super-fast interconnect between computers resources is the need of hour.
3. Licensing across many servers may make it prohibitive for some applications.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

4. Many groups are reluctant with sharing resources.

Difference between cloud computing and Grid computing

Cloud Computing Grid Computing


Cloud computing is a Client-server While it is a Distributed computing

1. computing architecture. architecture.

Cloud computing is a centralized While grid computing is a decentralized

2. executive. executive.

In cloud computing, resources are used While in grid computing, resources are
3. in centralized pattern. used in collaborative pattern.

While it is less flexible than cloud

4. It is more flexible than grid computing. computing.

In cloud computing, the users pay for While in grid computing, the users do not
5. the use. pay for use.

Cloud computing is a high accessible While grid computing is a low accessible

6. service. service.

It is highly scalable as compared to grid While grid computing is low scalable in

7. computing. comparison to cloud computing.

It can be accessed through standard While it is accessible through grid

8. web protocols. middleware.

Cloud computing is based on service- Grid computing is based on application-

9. oriented. oriented.

Grid computing uses service like

Cloud computing uses service like distributed computing, distributed
10. IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. pervasive, distributed information.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Parallel Computing

Parallel computing refers to the process of executing several processors an application or

computation simultaneously. Generally, it is a kind of computing architecture where the large
problems break into independent, smaller, usually similar parts that can be processed in one

It is done by multiple CPUs communicating via shared memory, which combines results
upon completion. It helps in performing large computations as it divides the large problem
between more than one processor.

Typically, this infrastructure is housed where various processors are installed in a server
rack; the application server distributes the computational requests into small chunks then the
requests are processed simultaneously on each server.

The earliest computer software is written for serial computation as they are able to execute a
single instruction at one time, but parallel computing is different where it executes several
processors an application or computation in one time.

There are many reasons to use parallel computing, such as save time and money, provide
concurrency, solve larger problems, etc. Furthermore, parallel computing reduces

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

In the real-life example of parallel computing, there are two queues to get a ticket of
anything; if two cashiers are giving tickets to 2 persons simultaneously, it helps to save time
as well as reduce complexity.

Advantages of parallel computing

Parallel computing advantages are discussed below:

o In parallel computing, more resources are used to complete the task that led to
decrease the time and cut possible costs.
o Comparing with Serial Computing, parallel computing can solve larger problems in a
short time.
o For simulating, modelling, and understanding complex, real-world phenomena,
parallel computing is much appropriate while comparing with serial computing.
o There are multiple problems that are very large and may impractical or impossible to
solve them on a single computer; the concept of parallel computing helps to remove
these kinds of issues.
o One of the best advantages of parallel computing is that it allows you to do several
things in a time by using multiple computing resources.

Disadvantages of parallel computing

There are many limitations of parallel computing, which are as follows:

o It addresses Parallel architecture that can be difficult to achieve.

o In the case of clusters, better cooling technologies are needed in parallel computing.
o It requires the managed algorithms, which could be handled in the parallel
o The multi-core architectures consume high power consumption.
o The parallel computing system needs low coupling and high cohesion, which is
difficult to create.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

o The code for a parallelism-based program can be done by the most technically skilled
and expert programmers.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources
include tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Rather than keeping files on a proprietary hard drive or local storage device, cloud-based
storage makes it possible to save them to a remote database. As long as an electronic device
has access to the web, it has access to the data and the software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular option for people and businesses for a number of reasons
including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance, and

Types of Cloud Services

Cloud computing services provide users with a series of functions including:

 Email
 Storage, backup, and data retrieval
 Creating and testing apps
 Analysing data
 Audio and video streaming
 Delivering software on demand

Types of Cloud computing

Cloud computing is not a single piece of technology like a microchip or a cell phone.
Rather, it's a system primarily comprised of three services:

 Software-as-a-service (SaaS),

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

 Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS)
 Platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

1. Software-as-a-service (SaaS) involves the licensure of a software application to

customers. Licenses are typically provided through a pay-as-you-go model or on-
demand. This type of system can be found in Microsoft Office's 365.1

2. Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) involves a method for delivering everything

from operating systems to servers and storage through IP-based connectivity as part
of an on-demand service. Clients can avoid the need to purchase software or servers,
and instead procure these resources in an outsourced, on-demand service. Popular
examples of the IaaS system include IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure.12

3. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) is considered the most complex of the three layers of

cloud-based computing. PaaS shares some similarities with SaaS, the primary
difference being that instead of delivering software online, it is actually a platform
for creating software that is delivered via the Internet. This model includes
platforms like and Heroku.

Advantages of Cloud computing

 Cloud-based software offers companies from all sectors a number of benefits,

including the ability to use software from any device either via a native app or a

 Cloud computing services also make it possible for users to back up their music,
files, and photos, ensuring those files are immediately available in the event of a hard
drive crash.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

 It also offers big businesses huge cost-saving potential. Before the cloud became a
viable alternative, companies were required to purchase, construct, and maintain
costly information management technology and infrastructure.

 The cloud structure allows individuals to save storage space on their desktops or
laptops. It also lets users upgrade software more quickly because software companies
can offer their products via the web.

Disadvantages of Cloud computing

 Security has always been a big concern with the cloud especially when it comes to
sensitive medical records and financial information.

 Servers maintained by cloud computing companies may fall victim to natural

disasters, internal bugs, and power outages, too.

 Many individuals accessing and manipulating information through a single portal,

inadvertent mistakes can transfer across an entire system.

Mobile computing

Mobile Computing is a technology that provides an environment that enables users to

transmit data from one device to another device without the use of any physical link or

In this technology, data transmission is done wirelessly with the help of wireless devices
such as mobiles, laptops etc.

Mobile computing technology provides a vast coverage diameter for communication. It is

one of the fastest and most reliable sectors of the computing technology field.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

The concept of Mobile Computing can be divided into three parts:

o Mobile Communication
o Mobile Hardware
o Mobile Software

Mobile Communication

Mobile communication refers to an infrastructure that ensures seamless and reliable

communication among wireless devices. This framework ensures the consistency and
reliability of communication between wireless devices.

The mobile communication framework consists of communication devices such as

protocols, services, bandwidth, and portals necessary to facilitate and support the stated
services. These devices are responsible for delivering a smooth communication process.

Mobile hardware

Mobile hardware consists of mobile devices or device components that can be used to
receive or access the service of mobility.

Examples of mobile hardware can be smartphones, laptops, portable PCs, tablet PCs,
Personal Digital Assistants, etc.

Mobile software

Mobile software is a program that runs on mobile hardware. This is designed to deal
capably with the characteristics and requirements of mobile applications.

This is the operating system for the appliance of mobile devices. In other words, you can
say it the heart of the mobile systems. This is an essential component that operates the
mobile device.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Applications of Mobile computing

Following is a list of some significant fields in which mobile computing is generally


o Web or Internet access.

o Global Position System (GPS).
o Emergency services.
o Entertainment services.
o Educational services.

Advantages of Mobile Computing Technology

Enhanced Productivity

We can use mobile devices in various companies, which can reduce the time and cost for
clients and themselves and enhance the productivity of the company.

Location Flexibility

This technology facilitates users to work efficiently and effectively from whichever location
they want to do their tasks. So, a user can work without being in a fixed position. This
facility makes them able to carry out numerous tasks at the same time and also benefitted
the company.

Saves Time

The location flexibility facility of mobile computing makes it time-saving. It cuts down the
time consumed or wasted while traveling from different locations or to the office and back.
It facilitates users to access all the essential documents and files over a secure channel and
work on their computers. It has also reduced many unnecessary incurred expenses.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Support Cloud Computing

By using mobile Computing technology, you can save your documents on an online server
and access them anytime and anywhere when you have an internet connection. You can
access these files on several mobiles simultaneously.


Nowadays, mobile devices can be used as an entertainment source. They provide a lot of
entertainment facilities to their users.

Besides the above advantages, it provides some other facilities such as Device Mobility,
Simple Framework, easy and simple infrastructure etc.

Disadvantages of Mobile Computing Technology

There are some disadvantages also of mobile computing technology. Following is the list of
biggest disadvantages:

Poor Quality of Connectivity

This is one of the biggest disadvantages because if you are not near any of these connection
providers, your access to the internet may be minimal.

Security Issues

Mobile VPNs are not very safe to connect, and there is always a chance of security

High on Power Consumption

These devices run on batteries that do not tend to long-lasting. So, if in a situation where
there is no source of power for charging, then that will be a failure.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

PCCF – UNIT 4 21BCA2T313

Besides the above, there are also some disadvantages such as low data transmission
rates, High data losses, frequent network issues etc.

Prepared by Dr.M. Balamurugan, KJC, Bengaluru

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