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Supplementary Summer Examination-2023
Course: TY B. Tech. Branch: Mechanical Semester: V
Subject Code & Name: BTMEC504 Theory of Machines II
Max Marks: 60 Date:17/08/2023 Duration: 3.00 Hr.
Instructions to the Students:
1. All the questions are compulsory.
2. The level of question/expected answer as per OBE or the Course Outcome (CO) on
which the question is based is mentioned in ( ) in front of the question.
3. Use of non-programmable scientific calculators is allowed.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary and mention it clearly.
(Level/ Marks
Q. 1 Solve Any Two of the following.
A) Explain various types of Flat Belt Drives CO1/L2 6
B) Define the terms: Slip of Belt, Creep of Belt CO1/L1 6
C) Derive an expression for length of an Open Belt Drive CO1/L6 6

Q.2 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Classify various types of Toothed Wheels CO2/L4 6
B) Explain construction and working of reverted gear train CO2/L2 6
C) A pinion having 30 teeth drives a gear having 80 teeth. The profile of the gears CO2/L3 6
is involute with 20° pressure angle, 12 mm module and 10 mm addendum. Cal-
culate the length of path of contact, arc of contact and the contact ratio.

Q. 3 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Explain construction and working of centrifugal governor CO3/L2 6
B) Define the terms: Sensitiveness of Governors, Stability of Governors, CO3/L1 6
Isochronous Governors, Hunting of governor, Effort and Power of a Governor
C) A Porter governor has equal arms each 250 mm long and pivoted on the axis CO3/L3 6
of rotation. Each ball has a mass of 5 kg and the mass of the central load on the
sleeve is 25 kg. The radius of rotation of the ball is 150 mm when the governor
begins to lift and 200 mm when the governor is at maximum speed. Calculate
the minimum and maximum speeds and range of speed of the governor.

Q.4 Solve Any Two of the following.

A) Derive an expression for Energy Stored in a Flywheel. CO4/L6 6
B) Explain the concept of gyroscopic couple with neat sketch. CO5/L2 6
C) An aeroplane makes a complete half circle of 50 metres radius, towards left, CO5/L3 6
when flying at 200 km per hr. The rotary engine and the propeller of the plane
has a mass of 400 kg and a radius of gyration of 0.3 m. The engine rotates at
2400 r.p.m. clockwise when viewed from the rear. Calculate the gyroscopic
couple on the aircraft and state its effect on it.
Q. 5 Solve Any Two of the following.
A) Define the terms Used in Vibratory Motion: 1. Period of vibration or time pe- CO6/L1 6
riod, 2. Cycle, 3. Frequency
B) Explain Critical or Whirling Speed of a Shaft CO6/L2 6
C) Calculate the whirling speed of a shaft 20 mm diameter and 0.6 m long carrying CO6/L3 6
a mass of 1 kg at its mid-point. The density of the shaft material is 40 Mg/m3,
and Young’s modulus is 200 GN/m2. Assume the shaft to be freely supported
*** End ***

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