Test Class 6th

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Test Class 6th

Fraction & Data Handling

Q1. The two consecutive integers between which the fraction 5/7 lies are

(A) 5 and 6 (B) 5 and 7 (C) 0 and 1 (D) 6 and 7

Answer C

Q2. If We write natural numbers from 2 to 12. What fraction of them are prime numbers?

(A) 4/10 (B) 5/12 (C) 4/11 (D) 5/11

Answer D

Q3. Which of the following in not in its lowest form?

Answer B

Q4. The Mixed fraction can be expressed as:

Answer B

Q5. Sonia talked on the telephone to two of her friends,she talked to Shivani for 1/4 hour and to Gita for
1/3 hour . How much hours did Sonia spent on the telephone?

(B) 2/7 (B) 7/12 (C) 2/12 (D) 3/7

Answer B

1 9
Q6. When the sum of 2 and is subtracted from a number, we get 76. Find the number.
5 5
(A)20 ( B) 21 (C) 80 (D) 18

Answer C

4 4 4 4
Q7. The largest of the Fraction , , , is
5 7 9 11
4 4 4 4
(A) ( B) (C) (D)
5 7 9 11
Answer A

Q8. A class has 75 students. 4/5 of the students in class went on trip. How many students did not go on trip.

(A) 50 ( B) 40 (C) 15 (D) 10


Q9. What fraction of a day is 8 hours?

8 8 8 8
(A) ( B) (C) (D)
60 24 16 48
Answer B

Q10. Proper fractions are always:

(A). Less than 1 (B) Greater than 1 (C) Equal to 1 (D) None of these

Answer A

Q11. Simplify:

3 7 2 2
4 -2 -1 -
5 9 15 5
Answer 13/45

Q12. Asha and Samuel have book shelves of the same size partly filled with books. Asha’s shelf is 5/6th
full and Samuel’s shelf is 2/5th full. Whose bookshelf is more full and by what fraction?

Answer- Asha, 13/30

Q13. The following bar graph represents the data for different sizes of

shoes worn by the students in a school. Read the graph and answer

the following questions.

Scale: 1 unit length = 50 students

(a) What is the number of students wearing shoe size 6?

(b) What are the number of sizes of the shoes worn by the students?

(c) Which shoe size is worn by the maximum number of students?

(d) Which shoe size is worn by minimum number of students?

Answer- a-300, b-5, c-7 d-8

Q14. Students of Class VI in a school were given a task to count the

number of articles made of different materials in the school. The

information collected by them is represented as follows:

(a). What is the total number of articles counted by the students?

(b). What is the difference between articles made up of Metal and articles made up of wood?

Answer a-160 b -20

1 7 4 11
Q15. × 1 × 2 ×1
11 15 5 14
Answer 2/3

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